#idk i try not to panic over it bc let's be real indie/self publishing is probs gonna be the way for....
mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
If in a plot twist Bton is actually poisoning traditionally published historical romance versus invigorating it lmao....................... Just my fucking luck.
#romance novel blogging#as someone who wants to be published... ideally in HR#it's been pretty concerning to see authors discuss how difficult it is rn in the subgenre#and how much of that is potentially linked with this desire to chase a bton audience#which is kinda antithetical to like... adventurous historical romance#and the vast majority of bton viewers only read quinn's books iF THAT#they don't care about the subgenre#which is fine lmao they don't have to but only publishing books that you can comp to bton#OR publishing books that aren't like bton but marketing them to that audience vs an audience that would enjoy them#is probably really negatively impacting growth atm and it bums me out#more as a writer than a reader#lol i also feel like there's this cyclical issue w new authors#where many who have bold new ideas are having a hard time getting their work out there so the subgenre stagnates#and in turn a lot of newer HR readers only wanna read super established well known authors#it feeds itself because like there seems to be a disinterest in exploration#and just the same few authors constantly recommended#but also... it's really hard to find new exciting different authors#and a lot of new authors especially in trad are mimicking quinn#which i get but i don't think it's working for anyone#idk i try not to panic over it bc let's be real indie/self publishing is probs gonna be the way for....#many romance writers in the future not just HR#but HR also seems to be kinda hard to market w indie because a lot of indie breakout successes#are successful bc of how WILD everyone thinks they are and HR has this decades-long rep of being v conventional#i mean the one good thing is that this shit always cycles in and out w subgenre popularity#nothing stays on top forever and things get rediscovered#but lol i wanna make money off this someday so.#....... sigh#maybe i'll pivot to PNR just in time for that to make a comeback lmao
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