#if they ever made a sequel it's probably even more racist and culturally insensitive
andromedaa-starss · 4 years
so i was thinking recently about the movie that must not be named and i was wondering: how much more would they have messed up if they continued with the sequels? here are my predictions bc i like to suffer.
season 2: they combine avatar state and avatar day. zuko alone is cut. somehow there's no appa going missing. wan shi tong only appears in the spirit world/avatar state combo. toph is here with ZERO character development. mai and ty lee are also hamfisted in. the earth king won't be hidden away, and he's just letting long feng manipulate him. oh yeah and zuko and iroh just show up inexplicably to ba sing se. and aang doesn't die at the end. zuko just runs away or smth or perhaps even joins the gaang early.
azula: she's not cunning or scary enough. no iconic lines. she can't even lightningbend. probably wearing something not suitable for war. can't even kill aang. kisses her dad's ass more than usual. probably gonna insinuate that she wasn't abused.
mai: the token east asian character of the whole group. gonna be really boring and say nothing. just stand there and look pretty. won't even smile. or they'll make her perky. will be pronounced "my" for "ethnic correctness," forgetting that everyone around her is definitely not ethnically correct.
ty lee: inexplicably white, reasoning is probably bc she has brown hair. either annoying or bland af. they'll fuck up qi blocking, and she's probably gonna be useless.
toph: also white despite the fact that her last name is beifong. still gonna keep her name as beifong. her parents are now also white, dressed in bastardized versions of chinese hanfu. for added racism they'll have bad chinese accents. toph herself will be blind, helpless, and whiny. no semblance of character growth, no semblance of her earthbending skills and no semblance of toph at all. which is why they'll pronounce her name as "toef," making it one syllable away from tofu. oh and she can't metalbend.
earth king kuei: asian, but he looks more like king george iii than emperor puyi. still has a queue just the wrong kind. is a fucking idiot. derps around until the (white) gaang save the day by kicking out long feng for him.
long feng: will look more like someone from 18th century england than 19th century china. is still the head of the dai li. still easily defeated by azula.
dai li: are able to run up walls. can't earthbend for shit
if kyoshi appears she'll be 5'5" and look about as terrifying as a kitten.
that's all for today I'll do season 3 later.
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