#i love how twitter tendonnas have all
teuchisrinnegan · 7 months
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basmathgirl · 7 days
Hey ya!! How do you do? Have you been enjoying the new season so far of DW?
Also!! Completely unrelated (sorry for all the messy thoughts all over the place, audhd is kicking my bum rn) but have you by any chance watched Bridgerton?? People on twitter are calling Polin (Penelope and Colin) the equivalent of Tendonna, and i was wondering if ot ever crossed your mind writing something regency-ish era with 10 (or 14) and Donna? I know for sure i would love to see a bridgerton au about them haha
Have a great week!!
Hello kind Anon
I'm enjoying the new series/season quite a lot, thanks. I hope you are doing so too.
Sorry your ADHD brain is running you around in circles. I'm used to coping with pensioner speech and the butterfly flitting of topics of conversation; so I don't mind in the slightest if you go on to something unrelated.
I've watched S1 and S2 of Bridgerton but won't be able to watch S3 until I can convince hubby to regain Netflix (we were an addition on my son's account but he cancelled it when they wouldn't let him access it). But I have read the Bridgerton books by Julia Quinn (might not have spelt her name right so will have to come back and correct it later). Now, in the book, there is definitely no TenDonna vibe between Penelope and Colin whatsoever. Perish the thought. In the book he and other suitors only bother to look in Penelope's direction because she has magically lost weight - we are told she lost all that podginess but given no idea how or why it happened - which felt like a complete cop out to me. I was hoping Penelope would be loved for who she is but instead we got the usual "only slim girls can be loved" crap you get in romantic novels.
For that reason alone I'm keen to see how the TV series handles it.... pun unintended.
Now, I have intended to write a Regency-ish 10 or 14 and Donna story. Have posted one that sort of fits the bill, and am part way through writing another. Both are Jane Austen AUs, btw. As for doing a Bridgerton AU, I'm not sure I could manage to find that many lemons for them to constantly drink lemon juice (where the f*ck did that expensive habit come from in London Society? Getting orange juice was quite a treat) or be able to force myself to call the upper classes "the Ton". For some reason that really grated on my nerves when reading the books. And I've even seen other American authors use the term recently in other historical romances.
Now I've read absolutely loads of romance books over the past *mumble mumble* decades, including ones set in Regency London, and had never come across the ever-flowing lemon juice favoured by the Ton until I encountered Bridgerton. Hmm. Almost makes me suspect they took a slice of America and dumped it in fictional London.
Yes, I'm being sarcastic. Or flippant. I'll let you know later when the pain I'm currently in has buggered off.
Anyway, for all my griping, I'm not ruling such an AU out. Just let me get one of my versions of Persuasion done first and I can properly think about it. If you want to coerce/bribe me with images (manips or artwork) by all means throw them my way, as I find such things very inspirational. Honest I do.
I hope you have a great week too!
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