#i overestimated myself when promised to do something productive. bad days are back
Shailla and Raen (Seven deadly sins OC asks) Lust 4, Pride 6, Wrath 3 and Sloth 3?
Aw, thank you :)
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Lust - Does your oc judge other couples? If so why?
I don't think Shailla has time or desire to do that, so no. Raen, on the other hand, absolutely can judge other couples, usually to tease them (as a joke), but rarely it is serious judgement (like she did judge all the girls who fell for Skavak because seriously? that guy?).
Pride - What does your oc think their best trait is? Is it true?
Shailla... how do I pick one or two when she's a walking good trait.
She doesn't see herself any better than fellow Jedi - so every positive trait she has is present in the rest of the Jedi (as the result of training and lifestyle of the Order). Doesn't matter if it's true or not - it's what she believes.
Shailla thinks her best traits are self-discipline, compassion and willingness to help others. She barely got accepted into the Order because of problematic behavior and age, and she worked a lot to prove herself as a Jedi. From her perspective, everybody deserves help and another chance, and using Jedi training she can provide it. Then again, this is what, she believes, all Jedi are (and a lot of non-Jedi too), so it's nothing special to her.
I think this is where her best trait lies - infinite, unconditional belief in people. This is where a lot of her positive traits come from - compassion, patience, forgiveness, optimism, respectfulness, etc. (it's a long list so I'll stop here). Shailla always believes in the best in every person, even if they don't seem like it, even if they fail to show that, even if it's just a stranger. Of course, this also backfired multiple times and was used against her, which makes it difficult at times to sustain this belief, but that's exactly why I think it's her best trait - she doesn't lose it (well, she comes very close to it after Zakuul's victory, but that's another story and a part of her character journey).
So Shailla'assessment about her best trait isn't far from truth.
(I need to stop before I gush even more about her)
Raen believes that her best traits are ability to get along with different people and excellent sense of humor. And yes, she's good at both, but I would say her best trait is authenticity. Raen doesn't pretend to be something else - she is honest about her real self and acts as such. And again, a lot of her good traits come from this.
Quick thinking and keeping a cool head is high stress situations are also worth to mention here. Like when her ship got stolen - sure, Raen got frustrated and angry for a moment, but was able to keep calm and start looking for ways to find the ship. Seriously, even some Jedi would be jealous of this.
Wrath - Is your oc easy to disappoint? How so?
Shailla, as mentioned above, is very patient, so it would be very difficult to disappoint her. And really, why would you want to do that? Raen is easier to disappoint about smaller things, but she's surprisingly understanding about serious and important stuff. Not the exact amount of spice as her mother puts in Corellian food at the cantina? Raen won't rest until this is corrected, or at least given money back. A meeting with Theron she was planning for a couple of weeks is cancelled because of an emergency for SIS? Unpleasant but understandable, she'll try to schedule it for another day.
Sloth - How does your oc relax? Describe it.
Meditation is Shailla's most used way of relaxing. Solving puzzles (if she needs a break from physical activity) and simply taking a walk wherever she happens to be (if a break from mental activity is needed) as well.
When Raen needs to relax, she can take a nap, take a long nice shower (if available, bc it's not available on the ship), hit the nearest cantina and order some of her favorite drinks and foods or find a comfortable spot and watch some holos.
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