#it will eb a cold day in hell i tag anyhtign “mutual name”
joculatrixster · 1 year
whats the worst case of ooc link you've witnessed
ANY pervy link!!! that man would NOT do that r u guys kidding me u project onto him SO MUCH but but u dare make MY blorbo a perv bc ur ass cant stop drooling over teenage girls!!!
im not just talking about in straight nsfw but ppl make like joeky comics about how link loooooves zelda or navi or malon and wants to see up their skirts/kiss them/ touch them and he would NOT DO THAT. im aware some mangas had jokes like that but thats clearly NOT how link thinks in ANY game...puppy crushes or hell even real crushes r fine but not when ppl make it creepy or pervy then thats way too far for me when in most game she treats girls w/ disintrest and most zelda romances r forced af
i have a few popualr tropes i also dislike but i dont rlly wanna make this a whole rant and THAT troupe is both popular and rlly ooc imo! maybe my aro ass aint seeing things right but just bc link knows a lot of woman doesnt mean he wants to bone them all!!! in most games hes rlly disinterested in romance imo. like i get having ships but ppl force the heteronormative idea of boys always thinking about girls onto him and i am just not for that
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