#if this was an actual reference then i would take it as an isak/sana mirror thing
heltchill · 7 years
There was a little dandelion, so bold and pleased in the country road’s ditch with puddle water to it’s knees. An unruly head shone yellow: Oh, how I am pretty! It had just watched it’s own reflection in it’s puddle.
In the ditch there walked a little toddler, as toddlers often do, in a wet and dirty coverall, with yellow unruly hair. He sat down in the puddle and reached out a hand and plucked with root and top his first dandelion.
On the road came many children, chatting cheerfully while they arranged fast and well a hepatica* blue bouquet. And the toddler shouted: “Look at me, what i have found here!” But the children only laughed and said: “How disheveled it is!”
“Oh no,” said the toddler, “I’ll take it home to my mother, and she’ll say it’s pretty and that I am very great.” “She says that just to comfort you,” said those who stood around. “Because you are only four years old and understand nothing.”
Then the toddler stumped home and sniffed a little, and the flower hung with it’s head and longed for water. He opened the door slowly and heavily, and suddenly his mother said: “Oh what a pretty flower you have - and how you are great!”
“You say that just to comfort me,” said the toddler indifferently. “Far from it” said mother and laughed. “I meant what i said. The greatest thing a mother knows, is in fact her boy who comes home and brings along his first dandelion.”
The first clip in this episode gave me such an association to this song, which reflects the self-image of a little boy through the state of a flower; a dandelion to be exact. 
*Fun fact: the Norwegian word for the flower “hepatica” is “blåveis” which is also is the word for a black eye. 
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toddandersvn · 4 years
wuh oh i’m being a nerd on main again!
it’s well known that besse is a master of his art and sana’s trailer showed to be no different. I was left baffled and fascinated by it, so i analyzed the skamit season 4 trailer almost frame by frame and here is what i came up with (also i guess this is my entry for @skamitaliafandomevents week two day one: predictions a very late entry please forgive me i rly wanted to do this before the season started) 
also i just enjoy doing these i’m not a film student so i might be completely wrong so if you want to correct me or add anything please do:))
everything is under the cut... enter at your own risk;)
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In this scene we can see a green backlit Sana on a phone call saying that she is italian as well. Green can be used to symbolize envy and/or jealousy, which in this case could be interpreted as Sana’s wish to be considered italian, and her “jealousy” of whoever is on the other side of that phone call for fitting in. Jealousy is in quotes because the backlighting can also suggest that it’s in the back of her head, not really apparent to others and even maybe to her. Green also has a history of being used to represent evil in Disney villains (evil step-mother’s eyes in Cinderella, Scar’s cove in Lion King, Dr. Facilier’s spirits in The Princess and The Frog and many more). If we take this scene from the point of view of the other person of the phone call, Sana could be seen as a villain due to stereotypes against muslims and the anger in Sana’s voice.
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In the trailer, this scene was cut in two (well three, but one doesn’t really matter here), but if we watch the trailer in .25x speed like a maniac you can see that they probably fit together. In the first shot we see a blue backlit Sana hiding in a bathroom praying. Blue is usually used to show sadness and pensiveness, and as i said above, the backlit can represent the back of her mind, or her neglecting it, hiding how she truly feels. Knowing the background/back story for this clip, which i can only imagine is the clip at the end of the first episode, she is hiding from everyone at the party to prey, and this physical hiding can be used to emphasize emotional hiding.
The next moment in that clip is the camera panning from the blue backlit scene to an orange frontlit scene, which emphasizes contrast as orange and blue are two complementary colours. Orange is used to show interest and optimism, which can be how she feels towards Malik, which leads me to think the shadow we see could be him. However, it can also symbolize vigilance, which can also be her feelings towards the couple making out and bursting in, if besse follows the original storyline.
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Sana is looking longingly at Malik surrounded by grass, which is a lighter, warm green that can represent admiration, trust and acceptance. She is staring at him from a distance, which is a very passive way of acting, staying in the shadows, in her black outfit which is a symbol for modesty in islam, basically she is keeping her feelings for herself. Another colour important in islam and relevant to his scene as well is green. Green in islam symbolizes paradise, which Malik just so happens to be surrounded by…. i see you Sana, i do, you can’t fool me
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Le matte are by the canal trying to cheer Sana up, in a very cool toned scene. Cool tones can represent sadness and or detachment, which Sana is probably feeling at this point towards the girl squad or herself, given that they are trying to cheer Sana up. Them comforting with a rather cool toned scene can indicate this scene is either pre-falling out or a reconciliation scene.
What stood up for me in the trailer is the drastic contrast between when Sana is alone or with Malik with very warm and loving tones, and when she is with the girl squad with rather cool tones. This reinforces and supports Sana’s feelings of feeling like she doesn’t belong, or has to tone down who she is in order to be friends with them.
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This scene is airy and light, which represents pure and heartfelt feelings and peace. Both characters are smiling at each other, which only emphasizes these assumptions. The next shot is in the kitchen that can imply domesticity and comfort, as well as the blue tones from the hijab and walls that represent pensiveness and shyness. It passes the vibe check.
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In this scene Sana is wearing a warm yellow hijab that can represent serenity and joy. This particularly stands out from the black one we are used to see her wear and have seen her wear around Malik earlier. She is in a greenhouse surrounded by nature, the green of admiration and growth but also the green of paradise. She is also surrounded by windows that can indicate she has moved to an active way of acting, instead of staring from a distance. This assumption is supported by her waving at Malik through the window. She is letting herself go through the mortifying ordeal of being known, which is a huge change from her usual secretive self and first few dark shots of the trailer.
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Here Besse used a wide angle lens most likely to show the surroundings, or lackthereof, of the two characters. Both of them are alone and isolated together. At this moment in time, there are no outside factors matter, it is just them and their thoughts. i imagine this is the scene when malik tells Sana about the nico x mikael kiss, which is a very pivotal chapter point in the season and it is important to show them alone and Sana having to “reset” her thoughts.
Again, they are surrounded by green/lime: trust and acceptance, which links to the talk they are having with malik choosing accpetance> religion and stopping believing in Allah.
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When her and her friends are sitting on the couch, they are mostly dressed in blue, all looking awkward/embarrassed. It is possible that it is sadness/grief from them having to share the house in Mykonos, as the audio over that scene suggests, but then again it could also just be from the two characters we can see on the mirror kissing. I’m obsessed and i watched and rewatched and i’m almost 100% sure the girl is Covitti, which by elimination process lets me think the guy is Canecoso, which justifies the awkwardness on Eva and Silvia’s face.
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When Sana is on her bed calling Ele, she is leaning against her green wall, but looking towards a warm orange light. This can be seen as many things related to her finally accepting her feelings for malik. She can move from the shadows to the light (from staring longingly to actually talking to him), moving from a passive to an active way of acting (like going to see him with her yellow hijab) and lastly moving from green jealousy to orange happiness. All of these clues lead me to think this clip happens before the greenhouse house clip. POETIC F*CKING CINEMA I COULD COLLAPSE
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I’m assuming this is the karaoke equivalent party, because of the way it is lit. If it is, it would be the party where both of Sana’s worlds (her brother & friends and her school friends) meet. We can see some scenes of clashing in the trailer, however having the scene lit up with red and green, two complementary (opposite on the colour wheel) colours, it prepares the audience  for a contrast. It can be a contrast of feelings, but in this case i’m lead to think it’s of background, and probably ideas as well, if it follows the OG. A justification of the use of green and red could be the feelings associated with each colour, like red with anger/annoyance and red with surprise. I won’t spoon feed you and tell you why but you get it.
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In this scene, we see Sana and Malik in a street with a lit up red cross in the background. It can be seen as reference to Romeo + Juliet by Baz Luhrmann, but also as a reference to the OG with the OHN. In the OG, isak is running away from a blue cross, running away from the sadness he’d been feeling for the past days and weeks, which is a contrast both in colour, direction and pace to Sana walking with Malik towards a red cross, walking towards romance.  It is for that reason i think this will be their date scene towards the end of the season. Also, they are walking and not running which can symbolize them taking it slow, and deciding to be friends again before anything else. It looks like the cross is also moving towards them as well, which can symbolize a middle ground/finding a balance between her religion and her country’s religion. Besse you magnificent bastard i love you, vibe check passed.
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Sana is submerging herself in a pool, with oddly very blue water. This oddly blue water matching her burking makes the colour stand out and can highlight its importance in the scene. Blue can symbolize shyness, it can symbolize peace, stability, and tranquility, depending on the shade and hue, but in this case this turquoise signifies the latter. She is letting herself float in it, bathing and soaking it in, and her face is at peace, which only strengthens my assumptions that this clip happens towards the end once everything is almost resolved.
And that’s all i came up with. I also think that the beach clips will be the last episode and they will all be from different povs, but that’s just wishful thinking at this point i’m sure. These are all obviously theories, however i think it is fascinating how Besse chose so many different colours as well as different way of lighting the scene to convey Sana’s emotions and feelings at different moments of the seasons. I am probably a clown about most of it but that’s just part of the skam experience, but either way i am very hyped to see the master at it again!
i’m repeating it here again, but if you have things to add or further questions please let me know i’d be more than happy to read what you have to say!🌻 that’s all have a great day:))
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evakuality · 6 years
I’ve seen some discourse recently comparing the “intelligence” of Isak and Sana which made me very uncomfortable, especially with regard to the themes of racism in S4. Have you seen this and do you have any thoughts on it?
Wow, my first meta-ish ask after I get back and it’s a big one!  I actually hadn’t really seen what you’re talking about so I asked a friend and got some links.  So bear in mind that my responses are based on kind of a late-to-the-party reading of everything.  
First, I think the actual question about intelligence and study habits was really interesting, and the one comment about these two being mirrors is such a good point.  And that probably explains why this is the friendship I love the most in this show.  To digress a little, they’re shown as very similar throughout the show.  They both have a mask to hide how they really feel, they both put on a big show and a big persona and they have both done this since season one.  They also both really like being right and dislike when people point out that they aren’t quite ‘with it’ -- Sana can even specifically say she knows better than a textbook because she can’t stand being wrong.  So you’d think these two very similar, closed off, masked, unhappy people would clash badly.  And yet they don’t.  Of course, they don’t actually want to interact until they’re forced into it in s3, but when they do it works surprisingly well.  In part, of course, that’s because of their smarts.  They both acknowledge and respect each other’s brains all while constantly aggrandizing their own self.  They bicker and argue about the answers, and yet it seems like it’s actually their collective brains that bring them both up.  Without each other, I think Isak at least would slide into laziness, and Sana would go blithely on assuming she’s right.  Together, they discuss and challenge each other and that makes them both stronger.  In s3, Isak helps Sana stay on track and focused and she gains a 5 with his help.  In s4, when Sana tunes out and stops being the constant, connected study buddy, Isak slips.  Without her help, he isn’t getting those same grades he pulled the previous year.  He’s in a new home and he has all sorts of lovely new distractions and he just loses focus.  The point of all of this is to say that I think they’re very similar people.  They both withdraw and isolate themselves when they’re struggling, only Sana does it while she’s actually with people and Isak hibernates in his room.  Their way of approaching the world is so very similar, and their study habits are very similar.  So it’s not a surprise that they mesh so well.  
All that said, I don’t think there’s a different type of intelligence going on here.  I agree that they mirror each other.  They both need to study in order to achieve.  The reasons why they might stop studying or disconnect from each other are different, but the effect is the same.  In fact, in s4, Sana is struggling a LOT.  She’s dealing with racism, Islamophobia, heartache, jealousy, betrayal and so much more.  And yet, despite pulling away from her study partner, she still a) shows a healthy desire to be successful and b) manages to get a 6.  Isak, by contrast, is finally settled and happy and he only manages a 5.  It embarrasses him, he doesn’t want to admit to it, but that’s still the truth.  In some ways, maybe that’s a healthier space for him to be (happy, settled, more balanced in his life) and Sana maybe should get herself to that point again too.  Maybe the actual point of this is that clinging to those grades to the exclusion of all else when they are so unhappy and isolated isn’t a good thing.  Maybe being happy and getting a 5 is what we should be aiming for.  After all, each of them got a 5 when they were in a happier place than when they each got the 6s.  Mirrors.
So this, of course, brings us to the other things in this ask.  The themes of racism in s4 and how they apply to these two.  Personally, I think a lot of this ties back to the scene on the bench where Sana implicitly agrees with Isak’s assessment of her life by saying he’s like an imam.  That scene allows white people a nice, comfortable sense that it’s okay to use microaggressions (Sana covertly references these in her side of the conversation) because Isak says that people only use them to ask to be educated.  Many many people have talked about why this attitude is a problem, so I won’t really go into it again (except to say that I hate this conversation almost as much as I hate Sana’s blessing of gaslighting in s2).  The reason I bring it up is because it shows up a pattern that is present in a lot of our society: that a white person, and particularly a white man, has a better understanding of a situation than the people who actually live in and with that situation day by day.  Sana, as a PoC, and specifically a WoC has a unique insight into her world that a white boy can never have.  She is faced with sexism as well as racism and Islamophobia throughout her season. Her brother often reminds her that as a girl she’s judged and put down by society far more than he is, even though they face the same racism.  So for Isak to say she’s looking for hate is so weird to me.  The show explicitly tells us that she’s not looking for it; it’s right there!!  And the thing is, as a fandom, we often seem to look at that conversation and nod along with Isak.  Because from a certain point of view, that sounds really reasonable: yeah, it should be our responsibility to educate the ignorant.  It should be our responsibility to advocate for ourselves.  The problem is that it ignores microaggressions.  It ignores the fact that for a white person that dumb question happens once, but for the PoC it’s dozens of times every single day.  It’s forcing them to justify their existence every time we ask those questions.  It’s exhausting, and it’s shown in the show to be exhausting.  We’re literally shown it happening, and then.  Well.   The very thing Sana is shown to face throughout her whole season … that’s the thing that Isak says is all in her head, that she’s ‘looking for’ and so of course as a fandom we nod and go, yep that’s it.  Because he’s a boy and he’s framed as the one who’s got the answers.
And then we do exactly the same thing to Sana that the show does.  We push her down.  We suggest that her success is due to someone else (to a white boy, no less).  Or we suggest that she’s not naturally as smart as the white boy and that while he can flow through something with ease, that she must study all hours of the day to even come close to him.  We ignore that she’s been set up as his mirror, that he’s just as hard working as she is.  That without her help and input, he doesn’t necessarily succeed in the same way.  In short, we look at her and go ‘you’re not as good as a white person’ despite the fact that she’s been shown to be his equal throughout the show.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love Isak, but he’s filled with flaws.  I love Sana, too, and she’s also filled with flaws.  But in this particular way, I think they’re both very similar people and it is a little uncomfortable that they get treated in very different ways.
Of course, none of this is to say that we should avoid talking about and analysing PoC characters.  Quite the opposite; we should be giving them attention and really thinking about them.  But we should examine the ways in which we do that.  If we’re not considering the wider context of society, then we’re possibly doing these characters a disservice.  And I’m not a saint myself.  I know I’m often thoughtless about how I write Sana, and I don’t always consider the wider context when I add her to a fic.  I haven’t really ever analysed her before, and that’s something I should change.  And that’s all okay.  None of us is perfect, but we should try to be better and we should give these characters the credit they deserve.  And particularly when a character is a different race or religion or gender or sexuality than ourselves, we should maybe be a little careful in how we talk about them and represent them.  Because there is a wider context, and it’s not PoC’s (or Muslims’ or queer peoples’ or women’s) responsibility to make white people take it into consideration. It’s our responsibility to think about it and to try to do better.    
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skam-season4 · 7 years
SKAM Theories, Speculation, and Analysis of what we know so far - Season 4 Hiatus
Hi all, It’s Holly, your least favorite SKAM blog again. I am putting together a master post of speculation, theories, and other stuff because this hiatus is killing me. You’d think after 112 days of absolutely zero content would prepare me for ten days, but here I am. So, this will kind of be chronological, and kind of in order of small details to big picture stuff. Because It’s semi - chronological, most of the beginning sections will be Even and Balloon Squad stuff, and  Feel free to message me on your thoughts, I encourage you all to disagree, have your own opinions, but just do it respectfully.
This should be pretty obvious, but if you aren’t caught up with S4E5 yet, this will be spoilers galore.
Bolded things are summaries of a topic, or main / important ideas of a topic
Disclaimer: I am not an expert on anything bipolar / mental illness related, or anything related to Islam. I’ve pulled an Isak and googled different types of bipolar, I know a few people who are mentally ill, but its different for everyone. I’ve read a little bit of the Qur’an, and I’ve tried to educate myself of some Islamic traditions and rituals, but I definitely do not know everything. If I say something wrong or ignorant, PLEASE CORRECT ME, but do it respectfully and I will gladly change it.
Here is the list of topics in order that will be covered:
Sana being ignored - a look through the ages
Even’s timeline
Even’s relationship with each member of the Balloon Squad
Hvem er Mikael?
The Even x Mikael x Yousef situation
Sonja’s Role
Even’s Christmas Text
Season 4 Trailer analysis
Sana’s feelings towards Vilde in S4
Was Yousef going to kiss Sana at the end of “The Best of Islam”?
Sana + Noorhelm drama
Yousef + not Fighting
What was the fight about?
Girls in the bathroom
Noora’s motivation to kiss Yousef
Yousef’s Motivation to kiss Noora
Season 4 Hiatus Trailer Analysis
Why the Russ bus is Important
Vilde’s Character Development / Gay Vilde
Sana’s Mirror and Foil
Here we go!
Sana being ignored - a look through the ages 
Sana has been being ignored from the first episode she is introduced.
Vilde’s first visit to the school doctor: Where’s Sana?
The rest of the girls drinking in Eva’s room before Vilde sleeps with William: Where’s Sana?
We didn’t really think much of it when it was happening, and thats because of perspective. Perspective is possibly the most important lesson in this entire series (more on that later) and we were seeing this from Eva’s perspective. Eva probably didn’t notice too much that Sana was being left out, probably because she wasn’t that close to her yet, but now we get upset about Sana being excluded because we are actually affected by it.
Even’s timeline
This is what we have been told as of now. Some theorize that some of this info is false, and we obviously have a lot of missing information, but here’s what we think we know so far:
In Even’s second year, the video interview with him and Mikael was made. (x)
It’s 2015
Even is in his third year at Bakka
He is part of the Balloon Squad
Sonja and him have been dating for a year or two at this point
At some point, Even tries to kiss Mikael
Mikael pulls away because he is religious
Even memorizes the Qur’an in Arabic in attempt to cure himself
Even begins posting verses on Facebook about gay people going to Hell (flame emoji?)
We know this is the school’s Facebook page, as per Vilde in this text
I think its safe to assume that Even was manic when he posted that stuff
BUT we cannot be sure whether he was manic or not when he decided to read the Qur’an.
Sonja says he was in S3E8
But Sonja has also said that Even’s feelings for Isak are a result of mania, and basically that Isak was a symptom of Even’s mania
Obviously this turned out to be false
So the line between his mania and non-mania regarding what happened at Bakka is still extremely blurry. (non-mania? idk what to call it sorry, as I’ve said, I’m not an expert on bipolar, and I'm pretty sure it’s not appropriate to call it “when he was ‘normal’”, is “stable” an okay word to use? someone please educate me)
He hurt someone, and we have yet to find out who that is.
We know he hurt someone, or at least thinks he did because
Take a look at the aluminum leg story in S3E3. It seems like a harmless little joke, but it turned out to be an allegory to how he thinks Sonja views their relationship and such. So in S3E10 when he says “I’ll just hurt you, and then you’ll hate me”, this isn’t just because he thinks it will happen, it’s because it has happened before.
The obvious answer at the beginning of the season was Mikael, but now it seems to be Yousef. (I think it’s Yousef)
Even’s relationship with each member of the Balloon Squad
Mikael refers to Even as his best buddy, so we know they were close at some point, definitely before the kissing incident happened.
Elias and Even must have been close as well. This is demonstrated when Even asks Sana how “the boys” are doing, and then asks specifically about Elias. This is probably because Elias is her brother, the one she would know most about, but he doesn’t go on to ask about the rest of them individually.
Yousef and Even’s relationship seems more complicated than the others. They were close friends at some point, (battle 2015 photo, Yousef knows too much a lot about what happened between him and Mikael) Even obviously still loves all the boys, as I said in the bullet above, and Yousef seems to still love Even too, as we see in S4E4. He was so upset about what happened with Even, he gave up his religion, his beliefs. I think the reason he could have been potentially upset at Sana for having them be in the same place at the end of S4E5 was because he wasn’t ready. Not because he didn’t love Even, or was mad at Even, but because he wasn’t ready. (I think this goes without saying,but when I say love here, it is being used 100% platonic. The Balloon Squad, those boys, love each other. That much is obvious, and that’s that.)
I think Mutta and Adam are just more side characters, to add to the dynamic of the squad. They balance out the 5 Girl Squad members and the 4 (5? Is Even officially part of the Boy Squad now?) Boy Squad members, so it just kinda makes sense that there would be 5 Balloon Boys as well. They were probably Even’s buddies, but not as close to him as the other three.
Hvem er Mikael?
Ahh, here we are, the ever elusive Mikael. The Man, The Myth,The Legend. He is
Even’s “best buddy” in 2015
“I’m honest because I care about you” (x)  We’ve seen Mikael and the other boys be affectionate with each other, physically and emotionally. This seems to be just another example of this.
Even refers to him as the “previous man of my life” in this text, and as I’ve stated before, Even’s jokes always have an element of truth in them somewhere.
“He tried to kiss Mikael” - Okay, but if all of what Yousef said in that clip was true, why would Mikael be laughing at the mention of Even’s name in the SMS Roulette video?
When Yousef brought up Even in “The Best of Islam”, he was sad talking about him, obviously because one of his friends tried to kill himself.
I will explain in the “The Even x Mikael x Yousef situation: A Theory” section of this post why I think that is that they have such different reactions.
The Even x Mikael x Yousef situation: A Theory
This is a theory, not an analysis of what we already know and etc.
Sooo... here are some theories (x) (x) (x) especially the last one, etc. about Yousef (and Mikael) being gay / not straight, and I honestly don’t agree with it. As much as I would love to see a Muslim LGBT+ character in the media, it just doesn’t seem like it would be Yousef to me.
Some of the evidence pointing to the fact he might be gay is
the visual parallels between Isak and Emma making out in S3E1 and Yousef and Noora making out in S4E5 (I.E. just kissing, arms at the sides, generally disinterested) which makes sense.
Julie is looking for any opportunity to throw us off, plot twist the shit out of this season, and keep us on our toes, which is getting more and more difficult as time goes on, so we always have to keep that in mind.
 Now here’s why I think he’s not gay
If Yousef was gay, and it was actually him that was involved with the kissing situation then
 the Qur’an verses that Even posted would be directed at Yousef (and himself)
Hence the flame emoji thing in the SMS Roulette video
But Elias is the one that said that.
I highly doubt that when Even posted that stuff, he called Yousef out by name. So assuming the passages were just directed at Yousef and that’s what Elias was referencing with the flame emoji thing, that would mean Elias knows that Yousef is gay or that something happened between him and Even. Then that would mean Elias encouraged Sana to romantically pursue Yousef in Humble, while knowing he was gay, and intentionally fucking over his sister???? which is the exact opposite of everything we’ve seen with him????? It just doesn’t add up
I could see Yousef being bi or something and having a sexuality crisis in his Bakka days, because I truly believe he had feelings for Sana, and if he was bi, then that takes care of that.
I also don’t think Mikael is gay / LGBT+ because
he supposedly pushed Even away for being gay because he is religious
but he wears nail polish and kisses other boy’s hands and stuff like that
and in no way am I saying that because he does that stuff that makes him gay
But if Mikael is actually homophobic, or if he is actually gay and had internalized homophobia and issues with himself, I highly doubt in either situation he’d be too keen on doing traditionally gay things a lot
does that make sense?
I think that Yousef is the only Balloon Boy that knows Even tried to kill himself
Yousef seems to be the only one that is sad to see / hear bout Even
The others seem not affected, like Mikael in SMS Roulette, or upset / startled / angry, like Elias at the end of S4E5 etc.
Other people have pointed out that if he’s the only one that knows
Yousef must have been the one to find Even when he tried
Sonja’s Role
If I did the math right, her and Even started dating roughly around 2012, waayyy before the kissing incident with the Balloon Squad
As I talked about above somewhere, she claims Even memorized the Qur’an, “because at the time he thought it was a ‘good idea’”, and how that might not be entirely true because the line between mania and non-mania back then was so blurry
So did she know about the Mikael situation?
I feel like her role might be really important, because it was actually one of the most important roles in S3, but I don’t think we’d ever see Sana and Sonja interact, so maybe when we get the full story she will have something more to do with it.
Even’s Christmas Text
This is bolded because it’s my favorite theory I think. Who could it be? That little facial expression (timestamp: 5:09) was not in there for no reason, and like Julie said, she’s looking to throw us off.
Mikael: I don’t think it’s him. The second Mikael sees Even and Isak at the karaoke bar, he’s outta there faster than a green snake in a sugar cane field. He doesn’t seem too keen on acknowledging Even.
Sana: She might have texted him right before she walked in and told him not to worry, she wouldn’t say anything, or something along those lines. Again, possible, but not likely.
Yousef: Probable. Like I’ve said before, Yousef was probably upset to see that Sana brought him and Even together because he wasn’t ready. He seems like a very thoughtful person. After Sana asks him why he doesn’t believe in Allah, he doesn’t immediate respond. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts, and I feel like he would want to think over what he wants to say to his friend he hasn’t talked to in a year who tried to kill himself very carefully, (who wouldn’t) and what better way than a text he can write over and over again and revise it?
Sonja: Everything points to her, at least to me. After Isak texted her, maybe she felt she should say something directly to Even. This always seemed the most probable to me, but I am absolutely set on finding out what that was about, and like I said in the “Sonja’s Role” section, I don’t think we’ll see more of her. The only thing I could think of is if Even tells Sana that Sonja texted him, but I don’t see how that would be relevant to anything.
Season 4 Trailer Analysis
I’m not gonna go into what each action in the trailer means. People have already done that. But the new speculation: The Trailer Is In Reverse!!!
I’m going to refer to the original trailer as the original, and the edited one as the “forwards” one.
So, in the forwards trailer, Sana trips Noora and causes a chain reaction that ends with Even getting hurt (with a selfie stick = social media?) and Isak stays by his side.
But, in the original, it starts with Even gathering up his blood (clearing up his past?) and Isak helps him back on his feet.
It ends with Sana pulling Noora up.
In the forwards version, Sana makes a decision that causes people to get hurt, while in the original Sana fixes everything just like she’s done in all three past seasons.
Also, are the roles reversed? Even bleeds in the trailer, but Isak got punched. Sana tripped Noora but Sana got hurt when Noora kissed Yousef. So if Isak is actually Even and Sana is actually Noora, is Yousef actually Mikael (and Vilde falls for Eva?)
Sana’s Attitude Towards Vilde in S4 so far
Sana seems generally annoyed at her and is ready to snip at her
“your mom is not having a wine tasting party”
Sana won’t let her talk when they go to look at the bus
Sana tells the girls they are joining with Pepsi Max, and that they pay and she is the Bus Boss
This is Vilde’s reaction:
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She looks angry
But she says “sana’s the boss, she’ll fix it. Remember when she fixed the toilet paper situation (in S1)?”
This seems innocent, but I think it’s a challenge
Like “You can fix it... can’t you?”
Vilde is waiting for Sana to screw up so she can take over.
In S2, Vilde talks about how much she likes William, after she saw Noora kissing him
She does this because she’s trying to get Noora to tell her about it and get a reaction out of her
So isn’t she trying to get a reaction out of Sana too?
She’s also trying to get a rise out of Sana by talking about her and Magnus
In S4E1, before Sana walks in they are “casually talking bout different shades of blue”. Everyone stops, says hi, to her, and the Vilde pipes up and says, “anyway Magnus and I have sex all the time blahh blah blah”
In her mind, maybe what she wants to happen is Sana snaps and does something, Vilde will tell the Girl Squad she’s psycho (I could see her being like “I knew from the beginning and you guys didn’t listen to me”) and then she will be the new buss boss
Was Yousef going to kiss Sana at the end of “The Best of Islam”?
First off, I’d like to say props to Julie Andem for creating potentially the most pure relationship in television history. If Sana and Yousef do get together, I feel it is highly unlikely for them to kiss or anything, so this would be a relationship fueled by purely emotion, trust, and communication, and not on physical things (of course there’s the physical want we’ve seen from Sana’s side, but you know what I mean). I’m pretty sure no one wants to see her compromise her beliefs and have sex with Yousef or something stupid like that (like Noora did with William)
I think that he was going to kiss her
they seemed to have an entire conversation that we, the viewers, didn’t understand entirely just by looking at each other.
Yousef does this tiny little head nod (timestamp: 14:24) and leans forward a minute amount, and then Sana starts shaking her head.
Then, at 14:30 he rolls his eyes a little, and says, “No?” like he was asking to kiss her, she said no, and then he was like “why am I such an idiot, she obviously doesn’t like me if she deleted me on Facebook” etc.
This would also explain why he would kiss Noora
Sana + Noorhelm drama
Eva was the first one to know about William’s knew
Sana was the only one who wanted to tell Noora
She wanted to tell her because she’s trying to protect her friend
Just like she told Vilde William wasn’t interested in S1
Noora thought that was mean of Sana to be honest with Vilde
But Noora thought it was mean of Sana to not tell her?
SANA WAS LITERALLY ABOUT TO TELL NOORA AND THEN NOORA STARTED TALKING OVER HER. In “heartbreak”, (timestamp: 5:28) Sana takes a breath and says, “Du-” (you) and immediately gets cut off by Noora saying “oh my god, if I think about him with anyone else I’m going to break” or whatever
Maybe Noora will realize this and apologize to Sana right away and it will set up Noora being on Sana’s side when she finds out about Sana being kicked off the bus?
But maybe I’m just being optimistic
Yousef and Not Fighting
I feel like the reason he stayed behind was because he didn’t want to choose sides. If we’re sticking with the theory that he knew about about Even’s suicide attempt, but the others didn’t, then this makes sense. He didn’t want to choose sides. He wouldn’t want to go out there and fight with the Balloon Squad because he obviously still cares about Even and wouldn’t want to fight his friends. But he wouldn’t want to fight with the Boy Squad because then he’d have to explain why he stood up for Even to the Balloon boys, and tell them about the suicide attempt.
What was the fight about?
My original theory: before the clip came out, I saw the BTS pics and thought maybe Magnus finds out about the SMS roulette Nudes 4 Nudes thing and dukes it out when he sees Elias. This is probably not true now that we’ve seen the clip.
Obvious theory: Mikael or Mutta, the only two outside with the Boy Squad, started a fight because they didn’t like seeing Even in a homosexual relationship. Obvious. Too obvious. Especially because the girls in the bathroom think that's why it happened.
Other: Isak threw the first punch. As we see him walking away, we see him shaking his hand. Maybe because he was shaking off blood, maybe because he was shaking off pain?
Girls in the bathroom
Like I just said, Because they think that the fight was about Muslims Vs. Gays™ this is probably not true.
Sana can’t win. According to the girls, she’s too Muslim to be on the bus and be a good bus boss... but she’s not Muslim enough to be a good representation of Islam... like... what? That conversation upset me so much.
Did Vilde snake? Or is that just false rumors? I don’t think Noora knows, or Chris, but did Eva know that they were going to throw her off the bus? She looks uncomfortable when Sana and Noora approach them and the Pepsi Max girls. Assuming they didn’t know, will they stand by her? Will they take Pepsi Max’s side?
Noora’s motivation to kiss Yousef
1. Noora did not know about Sana’s feelings for Yousef. She had already expressed interest in him, and was lonely and upset and saw him and kissed him.
2. Noora did know about Sana’s feelings for Yousef, and she was upset at Sana and wanted to get back at her. Some think that Noora expressing interest in Yousef was actually her subtly asking about Sana’s feelings for him. This seems ooc to me, but who knows?
Yousef’s Motivation to kiss Noora
This is more complicated.
Perspective: He didn’t actually like Sana, and since we’re seeing things through her eyes, she made it up in her head. He is affectionate with his friends, so he would be affectionate towards her too. (This kinda makes sense, but my Yousana shipping heart refuses to believe it)
Mama Bakkoush told him to stay away. This seems like a possibility, like after she knows 100% that there is nothing to worry about, and then she texts Sana and is like “I trust you” etc. I just feel like every time we see a kid with a religious family, the parents are always portrayed as overbearing and suffocating, and I feel like Julie is gonna give us a new look at a religious poc mom that is actually a great mom, like most of what we’ve seen of her.
The most likely thing to me seems like he liked her, and then was upset because he opened up to her in S4E4, and then she put the Balloon Boys and Evak intentionally in the same place without warning him. Or Noora told him what Sana said about him being immature etc.
Season 4 Hiatus Trailer Analysis
Who is eating the carrot?
Assuming it’s Noora, the carrot represents Yousana. She destroys it.
Assuming it’s Sana, the carrot represents her feelings. Instead of “pulling it closer”, like Yousef suggests, she “pushes it away and looses control over it.” Her feelings eat her up, and she’s stuffing all her feelings inside.
It is Isak’s black eye, someone did a side by side comparison proving it’s him.
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Whose hair and whose hand?
Yousef running his hands through his hair?
Mikael running his hands through his hair?
Even running his hands through Mikael’s hair? (Pls no Julie)
It looks like a male hand, so not Noora and Yousef.
I think it’s Yousef. look at how he does it in “feel it coming”
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Sara’s Mouth.
She’s smiling... dos this mean she gets what she wants and Sana is actually thrown off the bus?
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Why the Russ bus is Important
It’s a symbol. Y’all are complaining that it’s getting too much screen time for something we won’t even get to see, but first of all, It’s what brought the girls together in the first place. But it’s also a symbol to Sana. It’s a symbol of her Norwegian identity. 
Vilde’s Character Development / Gay Vilde
Very few side characters have gone through development. It’s mainly only been
William through the second season.
We’ve also heard of Even’s development; he hated himself for wanting to kiss boys and now he’s comfortable with himself. We didn’t actually see that though, we only know him after he’s comfortable with himself.
One could make the argue Jonas had a little development, from Jonas “you only know gay songs” Noah Vasquez in S1 to Jonas “what’s up with you dissing gay people”  “he needs to break up with his girlfriend”  “straight up” Noah Vasquez in S3.
Vilde is the most complex non-main character we’ve ever had, but is there even time for a redemption arc?
When I first saw the gay Vilde theory, I thought it was just people on Tumblr doing their thing and head cannoning her as gay with only 1 questionable scene as evidence but upon further inspection....
The thing that sticks out to me most is the scene in S1 when Vilde is trying to get turned on when thinking about William, she says “nothing makesme horny”. Then in S2 when are the girls are sitting on the windowsil, Noora is texting so it’s only in some versions of the subtitles, but Vilde’s back at it again talking about Noora being a lesbian. And Vilde says “I’ve made out with Eva. The feelings that arise when you make out with a girl don’t necessarily mean you’re a lesbian.”  Eva replies, “What kind of feelings?”  To which Vilde responds “horny”.
This post does a nice job outlining it.
Sana’s Mirror and Foil
Even is Sana’s Mirror (click here if you don’t know what a mirror is, or here to see how Noora was Isak’s mirror in S3)
Even pulled away from Isak after Isak said “I don’t want mentally Ill people in my life”
Sana pulled away from Yousef after he said “I don’t believe in Allah”
Again, God bless Julie Andem, we get to see the perspective of both sides
Even’s struggle with his past vs. his future self, and we’ll probably see him find a great balance, Sana’s struggle with her Muslim self vs her Norwegian self, which again, we will hopefully see resolved.
Noora is Sana’s Foil (click here or here if you don’t know what a foil is)
She is the epitome of the typical Norwegian girl, what Sana thinks she is expected to be like, or what she wants to fit into. The girls in the bathroom saying “wow Noora’s so pretty” Noora kissing Sana’s love interest, etc. etc.
Evak is paralleling Yousana
Evak is the foil to Vildus
I will explain more of that in a later post I will make and link to it
Like I said, I’m working on it. It needs to be a whole separate post because this is already so long.
Figuring out who you are and who you want to be, rather than what others want you to be. In Season 1, when Eva tells Jonas that “his opinion meant more than her own, and that’s not okay.” The central theme of Season 1, reflected again in Season 3 with Isak struggling to fit in with his friends. This also seems to be making a comeback in Season 4, Sana struggling between her Muslim identity, her Norwegian identity, and her personality. She’s the kind of person who’s comfortable with who she is, but I think she has yet to find out who that is.
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
Learn to consider how other people think. Everyone has their reasons for what they do, not everyone will think the way you do, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Think back to Sana and Noora and the windowsill talk in Season 2, or in Season 3 when Sana tells Isak “can’t we just agree that there’s a lot between Heaven and Earth that none of us know anything about? Instead of sitting here criticizing my religion, just respect that we’ve chosen different beliefs.”
Alt er love
Predestination. In season 3, with all of the Christianity symbolism and talk of parrallel universes, we see that you can’t see the future. Every choice you make affects the possibilities for the future, so instead of worrying about what you did, and what might happen, just remember that
Life is Now.
Misunderstandings. Season 4. This is pretty self explanatory, and I’m extremely interested to see how his plays out.
Oh boy, here we go. The reason why the narrative only stays in one person’s perspective for a whole season is because that’s how we get immersed in the story. We don’t know more than they know, we are frustrated because we don’t know why that other person did that thing to the main. It makes everything more relatable, and hit closer to home. This ties into communication is key, this ties into misunderstandings, this ties into be yourself, this ties into Alt er love, this ties into be kind always. It teaches us that we can’t get into someone else head. We can’t make assumptions about other people. We won’t ever truly understand someone without seeing everything from their perspective.
So remember: Karma’s a bitch, be kind, always, alt er love, and life is... Now.
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skamfairy · 7 years
Skam season 4 theory - mega post
So for the past few hours all the lovely angels from the discord chat have been bouncing all our thoughts and theories around Until @newlevelofdesperate and I actually ended up with a pretty realistic theory as to how all this shit is really going to go down yo 
So get yourselves a nice cup of tea and settle in because this gets looooong
Mikael, Even and Yousef –  
It’s pretty evident that whatever went down in Bakka involved all three of these guys. But I feel like one of the most reasonable explanations here is that Mikael, Yousef and Even were friends. Really good friends. Possibly they knew each other since middle school (like Jonas and Isak) but then Yousef and Mikael began to become distant to Even and instead began to hung out with the balloon squad. Boys who are also involved in Islam. This, we then feel may have prompted Even to learn the Quran, as a desperate attempt to cling onto the friends he could only fear of losing. Of not wanting to be alone.
We then feel like this led him to do something during his mania that ostracised him completely from his school and everyone he knew. We can see from the youtube video that the balloon squad reacted to Even’s name like it was nothing but a joke and an exciting story to tell, which is how we feel everyone around Even treated it. While Mikael and Yousef didn’t have anything to do with the incident or with how people treated Even afterwards, they also didn’t do anything to help Even during the times he needed them either. And we think that is what is eating them both up. The guilt that they weren’t the kind of friends Even needed and left him at a time where he needed them more than ever. Yousef also seems a hell of a lot more emotionally affected by whatever Even did at Bakka, which is why we believe that Evens Bakka story is a lot more directed at Yousef than Mikael who we originally focused on in association with Even’s history. And this is why Yousef’s reaction to Even’s name in the youtube video was a lot more emotional than Mikaels and the boys (who weren’t really emotionally attached at all)
But then of course….what did he do?
Russ Buss
Russbuss has always been an important factor to Sana and is continuing to have an importance in her season and her need to prove that she can belong in both worlds, the one with her faith, and the one where she can participate in Norwegian culture and still be Sana. We feel like this could become a problem for her later on. Perhaps the girls eventually succumb to the russbuss previously known as Pepsi Max’s bus. And Sana is not allowed to join because of her faith.
This then made us think that maybe Even’s story connects with his russbuss too. Maybe russbuss is a much bigger theme than we ever thought. The thought came up that perhaps Even wanted to join the russ with his friends Mikael and Yousef, but wasn’t allowed because he isn’t muslim. Maybe that prompted him to learn the quaran? And maybe that is what led him to do something during his mania. Something to the buss perhaps? Just like Sana who is having trouble being a part of a russ because she’s muslim….maybe Even couldn’t join because he wasn’t? Maybe Even wanted so desperately to understand his friends and their religion but no one ever let him? And in doing so, they also failed to understand Even. It was also brought up in the discord chat that Even doesn’t seem like the russbuss type which we agree with, but it makes a lot of sense that Even would do anything to hang onto his friends and the people who he could always rely on (we have seen him do this with Sonja in s3) and when those things didn’t work, the concept of him saying, writing or doing things connected to this struggle during his mania makes even more sense. And to connect the current russbuss drama with the old would be an interesting reflection on both characters and stories.
Even and Sana Mirror
@heltchill brought up this idea that Even may actually be Sana’s mirror, which prompted another discussion on this theory.
We already talked about Even who could have experienced the same challenges that Sana might face this season with the russbus. While Even may have been left out for not being a Muslim , people keep reminding Sana that she doesn’t fit into the concept of the russbus. Mari’s reaction to Sana being a part of the russbuss was very surprised and a little offputting, while Sara made a point of referring herself and her group as superior because they are “normal Norwegian party girls” a comment that fuelled Sana to truly make this russbuss work. And then of course there is Elias, who warned Sana that she shouldn’t be on a russbus because she is a muslim girl. Yousefs reaction here is interesting as he seems annoyed by Elias’s words and he sends Sana a message later on where he encourages her to go for the russbus. This could also be a hint, that Yousef still feels guilty about Even and doesn’t want Sana (or anyone) else to face the kind of exclusion that Even may have faced. We also had a thought that maybe the reason this season parallels evak so much is because Even is actually Sana’s mirror? Julie wants us to feel all of the Even emotions again because his story actually mirrors Sana’s so much, we just need to pay attention to the signs. Maybe.
In regards to the trailer: The trailer made us all assume that the series of events happens in an order, because it was in slow motion each piece of the puzzle fell one at a time. But in reality they all happened extremely fast all at once like a domino effect. So instead of waiting for each story to fall, we should be expecting them all to fall at once. The last episode proves this, by each clip being the start of a separate storyline. Yousana, Noorhell mystery + Vilde and Magnus, Evak and Bakka story, and then the russbuss. So many storylines are beginning at once because when they all begin to turn into chaos that will happen at once too, with Sana standing in the middle trying to fix the chaos she instigated. The trailer we feel like could also be an indication of Even as Sana’s mirror as the chaos starts with her and ends with Even, but when reversed (which is how it was released) it starts with Even and ends with Sana. Which essentially means that Sana is on one side of the chain with Even on the other….just like a mirror. And thus he is probably the actual beginning of all the drama and not Noora, even though that is who we all have our eyes on at the moment, as she is brewing to a boil before our eyes. But then again it is all going to fallout simultaneously anyway.
I also wonder if Mikael’s part in this is maybe that he struggled to hold onto both worlds just like Sana may find difficult this season. Perhaps he wanted to connect deeper with people who share his faith while still being friends with Even? But when doing so he just ended up hurting Even and himself and maybe that will be his part in Sana’s story? Maybe Mikael will help her understand the balance she needs to have and the mistakes she could make.
Understood/misunderstood theme
As the theme misunderstood fits to pretty much everyone, this theme seems particularly fitting to not just Sana but also Even. We actually saw how much he was misunderstood back in S3 when he became manic. Its not unrealistic that he was misunderstood back at Bakka when he had an episode and those misunderstandings are coming back to him in this season probably at the same time as Sana is facing her challenges. We feel like the biggest theme here is that Sana continuously feels misunderstood, not just by people who don’t know her, but also by those who are meant to. And maybe the point is that we all want to be understood but how can anyone understand us if we don’t give them the chance and they aren’t willing to? Maybe the answer to find balance between two worlds is if one world can become keen to learn the other, while the other world reaches out and gives them the material to. Even was repeatedly misunderstood last season and possibly also at Bakka because he never gave anyone the chance to know him. To learn, he already had decided that no one could or would. And we think this mirrors exactly what Sana is doing here. We are all upset because the girls continue to say and do things that don’t exactly take her faith in consideration, but not once does Sana correct them. She never encourages them to know her and understand her, she has just assumed that it’s a lost course. So maybe this season will teach her and us that understanding is a two way street, and to find it you have to first let yourself to finally be open to becoming truly understood.
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