#i think im gonna summarise my thoughts for each gen
aurorangen ยท 1 year
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the freegan
remember this? it was definitely more enjoyable with the chaos and being broke at the start!! since its the 1st gen im happy with what has happened...so here are my thoughts if anyone even wants to read it ;)
first thing, dumpster diving/fabricating all furniture. i gave up when they moved house. yeah im building all their homes and i couldnt stand it. it took ages to find a toilet and fridge but the furniture found was interesting. felix found some useless shit that sold for good money. like a gaming pc worth 10,000 simoleons and other tech stuff that felt like cheating to sell. he also kept failing at the fabricator and it wasted bits/pieces.
honestly it was just family gameplay once the triplets were born, the eco gameplay was too repetitive. you could tell during their teen years how much i avoided the pack! and the world its so ugly in some seasons i was put off from playing. the eco footprint changed ALL THE TIME the game was messing with me or something. i upgrade the lots, add eco stuff, some greenery everythings great and then it decides to be industrial/neutral again.
and i absolutely hated the NAPs they were so annoying in gameplay, so i didnt take many pics of it. theres so much chaos with sharing is caring, free love, paper bags, everyone carrying clay. its either use cheats or do the long process of getting signatures. the other neighbourhoods were doing all this shit so i had to use cheats lmao. at least i got the full gameplay experience (i didnt turn off NAPs as its the eco lifestyle gen).
one thing i would change (if i had patience) is to focus more on eco gameplay and take more screenshots of it becoming greener!! i was bored of the pack and wasnt motivated to play. i know for sure i will take plenty for bryce's gen as ive gotten use to posting. my gshade/editing was all over the place before and im rly satisfied with my current style!! ill also start fresh and focus on the gen goals and have a storyline!! ahh im soo excited for this!
basically i hate eco lifestyle but love felix!! the perfect sim to start the challenge with his positivity and goofy personality! there were some good moments in his gen and i think my old gshade (which looks so dull compared to now) fits the mood in evergreen harbour.
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