#i still gotta design the builder here tbh
britishsass · 7 months
Wei returns home to Portia, and finds that his brother is gone, Sandrock has suddenly gone radio silent, and something very bad is going on just across the mountains.
Of course, it may be a bit too late to do much, but… with the help of two criminals, a lone builder, an exhausted carpenter, and a Duvos soldier, there's gotta be some chance of success.
AKA: I caved and wrote more MTAS fanfic, this time with lots more spoilers for the story. So be warned-- this time it’s spoilery, more than just saying what happened to Wei beforehand.
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sawsomeghosts · 7 years
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                          BEETELJUICE REWATCH LIVEBLOG
I love the opening to the movie. Just that dark version of Day-O.
Adam, put the spider down. No. Bad. Spiders are creepy.
It’s so strange looking at Alec Baldwin then and looking at him now on like SNL or Match Game.
Adam and Barbara deserved so much better. They were so in love <33</small>
I wouldn’t mind leaving in a small town like Winter River. Everything is all city city city and if you are a small town like that, builders come in to destroy it all and make it a tourist town and comercial. It suuuuucks.
Oh, doggy. Look what you’ve gone and done ;_;
“The handbook for the recently diseased...” “Deceased.” LMAO.
“If this were heaven there wouldn’t be dust everywhere.”
                                                            More under the cut
I just realized they had cows right next door to them. So does that mean that they took care of them??? OMG can Lydia take care of them??? Pff Delia probably made sure no sort of farm (or farm smell) was around them.
I am Charles. Just...yay a nice, wholesome house.
“You’re finally going to be able to cook a descent meal.” LMAO. Yeah, no strange shrimp monster meals.
Can I just color my hair black and become her. No, I’ve worked too hard to be this blonde.
Delia’s sculptures look like a first grader made it during art class. They suck. Sorry first graders.
Otho come through a door like a normal person.
When Delia licks Charles’s nose...*cringes*
When Adam points out that they are ghosts and looks so excited...yaaaas you’re ghosts scare everyone to death please and thanks. Have fun :D
As soon as I saw that attic door slam shut I would call Zak Bagans immediately.
I love the Sandworms. It’s just so creative to me. I mean anything Tim Burton thing I admire so much. He’s an A+ genius.
Lyds wearing a funeral-like veil to dinner. Literally me. I wear my hood of angst ™ to dinner sometimes lmao.
Charles is so carefree. We should all strive to be Charles Deetz.
Another look I would love to imitate from Lydia - her black dress and large black hat, dark circles under her eyes that make her look dead. Ay it’s me! No but honestly I am jealous of the Lydia Deetz look. Why can’t I get away with it???
Poor Charles. Trying to have a cup of tea and the sculpture from hell comes crashing through the kitchen window...and traps Delia again the house. “This is my art and it is dangerous. You think that I want to die like this?” Bah ha ha.
A mom who matches outfits with her daughter should not be giving my queen an odd look about her choice of outfit.
That Betelguese commercial is EVERYTHING.
Seriously though Michael Keaton OWNED this role. It would not be the same without him if they really do go through with making a sequel which I have mixed feelings about. If you’re going to do a sequel don’t half ass it. Make it everything and more that it should be thirty years later or whatever. Which is why I’m glad they didn’t go through with Beetlejuice Goes To Hawaii. The title alone...just rings of corniness.
The red sweater that Charles is wearing when he is bird watching matches the apron-thingy that Delia is wearing when she is making dinner for the dinner guests coming later on in the movie.
I absolutely love the dead receptionist with the fairy wings. I would love to be her for Halloween. I would also love to be Lydia for Halloween but I’d have to find a black wig. Black everything really, but it could be done. Beetlejuice would be a great costume as well tbh.
The janitor who told Barbara and Adam “That’s the lost soul’s room...” actually died before the movie came out. I looked it up cause I thought I recognized him lol. But anyways when it shows the lost souls room it reminds me of Halloweentown...or something from Disney Channel Halloween movies.
I remember seeing a Zagnut bar at Cracker Barrel and showing it to my mom and quoting Beetlejuice then lol. I didn’t buy it though incase you’re wondering.
Charles is so dismissive of his daughter and it makes me so sad. I mean, he assumes that’s her wearing the sheet over her head like a ghost. All he’s worried about is peace and quiet and pointing out that Delia is going to be mad for cutting holes in her designer sheets.
Lydia’s room is everything.
Lydia meeting the Maitland’s is also everything. She was not scared by them at all.
Look, we all know that they should not have said Beetlejuice’s name, but at the same time they were stuck and desperate so I get it, ya know?
Also it looks so satisfying digging up the fake grass and dirt to dig him up lol.
Y’all I want the hat Beetlejuice is wearing that says his name on it. Someone gift it to me. Please.
His makeup is fantastic. I mean please tell me they got some kind of award for that. Now I have to look it up. YUP. Academy award for Best Makeup. They won Best Horror Film and Best Make-up at the 1988 Saturn Awards.
There it is. Lydia’s combed back puffy hair at the dinner scene. I WANTS IT. I have also tried it but my hair is way too long (and blonde). *sad face*
“KIDS. YOU KNOW I LOVE THEM.” Delia, I wish you did show how much you could care and love and listen to Lydia.
I love how they go from “Oh this is weird what is happening” to just embracing that they are oddly possessed and dancing lol.
Some kind of shrimp hand monster grabs my face...I’m out of there, on my phone with Zak Bagans, byeee Maitland’s. You won. I’m out. Enjoy your house.
“If you insist of frightening people, do it with your sculptures.” PFF. WORD.
I just love Beetlejuice’s laugh.
“Now let’s turn on the juice and see what shakes loose.”
I remember when I was a kid and I turned on this movie the first scene I saw was the snake scene and it scared the hell out of me. I don’t like snakes to begin with. Absolutely fear and despise. So seeing that as a kid I was terrified and put off. But then I watched the movie later on and was cool XD
But hey...that’s how you scare a family out of their house.
I love how Otho thinks he is an expert in everything. Hair styling, home decor...bringing forth the dead.
That would be crazy. Spirits turning old all of the sudden. Poor Barbara and Adam. See what ya did there, Otho? Ya done fucked up.
When Barbara’s foot starts curling in omg I get chills.
“They’re already dead, they can’t feel a thing.” UM LOOK AT THEM.
Lydia’s face when he says he has to get married like ewwww who would wanna marry you. LMAO I love it. Also the fact she’s like fourteen here and he’s like “yeah lemme marry that” pervert town over here. But what does he care? He’s dead.
“It’s showtime!”
A dude pops up in my house with an entrance like Beetlejuice’s...I run. I don’t stay and laugh and cheer. I’d be creeped out. Again...my name is Zak Bagans...Also the fact that nobody warned them that they were about to be shot through the ceiling by BJ...like RUDE.
“What have we got here tonights, kids?” LOVE how he said that.
Otho sneaking out...come on man. And putting him in that God awful suit was everything. There’s your haunting, Otho.
“Mom...Dad...” BEETLENO.
He’s combing his hair back trying to look fancy the way Ledger’s Joker did. Well, he did his with a knife BUT STILL. Still crazy either way.
Their wedding outfits are the best. Like why can’t my sister and I do this for Halloween. She will not cooperate with any of my ideas. She can be BJ in his fancy red tux and I will be my queen Lydia in red. There, done. I WANT IT.
“Nobody says the B word!”
Damn Beetlejuice on the ready every time someone tries to say his name.
When you gotta tap dance around someone’s mouth to get them to be quiet. We’ve all been there, right?
“Beetlejuice!” “Eeeeeee!”
I love the way Barbara turns around and the look she gives when she hears the Sandworm.
How did Adam drive a fake car...what am I saying, look what kind of music this is.
Seriously why can’t my sis, mom, and I do a Beetlejuice theme for Halloween. How can I get them on board?
When you have two sets of parents. One alive, one dead. This is the life.
In the original script for the movie the Deetz family actually moved back to New York but Lydia remained in Connecticut to live with Barbara and Adam, and the house was known as this really creepy haunted house nobody came to cause of how weird it was and active even from the outside.
Lydia not so dead looking anymore but somewhat normal. Well, she can’t wear a veil to school, now can she? CAN SHE?
If I got to float with ghosts and dance to music every time I got good grades on tests in school I wouldn’t have left after freshman to homeschool myself. Just kidding I could stay home and chill with ghosts any time I wanted whilst homeschooling myself.
BJ feeling up that girl’s leg and her hitting him from the other side of him lmao
“I gotta do a shoot for GQ in an hour and a half.”
How would you not notice someone swapping numbers like that? I’d sprinkle shrinking dust on his head, too.
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