#its accumulated enough sad vibes I’m gonna throw my windows open this week
baconcolacan · 1 year
I often headcanon Tom to have PDD (Persistent Depressive Disorder) instead of MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) like how I see most people do. Nothing wrong with it, I’m just more familiar with PDD (bc I have it lol).
His mood is mostly inconsistent, and he’s always at neutrally muted most days, but he has really REALLY good days too, even if they’re rare. During those days he’s SUPER productive and actually gets to deep clean his room, and the clean environment extends his good mood to a few more days to a week :]c
During his good days he spends more time with the other guys and happily goes along with their antics, and even have a few goofs with them. Those days are really, REALLY good….
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