#i think jo was set up as a better Heel to cameron's Face (using wrestling terms despite not knowing anything about wrestling)
total-drama-brainrot · 2 months
I’m curious to see your opinions on the ROTI finale since I think Jo vs Cameron would’ve been a much better set up. They’re still brain versus brawn and Jo’s still highly intelligent so it’d force Cameron to use more of his own brawn. Plus it’d be a good callback to that “you’re crazy if you think you can win total drama without getting physical” line Jo said to Cameron back in ep2.
I can finally answer this anon now!!
I was actually all for the Zoey Cameron Friendship Finale the show kept "teasing", since- as much as I like him as a character- Lightning doesn't really have much... substance? He's a fun comedic relief character, sure, but the audience doesn't really have any reason to root for him; across the series he's been shown to be callous and self-serving, he doesn't really have much character depth, and the only time we ever see him break from the almost plastic façade of Sha-Lightning is when his pops is involved.
Which is a whole different can of worms I'd love to delve into, but I'll probably have to marathon a "Lightning Moments" montage before I can really comment on his relationship with his dad.
But my ideal final two would've been Cameron and Jo, like you said.
Jo's been set up as more of an actual person than Lightning ever was, and she already had a pre-established pseudo rivalry with him before her elimination (which, I get why Lightning suddenly became super hostile towards Cameron for "stealing his win", but it kind of came out of nowhere). I think having a final two who actually respect each other is a lot more fun to watch than Cameron cowering away from Lightning for three-ish episodes before pulling an Iron Man suit out of his ass.
Not that I didn't like Lightning and Cameron's dynamic in the last episodes, though I wish Cameron had more moments where he actually stood up for himself, since that was the whole point of his character arc (which almost seemed to die with Jo's elimination, since he loses a lot of his spine once Lightning's whole animosity arc comes into play).
Cameron was actually my favourite part of the last few episodes. I like the concept behind his character, and I mostly liked how it was executed- barring some character recession in the final two episodes. He's my pathetic bubble son.
As for Zoey... I really didn't care much for her. Not that I dislike her, she's just, uh, sort of there? She spends the majority of the season oblivious to Mike's DID, but as a relatively kind and friendly presence among a cast full of comparatively bad people, which was a nice contrast! She's what I sort of expected Dawn to be, just preppier and with a miscommunication-central romance plot. Plus, her central character focus of making friends is really sweet, even if she does come across as a bit of a pick me.
And then she pulls Commando Zoey out of her ass (which I did initially like, as a 'nice girl finally snaps and goes apeshit' arc- exactly what I wanted for Priya is season two of the reboot) and her whole character does a 180 for two episodes, with the sole purpose of teaching both her and Cameron the Power Of Friendship, only to discard that whole lesson when they don't get the Friendship Finale. I wanted to like Commando Zoey but her behaviour in the Larry episode just kind of left a sour taste in my mouth; it was like the writers couldn't decide if they wanted her new disposition to make her a last minute twist antagonist or not.
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