#i typed this on my phone so forgive mistakes dear.anon
zeroinetoheroine ยท 1 month
While I was reminiscing about the latest chapter of POW, I was wondering what the story and y/n's dynamic with Dabi would be like if y/n was a huge Endeavor fangirl or Endeavor's girlfriend/Touya's new stepmom after Endeavor abandons Rei in the hospital. I crave the angst that comes with accidentally falling for the girl of the man who ruined his childhood and subsequently his life๐Ÿ’…
love your writing skills in crafting POW btw. I'm a huge fan of both you and your work๐Ÿ’—!! #Team Y/N
Thank youi ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
That idea is so DELICIOUS! Touya craving his STEPMOM ๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿคฏ
Imagine Touya and y/n in casual relationship when one day she tells him they can't see each other anymore because she has met another man - and unlike Touya he's reliable and will take.care.of her. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ธ
"You know it will never work between us, Dabi." Y/n sighs, her eyebrows knitting together. "You don't even want to tell me your real name."
It hurts.
Because Touya caught feelings (he didn't want to admit it before this).
It makes him so angry that he is NOT seen as worthy partner. Who is this reliable, rich asshole!?
When he hears this dunce is a hero he absolutely looses it. It could've been him.
In another...it could've been him.
It isn't long before Touya makes a determined choice to stalk y/n (like...more than before ๐Ÿคฃ).
He tries to get back together - "He is an honorable man, Dabi. I won't cheat on him with a villain!"
Cue when he spies her walking into his OLD HOME.
He is confused.
Masterpiece is too young. Natsu has a girlfriend (not that Touya spies on his family occassionaly too) - and he is a goody two shoes so no side-chicks.
He stands absolutely rigid, waiting
He doesn't know what is he waiting for while darkest reveries play behind his eyes.
He waits
...and waits
(Why is she in there for so long? )
Until he sees HIS girl standing on her tiptoes and giving his FATHER a kiss. Not an innocent one. A real, disgusting heavy-on-the-tongue kiss.
He blanches -
Touya feels ill. Violently, scorchingly ill.
Fuck his life.
Honorable man
H e i s a n h o n o r a b l e m a n
He wants to laugh as flames lick at his skin.
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