#if I had a nickel for any time I got attached to a character whose name or existence correlated to a green jewel
Houseki no Kuni finally ended and I am the farthest thing from okay between being hit by Penacony and that practically back to back.
So to avoid dealing with my emotions about it because I have way too many assignments due and instead think of crossover possibilities that will probably never happen.
Like a meeting of Phos and Aventurine in the Nihility in between Phos' journey through space and time. Either with Phos' as themselves or as their new existence as a comet, brightening up his road as he makes his journey through Nihility, maybe as a pick me up if he ever loses sight of the destination. Or Ratio's day as he waits for Aventurine to make his way back, a dazzling, shining ray of light where all dreams in Penacony are artificial and carefully controlled, when there isn't any predictions for meteor showers or the like in the Penacony of reality, something beautiful that he can tell Aventurine about later after he comes back to him.
Or he'll tell him about this young person with a hair like jewels who told him that, if it's really important to him, no matter the pain of waiting or of things left unsaid or of anything truly changing, that he should wait anyway. They only meet once and he would have intended to wait anyway, but it's a nice reminder to have.
Who knows maybe I'll write that out one day.
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savvystories · 7 years
Announcing the July 2017
Word Weaver Writing Contest!
Enter your amazing piece of writing! We have over $400 of valuable prize packages!
YOU will have the month of July to enter an amazing piece of your own writing to our contest.
Here’s what you do:
Uh, enter a piece of your writing in the contest. I thought that was obvious.
Here’s what you GET:
The FIRST PLACE Winner will receive THIS prize package:
Cover Design & Publishing Package from Award Winning Moyhill Publishing (www.Moyhill.com)
This insanely great package includes
COVER DESIGN and EBOOK FORMATTING for your edited book
PROOFREADING and up to two electronic proofs with changes if needed
MARKETING COVERS (larger formats) for Amazon and Smashwords.
PROMOTION for the book placement on the shelves of the Moyhill virtual bookstore.
YOUR BOOK GETS FOUR WEEKS AS A PINNED TWEET to over 20,000 followers from Sally Cronin’s Smorgasbord Cafe and Bookstore account.
A first time author will also be guided through the setting up of social media, author page and other marketing strategies, plus Moyhill can upload the manuscript to Amazon and Smashwords for you!
PUBLICATION of their winning piece on this website
A GUEST BLOG POST or AUTHOR PROFILE to appear on this site (that’s priceless, really)
a video interview with me, should they so choose, also to appear on this site**
** requires a quality high speed internet connection and a good camera on your computer or phone. Maybe other stuff. I’m not doing this at 3am, okay?
The SECOND PLACE Winner will receive THIS prize package:
EDITING PACKAGE from Russel J. Fellows Author Services for YOUR book! (www.RusselJFellows.com)
PUBLICATION of their winning piece on this website
A guest blog post or author profile to appear on this site
slightly less massive bragging rights than first place (because that’s only fair)
The THIRD PLACE Winner will receive THIS prize package:
WriteMind author’s idea management and project organizing system ($19.99 Digital Printable Version) from Perry Elisabeth Design
PUBLICATION of their winning piece on this website
A guest blog post or author profile to appear on this site
also bragging rights because why not, but try not to outbrag the first and second place winners, okay?
Yep, I’ll critique your work (up to 3,000 words), whether you win or not.
I will spend an hour of my time giving you the Dan Treatment of your 3,000 word piece, just like I do in my private critique group. Don’t worry, I’m pretty nice and very encouraging. Most people like my crits. Not all, though. Some people are just babies.
I might spend more than an hour if it’s really good, and you can send more than 3,000 words, but I’m only human and I’m not gonna be able to wade through 10k from you for this contest, okay? Doing 20 25 critiques is a LOT of freaking work.
EACH OF THE FIRST 50 ENTRIES will receive a 20% discount on a consulting session with former Time-Life Books editor MOLLI NICKELL, a $60.00 savings!
MOLLI survived 35 years in the publishing biz as a Time-Life editor, publisher, motivational speaker, UCLA writing instructor, and six-times published author. Currently she mentors writers as a pre-submission specialist, story doctor, query wizard, and marketing guru. Molli helps writers achieve the ultimate goal of agent, publisher, and shelf space at Barnes and Noble.
Each of the first 50 entrants in my July 2017 will receive 20% off of a one $300, one hour consulting: participants will email Molli email their query, synopsis, or first page, which Molli will read and then evaluate before doing a 30-45 minute consult by private video chat. USE PROMO CODE: WORD WEAVER to receive your discount at her site, HERE
Moll is the real deal, gang.
“DOOR” PRIZES just for entering!
ALL contestants not winning first, second, or third place will be put into a drawing for other prizes!
How awesome is that? Lots of stuff for you to win!
Several contestants will receive ONE month FREE membership in my PRIVATE CRITIQUE GROUP.
Receive up to 3,000 words of your story per week critiqued BY ME in my private critique group. Get The Dan Treatment. This $50.00 value will be awarded to several contestants.
an audio book prize from an Amazon Bestselling author (audio books are not autographed)
autographed books from one of several generous authors listed below, in your choice of paperback or eBook (but the e-Books aren’t signed, either, okay?)
a few signed copies of Poggibonsi: an Italian misadventure, my funny and sexy romantic comedy (unless you choose an eBook, right? Let that signed eBook thing go. Just let it go!)
Amazon $20 gift card
Starbucks $10 gift card*
* My goal is to have ALL the entry fees go to prizes, not to make a profit on this contest, so I may use entry fees to buy and award more prizes. They won’t all be Ammy; that would get a little boring, and even though I personally HATE Starbucks, you might like it.
HERE are some of the AMAZING AUTHORS whose books will be in these packages
Allison Maruska, Project Renovatio. Author of the runaway bestseller The Fourth Descendant, Allison Maruska offers an audio book version of her latest hit, Project Renovatio.
With over 550 reviews on Amazon, The Fourth Descendant established Allison as an amazing breakout author. I read Project Renovatio. It is a brilliant, thrilling YA novel that grabs the attention of readers and holds them until the very end.
  Hugh Roberts, Glimpses
28 short stories that will take your mind on a rollercoaster of a ride into worlds that conceal unexpected twists and turns. You REALLY wanna win that!
Dana Wayne, Mail Order Groom, Secrets of the Heart
Dana Wayne is all about the romance! Mail Order Groom is a historical western romance. Secrets of The Heart is a contemporary romance. Both are amazing!
Curtis Bausse, Perfume Island, One Green Bottle
One Green Bottle, set in Provence, is the first in a series of Magali Rousseau detective stories. Perfume Island is the second book in the amazing series. You’ll love it!
    T. A. Henry, Scripting The Truth
Any story that takes place in post-WWII Britain and has the phrase “She’ll try to do it all while trying to keep the seams on her stockings straight” has to be read. You’ll agree.
Patty Fletcher, Campbell’s Rambles
A unique and energetic author, Patty obtained her first guide dog, Campbell, from The Seeing Eye™ in Morristown, New Jersey: what motivated her, the extensive training she had, the special relationship she developed, and the good friends she made all comprise fascinating reading!
Joanne R Larner, Dicken’s Diaries, Richard Liveth Yet
One reviewer called Dicken’s Diaries “a ‘diary’ with lots of amusing stories and indeed it is a cleverly written, humorous book.” Richard Liveth Yet is Richard III as you have never seen him before! Great stories from a great writer.
Yecheilyah Ysrayl, Renaissance: The Nora White Story
In 1922 Mississippi, Nora White has graduated high school and is college bound, but she is fascinated by the prospect of being a famous writer in The Harlem Renaissance – and decides on a change of plans. Techeilyah will amaze you with this one!
and of course, ME
A few folks will be selected to receive a copy of Poggibonsi: an Italian misadventure, my hilarious sexy romp through Italy (definitely a hot commodity, so to speak) as a signed paperback or as an eBook. Don’t even ask me if I’ll sign the eBook. Just. Don’t.
Annette Robinson,
3rd place winner from our April contest,
graciously donated a gift card to be a door prize for an up-and-coming new talent.
Check out Annette’s winning story HERE and her website HERE.
You must enter an original piece of your own writing and pay the entry fee. Please don’t exceed 3,000 words; entries can be as short as you want. FEEL FREE  TO USE A CHAPTER OF YOUR UNRELEASED BOOK. (That’s what I’d do.)
THEME: To promote the July 31 release of my paranormal thriller An Angel On Her Shoulder, which involves paranormal experiences, a family, and a LOT of nail-biting suspense, entries need to touch on the theme of FAMILY. In some way, shape or form, your entry has to address family. Somebody can hate their family. Some character can be missing from the story because they are visiting family. Doesn’t matter. “Where’s Bill?” “Visiting family.” That counts. I’m pretty loose on this.
All entries must be submitted on or before midnight eastern time on July 31, 2017.
There is NO restriction on genre. Go crazy.
You may submit a chapter or passage from your book if you so desire (I would – this is great publicity), but it should be an unpublished work.
You MUST submit your entry via the Contact Me button and pay your $10.00 entry fee (USD) via PayPal to [email protected] . If your entry is too large to submit that way, simply send me a message using the Contact Me button and I’ll email you back; from there you’ll be able to attach your piece.
You can avoid paying the $10.00 by pre-ordering my new paranormal thriller An Angel On Her Shoulder for $5.99 before July 15! (Click HERE to go to the pre-order link) 
this is a mock-up cover, obviously
You must pre-order on or before midnight EST JULY 15, 2017, and you don’t get the deal if you pre-order on July 16th. It’s okay to tell friends about the secret discount. Reblog and RT and all that, sure. Those are friends. Can you go crazy sharing this info on Facebook? Yeah, what the heck.
Do I rock, or what?
ALL winners from my April 2017 Word Weaver Writing Contest are AUTOMATICALLY ELIGIBLE for the July 2017 Word Weaver Writing Contest, for free. So whether you got 1st place in April or 5th place or even Honorable Mention, we want you back for the July contest – at no charge! Whaaat??? I know!
Void where prohibited. ALL entries will be subscribed to my email list. Don’t worry, I won’t spam you. (I don’t know how.) Winners will be notified here on the blog in a big announcement, and they will be contacted by email, either by me or by the sponsor donating the prize, to make arrangements to get their prize – that might include an address to deliver a paperback to. Winners who live outside of the country of the sponsor whose prize they won may be limited to a prize that can be emailed or sent electronically, like an eBook, audio book, PDF, or Amazon gift card. You still get your work published here, and the profile, etc., if you win those things, but sorry; mailing a paperback to from here to Canada and other places is super expensive, so we’re letting you guys into the contest but we have to limit the costs that way. I’m sure you understand. Hey, if you live in London and so does the sponsor whose prize you won, congrats – you’ll probably get the signed paperback! One entry per person. If you cheat, you’re toast. Play fair. By entering you agree to all this stuff. I pretty much get free reign in selecting the top 3 winners but it’s gonna be stuff that appealed to me (typos matter but content matters more); the rest of the winners will mostly be random drawing but I’m not above awarding stuff to a really great fourth place person. Or not.
unless I get an overwhelming amount of entries, and then I’ll delay that part but trust me you’ll know because I’ll be whining about it here on the blog.
It is my desire to help each and every one of you succeed as authors and writers, so get busy!
Tick tock. July 31 will be here before you know it.
REBLOG this! And please SHARE this post on Facebook and Twitter! Your friends need to know about this contest, too.
See those little buttons down below? Put on your glasses. There they are. Click them. (The FOLLOW button is now in the lower right hand corner.)
Dan Alatorre is the author of several bestsellers and the amazingly great sci fi action thriller “The Navigators.”  Click HERE to get your copy of The Navigators – FREE on Kindle Unlimited!
 Available in paperback and audio book formats, too!
Dan Alatorre’s WORD WEAVER Writing Contest for July 2017 – let the games begin! Announcing the July 2017 Word Weaver Writing Contest! Enter your amazing piece of writing! We have over $400 of valuable prize packages!
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