#imagine how perfect the world would be if finn didn’t break up their duet
cryscendo · 3 months
they’re so real 🥰🥰 <- *is literally talking about the version of hevans i made up in my head*
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gayri-chmac · 3 years
if i could rewrite glee, i'd specifically pay attention to santana's coming out story and the absolute destruction of finn's character.
i would still have finn out santana but it be framed as an emotional outburst, as santana had literally been berating and bullying him two seconds before. anyway, he would out her in a moment of blind rage but immediately apologize after realizing what he did, but the damage had already been done. the niece of reggie "the sauce" salazar had overheard and reported back to her uncle about everything.
(i would word finn's rant better to make it make more sense for this. kinda like "hey santana, we both have things we're ashamed of. you call me fat and disgusting and i feel horrible about myself because of it. you pick on other people's insecurities and pray we don't find out about yours. so just own up to being in love with brittany. we all know you are.")
(i'm sorry i cant write dialogue 😭)
i think the way that RIB wrote finn in these two episodes was absolutely awful, and i don't wanna take away from santana's story, but i feel very passionate about this.
it was very, very, VERY out of character for finn to out santana with no remorse whatsoever until she's been publicly humiliated. i feel he's grown a lot since burt chewed him out in the basement of the hudmel house for literally calling kurt a slur. after seeing what happened to kurt, who i think has forgiven finn after he apologized many, many, many times, he understands how absolutely horrible it is to be bullied and targeted for your sexuality. he wants to be better and help but he still has a short temper. i mean, santana had been bodyshaming and bullying him since season 1. outing someone is a disgusting thing to do if intentional but as i said, in this rewrite finn didn't intentionally do it and i think he would feel horrible about it.
off of that very long tangent, the ad about santana would be made and everything would relatively go the same. sue, burt, and mr schue would talk to her and she would be rightfully upset and terrified, the trouble tones would still knock it out of the park with rumor has it/someone like you, santana would still slap finn (and i do believe that finn was actually complementing the trouble tones when he whispered to rachel).
(i would also re-word the slap scene to be:
santana: what did you just say to her!
finn: i said i thought you were great
santana: no you're lying
rachel: no he literally just said that
santana: you tell her too? everyone's gonna know now, because of you!
finn: everyone already knows, and you know what? we don't care. we still love you.
santana: not just the glee club, you idiot, everyone!
finn: what are you talking ab-*SLAP*)
finn would defend santana against the teachers and then would give her a proper apology in the hallway instead of the bs he spewed. instead of having an assignment in glee, mr schue and shelby would choose to have the tt's and nd's be together for the week after sensing there was still some animosity. kurt and blaine would still sing perfect to santana bc i thought it was actually kinda sweet. there would also be a scene where kurt would chew out finn bc i feel kurt would have STRONG words about this.
finn being concerned that santana would become suicidal due to the outing is, in my opinion, kinda out of the blue in the episode. but in this rewrite, i think it would be becuase he felt guilty about outing her and couldn't stand the thought of santana hating herself because of something he caused.
finn would in now way sing "girls just wanna have fun" for santana. first of all, it was cringy and weird, and second, it was SO not the right song. instead, i think that when they're talking in the hallway right before the song, santana would be touched by finn caring so much about her mental health and she would forgive him. she would also apologize for all the times she bullied him and they would hug it out.
i kissed a girl would be a brittana duet in the choir room. why it was a group with all the girls, i will never understand. i imagine it to kinda be like i wanna dance with somebody in episode 17. obviously, they would knock it out of the park
sadly, i would keep the scene with santana and her abuela but have the fallout be a scene with britt at school the next day.
(sort of like she told britt that she was going to tell her aubela and britt comes up to her at school the next day and says like "how did it go?" and santana completely breaks down with britt comforting her)
constant craving is good ending to the episode and in a perfect world it would be a kurtana duet with no shelby in sight.
this was very long but i hope it made sense with my discombobulated thoughts.
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axelsagewrites · 6 years
Keep Your Enemies Close*Sebastian Smythe
Requested via wattpad
Can you do an imagine where Sebastian and reader and secretly dating and no one on the New Directions knows but then they get caught in Sebastian’s dorm room kissing?
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 Sebashtian X GenderNeutral!Reader
The idea that we should hate the warblers just because they’re our competition is ridiculous. Glee’s all about bringing music lovers together so we can make friends. Can't we all just be one?
I’d met Sebastian before I even knew he was a warbler. We went on a couple dates before it even came up. And when it did we didn’t mind that much. A little friendly competition. Plus doing duets with a boyfriend is actually a really cool way to spend a date.
When New Directions and the Warblers started feuding we agreed not to tell them despite the Warblers knowing.
Maybe it’s, because it's an all-boys school or them, aren’t as petty but theirs so much less drama. If we told the New Directions, they wouldn’t be happy. Hell, they might kick me out.
When I told Sebastian, he didn’t believe me…until I told him about Jesse. Sure, Jesse did turn out to be a bad guy, but Sebastian didn’t even know I was in glee when we met.
 Glee club was normally fun but right now their all arguing over whether we should do something to the Warblers. Rachel wants to do a sing-off, Mr Shue wants to make peace, Finn wants to break some headlights, and Santana wants to break some kneecaps.
As their fighting, I take a back seat. And something somewhat relevant is that I'm texting Bash who’s also bored in practice. They need to practise a trio act for a local event, so he and some other warblers are able to have a break.
“What do you think (Y/N)?” I pause writing my message and look up to see Rachel standing with her hands on her hips “Shouldn't we show them what we're made of?”
Normally I’m a petty betty but not this time “Honestly I think you should chill. Getting worked up just shows them your scared their gonna win.” I shrug. My answers based in truth since Bash and I had been talking about it last night.
Everyone stared at me, wide-eyed “Who replaced you? Are you malfunctioning?” Kurt asked.
“I just can't be bothered wasting our time and effort when we could be practising.”
“(Y/N) is right,” Mr Shue cuts in “We should be practising. C’mon, everyone start to warm up. We practise in 5.”
I sigh and finish my text, telling Bash I had to go.
Y – Gotta go. Love you
S – love you too. Love your eyes and hair and perfect personality. Love everything about you especially the fact I can call you mine. Can't wait to see you after school
An involuntary smile spreads across my face. Everyone might think he's the devil but if anything, he’s an angel who fell but gets back up.
“What you smiling at?” I snap my head up to see Rory trying to look at my phone.
I quickly put it on standby so all he sees is a black screen. “Nothing.”
“OH, (Y/N) is texting a boy” He sang. This gathered some attention.
“You have a boyfriend?”
“Since when?”
“You talk to boys?”
“Who is it?”
I groan “I'm not talking to anyone.”
“Sure” Rory drags out his word “Then pray tell us why you were grinning like you found a pot of gold.”
I was silent for a moment “My mom made brownies.”
“Your mom can't bake,” Blaine points out “So who's the boy toy?”
“Have you lot got nothing better to do than talk about my lack of love life?” I cross my arms over my chest.
“Maybe practise?” Mr Shue suggests.
I'm grateful they're forced to drop the subject. But I'm even more grateful its last period and I can go see Seb after.
 I watch the clock tick tick tick, and as soon as the second land hits 12 I grab my bag. Ring. I'm out the door the second it rings.
One of the warblers, John, has a car and was on a coffee run so said he could take me over to Dalton after school. I had to be quick though. For one, so I wasn’t rude, and two because his car didn’t exactly fit in.
It's no secret that Dalton students are well off. Especially since my ride drove a shiny black Range Rover. It contrasts the dented, banged up cars people from my school drive.
Jumping in the car I inhale the luxury car smell. “When I get my licence, you have got to hook a friend up,” I tell him.
He chuckles “You know my dad owns the dealership. Thiers a friends and family discount,”
I sigh a sigh of happiness as I lean back into the seat, fastening my belt. “Let's get out of here. It's bringing down the value of your car.”
“Trust me, I know.”
Honestly, since dating Seb, the warblers have become some of my closest friends. Like in uptown girl they actually are intrigued by how ‘normal’ people live. Last weekend some of us went to a normal café for lunch and some of them got confused since the food names were in English.
 I only talk with the Warblers for around a minutes before Sebastian pulls me aside “Hey, you left your book in my dorm. Come to get it?” Which was code for ‘I want to be alone with you and you better start walking quick or I'm not responsible for my actions’.
  Santana’s POV
That (Y/N) is a slippery one. During a short practise break, I walk over to Kurt, hair gel, and Mercedes. “Something's up with (Y/N) and I don’t like it.”
I roll my eyes at Mercedes. “They're never off their phone, they practically sprint out of school, and when was the last time they hung out after school or at weekends?” I cross my arms.
They all only suddenly seem to realise “Your right. They are being strange.” Kurt says.
“Duh. That’s why I'm here.”
“Well, what are we meant to do? They're not gonna tell us.” Hair gel buts in.
I roll my eyes like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “We follow them.”
 So, hair gel backed out. Something about morals or something. But Mercedes and Kurt were down. Like I thought they basically ran out of the room. We were hot on their tails.
But this got the attention of everyone's least favourite couple. “Where are you going?” Rachel and Finn ran to keep up with us.
I looked as they got into a nice ass car and sped off. “Hey, can we borrow your car.” It wasn’t really a question and I was already by his passenger door.
“Wha- “
“It’s an emergency,” Kurt told him.
We managed to convince him, but he and Berry decided to come. We managed to get 3 or 4 cars behind them, so we could still see them.
Then they turned into Dalton? Are they trying to steal (Y/N)? everyone shares a look and Finn turns in.
When we walk in I walk over to the first boy I see; a small skinny nerdy kid with thicker glasses than his skull “Hey, dork.” I walk over “You seen (Y/N). ‘Bout this tall- “I went to describe them, but he cut me off.
“Yeah, she went with Sebastian.” He answered almost instantly.
I looked back to everyone else with a confused look, matching theirs, “Where are they?”
  (Y/N) POV
Times like these are the best. Its quiet, peaceful, and we don’t have to worry about time or someone walking in and seeing Seb’s tongue down my throat.
His dorm mate has gaming club till 6 so we have 2 and a half hours. Plus, in Dalton, they have a code. No, not the standard tie or sock over the door. Instead if there’s a school bag by the door they get the memo. Alone time. Or if you have a partner together time.
“You're beautiful,” Seb murmured against my lips.
“I love you.”
His thumb strokes over my cheek, almost touching my lip “I'm in awe of you. I didn’t realise you could love someone this much.” However, his mood seems to change slightly when he rolls us so he’s on top of me “Or that someone could be this hot.”
He kisses me harder than before, becoming more intense. His hands roam my body as mine tug on his hair, making him groan.
I know where this is going to lead, especially when I wrap my legs around his waist to pull him closer.
Its pure bliss until “What the fuck!” Our heads both snapped to the side to see 5 shocked looking New Directions standing in the doorway, holding the backpack.
Sebastian drops his head into the crook of my neck, murmur “Of fucking course.” While I lay there stunned.
Quickly I detach my legs and drop my hands. Sebastian looks up from my neck “Can you like leave? were in the middle of something.” I didn’t even know what to say.
“Yeah defiling our friend!” Kurt accuses.
Sebastian smirks “(Y/N) wasn’t complaining. Not even when I- “
“I don’t want to hear it!” Finn said, shaking his head.
I tap Sebastian's shoulder, making him look at me “Didn’t we talk about not telling them?”
“I think they’ve figured it out, babe.”
“Babe?!” Santana screeches.
Sensing this wasn’t going to be over quickly Sebastian sat up, letting me do the same. I smoothed down my hair, seeing Mercedes shake her head out the corner of my eyes. “I can't believe this. You're fraternizing with the enemy.”
“Keep your enemies close?” I try. They shake their heads. I sigh, sitting up properly. “Look, you guys don’t get a say in this. We met, not knowing that we were in glee clubs. We also, unlike you, aren’t afraid of a little competition. And we enjoy spending time with each without involving music. So, get over it.”
“What if you give away all out secrets?” Rachel asked in her high-pitched voice. “Then what?”
“Why would I do that? I want to wipe the floor with them.”
“Not a chance” Bash said.
I roll my eyes “Honey when we were singing Taylor Swift Love Story you were flatter than a 12-year-old girl. I have nothing to worry about.”
“At least we can dance.” He countered.
“Oh yes, how boyband chic” I roll my eyes. “Your just mad because you and the boys are going to have to pay up.”
“Pay up?” Mercedes asked.
I turned to them, having almost forgetting they were still their “Oh yeah we have a bet on. If the warblers win, I’ll have to clean every one of their bedrooms. But if we win- “
“-we all have to work for (Y/N) for a week. As PA’s, cooks, cleaners, or whatever their twisted hearts decides.”
Kurt shook his head “I still don’t approve. You’re just using (Y/N) to hurt them. You probably don’t even like them- “
“Don’t you ever say that again,” Sebastian stood up. I tried to grab his hand, but he moved. Apparently, when he brought me up to his dad he had highly discouraged the relationship and was now very defensive. “You don’t get it because your too wrapped up in your own problems. But I love (Y/N). I would rather quit the warblers than break up. Hell, I’d even start buying target clothes rather than breakup.”
I almost gasped. Sebastian's wardrobe was probably more expensive than all my possessions combined. Lucky bastard.
“Then do it. We’ll only ever approve if you quit Glee.” Santana glared at him, arms crossed.
He looked at me “Fine. I’ll text the warblers now.” He reached for his phone.
“No!” I grabbed it out of his hand “Your all being ridiculous. You don’t get a say in our relationship. And you're not quitting glee. You’ve been dancing since you were 3 and singing for years and I'm not going to be the person who gets in the way.”
“It’s the only way.” Santana stood strong.
Mercedes, Finn, and even Kurt seemed to be a little conflicted, but Rachel and Satan stood strong. “Fine,” I shrugged “I quit Glee. Good luck finding someone to learn my choreography in 2 weeks and getting a new member.”
Rachel and Santana looked at each other “Fine,” Rachel sighed “You can…do whatever this is,” she gestured at us with a disgusted look “But no spilling secrets!”
“Didn’t plan on it.” She nodded.
Santana walked over to shake on it. After Sebastian said, “Now can you all leave, we were in the middle of something.”
“Ew,” Santana said, holding her hands in the air with a shaking head as she left.
“Oh and put the bag back.”
“Teachers found out about the tie, not bags.”
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