#i love narvals so much
narvaldetierra · 1 year
Narval Thoughts Blindspot Season 4
This is a recap of the first three episodes of Blindspot Season 4 because I've fallen behind on the rewatch.
It will contain spoilers (just in case).
Madeline's character introduction is marvelous. Since the first minute is telling us: You are watching the next main villain, the one that will make everyone who came before her and after Shepard look like amateurs. Her starting point is strong, she begins killing all her associates without any regret. When she tells Tasha to put her gun down, she does it calmly and totally unconcerned, showing us how sure of herself she is and how she knows she's in charge. And her quote while toasting: "a woman who knows exactly what she wants". Perfect. I loved it. As if this hasn't been enough, in the second episode she tells us with a wide smile, how she poisoned her husband the same way and how she enjoyed it. Like, this woman doesn't bluff, she's all in. But she does manipulate her image to the rest of the world.
I like how well Remi learned to act like Jane, but I love even more how every now and then she fails to act like her.
I can't explain how much I love that Rich keeps calling Zapata "What's her name?". I mean, they worked together long enough for him to know her name, and he does but arbitrarily decides to continue "pretending" not to know her name.
There are three things I can not be objective about in this show, and Boston is one of those. Patterson and Rich are the other two things, to no one's surprise. My point here is that every time those three meet, it is a great episode. I love Boston's passive-aggressive comments and Patterson's comebacks. I love his humor and the constant "egos fight" with Patty when we all know that deep down they love each other. I mean, she called him to work on Wizarville. And I love that he calls her Pat-Pat.
I complained before about how bad the camera movements and focus were, and at least in these three episodes, I can see an improvement. The movements are smoother, and there are almost no out-of-focus. I don't know if they practiced more before shooting or if they changed the cameraman, but it works better. I mean, look at the scene with Remi and Boris in the second episode. The camera circled around them and the focus never went out. It seems a little dumb to be happy about it, but compared to the other seasons, it makes a difference.
About the whole situation of Reade and Tasha, here's when I dissociate the most. I mean, I like how everyone is looking out for Reade because they know what it means for him that Tasha left the way she did and I like the way they try to support him too. But my mind is Zapatterson 100%, so every time Patty talks about Tasha in these episodes, my mind works in the background imagining the same situation but with Zapatterson being canon. I can't help it or even control it, it just happens.
But I do like Patty trying to have some dates or casual encounters, but like always, she is never lucky enough. Not even when she's trying to have a one-night encounter. And she's so clumsy about it, almost adorable, and a little embarrassing, how badly she lies to try to hide it from Rich and Weitz.
About Weitz... I previously said I liked the one from seasons 1 and 2, but being honest and rewatching these episodes, I think it was just because of the green power ranger syndrome, that I already talked about. But honestly, he's a great character. He is now here to hinder the investigations, making sure nothing makes him look bad, politically speaking, even if it messed up the cases. But at some point, it became hilarious and likable. Like his enthusiasm in the third episode with the Quantico recruits and his proposal to bring the field to them, it's almost adorable.
And I love how Patty finally confronts him, the whole conversation between them at that tense moment was perfect. Like, she told him what needed to be said.
But the whole third episode is a great one, and I could be talking about it for hours, so I'd better finish this post here 😅
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starborn-souls · 1 year
I like to think that it isn’t uncommon for immortals, personifications especially, to gain attachments to specific mortals/groups of mortals as they go about their daily lives, especially if they have routines and what not that allow/force them to interact with mortals on a daily basis. 
Sasha, for all her... rough edges, is no exception. She masquerades as mortal because it’s what her job requires her to do most of the time unless she’s meeting with upper brass/military command. 
Officially, as SFC Sovak, she’s under the command of one of the designated combat-ready units within the Saarilinaa Guard. She’s stayed with the same unit for the past ten years or so now, and as such she’s become attached to the other members of her squad. Those mentioned here are those she’s grown closest to, but there are other members of her squad that are simply newer to the unit or that she doesn’t interact with as often. 
Character overviews under the cut- 
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Name: Nikolan Linsol  Rank: E-6 MOS: Field artillery  Age: 36 Time in service: 14-15 years
Married father of two, his family moved to Narova from Plyussa when he was a teenager. He would end up enlisting later on to support his family after getting married with a child on the way. He’s now effectively a single father of two after his wife got arrested on false espionage charges. He’s a good guy, real mild-mannered, just been dealt a poor hand in being a Russian-Plyussian immigrant in an environment that still doesn’t look well upon foreigners in the military. He’s known Sasha the longest out of the squad and they’ve become pretty close, even if Sasha won’t admit it herself. Jokingly called the squad dad, which he is always slow to deny.
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Name: Isaak Heinor Rank: E-4 MOS: motor transport/gunner  Age: 26 Time in service: 6 years
Isn’t much to say about this guy, still relatively undeveloped. He’s a pretty typical specialist, still enjoying life and doing the bare minimum he has to do. Still absolutely loyal to the other members of his squad and has been known to ‘strategically secure’ items as needed to keep things running smoothly. Best buddies with Lillia, much to the misfortune of those with brain cells in the unit
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Name: Lillia Túlsòl Rank: E-4 MOS: combat engineer  Age: 24 Time in service: 7 years
Grew up in a run-down neighborhood in northern Narova that had been heavily impacted by  the Narovian Dawn revolutions before she was born and had never recovered. She would end up enlisting when she turned 17. Despite serving in the military, she doesn’t have any love for the government itself, instead viewing her service as one to her country and fellow Narovians. 
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Name: Jalmari Narval Rank: E-5 MOS: combat medic  Age: 29 Time in service: 11 years
Poor man doesn’t get paid enough to deal with these idiots. He was still in high school when the Plyussian independence movement began to pick up steam, and growing up in eastern Narova, he had a lot of family ties and close friends in the country. He had a lot of sympathy for the movement, which only grew when he heard of the struggles on the front lines. So naturally, he would end up enlisting with the Narovian Army after graduating high school, signing a contract to be trained as a combat medic after the mandatory two years service in infantry. He’s been with the 201st Nomads for the past five years now and has proven to be one of the few officers Sasha actually trusts.
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vialdovi · 6 years
Naval is a good soft boi 10/10 would love forever
narval boi is a pure boi 
deserves everything good
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ellymackay · 6 years
Finding Focus in Dental Sleep Medicine: Rosemarie Rohatgi, DMD
Finding Focus in Dental Sleep Medicine: Rosemarie Rohatgi, DMD is available on https://www.ellymackay.com
Why Rosemarie Rohatgi, DMD, left general dentistry to open San Diego Sleep Therapy, where she exclusively works with patients who have obstructive sleep apnea.
By Greg Thompson | Photography by Susan Magre
Many people advised Rosemarie Rohatgi, DMD, that a dental sleep medicine-only practice would not succeed. But San Diego Sleep Therapy is now a thriving dental practice in which most patients are physician referrals.
General dentists often start with making a few oral appliances “here and there” when opportunity presents itself as a complement to their traditional practices. Far rarer is a dentist who jettisons the safety net of a traditional practice altogether to focus exclusively on dental sleep medicine.
Rosemarie Rohatgi, DMD, is one of those trailblazers. After almost two decades as a general dentist, she went looking for a new space to ply her trade. While she had no equipment, no physical location, and could not take any patients with her, she made it a point to lay a strong educational foundation, earning Diplomate status with three separate boards, the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, the American Sleep and Breathing Academy, and the American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine. Rohatgi previously had completed her undergraduate training at University of Oregon, Eugene, and graduate work at Oregon Health Sciences University School of Dentistry, Portland. She also completed a sleep medicine residency at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Rohatgi eventually took the bold step of opening the 1,300-sq-ft San Diego Sleep Therapy in San Diego, Calif, from scratch. At first, Rohatgi did everything herself. She answered phones, saw patients, and even handled the billing for a while before turning that over to experts. “The practice has grown significantly,” Rohatgi says, “so much so that a majority of my patients are physician referrals.”
It’s been a challenging road, and many colleagues, particularly at the beginning, discouraged the move. “A colleague even told me that a sleep only practice would never work, and I needed an existing [general] dental practice,” says Rohatgi. “Even my supporters were skeptical. It was too risky for them. Yet I took a loan out and pressed forward.”
Rohatgi’s plan to focus full time on oral appliance therapy in the treatment of sleep apnea began to crystallize during a dental sleep medicine seminar about 10 years ago in Irvine, Calif. She remembers: “I was pregnant at the time and ready to deliver at any moment. However, I drove up from San Diego for a 2-day weekend course. The instructor, Kent Smith, DDS, was impactful, and I was moved by the patient need. At the end of that session, I told myself, ‘I have to do this.’”
Many years before this epiphany, Rohatgi traced the first seeds of her interest in dental sleep medicine to a return trip home after completing dental school. “I visited my parents one weekend and I couldn’t believe my ears,” she remembers. “I started researching this undefined area [loud snoring] and found a simple device to fabricate for my dad. His experience of better sleep, and a restful night for my mother, was enough for me to become a believer in the field of dental sleep medicine. This is where it all originally began.”
While Rohatgi liked dentistry in the intervening years, she needed a new purpose. “I enjoyed some dental procedures such as extracting teeth, but I did not love dentistry,” she says with a chuckle. “I feel like dental sleep medicine is my calling. It gave me a purpose and revitalized my meaning of practice.”
Alternative to Gold Standard
Rohatgi and a medical office assistant review notes in the modern-styled reception area.
For people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), Rohatgi readily agrees that CPAP is remarkably effective. “CPAP is certainly the gold standard if patients are compliant,” she says. “Oftentimes, we see patients are more compliant with oral devices due to comfort. We can now personalize oral devices and make them smaller to allow for more tongue space.”
Medical providers who routinely treat patients with CPAP are willing to refer people who fail or refuse CPAP to Rohatgi because they know she is committed to patients. They know because she has communicated with many of them, often face to face. “There are no shortcuts in establishing referrals,” she says. “I spoke with many of my referring providers in person. I was persistent. I educated sleep labs and sleep physicians and informed them that oral appliances work effectively by showing them results and [having them] hear our patient testimonials, often directly from patients who attest that we are improving outcomes.”
Patients tell sleep physicians how they feel better with oral appliances, and their personal stories also build referrals. “Quite often we hear, ‘This is definitely working better than CPAP,’” Rohatgi says.
Rohatgi’s patient-first philosophy, along with her willingness to steer clear of turf wars, means that referrals are often a two-way street that can take unexpected detours. As an example, Rohatgi recalls the case of a stay-at-home mom who was referred by a sleep physician. She’d been diagnosed with OSA several years prior via in-lab polysomnography (PSG), but Rohatgi observed that another disorder might also coexist. “She would come in with injuries, and she was accumulating them while she was asleep,” she explains. “Naturally we tend to think of domestic violence, but she spoke of her husband highly and I was not sure what was going on.” 
Documenting the injuries in S.O.A.P. (subjective, objective, assessment, and plan) notes led to additional discussions with physicians during hospital sleep rounds. “I eventually referred her to a neurologist because we knew she was sleep walking, and her injuries were getting more serious,” says Rohatgi, who by then suspected REM sleep behavior disorder. “She did not want to go see another doctor and have another in-lab PSG, so I had to cajole her. He ordered an in-lab PSG.
“She was diagnosed with nocturnal epilepsy,” Rohatgi continues. “She had a seizure during the sleep study. We were fortunate to obtain this data during her study because it did not happen every night. They eventually found a hemangioma. When I came back for another sleep round, a colleague said: ‘Well of all people, it’s a dentist who found it.’” Rohatgi takes pride in getting patients such as this mother into the proper hands and in following up. In addition to having a network of sleep physicians to refer to, Rohatgi also maintains relationships with general dentists in her area to refer patients who need dental services that she no longer does herself.
Rohatgi laments that the broader medical profession still lacks respect for the full breadth of available sleep apnea treatments. Within her specialty of oral appliances, the biggest misconception is that they don’t work, she says. “But they do work,” counters Rohatgi. “I have data on hundreds of patients. I know oral appliance therapy works, and there is supporting literature. It’s a big disappointment when we are unable to get sleep labs or sleep physicians on board with us. We need to give patients the alternatives they deserve.”
Despite exponential growth in sleep apnea awareness over the last decade, there is a large population of potential patients who still have never even heard of oral appliance therapy. Rohatgi thinks reasons include that patients “are not informed about the oral appliance alternative” and that some sleep physicians lack the confidence in oral appliance efficacy.
Modern Technology
Rohatgi eschews polyvinyl siloxane impressions in favor of a Carestream intraoral scanner, which she demonstrates on a medical office assistant.
Patients who eventually find their way into Rohatgi’s office appreciate the practice’s modern architectural feel that gives a hint of what is to come; namely, the latest technology. Rohatgi counts herself as an early adopter of new technology, even if that means larger capital expenditures.
Rohatgi says, “We digitally scan patients’ mouths, so we are able to capture a three-dimensional image for CAD/CAM [computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing] technology. We use a Carestream scanner; it’s quick, accurate, and efficient. Everything is sent digitally to the manufacturers, so there is nothing to package and the order is sent out electronically, which means more efficiency and less room for error. I utilize oral appliance manufacturers that accept digital information, such as ProSomnus, Narval, and [Whole You] Respire, among others.”
Rohatgi demonstrates proper patient positioning for usage of the Orthophos SL 3D cone beam computed tomography imaging system.
  Rohatgi uses a Dentsply Sirona cone beam computed tomography system (an Orthophos SL 3D) in addition to the Carestream scanner. “I realize that view is captured while [patients] are awake, but it’s more of an educational tool for patients,” she says. “I’m not diagnosing with the cone beam, but at least they can see the area that is most constricted. A lot of people are visual, so when you show them, they see that the airway is not perfectly circular.”
Rohatgi uses CBCT as an educational tool, particularly since not all patients realize the airway isn’t perfectly circular.
With two young children (a 4-year-old girl and 6-year-old boy), Rohatgi and her husband are all too familiar with the challenges of getting enough sleep. Being a wife, mother, and full-time clinician/business owner is not easy and admittedly leaves little time for old pastimes such as playing the piano, travel, tennis, remodeling homes, and wine tasting. “The balance is the biggest challenge in my life. It is difficult and a constant ‘work in progress’ with trying to make time for everything,” she says.
And yet, Rohatgi is adamant that her bold career decision was the right move. That decision is repeatedly affirmed when new patients come through the doors, sometimes at their wit’s end. Whether it’s a new patient, or one who has put away his CPAP a decade ago and is still seeking alternatives, the possibility to make a positive influence remains a gratifying part of the job.
“One patient recently said he had a ‘new and extended lease on life’ and added that this ‘has been one of the best investments of time and money I’ve made in my lifetime. I wish I would have done it sooner,’” says Rohatgi. “It’s amazing how this small object, this custom-fitted device, can be such a life-changer for people. Their outlook can completely change for the better, and that’s a really satisfying part of my job.” 
Greg Thompson is a Fort Collins, Colo-based freelance writer.
from Sleep Review http://www.sleepreviewmag.com/2018/05/dental-sleep-rohatgi/
from Elly Mackay - Feed https://www.ellymackay.com/2018/05/10/finding-focus-in-dental-sleep-medicine-rosemarie-rohatgi-dmd/
0 notes
marclefrancois1 · 6 years
Finding Focus in Dental Sleep Medicine: Rosemarie Rohatgi, DMD
The blog article e0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eee0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eepostlinke0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22eee0a9e1e9e6412908cf53cee25f32209b62d23d03e119cd2df63e6855e8fc22ee is republished from https://www.marclefrancois.net
Why Rosemarie Rohatgi, DMD, left general dentistry to open San Diego Sleep Therapy, where she exclusively works with patients who have obstructive sleep apnea.
By Greg Thompson | Photography by Susan Magre
Many people advised Rosemarie Rohatgi, DMD, that a dental sleep medicine-only practice would not succeed. But San Diego Sleep Therapy is now a thriving dental practice in which most patients are physician referrals.
General dentists often start with making a few oral appliances “here and there” when opportunity presents itself as a complement to their traditional practices. Far rarer is a dentist who jettisons the safety net of a traditional practice altogether to focus exclusively on dental sleep medicine.
Rosemarie Rohatgi, DMD, is one of those trailblazers. After almost two decades as a general dentist, she went looking for a new space to ply her trade. While she had no equipment, no physical location, and could not take any patients with her, she made it a point to lay a strong educational foundation, earning Diplomate status with three separate boards, the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine, the American Sleep and Breathing Academy, and the American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine. Rohatgi previously had completed her undergraduate training at University of Oregon, Eugene, and graduate work at Oregon Health Sciences University School of Dentistry, Portland. She also completed a sleep medicine residency at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Rohatgi eventually took the bold step of opening the 1,300-sq-ft San Diego Sleep Therapy in San Diego, Calif, from scratch. At first, Rohatgi did everything herself. She answered phones, saw patients, and even handled the billing for a while before turning that over to experts. “The practice has grown significantly,” Rohatgi says, “so much so that a majority of my patients are physician referrals.”
It’s been a challenging road, and many colleagues, particularly at the beginning, discouraged the move. “A colleague even told me that a sleep only practice would never work, and I needed an existing [general] dental practice,” says Rohatgi. “Even my supporters were skeptical. It was too risky for them. Yet I took a loan out and pressed forward.”
Rohatgi’s plan to focus full time on oral appliance therapy in the treatment of sleep apnea began to crystallize during a dental sleep medicine seminar about 10 years ago in Irvine, Calif. She remembers: “I was pregnant at the time and ready to deliver at any moment. However, I drove up from San Diego for a 2-day weekend course. The instructor, Kent Smith, DDS, was impactful, and I was moved by the patient need. At the end of that session, I told myself, ‘I have to do this.’”
Many years before this epiphany, Rohatgi traced the first seeds of her interest in dental sleep medicine to a return trip home after completing dental school. “I visited my parents one weekend and I couldn’t believe my ears,” she remembers. “I started researching this undefined area [loud snoring] and found a simple device to fabricate for my dad. His experience of better sleep, and a restful night for my mother, was enough for me to become a believer in the field of dental sleep medicine. This is where it all originally began.”
While Rohatgi liked dentistry in the intervening years, she needed a new purpose. “I enjoyed some dental procedures such as extracting teeth, but I did not love dentistry,” she says with a chuckle. “I feel like dental sleep medicine is my calling. It gave me a purpose and revitalized my meaning of practice.”
Alternative to Gold Standard
Rohatgi and a medical office assistant review notes in the modern-styled reception area.
For people with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), Rohatgi readily agrees that CPAP is remarkably effective. “CPAP is certainly the gold standard if patients are compliant,” she says. “Oftentimes, we see patients are more compliant with oral devices due to comfort. We can now personalize oral devices and make them smaller to allow for more tongue space.”
Medical providers who routinely treat patients with CPAP are willing to refer people who fail or refuse CPAP to Rohatgi because they know she is committed to patients. They know because she has communicated with many of them, often face to face. “There are no shortcuts in establishing referrals,” she says. “I spoke with many of my referring providers in person. I was persistent. I educated sleep labs and sleep physicians and informed them that oral appliances work effectively by showing them results and [having them] hear our patient testimonials, often directly from patients who attest that we are improving outcomes.”
Patients tell sleep physicians how they feel better with oral appliances, and their personal stories also build referrals. “Quite often we hear, ‘This is definitely working better than CPAP,’” Rohatgi says.
Rohatgi’s patient-first philosophy, along with her willingness to steer clear of turf wars, means that referrals are often a two-way street that can take unexpected detours. As an example, Rohatgi recalls the case of a stay-at-home mom who was referred by a sleep physician. She’d been diagnosed with OSA several years prior via in-lab polysomnography (PSG), but Rohatgi observed that another disorder might also coexist. “She would come in with injuries, and she was accumulating them while she was asleep,” she explains. “Naturally we tend to think of domestic violence, but she spoke of her husband highly and I was not sure what was going on.” 
Documenting the injuries in S.O.A.P. (subjective, objective, assessment, and plan) notes led to additional discussions with physicians during hospital sleep rounds. “I eventually referred her to a neurologist because we knew she was sleep walking, and her injuries were getting more serious,” says Rohatgi, who by then suspected REM sleep behavior disorder. “She did not want to go see another doctor and have another in-lab PSG, so I had to cajole her. He ordered an in-lab PSG.
“She was diagnosed with nocturnal epilepsy,” Rohatgi continues. “She had a seizure during the sleep study. We were fortunate to obtain this data during her study because it did not happen every night. They eventually found a hemangioma. When I came back for another sleep round, a colleague said: ‘Well of all people, it’s a dentist who found it.’” Rohatgi takes pride in getting patients such as this mother into the proper hands and in following up. In addition to having a network of sleep physicians to refer to, Rohatgi also maintains relationships with general dentists in her area to refer patients who need dental services that she no longer does herself.
Rohatgi laments that the broader medical profession still lacks respect for the full breadth of available sleep apnea treatments. Within her specialty of oral appliances, the biggest misconception is that they don’t work, she says. “But they do work,” counters Rohatgi. “I have data on hundreds of patients. I know oral appliance therapy works, and there is supporting literature. It’s a big disappointment when we are unable to get sleep labs or sleep physicians on board with us. We need to give patients the alternatives they deserve.”
Despite exponential growth in sleep apnea awareness over the last decade, there is a large population of potential patients who still have never even heard of oral appliance therapy. Rohatgi thinks reasons include that patients “are not informed about the oral appliance alternative” and that some sleep physicians lack the confidence in oral appliance efficacy.
Modern Technology
Rohatgi eschews polyvinyl siloxane impressions in favor of a Carestream intraoral scanner, which she demonstrates on a medical office assistant.
Patients who eventually find their way into Rohatgi’s office appreciate the practice’s modern architectural feel that gives a hint of what is to come; namely, the latest technology. Rohatgi counts herself as an early adopter of new technology, even if that means larger capital expenditures.
Rohatgi says, “We digitally scan patients’ mouths, so we are able to capture a three-dimensional image for CAD/CAM [computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing] technology. We use a Carestream scanner; it’s quick, accurate, and efficient. Everything is sent digitally to the manufacturers, so there is nothing to package and the order is sent out electronically, which means more efficiency and less room for error. I utilize oral appliance manufacturers that accept digital information, such as ProSomnus, Narval, and [Whole You] Respire, among others.”
Rohatgi demonstrates proper patient positioning for usage of the Orthophos SL 3D cone beam computed tomography imaging system.
  Rohatgi uses a Dentsply Sirona cone beam computed tomography system (an Orthophos SL 3D) in addition to the Carestream scanner. “I realize that view is captured while [patients] are awake, but it’s more of an educational tool for patients,” she says. “I’m not diagnosing with the cone beam, but at least they can see the area that is most constricted. A lot of people are visual, so when you show them, they see that the airway is not perfectly circular.”
Rohatgi uses CBCT as an educational tool, particularly since not all patients realize the airway isn’t perfectly circular.
With two young children (a 4-year-old girl and 6-year-old boy), Rohatgi and her husband are all too familiar with the challenges of getting enough sleep. Being a wife, mother, and full-time clinician/business owner is not easy and admittedly leaves little time for old pastimes such as playing the piano, travel, tennis, remodeling homes, and wine tasting. “The balance is the biggest challenge in my life. It is difficult and a constant ‘work in progress’ with trying to make time for everything,” she says.
And yet, Rohatgi is adamant that her bold career decision was the right move. That decision is repeatedly affirmed when new patients come through the doors, sometimes at their wit’s end. Whether it’s a new patient, or one who has put away his CPAP a decade ago and is still seeking alternatives, the possibility to make a positive influence remains a gratifying part of the job.
“One patient recently said he had a ‘new and extended lease on life’ and added that this ‘has been one of the best investments of time and money I’ve made in my lifetime. I wish I would have done it sooner,’” says Rohatgi. “It’s amazing how this small object, this custom-fitted device, can be such a life-changer for people. Their outlook can completely change for the better, and that’s a really satisfying part of my job.” 
Greg Thompson is a Fort Collins, Colo-based freelance writer.
from Sleep Review http://www.sleepreviewmag.com/2018/05/dental-sleep-rohatgi/
from https://www.marclefrancois.net/2018/05/10/finding-focus-in-dental-sleep-medicine-rosemarie-rohatgi-dmd/
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