blackbirdprince · 9 years
i only stayed up a few times but it was soo exhausting and today was really nice. Doesn't even matter that i did absolutely nothing today other than sitting in front of the computer :D Darren is definitely worth it, always :)
I stayed up (accidently) for the Tony awards when I had to wake up at 6 am. I went through a day with two hour sleep, I still don’t know if it was worth it or not, but today was so so nice. I basically just sat in my bed with a laptop on my lap, dying from the heat and it still worth it :)
Also I am not fool myself I probably still would have been online, I think I sold my soul to this website already
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edsgrammy-blog · 9 years
hi friend!
Hurricane - Panic! At The Disco 
Hey! Hey! We are a hurricane! / Drop our anchors in a storm.
put a "
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ygracha · 9 years
*hugs you super tight* pass this on to the first ten people on your dash to keep it going, we all sorta need this right now
*hugs you back* u r sweetheart
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I’ve been tagged!  
Rule One : Post the Rules
Rule Two: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make eleven new ones.
Rule Three: Tag eleven people 
Rule Four: Let the tagged know they’ve been tagged
what i’ve been asked:
1.Favourite actress?
uhm...yep...thats a good question...I have no idea...
2.Favourite actor?
Darren Criss and Chris Colfer :3
3.Do you have a lot of friends?
hmm...not that much, but I love everysingle one of them ;)
4.What would you do if your favourite celebrity moved in with you?
D and I would get dirty and love explosion and I'd need a new bed ......... I'd say hi :)
5.Favourite song (at the moment)?
Words and Once Upon A Time- Darren Criss or Little Things-One Direction
6.Movies or books? Books....always books. I love books.
7.Whos you best tumblr friend? uhm...not really tumblr friend because we talk on twitter or fb more, but I'd have to say klainefever .
8.Single or taken? In a relationship with Darren Criss, even though we never met before and he has no idea that I exist ;))
9.If you could wish you anything right now,what would it be?
money and the 'yes' from my mum so I can visit klainefever
10.Favourite ice cream flavour?
11.If you should kill one character from your favourite show/movie,who would it be?
someone from the newbies at glee....and I'm not even sorry.
My questions:
1. OTP?
2. Why Do You Love Your OTP?
3. Celebrity Crush?
4. Tumblr Crush?
5.  One Random Fact About Yourself?
6. Favorite Musical?
7. Favorite Headcanon (OTP)?
8. Favorite Book?
9. Favorite Fandom?
10. What is on your wall?
11. If you'd rule the world for one day...what would you do?
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twoidiotsinl0ve · 11 years
Welcome new FOLLOWERS - Welcome to my blog!
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 Ahora te sigue hestherewithme. ¡Al fin!
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  Ahora te sigue totalklainegeek. ¡Toma!
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 Ahora te sigue gleeksusedtorulethisplace. ¡Mira tú por dónde!
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 Ahora te sigue lilah111. ¡Genial!
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 Ahora te sigue indecisivethinkingalien. ¡Viva!
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 Ahora te sigue ilovechriscriss. ¡Yuju!
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 Ahora te sigue elisahpstarkid. ¡No me lo creo! 
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  Ahora te sigue emancipateyourselves. ^_^
Links to my tags! (click Chris') 
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY :))) i hope you have a great day & that all your bday wishes come true :))
AWWWW thank youuuu! :)) xxx
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nellie12-blog · 12 years
omg yaaaay you updated ride again :)) thank you :)) you have no idea how much i love this story :)) xx
:D glad to hear it. Chandler is going to kiss Kurt when he doesn't expect it next chapter 
lol no I'm kidding lol
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lovemesomebagels · 12 years
hey :)) i just started reading your fanfic dedication :) (well i kinda read the 11 chapters in a row but whatever) and i Lovee it :)) i really love it , you are a really good writer :)) and i wanted to ask when you'll update the next chapter? :) xx
Aw thanks, sweetie! :D Glad you're enjoying it.
That can be answered in my FAQ. :) I updated PL last, so Dedication is next. Apart from that, I don't have a time frame.
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blackbirdprince · 9 years
haha same here :D I was soo glad that i could finally watch a livestream where i didn't have to get up in the middle of the night :D
I was always too lazy to get up in the middle of the night. I either stayed up, shich didn’t happen a lot, or just watched it the next day. 
It felt really great to be able to sit down and watch the whole thing. (and not to worry about if it get recorded or not)
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blackbirdprince · 9 years
ilovechriscriss replied to your post:I basically spent the whole day watching Darren...
haha same :D
Glad I am not the only one :D
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well in honour of fanfic writer appreciation day i just wanted to THANK YOU again for writing the most awesome fanfic ever: Sideways and of course Anywhere but here ;) i don't have to tell you how much i love the story and how talented you are. SO THANK YOU again :) you are amazing :) xx
Thank you soooo much! I'm so glad you liked it and thank you for the encouraging messages while I was writing it, it means a lot to me! Thank youuu! :D xxx
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nellie12-blog · 12 years
omg i started ride today and i am so in love with this story :)) omg it's soooo good, you are such a talented writer :)) LOVE IT :)) all your fics are amazing ;) xx
Thank you so much! Much love!
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nellie12-blog · 12 years
oh okay, thanks for the info ;)i guess i'll start reading ride then ;)
I forgot what our conversation was about lol. But I hope you like sweetie
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