#i posted this a few hours ago on ao3 since the challenge on dreamwidth had closed so have a link to it here too
sisterdivinium · 2 months
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Category: Gen Relationship: Ava Silva & Mother Superion Characters: Ava Silva, Mother Superion (Warrior Nun) Additional Tags: Character Study
Ava and Mother Superion might have opposite points of view on some things, but they find that sunlight warms both of them just the same.
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ylizam · 5 years
tagged by @sententiousandbellicose, and tagging anyone who hasn’t been tagged already who wants to participate. 
Author’s Name: mazily
Fandoms you write for: right now? mostly Berena, Last Tango in Halifax, Stars Trek, a bit of Star Wars, whatever strikes my fancy. I’ve written in quite a few fandoms over the years, starting with the West Wing (CJ/Toby 4eva) and meandering through Hockey RPF, various Stargates, Babylon 5, Slings & Arrows, Bandom, Due South, and on and on.
Where you post: AO3, with some stuff only up on dreamwidth and/or tumblr (and some stuff I only have backed up from a long defunct website, ama). 
Most popular one-shot: and her mouth on a valentine, a Hecate Hardbroom/Pippa Pentangle thing I wrote for Femslash Exchange 2017. (I think. I might’ve had more popular stuff back in the dark ages of lists and email feedback and posting all over and not having easily sortable metrics.)
Most popular multi-chapter story: dream about that casual touch, my Berena Scrub In fic from last year. (I haven’t written much in the way of multi-chapter stuff, which I aim to change). 
Favourite story I’ve written: I have a huge soft spot for yet there is method in ‘t, an old Slings & Arrows fic I wrote as part of a remix challenge in 2006 (I’ve been thinking Too Much about remixing, the art of, lately). of stuff written this decade, I really love The Wake, my post-Force Awakens Leia/Lando story about sex and grief, and and I keep seeing you walk through that door, the Serena/therapy, Serena/friends Berena fic I wrote in basically a haze after The Right Sort of Animal (it just poured out like it was already there, possibly the easiest I’ve ever written a story). 
Story you were nervous to post: all of them. I feel almost ill every single time I post something new.
How do you choose your titles? song lyrics, lines from poetry, random google searches, etc.
Do you outline? rarely, and usually pretty barebones when I do. I need to find a happy medium between not outlining at all and basically outlining to the point that it’s not!fic and I no longer want to write the story in question.
How many of your stories are complete? I don’t have an exact number (see above re: pre-AO3 lack of continuity in posting locations), but I’d guess somewhere around 100 in total? Some of which were never shared, some of which I hope no one ever sees again, most of which are 1000 words or shorter.
How many of your stories are in-progress? none that I’ve actually posted; I don’t read works in progress, and I haven’t posted a true work-in-progress since my very first fic long long ago on a dial-up modem far away. (as far as stories I haven’t posted, the number is very very high. heck even just ones I’ve mentioned gets us into double digits, and then if you add ones I haven’t told anyone about to that...)
Coming soon: my Berena remix fic! and that’s all I can say about that.
Do you accept prompts? only if the prompter realizes I may never write the story in question (I have a bunch of prompts I may or may not ever get back to, but sometimes a random prompt will kick something loose so).
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: you’d never guess it I’m sure (because my brain has been so busy with other things, and writing has been even harder than typical--and it’s almost always hard enough), but the five people Serena Campbell banged and one she fell in love with (spoiler: there will be no dead lesbians) fic I started forever ago. also I’m going to end up writing GOT femslash (that I may not ever post because who knows if I’ll ever imbibe enough canon for that; it’ll probably be drawer fic, basically, for me by me, etc.) because gosh I’m back on my swords and dragons nonsense in a way I haven’t been since I don’t know when (honestly the crash and burn ending of that show has sucked me in thoroughly and completely and I do not understand and yet). oh! and the original fic set in McCarthy era Hollywood starring a tabloid photog who runs into the ex she fell in love with during the Spanish Civil War (and who is now a screenwriter) that is totally not at all inspired by The Hour in any way shape or form why would you ask such a thing.
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