#it's the great Charlie Cox bingeing weekend!! <3 lol
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I’ve just spent the last day bingeing S1 of Daredevil for the first time in OVER A YEAR and, my god, the whole time I just flailing around inside at how goddamn hot Matt Murdock is all over again. 😵💫
It’s crazy. I mean, I’m CharlieThomasCoxUniverse for heavens sake! I see him every single day...but pics and gifs and fanvids pale in comparison to the experience of actually properly seeing and hearing Matt on-screen again. It’s like comparing the warmth of a light bulb to actually standing outside in the heat of the summer sun - there is no comparison. 😮💨
(So glad now that I made myself wait so long before watching Daredevil again. Having been a Charlie fan for so long, I’ve learned to try not to over-watch my faves of his. I always have a better and stronger viewing experience when I haven’t seen something in a while so I try to rotate his filmography. And so, yeah, Matt Murdock’s in-person hotness just hit me like a truck again today and I feel a little faint tbh.🥴🥴🥴 But it’s all good. It’s GREAT. lmao)  
I also happened to take this screenshot and...I think it’s safe to say Matt’s never beating the slutty little waist allegations.😏
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PLUS...I left this pic sitting in my drafts and came back to find it had been slapped with one of these:
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I’m dying.🤣 I mean, the man’s completely dressed from head-to-toe, but you know what, Tumblr?? You’re absolutely right. 
Matt Murdock in the suit of sin is absolutely pornographic. 🔥🔥🔥
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