#imagine not liking finn and rose lmao cringe
pencilscratchins · 3 years
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theyre looking at rey and poe, taking twice as long to solve a simple problem than necessary : edit [ID under cut]
Rose Tico dressed in her TROS outfit, hair up in a small messy ponytail and choppy bangs. Her face is in her chin, leaning against one elbow and her other arm across the table casually. She’s looking off to the side with an amused expression, smiling gently. Next to her, Finn is also dressed in his TROS outfit, face in the opposite hand, looking up with a gentle smile and a raised eyebrow. His other hand is placed thoughtlessly against the implied table. There’s no other details, and they’re against a desaturated teal background
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scum-belina · 6 years
Thoughts on TLJ? I know you enjoyed it but what do you thinks were it's best and worst parts? Do you think they could've played out reylo better? What about what all happened with Luke?
Honestly the reylo scenes in TLJ exceeded my expectations so much. I’m still in shock. I NEVER would’ve imagined they’d give them so many scenes together, let alone ones filled to the brim with sexual tension and constant symbolism that they’re fates are intertwined and they’re destined to be together and they complete each other and AASDFGHhgfJHG. I mean the scene in the cave where Rey is alone and asks to see her parents, but instead she sees a shadow–a VERY Kylo/Ben-shaped shadow, and a smaller more Rey-sized shadow approach her and both shadows MERGE as they do so??? AND THEN we realize what we thought was her internal monologue about what happened in the cave is actually her telling Kylo about it when they’re in the hut??? She told him about that most private experience right away??? And then wants him to join her and THEN THEY TOUCH HANDS AND SEE A VISION OF EACH OTHER TOGETHER IN THE FUTURE ON EACH OTHER’S SIDE??? AND THEN UNCLE LUKE WALKS IN THE HUT AND ACTS LIKE HE CAUGHT THEM FUCKIN N DESTROYS THE PLACE??? That one scene alone shook me, but it does even moreso when I remember Maz Kanata’s words to Rey in TFA, “The belonging you seek is not behind you, but ahead” Maz and Kylo both tell Rey to stop dwelling on her parents and looking for her purpose and future in them, and everything else keeps pointing her to Kylo hell even THE FORCE is putting them together and YEAH. 
ANYWAYS, the reylo I really can’t complain about at all. Yes, I cringed when he fucked up yet again with her and went into impulsive rage mode yet again when he realized he was alone again bc she rejected his proposal to RULE THE FUCKING GALAXY TOGETHER, but that final scene with them showed that he knows he fucked up, and he’s sorry about it there is no doubt. She’s disappointed in him, she doesn’t hate him. She still wants him to be saved she still believes in Ben Solo and TLJ pushed the “no one is ever too lost to be saved” and “we’ll win not by killing those we hate, but by saving those we love” messages down our throats the whole time, and if that ain’t them heavy-hinting at Kylo/Ben’s redemption than idk what it. People say the proposal scene mirrors Anakin and Padme’s, and they’re right, but the anidala scene happened in the final episode of the prequel trilogy, while reylo’s happened in the second to final episode of the new trilogy, giving way to a BIGGG implication that episode IX will be all about Kylo’s redemption and that reylo will be reverse anidala, which Is suuuper likely with the way J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson talk about not wanting to repeat the same ending of the other trilogies and wanting to make things end in a whole new way. ANYWAYS AGAIN I’m more than happy with how reylo played out in TLJ. I could talk about their scenes for hours they were SO powerful. 
I’m ngl, I was surprised when I heard the spoiler that Luke dies, but after seeing the scene and what he does and says right before he dies was absolutely outstanding. Luke played his part and served his purpose fully and I got really emotional over it. Don’t even get me started on his scene in the Millenium Falcon or his scene with Leia and the dice and then Kylo holding the dice in the final scene with him and Rey oh my gosh I CRY. People complain about the fact we find out Luke was a dumbass and got so afraid of Ben’s power as a student that he almost tried to kill him, and that’s what sent Ben over the edge to become Kylo Ren. But despite that being a really dumb thing for Luke to do, I’m still not bothered by it because it keeps his character HUMAN. Everyone is capable of fucking up royally, even heroes especially out of fear, and that’s what Luke did. Gimme all the flawed characters and all their tragicness and angstyness it is good writing I say GOOD WRITING.
One of my main grievances was SOME of the resistance’s storyline. I really liked Finn and Rose’s roles in the movie and especially loved their first meeting lol, but some of the fussiness back at the resistance ship with Poe vs Holdo and stuff got old fast. I don’t dislike Poe, but I’m afraid he might be my least favorite character. I feel like he’s mainly just in the story bc the story needs a main pilot is all. His character doesn’t really grasp my emotions, unlike most of the other characters do. Admiral Holdo was who impressed me the most in the resistance this time. At first I thought I’d hate her, then she was alright, then I thought I hated her again, but then she was really cool and alright again lol.
Hux is another least fave of mine, but interesting none the less. His resentment towards Kylo is hilarious, plus his sarcasm is incredible (i.e. the final showdown scene where Luke show up and Kylo orders all his men to stop everything and point all their weapons at Luke and don’t stop shooting, and the scene goes on forever they shoot at luke SO MUCH and when it finally ends Kylo is literally shaking with rage against Luke still and hux is just like “do u think we hit him” all sarcastically lmao) it’ll be interesting to see how he will likely become the main antagonist in episode IX. I hope Poe prank calls him again too.
My biggest complaint about TLJ? NOT ENOUGH PORGS
My biggest praise abt TLJ? The Reylo fight scene against snoke and the praetorian guards. Hands down my favorite scene in star wars so far.
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