#i will not accept arguments that no actually lottie is just mentally ill and everyone has mass psychosis
crown-ov-horns · 1 month
I like that Yellowjackets went the "actually, the supposed mental patient is, in fact, a prophet" route.
It's the true horror for Lottie, the Wilderness being real. It's something inside, yes, but it's also a mystical force. It's everywhere. It's the true God (well, Goddess). It's so poetic, I love it. I could write a litany about it. The show executes the "actually, insanity would have been a comfort" trope so well.
I think, the Wilderness is a Lovecraft-level eldritch primordial entity, but folktale instead of sci-fi.
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aglaecan · 5 years
repost,  don’t reblog !
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.      Margaux Amaranthe Amell-Hawke PRONUNCIATION.       Mar-GO NICKNAME.       Mar to those very close to her or family; Hawke to everyone else; That Pain in the Ass to some. GENDER.         Cis woman. HEIGHT.     5′3″ AGE.    25-35, verse dependent. ZODIAC.         Aquarius. SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  DA Verses: Common, Orlesian, a few Rivaini cursewords picked up from Isabela, a few Tevene cursewords picked up from Fenris, a few Dalish greetings from Merrill. Modern Verses: English, French, some Spanish and Italian cursewords, a wee bit of Irish Gaelic
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOR.       Black. EYE COLOR.       Hazel – rings of green and golden-brown. SKIN TONE.        Tanned, olive undertone. BODY TYPE.       Very lean and small-bodied, but wiry with muscle. ACCENT.         Situationally dependent; can alternate between “high” and “low” accents easily (which accents depend on verse) but the default, when she’s not affecting an accent not her natural one, is more of a “low” or rural-sounding accent. VOICE.         The VA’s voice is just how I hear her, shrugs? DOMINANT HAND.         Right, but dual-wielding knives has given her a bit of ambidexterity. POSTURE.     Confident, four-square, perhaps a bit stereotypically “masculine.” She doesn’t stand with a cocked hip or any sway to her arse; she’s quite upright, a bit broad in her stance, and always gives an overall impression of energetic readiness. SCARS.         A few small ones on her cheek, temple, jaw; she doesn’t wear a helm even when she should, so things get through. Lots of small ones on her hands too, the legacy of learning to wield knives like she does, and from knives slipping when she’s carving little knick-knacks and toys and things. Larger ones on her lower torso, back, and arms – these will be verse dependent, as some of them might be gunshots in modern but arrows in DA, etc. TATTOOS.        None in canon. In modern she might get the Amell family crest between her shoulder-blades after learning about that side of her heritage; and probably also a stooping hawk on one arm. BIRTHMARKS.         None. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).       Her big, expressive, almost doe-like eyes.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.        In Canon: outside Amaranthine, Ferelden. In modern: outside Dublin, Ireland HOMETOWN.         Canon: Lothering, and later Kirkwall. Modern: the hypothetical Irish village of Lothering, and later London BIRTH WEIGHT.         Around 6 pounds. (?? Idk what’s normal I literally googled averages for this…) BIRTH HEIGHT.          Around 19 inches. (See above…..) MANNER OF BIRTH.       Natural. FIRST WORDS.       “Da’,” probably. She was a real daddy’s girl. SIBLINGS.         The twins, Bethany and Carver. In some AUs, she has a twin herself, Kaleb Hawke. PARENTS.         Malcolm Hawke and Leandra Amell. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.       Both were very involved, but Malcolm did a little bit more of the active side of the parenting up until his death when she was still a young adult. He was a pragmatic man with a personality very similar to Hawke’s, and did a lot of teaching her the skills he himself had – wood-carving, working with his hands, etc. She can repair almost anything but she can barely sew a stitch straight because she was more interested in her father’s teachings than her mother’s. He also told stories and helped bandage all their little hurts, told jokes and made the children smile. Leandra, meanwhile, had gone from a privileged and wealthy upbringing to hand-to-mouth subsistence and the change made her tired and quite shrewish at times, quick to judge and lay blame instead of providing support or understanding. She insisted on a degree of book-learning beyond what young Hawke herself thought helpful to her life; but as an adult Hawke understands and is grateful to it.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.         Canon: a mercenary-for-hire, basically, and jack-of-all-work. In modern: a private detective, but her techniques are not entirely legal and she’s not so different from canon, really. CURRENT RESIDENCE.          Kirkwall or London. CLOSE FRIENDS.         The absolute bestie is always Varric Tethras. Other friends include, of course: Fenris, Isabela, Sebastian Vael, Merrill, Anders, Thrask, Serendipity, Jethann. RELATIONSHIP STATUS.        By game default, romanced Anders – but I’ve done playthroughs with Fenris and Sebastian as well, so far. In the course of RPing her, she’s pursued relationships with Nathaniel Howe, Blackwall, Jack Sparrow, John Watson, Deadpool, among others………. In verses in which she’s unattached the ‘default’ assumption is that she was with Anders but the thing fell apart, very messily, in the equivalent to “Act 3.” FINANCIAL STATUS.        Poor as dirt and then literally finds buried treasure and shoots up into the upper upper class. DRIVER’S LICENSE.    Yes. CRIMINAL RECORD.       Mostly she’s never been caught, and when she was she was always able to get out of it somehow, so miraculously enough there’s nothing on the record, no. VICES.       Drinking too much, and bad puns. 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.         Bisexual disaster with a slight preference for men, but only slight. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.         Biromantic. PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant |  switch  PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.       submissive |  dominant  |  switch (with dom preference) LIBIDO.       Very high. TURN ONS.        Competence, confidence, humor, kindness, that sort of charismatic person who has a mission or just a strong sense of self and of their goals.  TURN OFFS.        Stupidity, ignorance, being too possessive or controlling, cruelty. (Leaving Lottie’s because it fits Mar too.) LOVE LANGUAGE.    Touch and small gestures, and the sort of joke she makes. Hawke isn’t good at putting her love into words; it feels like daring the universe to take it away from her. So she shows her love, demonstrates it… with gifts, with favors, with literally shouldering the entire weight of her loved one’s burdens when she can, and with jokes instead of endearments and soft words. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.    Hawke is almost generous to a fault. She takes on way more than anyone ever should, and she considers it her responsibility to do so. It isn’t to say she can’t have some spectacular arguments with a partner at times; she definitely can. But see above about shouldering emotional burdens; even to her own emotional detriment, she’ll do that. She’s so loyal she’ll stay much longer than she really should in a relationship which is crumbling, constantly trying to shore it up. And that’s only when she’s actually in a committed relationship; she’s far more likely to engage in short-term flings, just for fun and pleasure, because part of her knows how damaging it can be to her otherwise.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.      Either like, the tavern music; or Bad Reputation by Joan Jett. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.       She reads a lot, and she crafts her own health potions and poisons. She practices knife-throwing and acrobatic type feats… tumbling and the like. Rock climbing, hiking. Also she carves in wood, little statues and things, or makes small wooden toys for sick children in the free clinics. MENTAL ILLNESSES.     PTSD and depression, probably; undiagnosed. PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.       None. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.       Right-brained. PHOBIAS.     Not a huge fan of spiders. Oh, and also, the death and/or loss of literally everyone she’s ever dared to love, in increasingly horrible ways? SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.      When it comes to her physical appearance – I’ll say neutral-ish? She doesn’t think of herself as being beautiful but she also doesn’t really care so much about being beautiful. Sometimes she might think it would be nice to be that sort of girl, but she’s pretty well accepted that she isn’t, and that particular insecurity only rears its head briefly at great intervals. When it comes to her abilities, sky-high. She knows what she can do and she does it. She takes on immense risks because she’s confident that she can pull it off. VULNERABILITIES.       She does take on great risks and doesn’t always actually calculate those risks. She’s that bird meme like ‘the risk I took was calculated but man am I bad at math.’ She’s made a lot of mistakes and her feelings of guilt over that are among the greatest vulnerabilities in her whole makeup. She thinks if she was just better or stronger, these things wouldn’t have happened… which drives her to try to become better and stronger, which leads to emotional burnout and more mistakes. You see the cycle.
TAGGED BY:  @trickstercaptain ty!! TAGGING:  @mindsmade @mercysought @cllgood @resovled @archontem @cyrefinn @meisanimam and anyone else who sees it and wants it!
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