#ig theyre all preparing to migrate off to breed but ive never seen so many decked out in breeding plumage here
leopardsealz · 1 year
im so tired ive been up since 4:30 am but ive had a HELL of a day /pos
firstly saw a red deer then a red squirrel in the morning
then my dad & i went to the coast & sweet jesus the amount of action!!! there were great northern divers everywhere, most in full breeding plumage, some even calling!! there was a small group of male red-breasted mergansers displaying & then a huge flock of 350 common scoter, all packed tightly together
onto the next bay, yet more divers, mergansers & a kestrel. THEN out very far from the shore we saw a fucking MINKE WHALE surface a couple times!!!!
on a little further: dozens of rafting manx shearwaters, ive never seen them raft before!! it was flat calm so not enough wind for their liking. THEN 3 whole harbour porpoises feeding for about an hour among the shearwaters & i even saw them logging on the surface, again never seen that behaviour irl. THEN. ANOTHER FUCKING MINKE WHALE. THATS 2 WHALES IN 1 DAY
other people i know saw jumping sea bass, common dolphins & BASKING SHARKS in the bay today so HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT A DAY /POS
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