#in this au butler dipped of his own accord just because he wanted to become a recluse because he is not well.
ranvwoop · 2 years
in the aforementioned john is into ranbutler saga he does actually get friends, at least in the modern crossover au. his new bestie is James (Masquerade) who hangs out in the bar where he works (along w a rotating cast of Alcoholic Themed Gimmick Characters, actually). James is constantly down on his luck, his wife gf broke up with him and took the kids Beloved Dog they shared custody over, and John feels bad for him and eventually they chat enough to become friends. James complains one day abt being roped into something by Bill and John is just like. No Way. We Have Troubled History W The Same Guys. And then bond over being a Subject to Bill & Butler support group
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midnightcindy · 5 years
Fiery Visions
Byron Witch AU! Smut and it’s long! I’ve been writing this one for a while because I just wanted it to be perfect. Thanks for reading! 
           Byron awoke in a cold sweat. He ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing the wet strands back from his forehead, then dragging his nails down his face in frustration. He growled in the darkness, pressing his palm flat against his bare chest. He was burning up, and he didn't know why; or rather, he knew the reason, but it vexed him the more it occurred. It was the dream again.
           Her hair, dark and swaying in the air like she was swimming. Her eyes met his, shimmering in the moonlight, each constellation reflecting in the dark irises. She moved her arms in circles around her, droplets of gold falling from her fingertips. She smiled at him, her long fingernails beckoning to him. He reached out, a fire alighting around her, blue flames engulfing them in a circle of power as he met her there. He leaned into her touch, dragging his fingers down her cheeks, as her back arched away from him. They were naked, writhing with one another as the flames grew, and the highs inside of them matched the swelling fire. She called Byron’s name over and over again, clawing into his shoulders, her hips moving viciously against his own. Byron tasted her neck, the sweat and tang of blood as visceral as if she were truly in his arms. She tightened around him, staring down into his eyes, and breathing the words, “My King…”
It was always at this moment that he would awaken, the dream dissolving around him into nothing, yet the passion coiling in his gut as real as the sweat on his brow. Byron sighed, staring at the golden ceiling and knowing that another sleepless night awaited him.
I let my hair fall in front of my face as I toed the water’s edge. I breathed the scent of the morning woods in deeply, silently asking the trees and mud for energy. Another night of sleep had escaped me. I yawned, and slipped into the water up to my ankles.
From behind me, I could feel Nico’s cheery presence. “I thought I might find you here,” he laughed. “Are you all right?”
“Tired,” I said. “I thought I might be able to ask for some energy out here, but the Goddess is not as giving today.”
Nico pursed his lips. “Are you having those dreams again?”
“Yes,” I said, irritated. “And they're getting stronger, more… tangible.”
Nico removed his shoes and stepped into the water with me. He shivered. “Ah, too cold.”
I giggled. “Water is not your element, Nico.”
My butler chuckled, holding his hands together until a golden, pink glow formed. A tiny flame burst forth, and he played with it, tossing it between his palms. “No, it certainly is not.”
I shied away from the fire, sitting on the edge of the pond instead, not minding that my dress would dirty. I dipped my hands into the cool water. When I pulled my fingers upward, creating a nest by cupping my palms, the water followed suit. It weaved in and out of my fingertips, and I sighed. “Nico, I don’t think they’re dreams anymore.”
Nico let his fire dissipate, and turned toward me, brow arched. “You think they're visions?”
“Yes,” I said, almost afraid. The water shot out from my fingers and I let it rain out onto the pond’s surface.
“Well,” he said, drying his feet on the grass, “are they warnings, then? Does something bad happen in the dreams? You’ve never told me exactly what you see.”
I opened my mouth, but closed it quickly, my cheeks warm. “N-nothing bad happens, not really,” I tried, thoughts tripping over the images of a gorgeous man hovering over me, sucking on my neck.
“Oh,” Nico said, his tone playful. “Now I see why you’re shy to tell me.”
I covered my cheeks with my cold hands, trying to stifle a shiver. “Nico, please! It’s just not something I thought anyone needed to know.”
“It seems to be bothering you enough,” Nico said, flopping down next to me on the grass, his legs crossed under him. “Come on, you can tell me.”
I blew out a breath, asking the water for strength. “It begins with a ritual circle,” I began, my eyes growing distant as I recalled the visions. “I slit my palms, much like one would for a binding spell. When the blood falls onto the symbols at my feet, it burns blue. I start chanting, but I never remember exactly what I am saying in the dream. Then, he appears.”
“He?” Nico leaned forward.
I nodded. The words flowed out of me gently, dreamily. “This beautiful man. He looks so strong, so regal. I have never seen anyone like him. I reach out for him, and he takes my hand, and then we are inside a ring of cold, blue flames. Then… well, we touch, and he calls me, ‘My Queen.’ And that is when I wake up.”
Nico’s eyes were wide. “Princess… what if this is a vision of the one who is meant to be King?”
I bit my lip. “I have been having these dreams for months, and for the past week, it has been every night. I think… I think you’re right, Nico.”
Nico was suddenly excited, grasping my hands. “What did he look like? Did you recognize him? What if it’s someone we know?”
I giggled nervously. “I certainly don't know him, I would have recognized that face already. He was tall, pale, with black hair that fell over his face. And his eyes, they were so beautiful: silver, like the moon on a lake.”
Nico tensed, his grip tightening. Then, he shrugged away from me and feigned nonchalance, saying, “Well, it will all become apparent soon according to Goddess’ timing.” He then met my bright eyes with his own. “Princess,” he said, smirking knowingly to himself, “have you ever visited Stein?”
“Your Majesty,” Albert called to Byron. “Nico has sent a letter.”
Byron turned slightly, his hands clasped firmly behind his back. The sun had just set, and twilight was settling in for the night. He breathed in, letting the energy of the night soak into his skin. Perhaps tonight he would be rid of the visions of the siren in blue fire. “Very well,” he said, opening his hand for Albert to place the envelope in his palm.
“I shall retire for the evening, if that is all.” Albert bowed formally, awaiting his command.
“That is all. Thank you, Al.” Byron watched Albert disappear into the castle once again, before alighting onto the railing before him. The wind swished in his cape, setting him gently on the stone’s edge as he intended. He walked along the raised rail, opening Nico’s letter and scanning the message.
I am writing to inform you that the Princess of Wysteria would like to meet you, formally. We have scheduled a visit to Stein in a week’s time.
Of course, she doesn't know this, but I’m doing this for you. After all, you’ve been seeing her, haven’t you? She’s been having the same dreams, the same visions.
You’re welcome.
Byron tucked the letter to his chest, all air suddenly leaving his body in a heavy gust that pushed him backward onto the balcony floor once again. He was panting, the pull in his chest that called for the woman from his dreams stronger than it had ever been. “Could it be?” Byron gazed up to the moon, asking the Great Goddess, “Have you really sent me My Queen?”
“Nico, are you sure about this?” I adjusted the flowing sleeves of my dress, playing with the navy-blue lace as the carriage bumped along the road.
“I am confident he will love it,” Nico chimed, leaning his head toward the window, noting the passing scenery. “You have to make a good impression, right?”
“Sure,” I said, fiddling with my skirt, “but don’t you think wearing the king’s favorite color is a little forward for a casual acquaintance? I am just trying to get to know the neighboring countries better, like you suggested.”
“Exactly, and everyone else thought it was a brilliant idea to visit Stein,” Nico said, tugging on his gloves. “And don’t worry about the dress; even Giles approved of it. Besides, it really suits you.”
I smiled softly, lifting my shoulders as we approached the castle gates. I looked up at the towering castle in awe. “It’s magnificent,” I said. I peeked out the window, and the woodland air hit my face and comforted me. It smelled strongly of pine, but it was warm and welcoming just like my home in Wysteria. The castle was made of brown stone and thick towers, perfectly placed on the edge of a dark wood. I smiled, already feeling relaxed.
Nico caught my happy expression, and his own spirit felt content. This truly was meant to be,he thought.
When the carriage pulled up to the promenade, Nico quickly ducked out to escort me from the cabin. I took his hand, gently stepping down, and lifted my head proudly to the two men before me. But instead of maintaining the poise of royalty, my chest shook furiously when I met eyes with a man I knew all too well.
“Your Majesty, King Byron,” Nico said, bowing deeply, “may I present the Princess of Wysteria.”
I saw King Byron’s face stutter when we met eyes, and I feared that I had acted improperly in my shock; but he held his composure far better than I, and his eyes remained friendly. Stepping forward, he took my hand in his and lifted it to his lips. “Princess, it is an honor to finally meet you.” When he pressed a firm kiss to the back of my hand, I swore I felt the air caress me in a flash of a breeze, my hair swelling and falling in an instant.
I cleared my throat, curtsying as King Byron held my hand. “Your Majesty,” was all I could think to say.
King Byron’s eyes flashed white, and I almost gasped at the power I felt surge through me when he let go of my hand. The light was gone from his irises in only a moment, and he smiled, stepping back to gesture to the stern man at his side. “This is Captain Albert Burckhardt, my advisor and a knight of Stein.”
“Your Highness,” Captain Burckhardt said, bowing politely. “I do hope you will enjoy your stay.”
“Thank you, Captain,” I said, trying to remain formal. “I am sure I will find Stein quite to my liking, but the purpose of my visit is to better understand your country, and hopefully, to leave here with Stein and Wysteria having become friends.”
Captain Burckhardt raised a brow at my words, clearly unhappy with my casual speech, but King Byron’s eyes twinkled. “I am pleased to hear that,” he said, a small smile touching his lips. Then he surprised me by asking, “Would you allow me to escort you inside, Princess?”
I was unprepared for such an offer, and my face showed it. “Your Majesty, that is generous, but Nico is more than capable-”
“It would be my pleasure to show you my home, Princess,” he said smoothly, and offered me his elbow.
Staring into his silver eyes, which I had always imagined seeing outside of my dreams, I could hardly refuse such a request. “Very well,” I said, and hooked my fingers onto his arm. Once again, there was a gust of wind when we touched.
“I will take your things to your room,” Nico said. “So please, just enjoy yourself for the day.”
I smiled gratefully back at him, and King Byron and I walked forward into Stein Castle, arm in arm.
It was so strange, having her next to him in the flesh. From the moment she left the carriage, there was no doubt for Byron, that this was the woman from his dreams. He thought he had prepared himself for seeing her, but what struck him was the innocence in her face. When their eyes met, she was no longer the siren who haunted his nights, but an angel of light who warmed his heart with just a touch. Byron tried to remain neutral as they wandered the castle halls, not wanting to be too forward in his affections. They wasted time discussing the most mundane of topics, such as the conditions of her journey and the contents of his castle; but Byron was far more interested in hearing about her dreams. Had she truly seen the same things he had? If it was true, when would he know?
“King Byron, may I ask you a personal question?”
Byron paused in his steps, just as they reached the entrance to the gardens. “Please, by all means.”
She met his eyes, still holding onto his arm. “Are you a warlock?”
Byron chuckled. He had hoped it would be about the visions, but this was still a better topic than architecture. “Yes,” he said honestly. “You noticed.”
“I did,” she admitted, smiling sheepishly. “You have a strong energy. I can feel it when we touch-”
Byron turned toward her fully, their chests almost brushing. “Can you?” He asked her gently, daring to reach up and press a finger to her jawline. “How so?”
The princess swallowed, and shyly stepped away, beginning to walk toward the gardens. “The wind,” she said, tucking a strip of dark hair behind her ear. “It moves strangely around me when you’re near.”
“Ah,” Byron said as he clasped his hands behind his back. He needed to control himself if he wanted her to open up to him. “Air is one of my elements.”
At that, she seemed to brighten, and smiled happily. “That’s wonderful.”
“And what about you, little witch?” Byron asked, stepping to her side again. He liked the way her ears turned red when she blushed nervously.
“Oh, you could tell?” She ducked her head, almost embarrassed. “Ah, water,” she whispered.
“Why so shy?” Byron chuckled, wandering forward into the magnificent Stein gardens. The white flowers were in full bloom, soaking in the sunshine from above. “Water is a noble element. It is gentle, but strong. It is patient. It heals, and gives life. You should be proud to have such a natural gift.”
When Byron turned back, she had stopped walking with him, and stared at him, eyes wide and full of adoration. “K-King Byron, that is so kind…”
“Byron, please. If it is not too informal for you, princess,” Byron said warmly.
The princess grinned, walking forward to take his arm again. “Very well, Byron. I would like to call you that.”
His name sounded too natural on her lips, as he had heard it screamed in that same voice many times in his dreams. Byron hid his sudden arousal at the thought well enough, and together they walked along the hedges.
Nico was turning down my bed that evening when he asked me, “What do you think of King Byron?”
I braided my hair mindlessly, sighing as I twirled the strands. I smiled, thinking about our day spent together. We spent hours in the gardens, talking about anything at all. Byron was a perfect listener, which I found refreshing, as I was prone to rambling. “He’s wonderful,” I said too honestly.
“Wow, already in love, and it’s only day one,” Nico laughed, fluffing my pillow.
I blushed harshly. “Stop, Nico.”
Nico simply walked over to where I sat on the sofa, and collected what remained of my evening tea. “Good night, princess. Sweet dreams,” he said, with a wink.
I rolled my eyes at his obvious innuendo, but wished him good night all the same. When I was alone again, I stood to walk toward the only light in the room, coming from the candle at my bedside table. I blew the flames out, sighing in the night. Restless, I danced toward my balcony. The air was crisp and wet, and I relished in the humidity. Quickly, I ran back into my room, and gathered my materials. It was the perfect night to meditate.
In my nightgown and robe, I snuck out into the forest, bare feet singing with each step in the cool mud. The pines surrounding me smelled divine, and I thanked them for providing me with such a lovely atmosphere. The water called to me, and it wasn’t long before I found what I was looking for; a creek running through the woodland.
I smiled happily, and set my materials on the ground. I took a large stick and drew a circle in the mud, brushing aside pine needles as I did so. I drew a star, the top pointing toward the running water. At each point, I placed one of my tokens: a river stone to my right, a butterfly wing on my left, and behind me, a dried twig and a vessel of leaf ashes. I sat down in the center of the star. Before me, I placed the most important talisman. I lifted the pendant that I kept hidden in my bodice, and placed it gently on the earth. When my objects were aligned, the energy around me snapped into place, and I could feel the steady rhythm of the water cascading on the rocks. I sighed, content, and closed my eyes. It was these quiet moments where I could focus on my powers, pray to the Goddess, or listen to the conversations of nature as I sat politely. It was these moments where I could feel truly blessed.
           But when I felt the wind swirl around me, the sudden gust broke my concentration. I could feel his energy before I even saw him. “Byron,” I called into the darkness.
           I heard a faint chuckle, and the rasp of the pine needles on the ground. “I hope I didn’t startle you,” he said, coming into view.
           “The wind gave you away,” I said, trying to twist my body to better see him. Only, his appearance was far more distracting than his simple wind trick had been.
He was clad in a pair of tight riding pants and boots, with a loose white shirt hanging off his body. It was unbuttoned enough that I could see the long chain hanging over his chest, a smooth, white stone bouncing against him. He too held a medley of objects in his hands. Byron smiled. “May I join you? I needed to meditate, and was on my way when I saw you heading into the woods as well.”
“Oh,” I stammered, “I see. No, I don’t mind at all.”
Byron shuffled on his feet, and I could tell by his shifting eyes that he wanted to ask me something more. “Do forgive me, princess, but I wonder if you would indulge me?”
My heart fluttered at his tone. “I-indulge? In what?”
Byron leaned down on his haunches to meet my eyes. “I have heard that sharing a meditation circle is an experience unlike any other. I feel that your powers and mine would be compatible for such an experiment. Would you… like to try?”
My chest was pounding now, and I was completely lost to the sincerity in his tone and the kind look in his shimmering moon eyes. I blushed as I said, “Yes.”
At that, he grinned, and set to work.
Byron placed each one of his tokens around the star, corresponding his own objects to mine. Then he stepped inside, and sat behind me, his arms and legs wrapped around me. He lifted his own pendant over his head, and placed it in my hands. I ran a finger over the smooth surface. “Moonstone,” Byron explained, his breath close to my ear. “Place it for me?”
I leaned forward, and sat it next to my pentacle. I gasped when I felt a force, unlike any I had experienced before, close me into the circle. I fell back, and crashed into Byron’s chest.
He too, was breathing heavily. “This is… new.”
“It is,” I agreed, shuddering when his arms rested on my knees.
Byron turned his palms upward, and rasped, “Place your hands on mine.”
I did as I was told, my palms flat against his. I straightened my back, inhaling to try and focus. I was painfully aware of my thin nightgown and robe, but I tried to brush it off, along with the feeling of Byron’s firm chest rising against my back. I cleared my mind, and felt myself slipping into a blissful state of sensation and clarity. I had never felt the air around me so vividly, the shifting colors above me like an aurora borealis in the night.
Behind me, Byron began to chuckle. “I can feel the stream,” he said in disbelief, “the water’s movement, its hue, its taste… it is all before me. This is…”
“…breathtaking,” I finished. My eyes fluttered open, and I turned slightly to see Byron staring at me with the same look of wonder.
“Princess,” he breathed, licking his lips. He was so close to me, I could feel his power like a current moving through me.
“Byron,” I said, leaning back into him.
His arms tightened around me, lacing our fingers together as he pulled me close. “I hope you will not think me too forward, but… I believe I have met you before, in a dream.”
My stomach dropped when I realized what he was implying. “You… you have them too, don't you?”
Byron nodded. “The visions…”
“I have them every night,” I explained, our noses brushing, “they… they frighten me.”
Byron suddenly looked concerned. He released one hand to loosely cup my cheek. “Why are you frightened, princess?”
“You… you seemed so powerful in my visions… as if you could devour me completely.”
Byron swallowed, a coy grin on his face. “You appeared to me as a siren, beckoning me into the abyss. I thought you would be the one to consume me.”
I laughed loudly at that. Me? A powerful siren? I was nothing more than a water witch, who practiced magic to calm her spirit and connect with the earth. “I can assure you, I am not that strong.”
“What if I disagree,” Byron said, resting his forehead on mine, “what if… you are so powerful, you have already enslaved my heart?”
My eyes stretched in shock when Byron pushed forward, his lips meeting mine in a slow, tentative kiss. When he began to move against me, I allowed a small, helpless moan to slip past my lips. Byron pulled back, eyes glowing bright. He felt so warm against me, and the light in his eyes had my head swimming with questions. “Byron?”
“Hm?” Byron hummed against my cheek as he placed a tiny, sweet kiss along the surface.
“You said air was one of your elements,” I began, brushing my nose affectionately against his for the second time. “What is the other?”
Pulling away, Byron smirked and raised a hand before my face. Suddenly, a ball of blue flames burst forth, illuminating my wide eyes and Byron’s sensuous smirk. “Fire.”
Byron and I spent the next week at each other’s side. While Byron did spend the majority of his days tending to his duties in his office, I would often be disturbed by unnatural, impish drafts while reading in the parlor, which fluttered the pages of my book until I lost my place. During the evenings, Byron and I would eat dinner, and then stroll through the gardens in the twilight. White flowers had an odd habit of falling from the hedges and swirling in the air to land in my curls, decorating the tresses with flecks of satin petals. When I shot Byron a knowing glance, his eyes simply flashed silver, a tight grin on his closed lips all the answer he would give. We spent much of our time together walking about the grounds, or sitting in the courtyard. Byron grew fond of watching me play with the water of the fountain, making basic spirals in the air. It was an easy trick, one that required little power or skill, but Byron excitedly asked me to do it repeatedly, as if it were a profound display of witchcraft. As we both retired each night- far too late for propriety but too early for our liking- Byron would steal a peck on my cheek before leaving a lingering kiss on the back of my hand, bidding me good night. I would watch him go, my heart swelling with each step he took away from me, and I knew I had completely fallen in love with him.
On the final evening of my visit, Byron and I stood outside my quarters longer than usual. We chatted idly, not wanting the time to end. Byron leaned in at last, and pressed a long, but chaste kiss to my cheek. “Good night, princess. I wish this was not the last day you would be in Stein. Your company here has been refreshing.”
I blushed furiously when he held my hands between us, not letting go. “Byron, thank you for having me,” I chimed. “I have learned so much about your country, and believe me when I say that I have greatly enjoyed myself.”
Byron smiled tightly. “As have I. I wonder, could you promise that you will visit me again?”
I stared up at Byron with glee. “Yes, of course! I will see you again soon.”
Byron nodded, his hands squeezing mine before slowly letting go. “Very well. I will take my leave then.”
As Byron turned away, my heart started to deflate. Instead of joy bubbling inside of me, my chest was filled with longing. I stepped toward his retreating form. “B-Byron?”
He turned back too quickly. “Princess? Is something wrong?”
I couldn’t breathe. The words I wanted so desperately to say fell flat in my throat, and all I could think to do was reach out and pull Byron into a tight hug.
Byron stiffened in shock, but it dissolved quickly into a mutual embrace. He kissed my hair sweetly, his voice light as he said, “Why do you cling to me, so? You will see me again soon, Your Highness; certainly, in your dreams.”
I exhaled shakily, nodding. “I know… but the dreams aren’t enough anymore.”
I felt Byron pull away from me, still cradling me in his arms as he tilted my chin to look into his firm stare. His voice was surprisingly thin as he rasped, “You are not the only one who is no longer satisfied with dreams.” He swallowed thickly as he leaned forward, brushing his nose with mine. “Every night you have been here I have imagined feeling your flesh under me, finally hearing you call my name in a full voice, rather than the echoes of a hollow vision.”
I panted helplessly as I watched Byron’s lips close in on mine. My eyes fluttered at the kiss, my fingers tightening on his sleeves as I searched for a solid entity to keep me standing while the butterflies in my body lifted me up.
I tried to deepen the kiss, but Byron pulled away swiftly. “I have dreamed of taking you, and now I want those dreams to be a reality, more than you could possibly know; but,” he said, stepping back, our hands joined, “I also wish to respect you as a woman, and as royalty.”
I don't want to be respected, I thought wistfully, I want to be ravished.
Byron smiled, as if my thoughts were plain to see in my flushed, needy face. He brushed his lips over mine again, lighter this time, and nodded to himself. “So, I have made myself promise to court you, properly, until the time comes when I can propose a marriage to Wysteria.”
My eyes widened at that, chest leaping wildly. “You… want to propose a marriage?”
Byron tilted his head, almost chuckling. “Of course. I know you have only been here physically for one week’s time, but we have seen each other many times before. Don’t you see? The Goddess sent you to me, Princess. You are destined to be my queen.”
Hearing him say those words, the ones from my dream, strengthened my resolve. This was real, it was more than a fiery fantasy. Byron was no longer a figure that haunted me at night; he was a man who would stand by my side and love me throughout our lives. I grinned, and threw my arms around his neck tightly. “Byron,” I said, happy tears prickling my eyes, “Wysteria would like you to be its prince consort.”
Byron laughed, and a swell of wind burst around us as he hugged me warmly. “Stein will accept, gladly.”
Once Byron was officially named my prince consort (after being approved by the councils of Wysteria and Stein, and then announced to the public), we saw each other quite often. Of course, our nights apart were still plagued with the same dreams, our meeting apparently not having acquiesced the spirit sending us the passionate visions. In reality, we were both dragged away for work more often than not, but most weekends I would spend a day or two in Stein, and every few weeks, Byron would make the journey to Wysteria to stay with me for an extended visit. We spent a great deal of our days conversing on our strolls, as we enjoyed each other’s thoughts and ideas about anything from governing to gardening; however, the more time we spent in each other’s company, the more we enjoyed comfortable silence. We would often sit along the forest’s edge at dusk, silently thanking the Goddess for each other in the peace and quiet.
It was during one such evening, as Byron had once again come to see me in Wysteria, that we were silently sitting on the low wall that encircled the palace, and Byron asked of me, “Princess, would you like to meditate together again?”
I opened my eyes, forgetting that I had let them fall closed in my peaceful state, resting my head on his shoulder. I lifted myself to look at him, smiling curiously. “Why now? We haven’t meditated together in months, not since we first met. What brings this on?”
Byron snickered, pecking my forehead playfully as he stood to his feet. “Just come with me, please?”
I stared at his hand skeptically, but gathered my light skirt above my bare feet and took it with a smirk. “Fine, but I can feel your excitement, you imp.”
Byron grinned then, and pulled me along as we walked into the woods. The fireflies skipped about us, making the twilight feel like an ocean of fairy light. I caressed Byron’s hand as it held my own, giggling as we tripped along the branches in the path. I could smell the water as we closed in on the clearing, knowing my woods well enough to see where Byron was headed.
When we pushed past the last line of trees, the wet, open air embraced us happily. A steep cliff rose into the trees, just high enough to nearly brush the tallest pine. The river that ran through the woods fell in droves over the edge, spraying the air with a misty sheen before plummeting into a green pool where we stood. The roar of the small waterfall was loud enough to interrupt any kind of focused energy meditation that Byron would have planned on doing. “Byron,” I laughed. “This is beautiful, but it’s hardly a good place for a meditation circle.”
Byron nodded. “I admit, it is not ideal for energy meditation. It is, however, perfect for personal meditating.”
I raised a brow at that, crossing my arms. “What?”
Smiling almost shyly, Byron faced me. “This is a place to ponder life’s direction, to consider personal relationships and their meaning, and…” he said, his words faltering, “…to ask the Goddess for courage,” he added under his breath.
My heart pounded in my chest, noting how nervous Byron looked. “Byron, I don’t understand.”
“Your Highness,” Byron said, swallowing thickly, “I wanted to bring you to a place that would give us both strength; a place where our elements combined in harmony.”
It was then that I looked up to the waterfall, noting the moon rising just above its peak. I could feel the powerful rush of the water, and the steady drift as its tiniest particles flew into the night air, caressing my cheek. All at once, I could feel the water and the air living together, working to create this masterpiece of nature. I gasped when I turned back to Byron, and he was reaching into the pocket of his riding trousers, falling to his knees. He reached out for my hand, and placed something in my palm. When I unfurled my fingers, my eyes filled with tears. Byron had placed a ring there, a silver band adorned with sapphires and emeralds. I could feel the binding energy that pulsed inside of them. I smiled, laughing in disbelief when I saw Byron’s shimmering eyes.
“Princess, would you allow me to bind myself to you, and yourself to me?” Byron remained on his knees, staring up at me hopefully.
I grinned brightly, falling to meet him on the ground, running my free hand over his cheek and pressing my face to his. “Of course, My King.”
Byron laughed happily, reaching out to take the ring, and place it carefully on my left hand. When it sat snug on my finger, I felt the night air sing, as if the earth approved of the union. Byron must have felt it too, for he shivered when he pulled away. Grasping my face in his hands, he pressed a feverish kiss to my lips. “Oh, my love…”
My heart sang at those words. I returned his kiss with equal passion, wrapping him closer as I pulled him to the ground. With Byron’s weight on top of me, it felt natural to part my legs and invite him to rest between them. “Byron… I love you…”
“And I you,” he said hoarsely, groaning as his hips connected with mine. Almost hissing, Byron pulled away with a grimace. “But we cannot forget propriety, Princess. I am not yet your husband.”
“But you will be,” I tried, kissing along his jawline. I rolled my hips under his, hiking up my knee and letting my thin skirt fall well past my thigh.
Byron’s hand went straight for the exposed flesh, squeezing roughly as he gave himself a moment to press himself down into me. He kissed me again, opening his mouth to allow his tongue to slide along my bottom lip.
The feeling of it made me moan, and the sound was enough to snap Byron back to his senses. The normally kempt king was a blushing mess as he sat back on his knees, staring down at me. I sat up on my elbows, purposefully jutting out my shoulder to make my loose shirt fall down my arm. I threw Byron a seductive glare, biting my lip to make him come back to me.
Byron laughed, rubbing his face with both hands. “The siren finally appears,” he joked.
I sat up and ran my hands along his shirt buttons. “And she has been waiting for the powerful devil of her dreams to finally claim her as his own,” I answered, nipping at Byron’s earlobe.
He groaned, pushing lightly against my shoulders. “Do not make me do something we will both regret, Princess. We have not yet been spiritually bound.”
The seriousness of his voice made me retreat. I looked up into his eyes, knowing full well that he was barely controlling his urges at that moment. I sighed, pressing my face into his chest. “I want you so badly,” I grumbled.
“Words cannot express how difficult it is for me not to give in to your desires,” Byron choked, pulling me with him as he stood, “but as King, I will hold myself to a higher standard.”
I chewed on my lip, teasing, “And if you were not King?”
“If I were not King,” he said, running his hands along my sides, “you would already be cumming against that tree.”
I trembled, whimpering as my core burst from the image of Byron fucking me wildly in the forest. I covered my mouth to keep from openly moaning, and swallowed back any more teasing remarks. “I see,” I managed, clearing my throat. “Then as Princess of Wysteria, I shall also contain myself, until we are bound.”
Byron beamed, and suddenly pulled me into a kiss that was tender, sweet, and slow. I smiled around his lips, allowing his love for me to consume me instead of his carnal pleasure. “I am glad that we agree,” Byron chuckled.
I grinned, then finally looked down to the ring on my hand. “Oh Byron,” I sang. “It’s perfect.”
“Perfection is demanded for my future queen,” Byron replied. “I am glad you like it.”
Tightening my hands in his, I said, “I don’t know what to say. I love it, and I love you. I am yours, Byron.”
“Then say just that,” he said warmly, kissing my forehead, “and say you will marry me immediately.”
I looked up into his silvery eyes, glowing proudly beside the moon. I smiled. “I won’t rest until every preparation is made. We will be wed before the year’s end, My King.”
The snow fell steadily to the ground of the Wysterian forest. The light blue dress that hung off my hips was accented by rich white fur, bunched around my waist and wrapped warmly around my shoulders. I clutched a bouquet of dark red roses in my hands, smiling with matching ruby lips to the man at the end of the aisle.
Byron smiled proudly back, his chin raised, looking every bit the King of Stein in his white formal attire. A fur lined cape hung from his shoulders, swishing around excitedly at his feet. A gust of wind swept around my face, my hair flying back, and I giggled at the silver glimmer in Byron’s eyes. All around us were the aristocracy of Wysteria and Stein, along with our dear friends and family. As I reached the altar, Nico took my bouquet and returned to his seat in the front, allowing me to then take the hands of my fiancé. Byron’s grin didn’t fade when I squeezed his fingers, and he gently rubbed mine with his thumbs in return.
Giles smiled, saying, “Thank you all for gathering to witness a momentous and joyous union of two kingdoms. Today, the royal bloodlines of Wysteria and of Stein will be bonded…”
I couldn't stop staring at Byron. Even as Giles asked us to say our vows, it all was lost in the fog of Byron’s loving gaze. I sighed happily every time his grip tightened on my hands.
“Finally, the two shall be united first in blood, then in body, and in spirit. Your Majesty,” Giles asked, handing Byron the ceremonial knife, “take this blade, and repeat after me.”
Byron released my hands, and took the decorative knife, holding the blade to his palm. “I cut my flesh,” he repeated as Giles instructed, “only so that it may be yours. I give you my blood, so that it may be ours.” Byron slid the blade along his palm, making a light cut that burned red in the winter sun. “Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, and blood of my blood, all I have, I give to you.”
Giles then took the blade, and handed it to me, offering me the very same instructions.  I slid the blade along my opposite palm, and a red line appeared that matched Byron’s. “I cut my flesh, only so that it may be yours. I give you my blood, so that it may be ours. Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh, and blood of my blood,” I said, voice wavering. A tear slid down my cheek, and I glanced up to Byron while smiling brightly, finishing, “all I have, I give to you.”
Byron’s lips twitched into a smile, his eyes glistening as I handed Giles the ceremonial knife, and allowed him to take each of our wounded hands and clasp them together. As Giles covered our hands in a strip of cloth to fasten us together physically, Byron and I both felt a surge of energy swell within us and burst, and we laughed happily as we realized we had been bonded spiritually as well.
Giles stepped back, saying, “Let it be known that the ceremonial rites of marriage have been observed here today by this couple, who have now been bound. What has been crafted by the Goddess, let no one dare to come between.” Then, grinning, he said, “Please, Your Majesties, seal your bond with a kiss.”
Byron wasted little time before he was pulling me in for a kiss, wrapping his unfastened hand around my shoulders. I snuck my arm beneath the warmth of his cape, and we held tight to one another, smiling and laughing between kisses. Applause rose from the witnessing crowd, as people stood to congratulate their new King and Queen. A swell of wind surrounded us in a flurry, and we happily clung tighter, our powers joined as one with the wind and the ice.
The festivities for the evening were nothing short of grandeur. Naturally, a union between two kingdoms would have been enough for a celebration, but the couple having magical talent meant even more cause for festivity. The nobles of the court in Wysteria had been asking for a marriage to strengthen magic in the royal blood, and a powerful warlock like Byron was far more than they had anticipated of me. So, the revelry went deep into the night. Drinking, dancing, food, and more had Byron and me exhausted. But of course, nothing could have distracted us from the heated gaze we both cast toward one another as we celebrated. As the evening progressed, Byron’s hands sank lower on my back, and my hips repeatedly brushed against his at an increasing rate.
We didn’t bother hiding the speed at which we retreated from the party and headed toward my chambers. I giggled when Byron snatched up my hand and pulled me behind him, racing down the halls. We both laughed as we ran, coated in a blue haze of a full moon night, the glowing snowflakes outside the windows like airy cotton drifting past our vision.
When we reached my chambers, Byron swept me into his arms, cradling me as a proper bride. He kicked in my doors, and I laughed loudly at his eagerness. He was already kissing me by the time the door shut behind us, my arms tight around his neck. I felt the mattress against my back and Byron’s comforting weight on top of me. I didn’t want him to pull away, but when I saw him hastily removing his dressings, I realized we both were wearing far too many clothes. I, too, sat up and unfastened my cape, throwing away the heavy furs and letting them slide across the marble floor to land in front of the fireplace. Byron’s coat hit the ground, and he leaned in to kiss me again, his mouth falling open and gasping desperately between each press of his lips. His fingers worked against his buttons just as mine pulled away the last of my corset. In only a thin slip, I pressed my hands flat against his warm chest, pushing his shirt from his shoulders. My mouth was watering, my eyes glazed as I finally saw his gorgeous body in the flesh.
Byron’s muscles tensed and shuddered in anticipation. His eyes, once bright and silver, were cloudy and dark with lust. I leapt into his arms, and he pulled me up into his chest. My legs naturally found their place around his waist, and I moaned when his hard member pressed into my core through his trousers. He practically growled, and backed away from the bed, nearly tripping over his coat and cape on the ground. I giggled when he stumbled with me in his arms toward the fireplace, and knelt on top of my discarded furs. Byron laid me back onto the plush cape, pausing to stare down at my heaving chest.
He reached forward, surprisingly ginger in his movements, and pulled at the neckline of my slip. I rested on my elbows, panting as Byron’s hands slid down my breasts, pushing the thin fabric away. He breathed heavily, shoulders shaking as he continued pulling it off, running his fingers along my naked sides, my bare thighs, and off my ankles. He continued staring at me, even when I was completely exposed.
I slowly parted my thighs, and made myself an offering to him. “My King,” I whispered.
Byron’s eyes snapped clear. He growled, reaching down to tear off the buttons of his trousers, freeing his strained erection at last. He smirked when he saw me bite my lip, watching his manhood twitch with as much excitement as I was feeling. “My Queen,” he replied, and leaned over me.
Our lips met instantly, moving with passion in our embrace. He kicked his pants fully off, his hips hovering over mine. I felt Byron’s cock move to my entrance, and begin to slip inside. I gasped, tossing my head back when I felt him stretch me for the first time. Byron kissed my jawline, and pressed his lips onto the side of my neck. His hips stuttered as they moved forward. He pressed his forehead into the crook of my neck, digging his fingers into the fur on the floor in tandem with my nails sinking into his shoulders. “Nngh,” Byron gasped, his voice strained as he continued to sink into me. “You’re so wet, my love.”
“Byron,” I breathed. The pressure in my core was almost too much to take. I was being stretched by a man who I felt I had laid with too many times to count; and yet this was the first time we were making love outside of our visions. I was too close to cumming from that thought alone, the months of anticipation practically all the foreplay I needed.
I could tell Byron felt the same way. He was panting heavily, his deep voice rumbling as his hips finally connected with mine. He relaxed on top of me, leaning back to brush the hair from my face. “You feel… amazing… Are you all right, love?”
I nodded, smiling blissfully. “Byron, take me, please!”
Byron’s hips thrust forward, and we both cried out from the feeling. A flash of light caught my eye, and I turned to see the fireplace burning with a small flame.
Byron grasped onto my hands, squeezing tightly against the bandage across my left palm with his right. His left hand cupped my cheek as he kissed me, and I could feel the same wrappings scratching me. I smiled, giggling as he kissed from my lips to my jaw, back to my ear, and down to my neck. His hips rolled against me as he did so, and when I felt him hit a particularly wonderful spot, I arched away from him in ecstasy.
The flames beside us grew brighter, and as Byron’s hips increased speed, the fire continued to grow. Orange light illuminated Byron’s face, showing me just how senseless I was making him. His eyes lulled back, eyelids fluttering and teeth grit. He licked his lips, letting his eyes shut as his mouth fell open in a thick moan.
I rolled my hips under his, letting my high take control of my body. I couldn’t fight how badly I needed to cum. “Byron, Byron please. Byron, I am so close, my love…”
“Yes, my love, I want to feel you clenching around me, finally, I want to feel it…” Byron’s hips snapped forward faster.
I couldn’t take it any longer. I shoved backward on Byron’s shoulders, catching him off guard. Wasting no time, I mounted him.
Byron’s eyes were wide, his hands resting by his head. “Oh… My Queen…”
I rode Byron’s cock until I was delirious, screaming his name. “Byron! Shit, yes, Byron!” I pressed my hands into his chest, bouncing down on his cock and feeling it graze the perfect spot inside of me, the place I wanted him most.
Byron’s eyes shut tight, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip. “M-My Queen, yes, I am going to fill you…” His hands settled on my hips, squeezing lightly.
I was crying out wildly, moaning for my King. “Yes, fill me Byron. I have waited too long to feel it inside of me…”
Two more thrusts of his hips upward, and Byron froze. He threw his head back, arching desperately into me. I could feel his body clenching, power surging through me as he granted me his seed. It warmed me to my core, until I realized that my skin was burning up too. The fireplace was blazing now, the bright orange now a vivid blue. I looked down to see my King in absolute bliss, his muscles etched with the fiery blue.
Seeing Byron’s face as he came inside of me was enough to send me over the edge. My vision went hazy at the edges, and I clenched tightly around Byron’s cock, locking my hips with his. I could see the same sapphire flames, even when I closed my eyes. My body sang with Byron’s blood in my veins, his seed in my womb, his sweat on my skin. I fell forward, panting into his heaving chest.
As we caught our breath, the flames died down in the fireplace, eventually dissipating and leaving us in the cool darkness again. Byron was the first to speak. “Did I burn you, my love?” He was running his warm palm against my arm.
I shook my head. “No, I feel wonderful, Byron.” I sat up on my knees, letting Byron’s cock slide out of me. I could still feel the remnants of our coupling inside of me, and I smiled. I fell to his side, curling up on the fur and nuzzling into his shoulder.
Byron lifted his arm, tucking me into his side. He pressed a lingering kiss to the top of my head, grinning. “Finally,” he breathed.
I giggled, nodding. “Thank the Goddess.”
“Mm,” Byron moaned in agreement, his eyes shut and expression sated.
As I looked up toward my husband and King, feeling his power and love pump inside my chest, I looked toward the full moon outside the window, and said a silent prayer. Thank you, indeed.
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