#it doesnt concern itself with any real properties plants have! why do marigolds mean contempt when this plant has been valued for its
bookshelfdreams · 2 years
meaningless arbitrary pet peeve of the day: I hate """victorian flower language"""
it's largely completely arbitrary & disconnected from the cultural significance plants and flowers have due to their use in folk medicine and/or folk magic, it's just what some 19th century dipshit came up with one day, and like many things 19th century dipshits came up with, it has completely permeated the collective consciousness and now we think x flower has to symbolize y thing, look, it says so in this infographic about the language of flowers! as if this were in any way objective
anyway a bouquet of foxglove and lily-of-the-valley doesn't mean "my heart is withering in loneliness but I am rooting for your success" or whatever contrived bullshit, it's a barely concealed death threat
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