#it seems possible though unlikely that she doesn't know but is assuming bc thats what she expects
radiantmists · 3 years
so considering the way Annabelle phrases that ending, this idea is very unlikely as it sounds as though /she/ knows who listens to the tapes, but I was reading a post about them and suddenly had a thought.
Where do leitners come from?
We accept them as a part of this universe, and everyone has their opinion on whether they're useful, what should be done with them, whatever. A lot of people thought one guy was responsible for them because he made heavy use of them, but in fact he barely understood them either. really the only explanation we've been given for their origins is that they just sort of... manifest.
Sound familiar?
So... I’m not confident that this is correct, but it seems like it would be interesting if the tapes weren't actually a plot of any kind, a direct tool of anyone; no one in particular is listening, though of course anyone can if they find one. They're just a way that fear seeps into the world.
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