#im sorry about whatever i did that made you unfollow me :( of course I won’t ask you to follow me again bc i think that would be shallow
justmwahstruly · 1 month
Hold isa/POS (I miss my wife/j)
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hey dottyyyyy
i hope this looks okay enough shjdsbjhdjbfd I just doodled it real fast i don’t feel too great rn but i hope this isn’t awful
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“Tumblr Cultings” another Shitpost fic.
Hisoka is a ~~Tumblr Influencer~~ and decides to start drama. 1334 Words. 
fanfiction.net link
Click. Clack. Click. Hisokas nails tapped quickly against his phone screen. "Tonight it's going down. I have had e-nough of a certain person here, and all of you deserve to know who and why! ~ ♠️ " Post. He didn't have to wait long before the familiar pings and blops of instant messages and questions asked to his blog started.
Anonymous: Who is it?? (≧▽≦) So excited to see you tear someone a new one!! IM from cutiepanther: where do u even get your info from lol?. IM from chaineddown: I Thought You Were Done Creating Drama For Attention. 
Hisoka snickers to himself, lazily grabbing another whiteclaw from the fridge, before retreating to his bedroom desk. He takes a first sip of his drink while opening his laptop, and quickly going on tumblr.com once it has finished setting up. @Bubblegumbitch, 20.879 followers. 7.344 posts. 27 new asks, 7 new IMs. With a satisfied sigh, the popular blogger sets down his can, and cracks his knuckles.
YouTube Influencers make a lot of money through ad-revenue. Instagram influencers hold themselves over water with sponsorships. And though Hisoka did hold a platform on both of these as well, he preferred the more traditional customs of the blogging site. You don't get paid for having a lot of followers, or making popular posts, and sponsorships are almost entirely unheard of.  But he wasn't in it for the money anyway. The drama was far more alluring. Hisoka had made his starts as a "Tumblr influencer" through creating blog layouts, masterposts of custom themes, and the occasional "funny" post, which was usually just him vagueing about someone that pissed him off that day. His first call-out post he wrote at 7k followers, calling out a far bigger blogger than he is for stealing codes for their theme and for kinning a character from a TV show that has generally been frowned upon on Tumblr for being "atrocious and a bad influence". No one likes to admit it, but everyone loves a little drama, don't they? To see someone else's dirty laundry aired out, the relief that it isn't their own, the community effort of shutting someone out of their reigns for one simple post. A satisfied Huff escapes Hisoka as he dwells in this lovely memory. Time to make a new one.
"CALLOUT POST for @spidershead13 I can't believe I would ever have to do this for someone like him, but Chrollo has definitely pushed it too far~. Definitely don't harrass him, just unfollow and block his sorry ass!~ ♣️ ."
Excitiment starts to bubble under Hisokas skin. In truth, of course, Chrollo did nothing horribly wrong, nothing at least that Hisoka could proof. But everyone likes good drama between popular blogs that follow different themes. If this post could rile him up enough to write a callout post for Hisoka in return- Blop. IM from porcelaincat: Hisoka. Oh no, the fun police. Bubblegumbitch: Yeeeees?~ ♥️ Porcelaincat: Are you not too old to start petty fights online? Bubblegumbitch: OUCH. ♠️ Bubblegumbitch: I stay young at heart, dear.~ Porcelaincat: 1) Gross. 2). Who are you bullying this time? Bubblegumbitch: Chrollo @spiderhead13 :o) Porcelaincat: I am surprised, I honestly did not take you for that stupid. My fault.
Ouch. Illumi never cared if he was hurting feelings. Maybe he should write the call-out post about Hisoka. Though Hisoka doesn't have any viable dirt on him, not yet at least, not until he finds that porn blog that hes SURE Illumi has hidden away somewhere. Whatever, fuck that guy and his voice of reason. Hisoka takes another gulp of his whiteclaw, and goes back to typing.
"It has come to my attention, that multiple people have had the same unpleasant experience with Chrollo, something you cannot let slide so easily~." 
(Multiple people meaning one fake blog that he himself created to write himself IM messages "receipts".)
"In the following screenshots, one person tells me about how Chrollo tried to convince them to come visit him in Newyork and joins his 'church'! That's right, the guys a cult leader, trying to lure in more people from here!~ (Blogname in the Screenshots is blacked out for anonymitys sake ofc)."
Was he going too far, trying to convince everyone that Chrollo was a Cult leader probably out to harvest their organs? Or was he not going far enough
"Not sure what everyone was expecting of a goth blog like his, posting all that ~deep~ and ~brooding~ stuff, but pleeaaaseee stay clear of him now, don't let yourselves get pulled into some scary cult bs~ ♦️ .
#callout #calloutpost #internetbloodsports #cult. "
And post. Hisoka spins excitedly in his chair, self satisfied with his own hubris.  Immediately more blops and pings storm in. Anonymous: I knew chrollo was a weirdo, mayor bad vibes ಠωಠ Anonymous: thank you for talking about this, honestly scary!!!!! Spiderslegtostandon: What is your damage? Hisoka chuckles. Now only to wait for- IM from spidershead13: Hello. Chrollos timing was as usual, perfect. Bubblegumbitch: Why hello~~~~ ♠️ Spidershead13: I believe we need to talk about whatever that post was. Hisoka glances at the notes, a steady stream of likes and reblogs flowing in. Damage control is gonna be hard for the opposing side.
Bubblegumbitch: Sorry, I believe I'm just warning the people about you~. Didn't take you for such a dangerous guy :o( Spidershead13: Can you give me the @ of the person sending you those messages? Obviously they must have gotten something wrong. I'd never Invite just anyone to come over here, and I'd also never force my beliefs on anyone. Bubblegumbitch: Sorry, no can do. Who says you're not going to doxx em~. ♠️ I don't want to be responsible for putting someone in danger more than they already are~.
The influencer was now just leaning back in his chair, taking in a cool nights-breeze flowing in from the window. Was Chrollo mad? He's sure he'd want to punch him right now. What will he start Hisokas call-out with? Who would people believe more? It was all so exciting.
Spidershead13: Hisoka, this is nothing to joke about. I don't want to loose the trust of my community. I want to clear my name. Bubblegumbitch: if you can proof that I, or my informant has lied, I won't stop you from trying.~ ♣️ Spidershead13: Is this another childish game to you? Bubblegumbitch: A game? I take public safety extremely serious!~ :o(
No reply for 10 minutes. Hisoka bites his bottomlip, basking in the excitement of the unknown next moves of Chrollo. He was unpredictable, and thats what made him fun to toy with. If he was simply out to ruin someone's blogging experience, he could have cherry picked any one popular blog, dig long enough for dirt, and run them off the site in less than 2 hours. But that's predictable, that's normal, where's the fun in that?
Ping. Anonymous: Where's the Call-out?? Did you bitch out? Huh? Anonymous: did you delete the post? Was about to forward it to some friends who r mutuals with chrollo Pardon? Hisoka check his blog, and behold- The post is gone. Wooshed away, as the site itself would annoyingly proclaim. Did the site glitch out and delete it? Is it simply not displaying the post? 
Spidershead13: So you did fake those screenshots, I assume. The URL in your IMs leads to an empty blog with the same IP address as you Spidershead13: I did not take you for someone who'd stoop that low. Bubblegumbitch: Hahaha what did you DO?~ ♠️  ♠️ ♠️ ♠️ ♠️ Spidershead13: Had a friend of mine 'check' your blog. He was also nice enough to delete the post for you already.
Hisoka blinks. Once. Then twice. He's been hacked. This was going even better than he had anticipated. Quickly he screenshots the conversation, before hitting "New Textpost". " !!!I'VE BEEN HACKED BY @SPIDERSHEAD13!!!! [Screenshot] #callout #callout post #internbloodsports #hacker"
Ping. Blop. Blop. Blop. Ping. This was going to be a long, delicious night.
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This is an INDEPENDENT MULTI MUSE RP blog for the characters of shows such as Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Supergirl and the Disney Move Descendants, the characters of this blog include; A human/AI personification of Gideon, Leonard and Lisa Snart, Mick Rory, Axel Walker, Hartley Rathaway, Kara Danvers,Winn Schott Jr, Harry Hook and Isabelle (Tinkerbells daughter)
      Both mun and my muses are of legal age (mun is 24+, while muses are canon age ), however in a few verses my muses are underage so there will be no NSFW whatsoever. I find it very difficult to interact with child characters so will rarely ever accept a thread if the muse is under sixteen unless it is due to a meme. 
      Penname is Amy, I use she/her pronouns. I live in Britain so am on the GMT timezone (I think it’s GMT +1 but I’m useless with this stuff so I’m sorry if I’m wrong)
        My blog usually states that I am Semi-Hiatus, this is because I am usually either in work, babysitting my sister or just don’t have the energy to write. When I do have the chance to write then usually I will write everything and then post them slowly or queue them all depending on how I feel about a thread at that time.
         A lot of my icons are made by myself, I am currently redoing a number of them for some characters but have some 100x100px ones under icon edits that I made available to people to edit themselves if they so wish. The icons that weren’t made by myself are my Kara icons (unfortunately I can’t find who to credit for them)
          I’ll be the first to admit that I post A LOT of ooc stuff (I usually delete it because it’s just to clear my mind), if you don’t want to see it then ((out of snark: ooc)) is my tag so blacklist it.
         I was a media student for four years and in those four years I studied about five creative writing courses that drilled into me the need for character building so OC’s are difficult for me to get my head around.
       After deliberation I have decided to make the blog a mutuals only blog.
       I am OC friendly, but my muses need to ‘click’ with the characters because otherwise it would be forced and it will be bad for both of us, I WILL NOT interact with characters that are product of incest, and I will not interact with characters that are all powerful with very little thought put into them to balance it out. 
       I don’t follow personal blogs and if someone follows me, I sometimes block them if there is no indication that they are an rp blog or have a sideblog so please be careful with following me; at least let me know via IM if you have a side blog.
        Cutting posts is difficult for me when I am on mobile so I apologise in advance. If I am on mobile then I will either tag it, or I will warn you in advance.
         I will very rarely do about the mun posts, if they interest me then I’ll do them but sometimes I just haven’t got the time to do them.
          This blog is canon divergent the majority of the time, I will do threads that follow series two of Legends if it’s requested but otherwise it my threads will remain canon divergent, the main differences are:
           Leonard is alive, he did die to begin with but he was just sent through time and awoke in Central City not long after the invasion.
           Kendra and Carter did leave and the crew were scattered but for how long is unclear so Nate was required to join and Amaya joined because of Thawne
            To Gideon, Sara was NEVER Captain, she may have been co-captain but Rip is always her Captain, she will never go against him, and she would never hide anything from him if it meant that harm would befall someone on the crew, or something could cause the mission to go wrong.
Flash differences:
           Axel only stayed in jail for a small amount of time due to ‘good behaviour’ but he is also weary about Jesse’s claims to him being the Tricksters heir
           Hartley isn’t a good guy although he’s not a bad guy either, he’s a Rogue for hire
Supergirl differences:
           Kara isn’t in a relationship with Mon-El UNLESS STATED!! same with Winn and Lya.
MY VERSES ARE OPEN, I usually end up creating a new one every week so feel free to give me a reason to keep them
         So as I’ve said, I’m a multi-muse blog, a lot of people are put off by this I know, but it’s easier for me if I have one blog rather than a number of sideblogs because I have tried that once before and it didn’t work.
         If you want to send a meme then please, please, PLEASE, state the character you want, I have TEN muses so it becomes extremely difficult to choose who to answer with and not everyone is happy with my choice.
          I will try and add a character when I send a meme but in all honesty, I do forget from time to time.
          Each of my muses are different, and I play them differently; however their backgrounds remain the same, if you aren’t happy with how I play my characters then you can leave my blog, simple as that.
           Please tag your stuff, it’s not triggering to me, however I know a number of things can be triggering to my own followers and it will be easier for me as I am never completely sure about what to tag and what not to tag.             Never EVER godmod unless you have my permission, I dislike it greatly when someone decides my character is going to do something in their reply and actually writes them doing it. My characters are my own and even if you portray them somewhere else, we have separate minds. I will ALWAYS ask before directing your muse somewhere if out PLOT called for it.
              Due to being on mobile a lot, I am unable to reblog asks as threads without difficulty, so please make a new thread for it. You don’t have to link it to the ask, a title works perfectly. THREAD RULES
          I’m comfortable doing one liners, but they will sooner or later be turned into paragraphs and maybe even multiparagraphs (I’ve gone from one to six in two replies before now).
            I will use icons from time to time, I usually prefer beginning a new thread (particularly with someone new) with an icon but after a few replies they tend to be lost. Sometimes I’ll use gifs too but not always and don’t worry about using them yourself.
           I will happily add characters to our threads if needed, I don’t mind playing other CW or Disney characters, plus it gives me more inspiration and may result in more characters on my crew. HOWEVER, please, if you want to add characters, write them as well, don’t leave it all to me. NSFW AND SEXUALITY
           I’m a bit grey when it comes to the area of smut, I won’t write sex……..but describing situations for my characters I can do if it means teasing my RP partners muse. So NSFW will happen but open smut won’t……if that makes sense.
          ALL of my characters are within the LGBTQ+ community, I don’t even know why, they just come to me like that: The Snarts and Axel are Pan, Mick, Kara, Winn, Harry and Isabelle are Bi, while Hartley is gay and Gideon is Asexual
           Please tag your NSFW stuff, if you don’t then I will unfollow you. I have a nine year old sister who walks into my room without knocking so for NSFW stuff to appear on my dash……that would end bad.
         I am a multiship blog.
          I LOVE both platonic, familial and romantic ships.
          I’m open to new ships and will try anything as long as there is chemistry there and as long as it’s not incestuous.
          HOWEVER, I will NOT ship anyone other than Rip Hunter with Gideon, and that’s because of the chemistry they have on screen, not only that but the only Rip that I would romantically ship Gideon with is my main Rip as long as they are open to it. I will not ship her sexually with anyone because she is an AI, she is not human, no matter how human she acts. Whatever ship Gideon will have will be either platonic or familial
           I will be creating tags for my ships so that I have subverses for my main verses just to make things easier (even though it’s more complicated to do)
          I AM crossover friendly, however, there are only a few that I feel comfortable enough to do with my muses due to their medium and their backgrounds.
         Crossovers I am willing to do include (this list may be added too in time):
                 Prison Break
                 Doctor Who
                 Marvel (in moderation)
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genosans-a2-blog · 7 years
Okay guys. I’m not leaving you in the dark anymore. 
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I am leaving. And I don’t think I’ll be coming back. This means all my accounts are going to become inactive. @genosans, @glitchcide and @ecstaticsmokes are all going to be inactive along with the two accounts I mod. 
That’s right. I’m leaving. I’m leaving the Undertale Rp community. I won’t lie. I’ve had some good times now. If it wasn’t for Undertale I wouldn’t have met some pretty awesome people or met my girlfriend. 
I’m not leaving cause I lost muse though. My muse is still there for all that I RP. Oh no. 
I’m leaving because of how toxic this fucking fandom has become. It’s become so toxic and hateful it disgusts me and it actually makes me ashamed to be part of the RP community now.
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I’ve been here since November of 2015. I’ve had a lot of RP accounts before being here. This fandom is one of the ones where in such a short amount of time I have RPied 5 different muses. I have enjoyed each and everyone of my RPs. So I’ve been through and seen quiet a lot as well as been involved in things as well. 
But if you noticed, I haven’t been here properly on any of the accounts I RP on since September and it’s gone from as early as July to me taking hitauses within this fandom. I’ve taken so many hitauses just to get away from the toxicness within this fandom that has been constantly growing. 
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I won’t deny it. The whole fandom isn’t at fault. I know and still see that there are still good people out there who don’t cause drama, who are nice, who are genuine, who don’t start drama and don’t send hate. But the toxicness is drowning you guys out and I’m sorry for that. 
I’ve been here and I’ve lost people due to them moving on with time which happens that is natural. I’ve had friends in the past leave because of the fandom being toxic or rpiers being toxic to them. I’ve lost contact with people due to our different interests and due to my ability to find it difficult to talk to people at times if we don’t have a common interest. This is my fault to an extent but some of these friends just dropped of the face of the earth and never appeared again so I guess you can say they are a little at fault as well.
The fandom has split into groups. Mainly three from what I’ve seen over the past few months with my lurking around. This is normal I know. We all form cliques with our friends on who we prefer to RP with. It’s natural to RP mainly with our close friends and because of that groups happen. But from what I have seen, if you don’t RP with any of them groups, you’re probably gonna be excluded to an extent from RPing with others to an extent. People have become extremely selective because of this from what I have seen. 
There has been so much shit and discourse between RPiers that it had started to cause drama to appear on the dash. Drama that could have been discussed and dealt with in private. I have been there for a lot of it in the past. Recently I haven’t  seen a lot of it due to avoiding the community, but I know it’s been happening. I know drama has been leaked from private to public either by accident but there’s times it’s most likely been done on purpose either through vague blogging or unnecessary callout posts. Things that don’t and shouldn’t be used when dealing with drama.  
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Hate is still an issue. And that pisses me of. My girlfriend has left because some of you guys are sending hate. You practically drove my girlfriend out because some of you are so fucking sick and twisted who can’t seem to let anyone have fun. My girlfriend isn’t the only one. I’ve seen this happen countless times to different people who I can’t remember the names to now. But I’ve seen multiple people be driven out of this fandom because of hate. Sending hate because you don’t like someones portrayal or just as a person. It’s horrible and disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself for doing it. 
As well as that, I’ve also had many friends over the course of the past year who have left this fandom mostly because of the toxic people and groups that appeared who didn’t like them due to either how they RPied in general or who they were as a person  or even both and it disgusts me. 
Well here’s a fucking newsflash for you kiddies. This goes to everyone out there guys! 
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Everyone portrays a muse differently. And the fact that some of you have drove people out of this fandom because you don’t like their portrayal is fucking sick and disgusting. It’s so fucking twisted of you to do this. The fact that people think it’s okay to harass people and insult their RPing and try to dictate how someone should RP or who they should and shouldn’t interact with is horrible. How you think you should insult how someone writes and think you can make them write their muse what you want them to write it like is disgusting. How you send hate or insult or purposely harass someone so that you can purposely get them to leave the RP community is disgusting.
If you gotta problem with how someone RPs a muse and you don’t like it. Here’s some suggestions. Unfollow the person. Block the tags. Block their account. And you know what, if you don’t like the portrayal of a muse then tough shit. People can portray a muse whatever way they want and if you have a problem fucking leave the account and don’t even bother with them. Same if you don’t like the person. Unfollow. Block tags and the account. Hey fucking presto. You don’t have to talk or see them again. Being shitty to someone is not nice nor will it ever be. So don’t do it. 
Plus, this community used to be friendly and open. Now it isn’t. I hate how it’s become like this. How unfriendly and toxic it has become. This is why I made a new RP account. This is why I didn’t tell anyone of the URL bar my close friends. Because I don’t want this fandom to follow me. I have become one of those people that don’t wish to RP with the majority of this fandom due to how toxic it has become. I want to keep the toxicness away from my current account. I don’t want or need it. 
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I will still lurk on @genosans for the next few days if you have any questions and I many or may not answer them. I’m not really that willing to give out my URL for my new RP account at all as I want to remove myself from the Undertale community. I may give it to someone if they ask but depending on who you are I won’t give it. The same goes with my Skype and Discord. I will only give it to you if I wish too. If I refuse too bad. This is for my own comfort.
Please don’t send me messages of don’t go and please stay. This is something I have been thinking about for the past couple of months. That’s how long I’ve been thinking on leaving. As I said, I don’t plan on returning to the Undertale RP community. If I ever do it will be a verse on any muses I have. 
As well as that, I don’t care if you send me hate. I don’t. I think this post was necessary to explain why I am leaving and hopefully to give a lot of you a fucking wake up call and realise that this fandom is not as nice and sweet as it used to be. That it’s becoming toxic with everything that happened. 
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Good bye. Farewell to you all. Maybe we will see each other again someday. Maybe not. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet old friends in new fandoms before. I can see it happening again in the future with some of you maybe. Maybe not. In the end. I did enjoy interacting with people I met. Enjoy my friendships with the people I met even if some of them are over. That is life. You make friends, you lose friends and then you move on, rinse and repeat. 
So like I said. I’ll be lurking here for a few days so I can answer any IMs and asks I get as well as reblog this a few more times. I’ll only answer things on @genosans guys as I will most likely ignore the ones I get on my other accounts plus I plan to close the ask boxes on them so I don’t have to go on the accounts again. 
Good bye all. See some of you later and some of you not. Either way. Have a nice day!!! 
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