#i know they sound like mastani but mastani got morphed into numei basically
ayyymeric · 7 years
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I’ve been mulling over making this post specifically for Numei for a while, but I figured I may as well and see what I can find!
So, without further ado!
Looking for RP connections!! Can do IG or Discord RP!
Bit of info on Numei:
Name: Nergui Ejinn, though goes by Numei Ito Age: 19 Race: Xaela, Au Ra Location: Kugane Job: Armorer and Blacksmith/Weaponsmith, technology expert, blade for hire Alignment/Personality: Neutral Evil/Numei is extremely brash and abrasive, quite blunt. They get frustrated easily while speaking Eorzean as that is not their first language and will often switch to Hingan when put out enough. Looking for: Friendships (as much as someone can be a friend with them), rivalry, IC customers, what have you. 
I am not looking for any sort of romantic connections for Numei as they are in a very happy, surprisingly stable relationship.
Bit of backstory: Numei hails from Othard; born to a small faction of Ejinn, Numei was separated from her parents by the age of three due to a raid on her tribe. Slavers stole the child away and she was happened upon by a man named Minato Ito and his assistant Khan Qestir. Minato, broken-hearted by seeing such a small child being sold into slavery and feared for what could happen to her, bought Numei’s freedom and took the child in and raised her as his own family. With money being little issue, Minato hired the finest tutors for Numei the moment she demanded showed a gift for quick learning. By the age of fifteen, Numei was already well versed around a forge and had been crafting weapons for her father’s comrades in the Doman Resistance. Listening to her father’s tales and passion for a freed Doma, it soon too became Numei’s dream to help the cause in any way she could. Under another demand, Minato trained Numei in the art of swords of any type whereas Khan silently instructed her in the ways of hand-to-hand combat, as well as archery on ground and horseback as they would in the Steppe she could only read of in books. With some of the resistance moving towards Eorzea to make their plea for help, Khan had arrived first to the country’s shores and Minato and Numei were to join the Au Ra soon. However, along the way the pair’s ship was raided by Garleans. The Imperials were searching for something -- though Numei knew not what. The pair put up a fight as best as they could, though in the end Minato ultimately lost his life before Numei’s eyes. The girl attempted to put up a fight, though she was soon subdued and tossed into the sea left for dead. Surviving on her own, wounded and feral for some time, Numei was eventually captured by Eorzean pirates and dragged to Horizon’s Edge where Khan eventually found her. Over time, Numei made her fortune in Ul’dah with her skills at the forge and was content enough to live out her days in the desert city as far away from the Doman Resistance as possible. Eventually, Numei had taken on a student seeking to learn her craft -- a much, much older man by the name of Arelian Atiyeh. Over time the pair realized their affection for one another and came together, the idea making Numei even more content to stay put. Though through Arelian’s ideas and bidding, Numei has found herself back overseas, home once more in Kugane. Now with her father’s ideals lit anew in her heart, Numei seeks vengeance against the Empire that brought about her father’s death.
More important info below, put under a read more for MSQ spoilers: 
Important bits to know: Numei will craft anything for the right amount of money. They do not care what it is, where you got the materials from, what you plan on using it for. Pay them, they make it. No idea is too large. Numei’s Ejinn tribe have extremely sharp, shark-like teeth that shed often and larger, fatter and longer tails. Numei also has an Allagan parasite fixed into their skull that has been flipping switches on them since it got inside of them. This parasite is enabling Numei to have new abilities, changing their shape (IE they have been turned into a man, an oni, a fox-like creature, etc) and has transformed their left eye. This eye is two irises against a black scelera. This eye enables Numei to see aether in the way a heat camera sees heat. They often keep this eye closed or cover it with an eye patch or cloth. Numei’s parasite actually makes them MASSIVE SPOILER HERE LOOK AWAY IF YOU HAVEN’T FINISHED THE MSQ a Resonant, of which I had the idea for before the MSQ confirmed it’s existence SPOILER OVER CARRY ON. This bit of information is not noticeable on the surface and can only be revealed through more interaction with Numei.
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