#im still trying my best to unlearn all the bigotry and id say im pretty proud of all the changes
nicepersondisorder · 1 year
not all of us were lucky to realize that something was bigotry on our own or were raised by people who weren't bigots. i personally wasn't lucky enough.
my family is really bigoted (but quiet about it) and i for a while was the same. i needed to be told by other people that my behavior was bad and harmful and it took me years to unlearn bigotry they put in me. i'm still in the process.
i'm pretty sure it's hard for egotypicals to change their way of thinkinh, but for narcissists it's even harder. we're always think we're correct, so changing our worldview just because someone said it's bad usually doesn't work. (it sure as hell didn't work for me). we need to come to the conclusion ourselves. and sometimes it can take years. please be patient.
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