#i loved the fic where it's jemima and I could see that tbh
okay but what hurts me the most about Humphrey (at least at this moment)
is not that his wife pretended to not speak his language and didn't want anything to do with him ( there was a small "redemption" there)
or that the other ghosts ignore his head, not just letting him lie on the floor they also often don't answer him at all? They often only talk to him until it's convenient and often involves him being used as ball etc.
no,at this moment it's how much of a weirdo he must feel?
hear me out (fasten your seatbelts, I had two hours of sleep and I have a headache, it will get incoherent but we're doing this)
so one of the first things he ever mentions about his wife is that she never laughed at his jokes. And then we saw her not laughing it was not because of a language barrier she just found him unfunny? (can't relate "don't tell me how it ends" cracked me up)
So then he tells his story and for the first time instead of being ignored or made fun of the other ghosts pay him respect? but it's because they once again wouldn't listen and if they knew the truth we all know he would be the butt of their jokes even more? because it is a stupid death. It also turned him into a "weird" kind of ghost? like he is the odd one out. everyone else is still a full person whereas he can't even connect with his own body anymore which also seems to develop a mind of it's own so to speak?
so then before we get to the big part, this season when the others do finally interact with him we get to see what a terribly funny oddball he is? Like obviously we are talking Mr Cheese and his son cheddar. and it's so imaginative and funny and he really has a ball with it just for the Captain wanting to stop because it's too silly. I mean it's less weird than some of the stuff Mary comes up with (bless her heart) but with her it's always just like yeah bit too much imagination but well done. no one is like that's too silly I'm gonna go (as far as I can remember) . To be fair he has the captain as partner in the scene who's favourite word is probably balderdash, but I think even Mary and Humphrey wouldn't fit in those regards either because Mary just gets so lost in her imagination that they wouldn't play of each other at such a situation as improv? Back on tack however now someone talks to him and he gets to tell a story and blossoms into this character of mr cheese and it's basically too weird for the other party.
now the big one
at least two of the ghosts "get better along1 with his body than his head.
First of all the non elephant in the room. The Captain happily uses Humphrey's body to help him count stuff and he looks very content with it (the captain ) because in other situations here he has employed the help of the talking bit, he often goes back to ignoring him, or being abrasive? whereas the non talking body just does as it's told.
now the elephant
well we know right. Fanny found love with a headless body (probably made out with his spine uuuugh) and ya know and apparently the body consents (so weird man, upon rewatch kinda funny, but still a bit uncomfy) however there is this poor bodyless fella who learns that his body has an affair that freaks himself out but the others tell him that maybe he should get over himself and give it a try? and he's so lonely and he goes you know what maybe it is my chance for happiness. it's weird but his whole afterlife situation is and so he is yeah gonna give it a try. and then he gets rejected! in such a cruel way! like fanny is disgusted by the mere idea. the body again was fine but his "mind" was too much (yet again). and then even he body rejects him.
so again and again he is being outcast for his "mind"? for the way he is? and I feel like he must feel at this point like something is wrong with him that he is a weirdo and an oddball? because everyone is fine with his headless body but as soon as it comes to who he is, his mind, he's just rejected again and again and again?
sorry if this reads like basically teenage outsider angst,
but for once I just wanna see someone who doesn't give a damn about the body but is fascinated with the person that he is? and listens and laughs and doesn't physically hurt him or use him for stuff as long as he is convenient?
just show him some affection please and show him that there's nothing wrong with the way he is? because he is smart and funny and kind and a bit odd in the best way possible
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