#many romance writers in the future not just HR
mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Hi, just wanted to say that your post about Bridgerton influencing HR publishing was really eye opening to me. BR was what got me into the genre but after reading tons of HR- new and old- before s2 came out (and after watching it) really kind of showed me how Bridgerton wasn’t the best out there and that the world of HR was vast and so much more than what they were offering. I also hate the “meets Bridgerton” thing that is happening in HR is detrimental to the genre as an aspiring author who watches from afar. I feel bad for authors who are trying to break into the publishing world and are stuck in the trap and it’s definitely tiring seeing it in shelves at mainstream stores. Now I mostly read niche, older HR that I spend hours tracking down on Goodreads and instagram lol. Love your blog!! Sorry for the ramble
Thank you, it's not a ramble at all and I think you're making great points.
I imagine Bridgerton got a lot of people into historical romance (not nearly as many as I think the industry was expecting, though), and if people want that kind of HR, that's totally valid. But I don't think a lot of the subgenre's strongest, most boundary-pushing books historically (haha) really match with the "Bridgerton-type" HR. And that's not even really a comment about the books so much as it is about the show.
And like, it's not that there isn't a place for funny, more lighthearted historical romances... I love Tessa Dare, and I think she's amazing at that. Julie Anne Long, too. But one thing I think the show loses (and the books, for me, often don't really hit) is the core love story being super compelling, and the emotionality having stakes. To me, that's what sets HR apart. That's why you write HR over a contemporary romcom. You're infusing an extra level of stakes in the story that just doesn't exist in contemporary. In a lighthearted contemporary, the stakes can be inconveniencing but not life-altering. In even a lighthearted HR (if it's done WELL) you still have to deal with issues of class, the pressure to marry, the sexual politics, etc.
I read a lot of new releases, and I'll be honest; there haven't been *that many* new traditionally published HR authors lately, and some of those I have read have just felt very like... Tame. Toeing the line, feeling like they're being super careful to not ruffle any feathers. Basically, putting a *light* contemporary story in ball gowns. I don't refer to historical accuracy, I don't give a fuck about that, but like the genre conventions of HR that I've always loved--the opportunity for adventure, the edge of danger, the inability to just say what you're thinking due to cultural norms, the hero being a part of the patriarchy and being forced to submit emotionally to the heroine, is just... not really there. And that's just not for me. It's fine if it's for other people, but like... I don't know, if that's the future of HR then I kinda don't know where I fit as a writer there lmao. There are definitely active authors who are keeping up the great work, but not as many debuts that excite me, personally.
And I mean, I think that this is also a publishing issue that's affecting many subgenres as self publishing and trad work through some growing pains. Imo, trad is sort of going "well, we don't need to publish books that are perhaps more subversive and romance/sex-heavy because authors can always self pub" but a lot of authors do not know how to self pub successfully and even if they do... there's never a guarantee that it'll work. Trad is becoming more homogenous, and self is exciting but it's also very very intimidating and becoming more saturated, of course.
But imo, we're probably going to see more and more authors who want to publish more unconventional books--historical romances with kidnapping and lady bandits and good rep, paranormal romances with blood and guts--move into self publishing, which is where dark romance writers have been sitting for quite some time. It's just gonna take a while. And as an author, it's a bit confusing because I never really thought I'd try self publishing first... But I don't know. I'll try to traditionally publish what I'm working on, but it can't be marketed as "Bridgerton meets" fuck all lol. So I'm not sure where I'd belong as a debut.
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shop-korea · 3 months
shanghai 上海 vlog: places to visit, michelin steamed buns, ferry ride on ...
24 HRS
NO - NO - NO
PLASTIC - SALE - $4.99
COVER - $2.49 - WE HAVE
I'M - NOT - WASTING - $$$
OFTEN - BUYING - $6.99
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**TROS SPOILER WARNING** I saw it and ... 💔💔💔
Well after waiting 2 years, I finally saw The Rise of Skywalker and wow I’m devastated, confused, and angry. The worst thing that they could’ve possibly done they did. They killed Ben Solo Skywalker. I don’t know why screen writers today do this bullshit “bittersweet romance” thing where the two lovers finally have each other, only for one to die when it’s not necessary?!? It’s so cruel. The way the entire ending played out after they killed him, was like the knife they’d stabbed me with was being twisted. I can’t stop crying.
Rey defeated Palpatine, Ben pulled himself out of the pit (lol yes), cradle Rey is his arms lovingly, decided to try to Force heal her (I always had a feeling Ben would bring Rey back to life, because Anakin could never save Padme). Rey is alive again she says “Ben”, caresses him, they kiss, he smiles, REYLO IS CANON, and then shock twist he slumps and then instantly fades away. He’s dead.
LIKE WHAT THE ACTUALLY FUCK IS THAT JJ???? The final Skywalker, the one you’ve been building up as a tragically misunderstood, abuse victim dies sacrificing his life for Rey’s. Han, Luke and Leia all died and hoped that Ben would return to the light. And yeah sure he did, but I would’ve thought that his family would have wanted him to return to the light and LIVE out the rest of his days happily. Doesn’t he deserve that??
There’s so many confusing aspects to this, like A) why did he become “redeemed” then die sacrificing himself just like Vader? I thought that was the problem with the OT and why we have the ST... being that Vader died too soon and didn’t complete the full redemption journey and return to that innocent happy boy he once was and teach his story to others? B) does Rey love Ben? Because the whole movie was framed like she did. But the second he died, I don’t think she called out or even cried???? She goes back to the Resistance and is happy and hugs Finn and Poe. UGH THE “TRIO”. Isn’t she devastated she’s lost her love Ben? And then when she goes back to Tatooine, she sees Force ghost Leia and Luke but no Ben??!???!? A final slap in the face. C) since Ben and Rey were a “Dyad” and were one through the Force, I feel like they should’ve been able to both easily live??? Why bother making them Dyad if it ain’t going to serve the story at all? Is it supposed to just be a cop out and explain the Force Bonds? It’s all so infuriating.
They only reason I can think of why they’d kill Ben Solo is because they wanted to close the loophole of the “Skywalkers” so that they didn’t fuck anything up with the Force’s balance again. But even then that’s seems like a very thin idea, because Rey still exists and she’s a “Palpatine” and is uber powerful? How exactly was the Force finally brought into balance through this movie? Palpatine was defeated and the Palpatine bloodline/legacy “redeemed”? It doesn’t make much sense. GAH I would’ve preferred both Ben and Rey die, since their equals, why would one live and not the other?
They only reason I can think of why they’d kill Ben Solo is because they wanted to close the loophole of the “Skywalkers” so that they didn’t fuck anything up with the Force’s balance again. But even then that’s seems like a very thin idea, because Rey still exists and she’s a “Palpatine” and is uber powerful? How exactly was the Force finally brought into balance through this movie? Palpatine was defeated and the Palpatine bloodline/legacy “redeemed”? It doesn’t make much sense. GAH I would’ve preferred both Ben and Rey die, since their equals, why would one live and not the other?
To be honest, I was enjoying the film for the first half. It opened with Kylo/Ben so that’s a great. And the Force Bond scenes with Kylo/Ben and Rey screaaaaamed Reylo love. But so many of the leaks were right, it was becoming quite comical. And looking back of the film now it was all very clunky and had a lot of convoluted stuff in there that was so illogical and didn’t really serve a strong purpose to the narrative or any character development. When the watery Death Star scene went down, it seemed like (trope wise) that this would be the moment the Reylo kiss happens, but the dialogue wasn’t right it wasn’t angsty. And I thought, “oh no Reylo is not happening”. But then Bendemption happened and I was okay again. And by the time Rey went to confront Palpatine, I’d realised Ben really hasn’t been given enough screen time in this film, he wasn’t going to be the “hero” in this finally showdown, this was very firmly Rey’s story/saga. Which seemed odd, because they’re equals “dual protagonists”??! As Rey defeated Palpatine I was confused as to what the hell, because there was an obvious emphasis on all the Force ghosts telling HER alone to “Rise”, including Anakin. This was deeeply concerning because what about his own grandson Ben Solo??? At this point I didn’t know what was going to happen with Ben. But then like I said before he pulled himself out of the “pit”, very romantically came back for her and saved her and then just D I E D like it was nothing. I repeat W T F.
Now here’s all the other stuff I didn’t like about the film: - There was zero character development, except for Ben finally turning to the light and then he DIED - SNOKE WAS A PALPATINE CLONE???????? WTF JJ ARE YOU SMOKING CRACK? This was an early red flag that I should have heeded. I feel like all the fanboys finally feel satisfied with knowing Snoke’s backstory. - Where the fuck was Rose? Why didn’t she say like 3 words and get .5 screen time? that was some bulllllllllsshit. Why was she introduced in TLJ just to be sidelined? - Why the FUCK did they bother to make Finn Force sensitive? They hinted at it, and he never even got to tell anyone. It didn’t serve the story at all?!?!? Such a waste of time - Poe got to have a romantic happy ending with Zorri, while Reylo did not. - The C-P30 memory wipe had no lasting consequences, R2-D2 restored him in like 2 hrs? This screentime could’ve been used for Ben. All of Kijimi could’ve been scrapped to be honest. - The Knights of Ren were extremely useless, you could’ve swapped them for stormtroopers and it wouldn’t have made a different. Very disappointing. - Jannah was also useless, this screentime and scripttime could’ve been used for Rose. Her stormtroopers rebellion story was so heavy handed and terribly done. - Same goes for Dominic’s character, why did he exist? - Lando being back was also under-utilised, he had history with Ben why didn’t they use that? - Sooo many of the terrible leaks were true: the necklace grab, Luke/Leia training, Hux being a mole which was confusing and then he just died, Rey thinking she killed Chewie, the Sith dagger and C-3PO blah blah, Ben falling into “a pit” lol, the film finishing with Rey going to Tattooine and saying “I’m Rey, Rey Skywalker.” As soon as I saw Tatooine, I wanted to vomit because I knew that horrible horrible line was coming. - It wasn’t explained as to why Kylo remade his mask - Ben and Rey didn’t say I love you. And tbh, it’s probably good then didn’t since JJ killed Ben. - The finally “war” was very underwhelming and took place on one star destroyer - I was really hoping for some awesome Force Bond “world between worlds” jumping location stuff, and/or awesome new Reylo powers (but it was just healing)... so this was underwhelming. - I don’t know why Ben didn’t kill Palpatine instantly, opening scene? - They really emphasised babies and children on Pasaana with Rey, so I thought this was obvious foreshadowed of her and Ben’s future.... but no. - Pyrde wasn’t that interesting of a character, well acted but one-dimensional. - I really really hated Rey being a Palpatine. It makes no sense? I loved her being a no body and getting her powers from herself. What about her father, Palpatine’s son?? Did Palpatine try to get his son to kill him as well??? It’s so illogical. Also if everyone has to be if legacy blood, does this mean that Finn is a Konobi?! HAHAHA. I also hate how they added the fact that Leia and Luke “knew” she was a Palps all along. BAHAHAHAHA. Terrible. - Palptine wanted Rey to kill him, so he could live through her as a vessel. But then he Palpatine took Rey’s and Ben’s life essence, but they didn’t die? But he was back to his 100%. Then Rey killed Palps with the power of “all the Jedi”, and somehow Palpatine died? I thought he was going to go into her if she killed him? Or is the clause that she has to be angry and kill him with hatred? Boyyyyyyyyyy it’s so stupid. I can’t even.
Here’s the stuff I did like: - The Reylo kiss and Ben’s smile. - Ben offering his hand to Rey again, and all their Force Bonds of them trying to one-up each other with how well they know each other’s fears etc. - Him crushing the Sith wayfinding was hawwwwt. He was like if you’re going there, you’re gonna have to go with me. (Also leaves open a plothole of how the fuck did Ben navigate his way there in the finale) - Rey not killing the snake but healing it, yeah it was really odd but I don’t like how previous Jedi always slaughter animals so this was a plus for me. - Ben Solo in his “redeemed” outfit, he looked soo fine, and it reminded me of Han too which was sweet. - Leia’s death being the prompt to finally turning Ben back to the light. Finally a mother she did something right, looool. - I thought it was weird for Star Wars, but I did like Han being back as a memory, to talk with Ben. And the “Dad....” “I know” killed me. I knew they needed to resolve the one evil deed Ben performed, so this worked fine. - I loved Rey mediating with the rocks at the start of the film, and I loved her and Ben’s prequelsque Force jumping. - I loved that Jodie Comer was Rey’s mum!!!!! (I love Jodie) - I did like how the Luke’s water sunken X-wing from TLJ was used in this film, it was predictable but satisfying somehow. - There was so much FinnPoe tension through the film like Poe was jealous of Rey, it was hilarious. - I liked the queer kiss, even though it wasn’t much.
So there that’s everything I needed to say. I would’ve been sad and confused if Reylo didn’t happen, (because they’d set it up for 2 films), but I’m devastated that they killed Ben. Bendemption isn’t truely complete if he doesn’t get to live. I know he means so much to people, people who connected with him/who faced similar trauma as him. I know they’ll be a devastated as I am and that is what makes it so much worst. I saw someone say on Twitter a few weeks ago that it’s be horrible for Ben to die, who had suffered so much only for Rey to take the name of “Skywalker”, basically stealing his identity.
And yeah that’s exactly what happened. Ben deserved better, the fans deserved better, and the Reylo’s deserved better. 💔💔💔💔💔💔 In a few hours I’m seeing it again with my family this time, and I really don’t want want to rewatch it.... isn’t that horrible.
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jincentvangogh · 5 years
Five things tag
I was tagged by Queen @jingertonic thanx babe
5 things you’ll find in my bag:
My Mobile - I’m a millennial... Who leaves home WITHOUT one nowadays. It’s a Samsung S9 and I love it and cherish it cuz It’s the last phone my mother will get me so you bet your ass I take care of it like my baby... OH, I also carry my old phone cuz I find it a bit easier to play BTS superstar with that model. The edge screen of the S9 makes it a PAIN to play that game. 
My earphones - When I had a job I used to carry two, one Bluetooth and the other wired BUT now my jobless ass just carries the wired one... also because the Bluetooth earplugs broke(?) and I patch them together with scotch tape and now it itches whenever I used them but MY JOBLESS ASS has no money for new Bluetooth earplugs. The bright side is that I prefer to use the wired earplugs when I work out cuz they don't fall.
My keys - both car keys and house keys. Each has a really cute panda keychain (I love pandas). I hate my house keys cuz they’re so many and bulky, also my mum bought me this whistle ( I call it the rape whistle and she says is for emergencies in general) that BY THE WAY doesn’t work that well but I can’t find myself throwing it away anytime soon... My car keys are a whole different story, I keep losing them every year and when I replace them I FIND THEM SOMEWHERE IN MY ROOM.
My goodie bag - Tampons, pads, eye drops, my Eucerin (OG) lip balm, my tinted lip balm, lighter, period painkillers, antibacterial gel, band-aids, Advil and a spare hair tie (YES I’M THE MUM FRIEND).
My wallet ofc - I have this really cute wallet (it’s really Gucci) but I usually just use my card holder cuz that’s the one I take to uni.
5 things you’ll find in my room:
My bed - This is a big deal, mainly because I am V E R Y specific with home decor (I still have boxes for years later because I haven’t found the perfect shelf) I spent like a year with only a mattress until I found T H E perfect bed in this antique shop, I restored it and its now the centrepiece of my room and yes, I do take people to see my room and lay on it cuz the mattress is all I ever dreamed of. 
My desk, I spend a lot of time there and it's from this indie designer that works with recycled wood and I travel to another city to buy it. I honestly love it, it’s not even a desk but a dining table and it’s so big and smooth ugh I love it.
Books - I love books, most of them are uni books because I just give books I don’t want to read again away (stuff like the hunger games, divergent, teen shit) I also have many old books cuz my uncle’s father in law studied the same thing I did and when he passed he left me ALL of his books.
Goodies - I have little decorations from all over the globe (My mum travelled a lot and bought me stuff) so I have a shelf with most things (including my country’s flag) also I have these cushions that are a mix of collages and handpainted things of different writers or painters ( I have one that’s Van Gogh's starry night, Dali’s melting clocks and Klimt’s the kiss) I found them at this street market and made my friend buy some too!! so we all have at least one. Let’s not forget my barroque looking chair gracing the corner of my room.
My T.V - I am, above all, a T.V enthusiast hahahahaha and even though I have a T.V five steps away in my family room I have one in my room too... I spend a lot of time on my own since I was little and having the T.V on made me feel less lonely (?) also when I was a kid my mum put a T.V in my room so my nanny and I could watch Telenovelas hahahaha... yeah a T.V is a big part of my room. 
5 of my favorite things
FOOD!!! I’m not even kidding, without food I AM NOTHING, A NOBODY, I WOULDN’T HAVE A PURPOSE IN LIFE. When I was a kid I Idolized Anthony Bourdain to the point that I made my life mission to be him, I had this mental breakdown when he died (I'm crying right now writing this) cuz he was honestly MY ROLE MODEL. I study Food science and engineering, my friends keep asking me to make a blog about food and I want to have a brand of both food products and restaurants or bistros when I’m older... so yeah food Is everything I am.
Cheesy T.V shows - There is nothing I love more than cliché, cheesy, romance shows.. hence my obsession with kdramas and Telenovelas when I was a kid. I love shows like strong woman do bong soon, fairy weightlifting kim bok joo, age of youth... it’s always so nice to see happy endings, especially when they’re a bit realistic?? 
Bullet journals!! - I love drawing, arts and craft; painting... all those things and a bullet journal is just the perfect way to express yourself. I might suck at actually keeping track of things but best believe I make the most of it. 
Walking - like not as in exercise but I live for strolls around the city 
Coffee shops... I want to own one in the future and spend most of my free time discovering new coffee shops.
5 things I’m into right now
Telling people I love them
bullet journaling 
Excersising - Like I used to be this active bitch who worked out for like 3-4 hrs a day, played tennis, golf, pole danced, practiced yoga, did muay thai, kickbox, went swiming, played basket, baseball... YOU NAME IT BUT I was really deppressed for like almost three years and while working at a brewing company drank beer EVERY SINGLE DAY and a bitch gain soo much weight literally my clothes dont fit me anymore soo I said TO HELL WITH IT I miss being active and yeah  
enyoing the things I love with no regret... like... I listen to kpop SO WHAT, I watch kdramas and animes SO WHAT, I’ll dress this way SO WHAT, I like being choked SO WHAT... It doesnt sound like much but I’ve seen so many friends hiding who they are to fit in and they’re so frustrated right now
5 things on my to-do list:
Plan my trip to Japan and Korea
Save money for my trip to Japan and Korea
Study for my national exam!! - the government has this exam for my career and we have to pass it if we want to graduate.
Ace my thesis and work on my scientific article
Get my body back... It’s not just vanity, I was happy when I was slim cuz I was so active and had a lot of energy and felt pretty and I’ve treated my body like shit for the past years (not eating right, drinkning too much... smoking even) I just want to get my shit together before I face this new stage in my life.
I tag: @floralseokjin, @marshyoongs, @namjoonchronicles, @honeyminyoongi and anyone who feels like doing this.
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thefitzs-blog · 6 years
Hello I recently began reading historical fiction (both mystery and romance) and I remember you commenting some time ago that you like to read historical romance. Do you have any recommendations? I’m still new to the genre and am finding what I like and don’t like. Thank you. Ps I like your header , Julia Quinn is grate
Hi Anon,
I’m quite fussy myself when it comes to historical romance, but hopefully I can be of some help - I’m really not into ham joints for hands, musclar men and a lot of authors across romance genre tend to base their hero’s around this image. It’s always important to read reviews especially when you’re testing the waters, they sometimes give more detailed descriptions or offer trigger warnings or just warnings of distress (which are much needed, my heart has been broken many a time and a spoiler would have been appreciated). However, don’t base all your judgment on others views, if you think it sounds good but top reviews don’t, just go for it - but if it’s got mostly 2 star reviews then maybe not.
Amanda Quick might be your cup of tea as she combines mystery and romance in a 19th century setting. If you’re just into period mystery then Agatha Christie is always a reccomendation. She’s actually how I got into hr, well Christie and a really good fic writer who wrote an amazing historic au years ago.
A few of my favourites:
Fool for love by Eloisa James. Some heartbreaking moments in this book, for context the heroine has had an injured hip since birth, “They said you would never marry, Henrietta. You are married. They said you would never dance. We are dancing. And they said you would never give birth. But I know you. I know you want this baby. We’ll go to every doctor in England if we have to. We can find someone who will save the baby. And you.”
A week to be wicked by tessa dare - this book is wild - fake betrothals, sharing a bed, science fairs, scientific dirty talk, impromptu weddings, sword swallowing, pretending to have an affair to hide in plain sight, misunderstandings, highwaymen chasing them and lets not forget being robbed at gun point with our hero left for dead before our heroine knocks the lights out of the unsuspecting bandit. This book seems like fanfiction, more specifically fitzsimmons fanfiction. Once I read it I was tempted to write it but I’m a bad writer. Worth noting this book is one of the few books I enjoy both by the author and in the ‘spindle cove’ series, the book prior to this is a good read, the rest are mixed.)
Seven Years to Sin by Sylvia Day is great, I like-love it but I don’t love-love it. The hero coveted heroine for several years however she married during this time, she becomes widowed and the two meet by chance and explore the sparks that have been between them since the moment they laid eyes on one another.
Scandal of the Year by Laura Lee Ghurke - fyi only a pretence of adultery none actually committed- Hero and heroine are discovered in bed together by heroines husband which results in divorce, yes the scandal! Hero has no idea how he ended up in bed with the heroine, he remembers nothing other than her kiss before all fades to black. One later, they meet again, we learn their lives have intersected since they were 16, each coveting the other at one point or another yet too afraid to say something. Basically, Hero wants a future with heroine, heroine is scared and wants to enjoy her freedom after her horrid first marriage.
Her Ladyships Companion by Evangeline Collins - fyi, adultery is committed but your heart aches for the heroine, she was so young when she married and he is so horrid you just want her to be happy ahh spoilers anyway - Hero is a male prostitute (I blame fanfic for my love of this rare trope), he is hired by our heroines close friend who believes heroine deserves some attention in her life. She has every intention of sending him away until she meets him and everything changes. Their relationship is great until Hero realises he wants more than she can give him. He leaves and asks she not to contact for him again, yet he is summoned once more. Does he go back? Will they ever be able to have a real relationship? 🤷🏻‍♀️
When beauty tamed the beast by Eloisa James - the Hero honestly reminds me of Fitz from aos, he’s such a grump. Our hero is a doctor - an upfront and emotionless one at that. He was injured as a child resulting in a permanent limp and the use of a cane. Our heroine is beautiful, the talk of the town and allegedly pregnant having been spotted kissing a prince then throwing up after eating less than fresh prawns at a season event. The hero’s father thinks that his son will never marry or beget an heir (he believes his son impotent) and so arranges a marriage between he and the hero, believing that she is already pregnant which would provide him his heir. The hero is no fool, as a doctor he knows a stuffed pillow when he sees one. This book is packed with affairs by the beach, a spreading disease, a race against time and thunder storms. This book also includes the heroine coming to terms with what she perceives as her loss of looks, as someone who prided herself on looks alone it is such an amazing journey to see her inner thoughts. This book is great, and I really recommend it.
The Earl takes All by Lorraine Heath - I cannot put this book into words. It’s heartbreaking but it’s worth the pain.
Less angsty books include the Westcott series by Mary Balogh (all save the last, Someone to Care, I didn’t care much for the protagonists as I had grew to dislike the heroine in prior books). I’m currently re-reading this series.
Someone to Love - Anna Snow has lived at the orphanage for as long as she can remember, whilst others left once of age, she stayed on to become a teacher (alongside her best friend Joel). One day she receives a letter from a solicitor to meet him in London. She discovers she is the only legitimate heir to an aristocrat after it is revealed he committed bigotry. She is thrust into a life she could never have imagined, with the help of Avery, a handsome lord, to guide her.
Someone to Hold - Camille Westcott begins teaching in the very orphanage Anna grew up in so she can find herself - if her half sibling can live so lowly, so can she. She meets Joel, an artist who teaches art once a week - they immediately dislike each other, due to his loyalty to Anna who is his best friend and the woman he once proposed to. He admires the way she engages the children and sees something in her that Camille doesn’t see herself. There’s sparks, heartbreak and a new discovery that could change Joel’s world forever.
Someone to wed - upon inheriting the Westcott title as the closest male relative to the late Earl of Riverdale, Alexander, the penniless Earl also inherits a mansion which is in desperate need of repairing. Thankfully for him, Wren, his neighbour, has just the solution to his financial problems. Marriage. Having only met Wren, a woman who hides herself behind a dark vail, ten minutes prior, Alex is taken aback by her offer. It’s the perfect solution but why would she marry a total stranger? And what is she hiding behind the vail?
I would also recommend Anna Bradley, her writings are quite light hearted and The Firstborn by Quenby Olson (latter is a clean romance).
I hope you enjoy these recommendations anon, I have tons more if not. I must warn a majority of these are angsty and so Julia Quinn may be a good read in between books. I hope you’re able to find the trope that you like 💕🦔
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perfectly-twisted · 6 years
2017 TV Show Thoughts - Not Including Stranger Things Season 2
**Waiting until finals are over to watch season 2 of Stranger Things but I have a feeling it would’ve been/will be in my favorite category anyway because I LOVE the show
***THESE ARE MY OPINIONS FEEL FREE TO DISAGREE! Even if a show disappointed me this past season doesn’t mean I won’t still give it a chance in the future!
****For TV Show that aired over the Fall- I have not watched ANY of the new episodes/season with the exception of my #1 favorite tv show of 2017
Disappointing Tv Seasons/Series:
5.  The 100 - Season 4
It was sad because we lost so many amazing characters in season 3, but season 4 for the most part things didn’t heat up (pun intended) until last 3-4 episodes, which was the best part of the season. The season as whole wasn’t that great and we did lose one of my favorite characters (again) but it wasn’t the worst, it was still somewhat entertaining.....    
4. Girl Meets World - Season 3 & Series Finale
WARNING SPOILERS: The once funny/goofy show fell hard on season 3, with stupid plot twists and being super cliché when it came to the “ships” of the show it just wasn’t that great. Very disappointing. They dumbed down Riley and here I thought they were going to do a whole deep storyline about how she was acting more childish because she was scared of the idea of growing up after high school, but nope, even when the writers talked about what they were planning if they got another season, it wasn’t there! And don’t get me started on the whole Maya becoming Riley “twist” which made NO sense to me. I think I can count the amount of good episodes of this season on 1 hand. Since this show was based on Boy Meets World I was expecting SO much more, but then again maybe it shouldn’t have been on Disney to start with.
 3. Supergirl - Season 2 
It was honestly just bland, but the show needed to get it’s footing now that it’s on the CW, but I was just barreling through the episodes waiting for the good part and that didn’t really happen. I also didn’t care for/about Kara & Mon El (Even though I loved Chris Wood since I first saw him on TVD back in season 6) which was a huge part of the season. The only good additions to the season was Tyler Hoechlin (loved him from Teen Wolf) , Katie McGrath (LOVED her since Merlin) and giving James SOMETHING to do, aside from being a once love interest. 
 2. The Flash - Season 3
It felt like a “been there, done that” season, yet ANOTHER speedster villain as the big bad… The reveal took too long and was disappointing. Flashpoint was a waste but it’s great as a loophole for the writers to explain something that doesn’t make sense, just blame it on Flashpoint…  The two parts of the season don’t seem to flow together and the season finale was very disappointing due to the fact that it was basically a combination of the season 1 & 2 finale. Iris West was basically just a plot device this season, so disappointing. HR, Cisco, Joe and Wally were the best characters this season. 
1. Pretty Little Liars - Season 7 & Series Finale
WOW. JUST WOW. I have loved this show since the first season and read most of the books, so I was ready for an epic and well deserved ending….But I was horribly wrong. This season and the finale was just SO DISSAPPOINTING. We got a half assed ending, which we only got because the original A.D. actor couldn't stay long for the finale (seriously that’s why they didn’t go another route) and they pulled a plot twist THAT THEY USED BEFORE ON OTHER CHARACTERS in the show and was one of the major plot twists from the books. The fanbase is VERY VOCAL when the writers do something they don’t like, so it felt like everything became fanservice to please fans and everything just didn’t make sense anymore. If you thought the Gossip Girl ending was bad, just don’t watch this. To quote Emily “I WASTED SO MUCH TIME ON YOU”   
Overhyped TV Shows:
5. A Series of Unfortunate Events - Season 1
As a fan of the books I just didn’t enjoy the show as much as other people, I mostly had to power through the episodes to finish it. I was mostly cringing when I watched it. With the show coming out on Netflix in January with only 8 episodes, it took me about 4-5 months to finish them. I just didn’t enjoy it. I was expecting something different, and I have an open mind if I don’t like a show at first but I couldn’t get over this. If there’s another season I may watch it due to curiosity, but I’ll try to go into a new season with different perspective. 
4.  Young & Hungry - Season 5
They recycle the “will they, won’t they” storyline too much and makes the chase for the couple that you’re supposed to want to get together just unbearable to watch. The only good parts of this show is when Sofia and/or Yolanda are on the screen. Still sad Young & Sofia didn’t get picked up; Gabi is much better and more interesting as a side character. I mostly watch this show now when I’m bored or need to laugh. 
3. The Fosters - Season 5
CAN THIS SHOW JUST END?! I do admit I watch the new seasons when it comes on Netflix and loved this show when it first started but now it’s just another show where they’re recycling storylines between characters. Between replacing actors, boring storylines, no character development for most of the “kids or teens”, and just reaching for more or wildly odd drama is just too much for me. Stef and Lena are the only characters I like now. 
2. Riverdale - Season 1
It’s a good show, I like most of the cast and the actors are good. I do like  and very much enjoy Riverdale, but it’s becoming larger than life and the hype has just been too much for me, personally. I do still recommend it, but it’s not the best thing since sliced bread, you know what I mean? I will probably watch season 2 after finals when they go on hiatus. 
1. 13 Reasons Why - Season 1
Okay, you knew this was probably coming with the overhype title. I really loved this show, it’s just with all the hype around it and it getting renewed for an unnecessary season 2 is the final nail in the coffin for me. (pun not intended) Hannah’s story has been told and they could’ve easily made a 2 hour movie to end the cliff hangers from season 1 instead of milking the show that was supposed to raise awareness. I don’t think I will be watching season 2, but who knows. 
Favorite TV Seasons/Series:
9. Baby Daddy - Season 6 & Series Finale
I enjoyed this season, it was just as funny and entertaining as others. Everything was just tied up in a little bow as the “perfect” ending. I would’ve liked to see just one more season from this show to feel fully satisfied. I am sad that this show didn’t get renewed because it’s “competitor” Young & Hungry just recycles the same relationship storyline and gets renewed.
8. Switched at Birth - Season 5 & Series Finale
Let me just say that I’m biased towards Bay, she is by far my favorite character on this show and I have loved (almost) all of her storylines and this season was no different, we really got to see her and Daphne mature. It was a great ending to the series, I just wish they would’ve been able to get 20-22 episodes for the season to finish up some other characters storylines in more than just 5 minutes. But hey, at least they made sure everything and everyone had an ending. I also appreciate how they tackle more serious subjects with racism this season, it was so different that subjects that they have discussed in the past.
7. Legends of Tomorrow - Season 2
This season just got wacky and random but I really loved it. Nate and Amaya were great additions to the team and it was great to see Sara as captain. She did do a much better job than Rip. I also liked the character development for Mick, one of the best developments from the Arrowverse. They also brought in some great villains this season as well. Only complaint: USE FIRESTORM MORE THE HE’S AWESOME AND MORE POWERFUL THAN ANYONE ON THAT SHOW. I will be catching up on all the DCTV shows after finals as well. 
6. The Originals - Season 4
I just enjoy this show so much, there was A LOT less romance this season which was great! We really got to dive more into Vincent’s (who is one of the best characters) past as well as learn more about the werewolves. I loved that they brought back some characters this season. I also like how they sorta tribute horcruxes from Harry Potter in the finale with the main cast. (The solution very much reminded me personally, of horcruxes). I’m just not ready for this show to be over because season 5 will be the last season. 
5. Arrow - Season 5
After the DISASTER that was season 4 this season finally restored my faith in Arrow, the villain this season was not the most powerful, but was the most effective and really made Oliver come to his breaking point. On top of that they revealed the big bad identity to the audience first and I personally love seeing the villain unmasked playing our heroes in the daylight without them knowing it. 
4. Prison Break - Seasons 1-5
Just an amazing show, I finished it so fast. There’s great character development and great actors. I still think the first season is the best, there’s a few plot twists that I don’t really understand, but it might be because I didn’t get a chance to watch the revival this year. But I’m ready to binge the original series again! (I was unable to watch the season/revival that aired this year)
3. The Vampire Diaries - Season 8 & Series Finale
WARNING SPOILERS: They brought out all the stops they could think of for this season, between shocking and sometimes unfair deaths to bringing back characters for one last victory lap this season didn’t disappoint. To be nitpicky I would’ve loved to see Nina Dobrev for more than just 1 episode, have Stelena be endgame due to Nina and Ian’s lack of chemistry, and Bonnie get something a little bit better than traveling the world. In the end though I really liked how all of my favorite characters ended up being happy and that Bonnie didn’t die, plus I’m ready for Klaroline on The Originals.
2. Reign - Season 4 & Series Finale
 If you’re looking for a historically accurate, to the books tv show then this isn’t for you. I had to get over that when I decided to pick this show back up this year. I binged it from start to end when season 4 arrived on Netflix and my opinions completely changed. I watch shows and movies to check out of my reality for a little while and this show just really grabbed me, plus when events don’t go historically accurate, I have the need to look up how they really went. I think this show needed one more season, but due to the lower ratings they couldn’t pull it off. Considering that they were told only a few weeks before filming their season 4 finale that it was actually going to be their series finale they pulled it off way better than other shows that ended this year. I have to give props to the writers on this one for actually KNOWING where they wanted their characters to end up at the end of the series in advance. 
1. The Good Place - Season 1
I CAN’T STOP WATCHING IT. It’s forking hilarious! (If you watch the show you’ll get it) I love all of the actors and their characters are all so different and funny. Each character has their own unique sense of humor. Also when they tell you things that can people sent to the bad place is hilarious! I hope to get so many more seasons of this show. Such an underdog on tv right now, I can see this show going to the same level of HIMYM or Friends. Because of the twist I can’t give away too many details, but you won’t regret watching it! 
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lala-sara · 6 years
Will they ever address Earth-19 fascist state? You know, after Nazi’s X. How they lack of human rights (bringing back and execute refugees from their own Earth? North Korea much?) is better than Nazi state? Just because they have ‘the reason’ - the invasion of plastoids - gives them the right to do it? Seriously? I’ve heard it before, you know. We were so distracted, along with Cisco, with Cindy’s badassery and cuteness that we forgot that she is an agent of a fascist state? Can we talk about that please. After Earth-X at least. Or no recognizable symbols - no understanding of human rights misconduct? If she doesn’t wear uniform - she’s innocent? I still can’t get over the fact that they threw that romance on top of the plot where she was essentially gonna kill a refugee from her Earth - as a government JOB. And there was no progress on this front - nobody talks about it, how many innocent people were murdered, she’s not questioning it, Cisco is not questioning it, Caitlin who wasn’t gona let him date Lisa Snart doesn’t question it, no questions asked all around. Even when her father came - he’s also wasn’t questioned on this. Everything fine. Cisco’s future in-laws are high rank in fascist isolationist state but it’s alright! I’m not against Cindy as a character, I am against them not addressing it. The fact that Cisco is okay with it makes me sick, if honestly. You could make beautiful story out of it when Cisco makes her question her Earth rules (I understand that she was indoctrinated, don’t worry, I am not blaming her) and her own job but all he’s done is make her help them with Savitar and that’s it? Okay, she helped. She then continued working as a Collector, no remorse, no character growth. How many HRs she already collected since then that were not saved by Ciscos? Anybody asked this question? I’m always asking it when she is mentioned.
I bet we again would question it only if it will touch us personally - if, for example, Breacher would eliminate Harry just for suspicion he’s HR. But Breacher is so funny when he’s treating his daughter as his own property so we forget even about that possibility. Yeah, writers, keep throwing this shit.
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Some Recommendations
These are just some of the good fics I have read and saved in a google doc. The descriptions are taken directly from the site I found them on. Some are short, most are long. Some are incomplete, most are complete. Most are time travel, some aren’t. Most are canon ships but there’s also some tomarry, arthur/merlin, harry/salazar, sirius/harry, scorpius/albus, hermione/fred, destiel, maybe a wincest fic or two? I also think there is some Dumbles bashing in a few of these, but absolutely no Weasley bashing (how can someone hate the Weasleys?). I honestly don’t remember reading some on this list, but if I figured if I thought it was worth saving, it must be good. Right? Oh well, you’re welcome to look at them anyway. Have a great day and send some love to the writers if you end up liking a story. Remember fan fiction is their hobby, not their job <3
Harry Potter
AU. Time Travel. Harry Potter knows he is a wizard. He knows he is going to Hogwarts, where he will make friends for the first time in his life. He knows this because the Voice in his head told him so. The Voice says it is him from the future but Harry just wishes it would stop trying to take over his body.
Lady Prince A Time Travel Story
Hermione hated seeing her second family so sad, and so she attempted to use her time turner to go back to the battle to save Fred. However the Burrow was attacked and a spell hit Hermione's time turner catapulting her back into her petrified body and her second year. Hermione finds out she is really A Prince and decides to try and save everyone.
Into the Past
Harry and Teddy time travel to the past to OotP. Unsure of how and not knowing how to return and definitely unable to prevent changing past events they are in some pickle.
Back To The Past
Harry and Ginny are somehow transported 8 years back in time. Now they find themselves trapped in their 15/14 year old bodies with their memories intact, surrounded by people who have been dead for years, and did I mention that Ginny is still pregnant?
The Cost of Time Travel
In most time travel/redo fics, the characters come from an apocalyptic future. I've always wanted to see one where the character actually loses something by going back, how would they deal with the grief? Ron finds out.
Another Chance
Complete! A cliché time travel story with a twist. After losing his friends and family to the war, Harry travels back in time to his fourteen year old self's body and tries to change the outcome of the Triwizard Tournament. Hinny.
Time Travel Story
I have read many time travel fanfics, and I have always found them unrealistic. This is the story of what Harry Potter would really do if he traveled back in time. Accidental time travel, back in time to 11-year-old body, one-shot. No pairing.
An accident at Azkaban flings 20 year old Auror Harry Potter back to October 31st, 1981. No one is getting out of this unscathed. Slightly cracked super powered time traveling baby. T for naughty language.
Harry Potter And The Bonds Of Time
After an attack, Harry and Ginny Potter find themselves back in time before Harry's first year at Hogwarts. Stuck in the past with no way back, they decide to change the future for the better. Larger summary inside. Time-Travel, Soul-Bond, AU. H/G, R/Hr! COMPLETE!
Harry Potter and the Nightmares of the Futures Past
The war is over. Too bad no one is left to celebrate. Harry makes a desperate plan to go back in time, even though it means returning Voldemort to life. Now an 11 year old Harry with 30 year old memories is starting Hogwarts. Can he get it right?
His Own Man
In the station between Life and Death Harry makes a different choice. Now he's eleven again, nothing is going the same as before, and people are starting to ask questions, especially the Malfoys, the Hogwarts professors and, most worryingly, Mad-Eye Moody. Harry is beginning to suspect that he might not be up to this Master of Death business and everything that goes along with it.
I’ll Keep Coming
Time travel, AU. When all that Harry Potter ever loved is taken from him, when he cannot fight alone against the tide of Voldemort's evil, he has to take his one last chance. A lonely, damaged Harry returns to his past, in order to save his future. Rated M for violence, death and trauma. Will eventually include Harry/Ginny.
Back from a New Millennium
Do-over, second chance, back to younger self, whatever you call it. Year 1-6/7. DH and Canon compliant. Romance not featured from Year 1-3, and will not be the focus after Year 4. Emphasis on friendship, camaraderie, and society. HG, RH, DA Constructive Reviews welcome
Harry and Ron's Adventure With Time Travel
When Harry Potter and Co are alerted to the devious plot of Dolohov to go back in time to change the outcome of the Second Wizarding War there's only really one thing they can do...follow him. Will they be able to change the future? Rated T for Violence and Sexual References, also trigger warning for domestic violence as it is discussed.
The Unbroken Savior
Harry Potter gets captured in his 6th year, only to die and get sent back in time.. with a twist. He is reborn a girl with wild and uncontrollable magic as he tries to stop Voldemort's first rise to power with the help of Dumbledore. Can he change the future? Or is it set in stone?
Harry gets bored of immortality and feels like he's losing his sanity. Death points him in the direction where he'll find the person who can keep him together. But when he finally finds his anchor, he didn't expect to feel incredibly possessive and protective where he all but constantly glomps poor little Tom (who fails to avoid growing fond of Harry).
It Starts with Harry’s Eyes
Another of those time travel stories to save Sirius (in more than one way) and for Harry to have some more emotional chaos. Some creature stuff thrown in. Love the clichés and maybe create some new.  
Or the one in which a mysterious artefact kicks Harry back to a time where he collides with the Marauders and has to deal with completely unexpected emotions AND an upcoming creature inheritance - with consequences that are really going to freak him out. Maybe.  
Marauders' Era starts with chapter 7.
Boredom and Secrets
A very bored Harry Potter starts writing to the Dark Lord over the summer after his fifth year at Hogwarts. An equally bored Voldemort decides to write back. And thus, a summer of secrets is born, and the enemy named boredom is fended off.
The Final Year
Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy are attending their final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, eagerly awaiting graduation. Their hopes for a quiet and uneventful final year are thwarted when pureblood children begin to mysteriously disappear.
While the boys, and their fellow Slytherins, struggle to figure out what happened to their friends, the Ministry, and the Chosen One himself suspect foul play.
For Albus, the bigger mystery may be why his feelings for his best mate have suddenly changed.
Sense of the Soul
When Ron remarks to his wife that seer blood runs in his family, it open up a possibility that none of them had considered - that they could go back and change it all.
C’est La Vie
The war ends on Harry's twenty-first Halloween, and, one year later, with nothing truly holding him in that world, Fate takes this opportunity to toss her favourite hero into a different dimension to repay her debt. A new, stress-free life in exchange for having fulfilled her prophecy. A life where Neville is the Boy-Who-Lived instead, James and Lily are still alive, and that Harry Potter is relatively normal but a downright arse. Dimension-travelling Harry just wants to know why he has no say in the matter. And why he's fourteen again. And why Fate thinks, in all her infinite wisdom, that his hero complex won't eventually kick in. Then again, that might be exactly why Fate dumped him there.
Praeparet Bellum (Prepare for War) http://archiveofourown.org/works/7220197
The ultimate betrayal sends seventeen year old Harry Potter spiraling six years into the past, de-aged to eleven, but retaining his young adult memories of the brutal Second Wizarding War. Determined to end the war before it starts, a war-torn Harry is Slytherin! Grey! Independent! Powerful! and Cunning!
Includes Mentor!Snape, Hufflepuff!Neville, and Sexually Confused!Draco
Also, I was too lazy to separate the chapters, so it's all shoved into one. Be warned.
Harry Potter and the Veil
Something went very wrong that Dumbledore never planned for. After only a year of peace, Voldemort came back to power. Now, eleven bloody years later, Harry Potter makes a critical choice that lands him in a position that he could only have dreamed of: to do it over once again, and make it right.
Time Doesn’t Wait
They didn't really notice Hadrian Moores at first, at least until he started getting between them and the Slytherins. What kind of Gryffindor was he? His best friend was Sirius' snake of a little brother for Merlin's sake! But that's not even the worst part.
In other news, Harry goes back in time to stop what he can only describe as the end of the world. He's since learned not to trust everything you read in 300 year old books written by madmen. Now he's eleven again and stuck in 1972, but he'll take what he can get.
Snapshots of the Marauder's school years and their interactions with Hadrian Moores, the craziest kid they'll ever meet as he alternates between the bane of their existence and a reluctant friend.
Oracle Syndrome
It's been a year since the time-turner fiasco, and Scorpius and Albus have put time-travel in the past. However, that past may be coming back to haunt them when strange symptoms begin to show up in the boys. It's a literal race against time as bizarre visions disrupt their academics and threaten to overtake their lives.
Harry Potter: Magical Time
Post Battle of Hogwarts. Time-travel to the end of 4th year. Has a few cliches. Hp/Gw, Rw/Hg. Complete.
Destiny Reversed
-COMPLETE- One morning Harry wakes up in a different world. His parents are alive and Neville bears the scar. Things are different and Harry starts to like that the weight of the world isn't on his shoulders. Neville may not be able to bear that weight.
Don’t fuck with florists (they’ll fuck you up)
Unsatisfied with his post-war life, Harry decides to get to the root of all of his problems when that root was still working at Borgin and Burkes shop in the late 40s. He’s the Master of Death, damn it, he can do what he wants for once in his life.
Tom Riddle isn’t particularly happy about working at a small, dingy shop for magical artifacts, no matter how interesting those artifacts are. He’s even less happy when an insufferable stranger sets up the most obnoxious flower shop right across the street.
What follows would be a romantic comedy, if it weren’t for politics.
Harry's world ends at the hands of those he'd once fought to save. An adult-Harry goes back to his younger self fic. Semi-super!Harry, Voldemort/Harry, SLASH-for the idiots
The Cupboard
After Sirius's death, Harry is sinking into depression. And then, he receives a detention which leads to a shocking revelation. Will he be able to stop sinking deeper? COMPLETE! No slash.
Gelosaþ in Écnesse
Caught in the backlash of Voldemort's Killing Curse, Harry is thrown through time to a world so very different from his own.
A Fresh Perspective
De-aged!Merlin, Caring!Arthur, Caring!Knights, Reveal!Fic. If that doesn't say it all, Merlin is turned into a child by ex-druids bent on raising "Emrys" to be their weapon to free magic. Plot is actually just an excuse to write Merlin-as-a-kid fluff.
Heartbreak, Secret Friends, and Stupid Doodles
Modern uni AU: Merlin has a secret crush on Arthur, who has no idea who he is. When Arthur has a bad break up, Merlin takes it upon himself to cheer him up. Secretly, of course.
If you could do it all over again, what would you change, who would you sacrifice, who would you save? Dean wakes up in 2007 with over a decade worth of memories that haven't happened yet and choices to make that will change the world forever.
Star Catcher
A time-traveling mishap will make two children and a fledgling realize that the unexpected can sometimes be a good thing.
And Beats High Mountain Down
Sam is confused and hallucinating; Dean is crippled and drugged to the gills. It is, in short, about the worst possible moment for sudden, unexpected time travel. [Teenchesters/season seven]
Sam was left reeling after he saw Dean disappear with Crowley. Unsure of what to do, he called Cas. But before Cas reached him, Sam woke up . . . in bed with Ruby. The year is not 2014, but 2008. Sam can now change the future--but will he tell Dean?
Beyond Two Winchesters
Supernatural AU in which, along with his mother, Dean dies in the house fire. He can't leave, though. Not when his little brother is still around to protect.
Worlds Collide
As an angel, Cas saw time and again that it is impossible to go back in time to alter fate. He knew this as an immutable fact, right up until he found the loophole—to send the mind of the present back to merge with the body of the past. It took a lot of creativity, psychotropics, and a willingness to die, but Cas found a way to send himself and Dean back to 2005 for a chance at averting the apocalypse. Once there (then?) they discover that the hard part isn't going to be changing things, it's going to be adjusting to living in a world not being destroyed by the apocalypse.
Sincerely, Sam
Sam Winchester is praying for death.
Dean's already gone after sacrificing himself to take out Amara and Sam's losing more and more of himself each day at Lady Bevell's hands. He's reached his limit. Then suddenly he finds himself in 1998 and the sole focus of a supernatural lawyer who has one very firm request; She needs Sam to cure a demon. Dad, Dean, and Bobby won't let him out of their sights and Sam has enough to juggle with the swarm of supernatural creatures who think the Boy King has come back to take his crown.
Saving People
Fixit verse: Dean and Cas time travel back in time to save first Jessica, then everyone else.
Dean kept two lists, both in his head; short, just names. One was everyone he'd ever failed to save: Charlie. Kevin. Bobby. Jo and Ellen. Ash. Dad. Adam. Jessica. So many others.
The other list named every son of a bitch he'd have to kill to save them.
How to Save a Life
In a future ruled by Lucifer and plagued by the Croatoan virus, Cas died along with many of his friends; however God decided to intervene one last time and brought him back. The lost angel uses his new, God-given, strength to go back into the past. Maybe this time he could get it right.
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airsay58259 · 7 years
Hi! How do you feel about the finale?? Did you like it?? I thought it was great in some parts, but okay over all. Though I wish we could get back to the days of Cisco, Barry, and Caitlin. One of my complaints is that Team Flash is way too big. I want the original team flash back. Also sadly, Iris and Barry are becoming too much like Olicity and taking over the show. I like romance, but I want to see other things than Iris complaining or Barry changing the future/past to save Iris.
Can’t say I liked it very much as a conclusion to this season. I was wondering how they’d resolve so many plotlines and answer so many unanswered questions… their solution was to just drop it all, lol. Savitar’s origin, scars, connection to the speed force, shenanigans with the stone and Alchemy, restoring powers from Flashpoint (aka all of S3A), those damn 6 husks, time traveling in the past to create his own myth Jay told us in 309, his plans for Jesse Quick… what was that all about? He needed Wally to have powers to escape the prison, ok. He needed KF to defeat Black Flash, ok (and why didn’t Black Flash show up much earlier? or time wraiths?). But if Wally lost his powers when Savitar lost his memories, why didn’t he lose them when he was, ya know, erased from existence? In S1 (and the S2 premiere), a singularity was about to swallow the entire universe because Wellobard was erased, thus erasing everything that happened post 2000 and Nora’s murder. The team stopped it and they were living in a paradox, ok. Where was that now? 
The writers introduced the quite complicated time loop concept, set some rules in episode 21, and contradicted them in 23. I’m all for sci-fi, fantasy etc but consistency is still needed within your own universe. An evil Barry Allen storyline in the Flash TV show should have been one of the biggest stories ever, not ~15 minutes of screentime total with a lame conclusion.
That said, I liked a few things in the finale. Despite the holes in Cait’s story throughout the season, the conclusion to her inner fight was cool. Savitar wanted Caitlin gone, team Flash wanted Frost gone. Cait seems ready to embrace both parts of her -with some work- and wants to do it on her own, go girl. That’s maybe the one storyline I am really excited to see in S4. Cisco and Cait saving each other is my aesthetic too. The woods fight with all the speedsters was epic. HR and Iris playing each other was awesome. HR btw, I am still mourning but bby brought joy and fun in this dark season so bless him. I hated how the team reacted to HR tho and how they pushed Tracy to help his murderer, while we all know very well how Barry would have acted if Savitar had killed Iris (hell, we even saw it in ep 19 and that was not the same reaction). Sending Harry to convince her for the sole reason he has HR’s face was fucked up. 
So yeah, finale proved once more Team Flash is highly dysfunctional and Barry’s characterization is the biggest issue. I want my superhero Barry back. Hopefully some months in speed force peace will return him changed.
As for what you said, I think the team can be big if everyone gets to use their skills. We don’t need ten people standing around in the Cortex all the time. Bring back CCPD and CSI Barry, let Iris do her job (her blog used to fit in the story just fine), I think Wally missed his entire freshman year of college???, etc… I personally don’t want the fandom to start with the OTA stuff that happened elsewhere. “Original Team Flash” included Supervillain Eobard Thawne and Joe from the start, Eddie joined after 15 episodes or so, Firestorm was an honorary member etc the team was always changing and growing… Agent of Shields works great with an even bigger team and they use them all (and still have time to have them all reunited from time to time). Team Flash is huge, basically every regular and recurring cast member is part of the team. That’s a challenge for sure but not an impossible task. 
About romance, I am game for anything that doesn’t take over the entire story - I prefer my pairings non canon anyway on that network, it’s safer and more fun. Barry and Iris in S3A? Cool. Same for Oliver and Felicity before last year’s crossover. The moment writers decide drama > romance though, I am bored/annoyed. There are many ways to keep viewers interested in a relationship after the couple gets together, sadly the CW only seems to know two: forced drama or premature death. With Barry telling Iris to “keep loving”, I’m half expecting her to date the Thinker/Devoe in S4 tbh.
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starfish-comics · 3 years
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I'm just saying, if you're going to write a scene where Wolf is shopping for a Prahm dress and have her say "I want to dress up to make it up to my best friend, but I don't want to wear a dress", and then have Hugo say "There are other options", then I'm going to expect the next thing I see on my screen to be Wolf wearing a suit. And if the next thing I see isn't Wolf wearing a suit, that's hurtful.
Anyway, here's Wolf in a suit.
[edit: I can't believe I deadnamed Hugo Oak in this post yesterday! Sorry Hugo, it's fixed now!]
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asfeedin · 4 years
Latest Romance Book Releases – 04-28-2020
HAPPY TUESDAY NEW RELEASE DAY!! It’s a BIG list fully loaded with 85 books!!!! And yesterday’s list rocks worlds too, and then… I reviewed and awesome one so we have PLENTY to read, my friends.
In fact… Jan was already prepared!
Jan: Three new release preorders arrived on my kindle this morning. Whoops! I’d forgotten I’d ordered two of them. Where the Lost Wander (which I think I might read first), A Duke by Any Other Name by Grace Burrowes and another HR, Heiress for Hire by Madeline Hunter.
And while you’re here, don’t forget to check out:
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TWO MONTHS FREE KINDLE UNLIMITED DEAL!!! <— If you haven’t tried it yet, now’s your chance (it’s still going on through the end of April).
Infinite Us by Eden Butler <— EDEN BUTLER RE-RELEASE! “…Nash Nation loves zeroes and ones, over-sized monitors, and late office hours. He’s too busy taking over the world to make time for relationships—that is, until his new neighbor Willow O’Bryant barges into his life, and now Nash can’t shake the feeling that this isn’t the first time she’s interrupted his world. Then, the dreams start. And in the dreams—memories...”
Kathy: On Amy Harmon’s Facebook page, she posted that she read Eden Butler’s Infinite Us and highly recommended it.
Mony: Just finished The Cornerstone by Kate Canterbary and loved it! Steamy story about Hot Guy & Sassy Girl as they steer through one night stands into something more. Sassy Girl is great – sharp-witted & a tough nut to crack. H is a great alpha. Loved the slow burn & Hot Guy’s transformation. Banter between h & H is clever and even sharper in second half.
A 4.5-star read (deduction cause too much about h’s family). Plan to read The Spire (#6 in series)…story about Hot Doctor & Rebel Girl.  Thanks Jan for mentioning this author!
Cicely: Hi Maryse! I just want to share that Absolution, the third book from The Disenchanted series from L.D. Davis is out now too!! The series is great and is worth some extra love.
Angst loving fanatic like me would love it!!!
  Michele G: Tasha, where are you? I read it because of your high marks….you weren’t wrong!! I just finished The Sun Down Motel and it was AMAZING!! I listened to the audiobook and felt like I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone …or something at times…..so so good!!! I highly recommend!
Tasha J: YESS!! *claps hands* So glad you loved it
Shadowborn Academy: Year Three (Dark Fae Academy Series Book 3) by G. Bailey and Scarlett Snow <— REVERSE HAREM FAE!!
Possessive Alien Mate (Savage Martians Book 2) by Sue Mercury
Dragon Hero: Guardian Dragons of Prospect Falls by Serena Meadows
Playing Cards With Aliens (Kilbus Lord Book 1) by Erin Raegan
Mating Fever (Morgan Clan Bears, Book 3) by Theresa Hissong
The Unbound Queen: A Novel of the Four Arts by M.J. Scott
Wishes, Wings, and Woes: Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy (Gods and Demons Book 2) by Kaye Draper
The Impassioned Choice (Etherya’s Earth Book 5) by Rebecca Hefner
The Rising Queen Discovery in Water (The Elemental Chronicles Book 3): Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance Series by Gina Manis
Hidden Princess (The Elements Series Book 1) by M.A. Roth
Flourish: A High Fantasy Reverse Harem (The Blooming Courts Book 3) by Kendra Moreno and Poppy Woods
Kissed by the Alien Mercenary (Warriors of the Lathar Book 12) by Mina Carter
The Fourth Power: A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Romance Novel (Order of Magic Book 3) by Michelle M. Pillow
Starbreaker (Nightchaser Book 2) by Amanda Bouchet
Embracing Destiny (The Fae Chronicles #6) by Amelia Hutchins <— ELA FOUND IT!!!
Ela: MARYSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Embracing Destiny (The Fae Chronicles #6) by Amelia Hutchins IS LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where the Lost Wander: A Novel by Amy Harmon <— AMY HARMON ALERT!!! “…The Overland Trail, 1853: Naomi May never expected to be widowed at twenty. Eager to leave her grief behind, she sets off with her family for a life out West. On the trail, she forms an instant connection with John Lowry, a half-Pawnee man straddling two worlds and a stranger in both. But life in a wagon train is fraught with hardship, fear, and death...”
Tasha J: I finished Where the Lost Wander and I’m in . I cried a little when it was over. *sigh* Such a good book. …Where the Lost Wander is my best of read of the year for sure.
Mony: Where the Lost Wander is now on TBR list…thanks Tasha!
Michele G: I’m also reading Amy Harmon’s Where the Lost Wander and loving every word! She is such a versatile writer. I’m always amazed.
Rafe: An Arizona Vengeance Novella by Sawyer Bennett <— SAWYER BENNETT HOCKEY STAR SECOND CHANCE ROMANCE ALERT!! “…Now I’m home and when I’m not on the ice with my new team, I’m helping care for my dad. And in the midst of my grief, I find comfort from the one person I never expected. Calliope Ramirez stole my heart at a very young age. The beautiful, smart, headstrong girl next door, she was my first… everything. She has never forgiven me for leaving her, believing that I chose hockey over a future together. What she doesn’t understand is that every decision I made was for her, and I’ve never given up hope that one day we’d be together again...”
To My Arrogant Boss (The Inappropriate Bachelors Book 2) by J. S. Cooper <— SHE TOLD OFF HER GRUMPY BOSS! “…I thought it was time that someone addressed your big head and told you straight to your face that you’re not all that. Just because you have an Ivy league education doesn’t mean you’re the smartest man in the world. In fact, I’m not even sure if you would have gotten in if you didn’t have rich parents. Yes, I went there…”
Can’t Fight The Moonlight (Whisper Lake Book 3) by Barbara Freethy
Enchanted (The Accidental Billionaires Book 4) by J. S. Scott
Mayhem’s Betrayal: Operation Mayhem Book 5 by Lindsay Cross
A Monster’s Beauty (In the Arms of Monsters Book 3) by Sam Crescent <— TRILOGY CONCLUSION ALERT!!
Nailed (Four Bears Construction Book 2) by K.M. Neuhold
Heiress for Hire (A Duke’s Heiress Romance Book 1) by Madeline Hunter <— HISTORICAL ROMANCE ALERT!! “…Now he’s insisting that Minerva has inherited a fortune from his uncle, a wealthy duke. Only one thing could surprise her more: her sudden attraction to this exasperating man...”
Taking Liberty (The Next Generation Book 7) by Riley Edwards
Fierce Shadows: Shadows Landing #4 by Kathleen Brooks
Dirty Desires by Crystal Kaswell <— SHE NEEDS MONEY FOR HER SISTER’S MEDICAL BILLS... “...Ian Hunt has specific tastes. The feisty student is perfect. He has to have her. His offer is simple. Six figures. Thirty days. Him introducing her to every kind of pleasure. It’s ridiculous. The British businessman is richer than sin and hotter than hell. He can have any woman he wants. Why her?…”
Ransom for a Song (The Rockwater Suite Book 3) by Phyllis Clark Nichols
Still Wicked (The Wickeds Book 6) by Kathleen Ayers <— HISTORICAL!!!
Counting On Cole (Wilde Ways Book 8) by Cynthia Eden <— SHE HAD BEEN KIDNAPPED & HE RESCUED HER… “…Evangeline “Evie” Lake fell hard and fast for her tall, dark, and dangerous rescuer. Then he flew her back to her home, kissed her goodbye on the doorstep, and walked his sexy self away with looking back. He broke her heart into a million little pieces, and she swore off the “bad boys”—they were just trouble she didn’t want. Case closed...”
Hard Edge (Cobra Elite Book 4) by Pamela Clare
Cole’s Mistake (Haven, Texas Book 8) by Laylah Roberts
B*stard: Royal B*stards MC (Texas) by Sapphire Knight
Finally (Neighbor from Hell Book 12) by R.L. Mathewson <— R.L. MATHEWSON’S LATEST NEIGHBOR FROM HELL!!! “…After years of putting off taking the next step, Charlie was finally ready, mostly because her best friend had threatened to make her life a living hell if she didn’t. Knowing that she wouldn’t be able to pull this off unless she made some changes, Charlie somehow finds herself moving into the in-law apartment of the man that seemed to go out of his way to avoid her only to find herself wondering if she was chasing the wrong dream after all...”
Treasure Island SEAL: Pirate SEAL Rescues his Mermaid (Sunset SEALs Book 3) by Sharon Hamilton
Torque (Wicked Mayhem MC Book 1) by Harley Wylde
An Officer, Not a Gentleman: A Traditional Regency Romance (Brethren in Arms Book 3) by Elizabeth Johns
The Billionaire’s Fake Fiancée by Annika Martin <— HE NEEDS SOMEONE THAT IS NOT HIS TYPE AT ALL… “...my people go and hire Tabitha. My hairdresser. What were they thinking? Yes, I said annoying, but I didn’t mean Tabitha, the most frustrating woman in the world. Tabitha is sunshiny. She has a pet hamster. She loves Hello Kitty, and she gets under my skin like nobody else. As if that’s not bad enough, the minute we step on deck, she thinks that certain people on the yacht are up to something shady–based completely on her soap opera knowledge. She won’t listen when I tell her she’s being ridiculous...”
Saint (Heartlands Motorcycle Club Book 4) by Hope Ford
Hot SEAL, Bachelor Party: A Brotherhood Protectors Crossover Novel (SEALs in Paradise) by Elle James
Carpentry and Cocktails: A Heartfelt Small Town Romance (Green Valley Library Book 5) Nora Everly <— HE’S HER NEW NERDY-HOT LANDLORD!! “…Willa Hill has finally left her teen runaway past behind and wants a fresh start—alone. Men are nothing but trouble and she’s had enough man-trouble to last a lifetime. Too bad her irresistibly sexy, nerdy-hot landlord doesn’t agree. When their mutual yearning becomes a white-hot fling and passion crosses carefully drawn, albeit one-sided boundaries, Everett finds himself in love and Willa finds herself in a pickle. Because, unfortunately, when she returned to Green Valley, her problems came too…”
The Virgin and the Rogue (Rogue Files Book 6) by Sophie Jordan <— HISTORICAL!!
Unmatched Love: Henry & Lei Lu: A SEAL & Strong Heroine Military Romance (Black Swan Book 6) by KaLyn Cooper
Lessons in Lemonade (Starving for Southern Book 3) by Kathryn Andrews
Island Affair (Keys to Love Book 1) by Priscilla Oliveras <— THE FIREFIGHTER IS HER FAKE FIANCÉ!! “...Sought-after social media influencer Sara Vance, in recovery from an eating disorder, is coming into her own, with a potential career expansion on the horizon. Despite the good news, her successful siblings (and their perfect spouses) have a way of making her feel like the odd one out. So, when her unreliable boyfriend is a no-show for a Florida family vacation, Sara recruits Luis Navarro—a firefighter paramedic and dive captain willing to play the part of her smitten fiancé…”
A Shot at Redemption: The Detectives of Hazel Hill – Book Four by Liz Bradford
Losing It All (The Hellfire Riders Book 7) by Kati Wilde
A Duke by Any Other Name (Rogues to Riches Book 4) by Grace Burrowes <— HISTORICAL!!
Airborne by DiAnn Mills <— A VIRUS WAS RELEASED... “…As the virus quickly spreads and dozens of passengers fall ill, Heather fears she’s witnessing an epidemic similar to ones her estranged husband studies for a living—but this airborne contagion may have been deliberately released. While Heather remains quarantined with other survivors, she works with her FBI colleagues to identify the person behind this attack. The prime suspect? Dr. Chad Lawrence, an expert in his field . . . and Heather’s husband…”
Head Over Paws (Rescue Me Book 5) by Debbie Burns
Honey Buns: An Opposites Attract Romance by Cat Johnson
The Run Around by Bernadette Franklin <— SHE’S PLANNING HIS WEDDING... “…He wants her to plan his wedding. She wants to be his bride. Diving into the treacherous world of wedding planning, Hope keeps her word and arranges the vows for the one man she believes she could love...”
A Date for Midnight (The Dating Series Book 1) by L.P. Dover and Heidi McLaughlin <— THE ROCK STAR & THE NURSE ALERT!! “…There, amongst the craft beer and pork rinds, she comes face to face with her high school boyfriend, Brennan McLean. He’s a rockstar. She’s a nurse. To say life led them in different directions would be putting it mildly. Still, time hasn’t lessened the electric chemistry between them. By the end of the night more was dropping than just the ball...”
Her Seafaring Scoundrel (The Crawfords Book 3) by Sophie Barnes
The Highlander’s Lady Knight (Midsummer Knights Book 2) by Madeline Martin
How to Not Fall for the Guy Next Door: A Sweet and Humorous Romance by Meg Easton
At My General’s Command (Men of Fort Dale Book 4) by Romeo Alexander <— M/M ROMANCE!!
Swimming in the Dark: A Novel by Tomasz Jedrowski <— M/M ROMANCE!!
The Thief by Bonnie Dee <— M/M ROMANCE!!
The Wedding Dress: A Novel by Danielle Steel <— DANIELLE STEEL ALERT!! “…The Parisian design houses in 1928, the crash of 1929, the losses of war, the drug culture of the 1960s—history holds many surprises, and lives are changed forever. For richer or for poorer, in cramped apartments and grand mansions, the treasured wedding dress made in Paris in 1928 follows each generation into their new lives, and represents different hopes for each of them, as they marry very different men...”
Royally Treasured (Royal Sons MC Book 4) by Elle Boon
A Duke Too Far (The Way to a Lord’s Heart Book 4) by Jane Ashford <— HISTORICAL!!
Duke of Misfortune (Dukes of Destiny Book 4) by Whitney Blake <— HISTORICAL!!
The Rakess: Society of Sirens, Volume 1 by Scarlett Peckham <— HISTORICAL!!
The Hating Season: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance by K.A. Linde <— K.A. LINDE ALERT!! SHE WAS HIRED TO CLEAN UP HIS IMAGE! “...I’m hired to clean up his badboy image, which would’ve been easy if my life wasn’t falling apart. First, I catch my movie star husband having an affair with his co-star. Then when I return to work, my job is at stake, because Court has gotten himself into trouble…again. Instead of getting him back in line, I find myself falling for his charm...”
Wicked at the Library: A Curvy Woman Romance (Curvy Librarians of Sugar Hill Book 1) by Liz Fox
Reid: An Eidolon Black Ops Novel by Maddie Wade
The Billionaire’s Navy SEAL (Sutton Billionaires Book 5) by Lori Ryan
Knocked Up by the Wrong Prince: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance (Knocked Up Royals Book 6) by Lilian Monroe
Who Will Save Your Soul: And Other Dangerous Bedtime Stories by Skye Warren <— SKYE WARREN ANTHOLOGY ALERT!! “…Features four novellas by New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren. Each standalone story ends in a happily ever after….”
Kyler’s Blind Date Seduction (Hot Hunks Steamy Romance Collection Book 4) by Stephanie Morris
Not the Bodyguard’s Boss: Sweet Bodyguard Romance (Hastings Security Book 3) by Lorin Grace
Necessary Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 4) by Sidney Bristol <— SHE HAS TO INFILTRATE A HAREM… “...Ivy Ashley is striking out. Fired from her gig as a live-in bodyguard, she’s at the end of her rope when she is asked to join a special task force for a one-off undercover job. It’s easy. All she has to do is infiltrate a harem. She even has back-up in the form of a lone-wolf spy with the sexiest lips she’s ever kissed…”
ImPerfectly Happy by Sharina Harris <— “…When four college friends formed the Brown Sugarettes Mastermind Group, they had very different goals—but matched each other in ambition. Yet ten years later they can’t help wondering what happened to the hopeful, confident, driven women they used to be—and how to get them back . . .”
Asking for Trouble (Credence, Colorado Book 3) by Amy Andrews
The Letter by Anthony Sciarratta <— FORBIDDEN LOVE SOULMATES ALERT!! “...Victor Esposito mysteriously dedicates every novel he’s ever written to one woman. His trademark protagonist fits the description of Eva Abrams, the bright-eyed and blonde Long Island housewife. Tragedy suddenly strikes Victor’s life when a courageous act leaves him in a coma. Hearing the news from a television broadcast, Eva finds herself suddenly overcome with the memories of a love affair she’d left behind a decade ago…“
Undeniably Perfect (Perfectly Imperfect Love Series Book 1) by S.E. Rose
Promise Me Always (Against All Odds Book 4) by Savannah Kade
How To Date Your Brother’s Best Friend: A snarky, steamy contemporary romance by Karigan Hale
Hook Up (Taking Chances Book 2) by TC Matson <— HER BOYFRIEND IS IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE ELSE... “…While I’m helping my best friend plan her wedding, I get hit with a bomb. One that ruins all my hopes and dreams of marriage and starting a family. My long-term boyfriend isn’t only a lying, cheating, piece of worthlessness, He’s also in love with the woman he’s been seeing behind my back. Now I’m forced to act like my best friend’s wedding isn’t going to hurt my soul while I try to mend my heart. What’s the best way to get over a broken heart? A no strings attached hook-up…”
Spooning Leads to Forking (Hot in the Kitchen Book 2) by Kilby Blades
Gone With the Rogue (First Comes Love Book 2) by Amelia Grey <— HISTORICAL!!!
Searching for Signs by Mandy Lee <— “…Fans of the award-winning and beloved television series “The Office” will enjoy a story reminiscent of Jim and Pam’s long-awaited and championed romance, while readers less familiar with the show will enjoy a bilateral story of two sensible people navigating the hardships of love and loss while stuck in their small Southern town and surrounded by quirky personalities...”
Deep in the Alaskan Woods (An Alaska Wild Novel Book 1) by Karen Harper <— SHE MOVES TO ALASKA FOR A NEW START… “…Alexandra Collister came to her estranged cousins’ B&B in Falls Lake, Alaska, looking for a fresh start. The surrounding forest can be harsh and unforgiving—luckily, rugged wilderness tracker Quinn Mantell offers to be her guide. Still recovering from a toxic previous relationship, Alex is wary of getting too close, but when savagely deep claw marks appear outside her bedroom window, keeping her distance from Quinn is no longer an option. Then a body turns up exhibiting the same ruthless slash marks, and Alex knows it isn’t a coincidence…”
The Ingredients of You and Me: A Novel (Hopeless Romantics Book 3) by Nina Bocci
Under an Alaskan Sky (A Wild River Novel Book 2) by Jennifer Snow
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
Hi! I have two questions: have you written your own fiction? What are you interested in, as a writer? And secondly, if you haven’t shared it yet, I’m interested in your opinion in show- Penelope as a character/ future HR heroine. Do you see her as one? What changes do you think the writers should do to set her up as a future main character? Could she be like an untraditional heroine? Like a villainous heroine or sth?
I've always written creatively (my first short story was written at age 7, and was a very dramatic tale of an orphan who is transformed into a wolf)--never published anything, though. It's taken me a long time to figure out what I actually want to write. Fingers crossed that the historical romance I've been working on for a while is "it".
Re: show!Penelope... Here's the thing. There are people who are going to say "my heroine right or wrong" on Penelope, and the show may try to fall back on those people. For them, there is no redemption necessary. Penelope is a victim of her fatness and her sorrow and her envy, and that exonerates her of all of her misdeeds. Or, they like the idea that Penelope is a "bad girl"... which doesn't track for me personally, as I don't think the show is portraying Penelope as a villain or an anti-heroine in any real sense. She's someone the show thinks is... kinda correct. Maybe messy, but not truly *harmful*, at least not to the degree that she actually is. Perhaps if I felt that show!Penelope was being acknowledged as this kind of fucked up individual, I could get behind her more. If the show doesn't get that, then I don't think they can actually... get her to where she needs to be for me, at least, and I imagine many other people.
There's also the reality that show!Penelope has done things that specifically interfere with the believability of her romance. While Colin, at this point, has no real personality... I don't think that any sane man would be particularly excited about getting with a woman who publicly humiliated him and as been talking shit about his family for... years by that point. Book!Colin was weirded out by the LW on some level, and she didn't even do any real harm there. If Penelope *does* go as far to also expose Anthony and Kate, as has been speculated... I imagine they'll handwave all of that for s4, but the emotional payoff just doesn't work for me. I would honestly tell show!Colin to like... run.
I think the issue is really the lack of ownership and the attempts to make her seem like a victim. I shouldn't care about the harm Penelope does because she's sad and fat (and therefore not a "pretty Bridgerton", which, as woman who is far from thin myself... lol.... you can be fat and pretty... Nicola is in fact fat and pretty, even if her wigs on this show are crimes against humanity). That doesn't work for me.
I have read about heroines who are bitchy and problematic. One heroine who comes to mind is Mara from Sarah MacLean's No Good Duke Goes Unpunished. She essentially (accidentally) frames the hero for MURDER years before they actually get together. And this is something where she has to like, own that she did a shitty thing and it did affect him. And furthermore, HE has to be someone who has enough flaws and fucked upedness that he doesn't seem like this victim who's just stumbling into her path. Colin? I don't think he's got that... spice. On a lesser level, I think the show is wisely, with s2, making Kate kind of actively conflicted and participatory in a lowkey affair that kind of screws her sister over a little. It's not just Anthony lusting after this woman who passively resists him, it's Kate wanting him back. It's two mutually flawed people coming together. When you have Colin as this bumbling youth who Penelope has this massive crush on as she like, kinda drags his family for years, it's awkward and stilted.
And ultimately, I do think there is a great deal of harm that's been done, which I don't know can be undone for many people, through the optics here. The Penelope/Marina plot honestly read as pretty fucking racist, or at least racially tone deaf, to me. I was incredibly uncomfortable watching a white woman (especially a white woman who did not see herself as attractive, whereas she immediately thought Marina was ~beautiful~; this just played into a lot of ideas around the age-old "white woman who is jealous of the lovely Black woman" trope) tear a pregnant Black woman down because she was jealous of her being with the white man she wanted. And you can say all you want about Penelope "saving" Colin... But at the end of the day, it's impossible to deny that jealousy was a factor there. If they reinforce this by having her expose Kate and Anthony in s2, jeopardizing Kate and Edwina's reputations, it's literally just going to look like Penelope/Lady Whistledown is there to dive bomb and blow up the lives of attractive women of color, while bemoaning her own appearance and her inability to be "noticed". Idk if they're going for that, but it kinda looks like that's a possibility. It's just something that I think could've been called out if they'd had a more diverse writer's room, or perhaps a writer's room more open to criticism. This is why sensitivity readers are a thing.
For me, I don't think Penelope is going to be able to succeed as a romance heroine. It's not because she's bad--it's because she's bad and they want me to feel sorry for her. It's not because her hero is pretty weak in turn--it's because he's weak and it makes no logical sense for him to forgive her for the things she's done that have embarrassed him and his family. There's a lot going on there. I personally have very little interest in s4 at this point, and I don't really know how they would turn that around.
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Sheryl Sandberg's New Book 'Choice B' Explores Pain In Wake From Partner's Fatality.
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Right now would certainly be a happy times to bring up how the only thing that heavy-handedness that drove me nuts also made guide very foreseeable (b/c DUH, obviously Evil Stepmother got rid of the Queen). Just so nobody was in any sort of uncertainty as exactly what reveal they were viewing, the third incident from Activity from Thrones came roaring out of eviction in unabashed Greatest Hits style. Since this is actually offered additional details, the activity acquired me. But certainly not at a suggest pre oreder. I wasn't stunned to discover that Miss Aveyard is in fact a screenwriter in addition to a book writer, after completing this, for whatever in the anecdotal circulated and also was actually crystal clear, other than being remarkably created. 4 of America's most extensive video game sellers - Wal-Mart, Intended, Finest Buy and also Circuit Area - eliminated the activity from their racks. He did that merely after long experiments in his factories along with 6 and also 7 time job full weeks, 8 to 12 hr job times. Many of the games listed below are going to or have actually actually appeared on various other platforms, however the message that Nintendo are going to level its hardware as much as smaller sized designers more than it has performed in recent is a powerful one. But the writers believe that computer game are actually specifically hazardous since they are active and also urge role-playing. Certification Levels 1 to 4: Getting these certificates has anywhere from 6 months to a year. I recognize that the distance in between Celia and also Marco was actually required through Morgenstern's romance, yet it rarely created the game feel Life-and-Death. R u dumb or even you don't comprehend EnglishBut during that situation i understand.Everyone recognized what i was actually just you you believe the activity coundt be better with a immersive storyline complying with the flicks with somehing extra connecting the activity along with the story?If youy believe like that i pitty you man. In the timeless prelude Wenger always remembered outlawing Mars bars just before his very first game accountable, way back in 1996. You observe, this is exactly what I like about Salinger's thus typically contended job - its own capacity to rouse thoughts and point of views that exceed the publication as well as the plot file and create you believe, as well as possibly -just possibly - be actually a touch rebellious, also. I consistently took a look at pre getting as a procedure to acquire a game and you get on a budget. I envy the capability from my good friends to digress in their testimonial space as well as tell me an account which somehow was encouraged through something in guide they just read, or its own ad, or - god forbid right now, in the property from GR restriction from anything that does not look like a publication file - writer behavior, the new frightening censorship-causing words on the market, along with the now-used 'OFF SUBJECT MATTER' justification. Make sure to check out at our greatest PS4 activities round-up, or go to our checklist from the leading upcoming PS4 ready 2016 to obtain a look at the future of PS4 video gaming. Upcoming opportunity you check out Game of Thrones, take a deeper take a look at some of the costumes, created by seamstress Michele Carragher and also professional Michele Clapton. 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