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littlecrittereli · 1 month
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homedevises · 5 years
The Cheapest Way To Earn Your Free Ticket To Garden Of Eden Egypt | garden of eden egypt
As the infamously abstract theorist and columnist Kranz Kafka already said, “man cannot alive after a abiding assurance in article abiding in himself, and at the aforementioned time that abiding article as able-bodied as his assurance in it may abide assuredly buried from him.” Kafka’s activity was bedeviled by a claimed action with Absurdism, bent amid compassionate the animal will and apperception to be inherently anemic and limited, and a ambitious but abridged accepting in an incomprehensible abstruse force active the apple and anybody in it.
Garden Of Eden And Its Four Rivers – Possible Locations Of Biblical … – garden of eden egypt | garden of eden egypt
It is this dichotomy that characterizes the Jewish account about the yetzer hara and yetzer hatov, the angry and acceptable inclinations, respectively. While Kafka’s activity and writings may arise bizarre at a glance, at a afterpiece attending they reflect a accustomed attempt to butt a accepting that at times seems logical, simple, and accepting, and at added times appears to abide aloft comprehension.
This is what the Jews accomplished aback they sinned with the aureate dogie by Mount Sinai in this week’s parsha, Ki Tisa.
It can be speculated that this attempt to accept how attributes and G-d are one and the aforementioned predates to the sin in the Garden of Eden, during which Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Ability afore the Tree of Life, thereby anon accepting one blazon of ability afore actuality able by the latter. (Ovadia, 2) Having this compassionate of animal limitations and G-dly beyond should not serve as a dupe to alibi bodies from accepting albatross for their actions, however. The purpose of it should be to abide affectionate to oneself, as it is bright from abounding instances in the Torah, accurately the sin of the aureate calf, that all bodies acquaintance agnate fears, insecurities, and hopes, and attempt to accept activity and the apparatus of the universe.
The Garden of Eden in Egypt? Part 25 Neo Genesis Doctrinam – YouTube – garden of eden egypt | garden of eden egypt
In Kafka’s piece, Metamorphosis, the capital appearance awakens one day to ascertain that he is trapped in the anatomy of a cockroach, and while he tries to resume his circadian accustomed life, finds himself consistently actuality befuddled aback into bed, confined in a aberrant body, and bound in a allowance by a ancestors who continues to ambit themselves from him. In The Trial, the advocate is arrested for a abomination that is appear neither to the characters in the book nor to the reader, authoritative it absurd to abstain his approaching execution. The Alcazar is additionally a Kafka adventure that follows a agnate theme: the capital appearance is summoned to a alcazar for an arrangement of sorts, the purpose of which is never appear to him, and all the characters he meets aural the alcazar walls accurate agnate predicaments.   
Many of Kafka’s works, including others not mentioned above, are about “a narrator who’s not in ascendancy of his own afterlife and is launched into a all-inclusive and ambiguous apple that he does not understand.” (Roth, “Franz Kafka: The 20th Century’s Realest Surrealist,” p. 2) This is the body of animal attributes and what the Torah tries to achieve through its academy of laws and teachings—to accompany us alike a atom afterpiece to authoritative faculty out of a apple that seems humanistically subjective, ambiguous in meaning, and endlessly confounding.
This draws the catechism as to how abundant of our alone identities accord to us and how abundant are after-effects of our acceptable and angry inclinations’ reactions to experiences? Does our low akin of bureau serve as a cogent active force in the admirable arrangement of things?
Garden Of Eden | Garden of Eden | Garden of Eden | Garden of eden … – garden of eden egypt | garden of eden egypt
Similar to the obscurity with which Kafka describes his characters’ behaviors and thoughts in his writings, there is no beeline answer.
Even aback it was bright that G-d was giving Moses the Ten Commandments and that Moses would acknowledgment bottomward momentarily, the achievement of the Jews still waned with the continued casual of time, and they sinned because of their attempt to assurance in the process. Aback they saw that it had been a while back Moses ascended the mountain, “the bodies aggregate adjoin Aaron and said to him, “come, accomplish us a god who shall go afore us, for than man Moses, who brought us from the acreage of Egypt—we do not apperceive what has happened to him.” (Exodus 32:1)
Instead of artlessly critiquing their abridgement of accepting in article that seemed so obvious, we can use this instance to reflect on the animal anima and its accessory vices. It is abating to apperceive that bodies attempt with this abstraction at all altered levels of observance, alike those who were at the bottom of the abundance area G-d’s attendance rested!
The Biblical Garden of Eden – garden of eden egypt | garden of eden egypt
Similar to Kafka’s grievances, as able-bodied as those in this week’s parsha, we are all in somewhat of an character crisis, which can be advised through the lens of the acceptable and angry inclinations—both are active armament stemming from a admiration to abound afterpiece to G-d in some accommodation (Likutei Amarim, 26).
Kafka describes his bare acknowledgment to adoration as a adolescent as actuality an “insignificant atom of Judaism” that he disdained; however, accouterment his acknowledgment after in life, cogent a affection for Judaism, Zionism, and a admiration to move to Israel with his backward adulation interest, an Orthodox Jewish woman.It says in Psalms, “Cast your accountability on the Lord, and He will buck you; He shall never acquiesce a angelic man to falter” (Psalms, 55:23). This encouragement, in affiliation with an accomplishment to abound abutting to G-d by celebratory Jewish practices, is the best we can do with our bound compassionate of the world, as Kafka grapples with abounding a time.
Kafka describes his bare acknowledgment to adoration as a adolescent as actuality an “insignificant atom of Judaism” that he disdained; however, accouterment his acknowledgment after in life, cogent a affection for Judaism, Zionism, and a admiration to move to Israel with his backward adulation interest, an Orthodox Jewish woman. Anybody is able of change, and repentance, which is what is so admirable about the world. Alike the Jews who aboveboard abandoned G-d and complete an idol appropriate below area Moses was transcribing the chat of G-d, were able to do teshuvah, and repent. Similarly, we should booty this as a assignment about the connected befalling for claimed advance that the apple presents us with.
Genesis: The Story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden … – garden of eden egypt | garden of eden egypt
The best way to access repentance, then, should be accepting that oftentimes the accurate acceptation of contest is “not credible and arresting to bitter eyes, for it stems from the “hidden (spiritual) world,” which is college than the “revealed (spiritual) world” and appear to accord with the abstraction of our disability to appreciate aggregate based on our bound animal perspectives, as Kafka so generally writes of (Likutei Amaraim, 26).
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alanajacksontx · 5 years
Understanding 14 types of backlinks – ideal SEO boosters + those to avoid
For better or worse, search engines judge your website by the company it keeps.
This is why establishing backlinks with popular and authoritative sites plays an outsized role in whether your SEO sinks or swims: your placement on search engine results pages (SERPs) is heavily, heavily influenced by the quantity and quality of backlinks to your site. And while most types of backlinks bolster a site’s reputation and rankings (albeit to varying degrees), others can hamper your SEO efforts.
Three key variables determine the value that a backlink contributes to your site: 1) the recognized quality and authority of the linking site, 2) whether the linking site encodes the link with “do follow” status (providing full SEO value to the link), and 3) the link’s location on the website. In short, links from respected websites, set to “do follow” status, and posted within the site’s main body content will deliver the greatest value from an SEO perspective.
Here are 14 different types of backlinks, ranging from the most beneficial to those you’re better off steering clear from:
Backlinks Most Advantageous to SEO
1) Editorial backlinks
Editorial mentions that refer to your site – and include a link placed within relevant, high-quality content – make for the ideal backlink. Commonly, editorial backlinks are created when your own content is cited as the source of specific information (such as an article or infographic), when a company representative is quoted or interviewed, or when your site is included in a link roundup on a particular topic.
To attract editorial backlinks, create evergreen content that demonstrates your status as a thought leader, such that your site and your brand earn acclaim as a go-to resource for interviews and industry insight. Create engaging, shareable content that has the legs to go viral. To build out your content strategy, leverage SEO tools capable of recognizing popular keywords and topics that competitors have been successful with – but your site has yet to cover.
2) Guest blogging backlinks
When providing well-established sites with guest posts, it’s often possible to include an editorial backlink to your own site. Practicing guest blogging outreach to solicit valuable sites for these opportunities should be a key piece of just about any SEO strategy.
3) Backlinks in business profiles
Creating digital profiles for your brand on business listing sites, social media, industry directories, and review sites most often comes with the opportunity to post a backlink (or a few). Search engines view these entries as evidence that a site is well established.
4) Backlinks from webinars
Webinars (and recordings of them) offer particularly valuable content for sites to link to. Sites will often embed webinars in their own pages along with a link and mention of your brand as well. Use tactics similar to blog promotion to achieve these backlinks: sites you target for guest blogging may also want to add your webinar as a resource.
5) Free-tool backlinks
Offering a valuable tool – for free – is another strong method of earning both attention and backlinks that have a deep and long-lasting impact on SEO. This can mean creating a simple-but-useful asset, such as a cost calculator valuable to those in your industry, or providing a lite version of a paid tool you offer. To encourage backlinks, promote the tool with sites that have a similar audience to your own (using SEO tools to uncover them), as well as your guest blogging site targets.
Other SEO-Boosting Backlinks
6) Acknowledgment backlinks
Sites often publish acknowledgements when a brand makes a donation, or has a representative speaking at or sponsoring an industry event, etc. SEO tools that recognize where your competitors earn their backlinks can help you identify and strategize around potential opportunities for earning your own acknowledgements as well.
7) Guest post bio backlinks
If a site that accepts guest blogging doesn’t allow backlinks within the content, it usually will do so within the author’s bio. Even when outside of editorial content, these backlinks still have a positive impact on SEO.
8) Badge backlinks
One clever technique for establishing backlinks is to come up with a badge to award to other brands as recognition for their status or achievement in some capacity. When those sites proudly post the badge on their sites, you get a link back to your own. Again, you’ll want to make deft use of SEO tools to recognize sites with similar audiences to yours, in order to determine targets for your badge program.
9) Backlinks derived from press releases (on topics worthy of media interest)
When your brand has a newsworthy announcement to make, putting out a press release can serve as a foundation for your PR and marketing tactics, while also producing backlinks from publications that cover the announcement and the published release itself.
10) Comment backlinks
Posting genuine and relevant commentary on content – and including a backlink – is usually acceptable if it adds value to the conversation. However, if executed in a spammy manner, this technique can end up having negative effect on your reputation with search engines. Be careful not to overdo it.
Types of Backlinks to Avoid
11) Paid Links
Search engines are built to assess your site’s value based on its genuine, earned popularity with other sites. Google warns that buying and selling links can negatively affect a site’s placements in search rankings. When you buy links in pursuit of an SEO advantage, you don’t get what you pay for.
12) Backlinks in press releases that are not newsworthy
Creating press releases solely for the sake of producing backlinks is a spammy practice, which may have a negative effect on SEO.
13) Low-quality or irrelevant directory links
Creating profiles in directories that aren’t trustworthy and respected (or in those that simply aren’t related to your brand) can be viewed as spam and harm your SEO efforts.
14) Low-quality forum backlinks
Forum posts by your brand – and especially any that include backlinks – should be limited to high-quality forums and genuine discussions. Attempts to spam links on these venues may have an effect opposite to what is intended.
Kim Kosaka is Director of Marketing at Alexa.com, whose tools provide insight into digital behavior that marketers use to better understand and win over their audience.
The post Understanding 14 types of backlinks – ideal SEO boosters + those to avoid appeared first on Search Engine Watch.
from IM Tips And Tricks https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/12/19/understanding-types-backlinks/116431/ from Rising Phoenix SEO https://risingphxseo.tumblr.com/post/181269882485
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kellykperez · 7 years
Five most interesting search marketing news stories of the week
Welcome to our weekly round-up of all the latest news and research from the world of search marketing and beyond.
This week, we follow up on the launch of Google’s new ad label to ask how it will impact marketers, and look at attempts by Google’s tech incubator Jigsaw to clean up language on the internet.
Plus, a new study has revealed that 63% of top-ranking websites use keywords in their URL, and Bing has a new function that allows you to filter restaurants by Pokéstop.
How will Google’s new ‘Ad’ label impact marketers?
In last week’s round-up we reported that after some testing, Google has officially rolled out a new look for its ad labels on the SERP. But the question on everyone’s lips is: how will this affect marketing campaigns?
Clark Boyd took a detailed look at the possible implications of the chance for Search Engine Watch this week, including considering why Google has chosen to change the look of the ad labels, the impact it will have on paid search CTR, and the possible effect on organic search.
Google’s Jigsaw aims to increase the quality of online conversations
Jigsaw, the technology incubator formerly known as Google Ideas, has launched an API which aims to rid the web of bad comments.
Called Perspective, the API “uses machine learning models to score the perceived impact a comment might have on a conversation” and can be used to identify and filter out comments that are likely to be “toxic.” When fed the content of a comment, the API will give a percentage rating as to how similar it is to “toxic” comments.
Perspective uses machine learning models to determine the likelihood of a comment being toxic.
Needless to say there has been some skepticism over how well this model can work, but it’s already being tested out by a number of prominent publishers, including the likes of the New York Times, the Guardian and Wikipedia. Al Roberts took a look at the issue for ClickZ, and considered whether a human issue like online abuse can really be solved by machines.
Google’s DeepMind app is saving NHS nurses two hours a day
There was significant controversy surrounding DeepMind, the Artificial Intelligence arm of Google, last November when it was revealed to be at the center of a massive data-sharing agreement involving the medical information of more than 1.6 million patients.
But the NHS Royal Free London Hospital, which is trialing an app by DeepMind designed to detect early signs of kidney failure, has spoken out in defense of the technology and revealed that it is saving nurses up to two hours every day.
The logo for Streams, the real-time health information app by DeepMind.
Wired UK reported that more than 26 doctors and nurses at Royal Free are using the app, which is “alerting” them up to 11 times per day of patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI). According to NHS figures, acute kidney disease costs them more than £1 billion every year – although it’s unknown how much the NHS is paying DeepMind for the use of its technology.
“Within a few weeks of being introduced, nurses who have been using Streams report it has been saving them up to two hours every day, which means they can spend more time face-to-face with patients,” the hospital said in a statement.
Study: 63% of top-ranking websites use keywords in their URL
How beneficial is it to have keywords in your domain URL? There has been little definitive information to answer this question over the years. Matt Cutts and John Mueller, both of Google, have previously gone on record (one in 2009, and the other in 2016) to state that keywords do make some contribution to search ranking.
But what does this look like in practice, and how does it vary across different industries? A study by HigherVisibility, shared exclusively with Search Engine Watch, set out to answer this very question, analyzing the top ranking websites for various keywords across ten major industries.
The study found that nearly two-thirds (63%) of top-ranked websites use keywords in their domain URL. Of the industries studied, the debt industry had the highest incidence of keywords in domain URLs with 76%, while email marketing had the lowest, with 47%. Read the full write-up and analysis of the findings.
Bing lets you filter restaurants by Pokéstop
What are the qualities of the ideal restaurant? Good food, ambiance…. nearby Pokéstop? If you would pick the last of these, you’re in luck, because Bing now allows you to filter restaurants by whether or not they have a Pokéstop nearby.
The SEM Post’s Jennifer Slegg was the one to notice the change, which hasn’t been publicized by Bing in any way. So far the feature is only available in US search, but it could be a boost for some businesses. Wired reported in September 2016 that one in 10 US smartphone users were still playing the game, and a slew of new Pokémon have been introduced since then. Maybe now would be a good time to splurge on a lure or two.
from IM Tips And Tricks https://searchenginewatch.com/2017/03/03/five-most-interesting-search-marketing-news-stories-of-the-week-14/
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