#i was born through IFV my mom could have been arrested bc two died bc we were premature
I don't give a shit what your personal opinion is on abortion but this is bad and its getting worse.
In Arkansas they're proposing a bill that will go after everything that could cause the "death of an unborn child"
including miscarriages (which can be classified as neglect), IVF, emergency birth control, IUD, plan B, anything that can "prevent the implant of a fertilized egg", etc
fucking murder
murder, a felony that will take away your right vote
this country is falling apart!
FL the book bannings
Trigger states after Roe V. Wade
Anti trans laws throughout the country
Increasing mass shootings
The south is killing people
The south is cares more about the unborn than the born
There's anti-science bills in Montana that will stop the teachings of, gravity, evolution, and cell theory
I can't stress this enough, please vote!
Even if you think it doesn't matter, VOTE
No vote will kill us all
There's no local news coverage on this stuff and people are dying bc of it
the republican party has blood on its hands and they blame the left
the republican senator in ohio refused help from biden after the oil spill
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