#jupis camp adventures
wileyfern · 2 years
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Jupiter “Jupi” Aldridge is going to be living at a camp site in Granite Falls while exploring the wildlife around him. He is accompanied by his best friend and big floofer Kalyke. These two are looking for about 3 to 4 sims to come join them in hanging out and exploring the wildlife and maybe making some memories :)
For Fellow Campers
be ready to live in a tent lol
for cc:
i have a lot of cc so use what you want
just no alpha hair
alpha-ish clothes are fine!
ya is preferred
occults are welcome of course
facts and info:
i have 5 traits for sims so you can let me know the other two traits your sim has if you want
zodiac sign (not necessary but i will add it to them)
a few facts and hobbies they have :)
add likes and dislikes!
this is still gonna be gameplay centered so no story here
I’ll probably be taking the first few sims i get!
for deadline I’m gonna say before the end of the month, I still have to finish gen 4 oops
tag me when submitting a sim please so its easier for me to see! thanks!
About Jupi is under the cut, feel free to send an ask for any more info or facts about them
About Jupiter
loves the outdoors
was a scout as a kid
half alien
a pretty terrible dancer but tries their best
very handy
fav colors:
middle child out of three siblings
grew up in brindleton bay and moved to selvadorada as a child
always grew up with pets so absolutely loves them. mostly a dog person but loves cats as well
very clumsy!
has a few tattoos
I have more pics of Jupiter and Kalyke i can post if anyone reads this far lol
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akitasimblr · 2 years
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joy harper, one of my third generation’s spare is applying to @wileyfern “come hang out with jupi kalyke”! wish her luck!
Young Adult
Sim (human)
Cheerful - Self-Assured - Family-Oriented - Scouting Aptitude - Happy Toddler - Quick Learner (as for the additional two traits, I would give her the Outgoing and Perfectionist)
zodiac: virgo
History Degree
Born in Willow Creek
Bio: joy harper is the third of five siblings. she was presumably conceived in sylvan glade and as a toddler she did believe she was a fairy! her father is a former granite falls ranger so she knows the forest by heart, thanks to many summers spent there with her family and with scouts summer camps.
joy is the family kind of girl. she was an inquisitive toddler, a commited student as a kid and her teenage days caused no trouble to her parents. she was always very keen on helping her brothers and sister. 
she likes to read, to practice her speech in front of the mirror, to listen to loud music and to talk, endlessly, with her aunt charlie or her older brother bernard. in fact, the only fault i can find in her, is that she causes a fire everytime she goes near the kitchen. and once she even got all flirty with the fireman that saved her, after all she owed him her life!
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itsclydebitches · 7 years
Just days after Balem returned to his adult self, Jupiter is thrown head-first into another adventure - one she, frankly, really doesn’t have the energy for. But when has the universe ever taken her desires into account? Mysteries, promises, and desperate moves forward; bees, splices, and awkward family dinners. It’s enough to make even her seasoned head spin.
…which doesn’t even include the chance to play at ‘Mother’ once more. Only question is: will Jupiter take it?
Fandom: Jupiter Ascending
Words: 14,139 so far
Warnings: Will eventually mention previous neglect/abuse of children
Pairings: Jupiter/Caine
Where to Read it: Below the cut or on AO3 (AO3 recommended for formatting)
Chapter Eight 
She kept thinking about fungus.
It was a strange and kind of terrible thing to focus on, all mushy parts and bright colors to indicate poison. Jupiter had never been much of an outdoorsy girl—she’d always been too focused on the stars overhead—but she knew without a doubt that she’d hate camping, that if she’d attended a public high school any environmental classes would have been a pain, and hell, she wouldn’t touch the mushrooms in her salad with a ten-foot pole. But here she was, imagining oozing, bulbous fungi in the comfort of Stinger’s home. Jupiter knew why too. It was one of the endless, cardinal rules passed down to her on how to properly clean a home:
‘Never touch a man’s shower with bare anything,’ her mom had emphasized. ‘Hands, feet—nothing! You’ll pick up their fungeses.’
As Jupiter got older, wiser perhaps, she kind of wanted to interrogate her mom about that particular bit of advice. When exactly do you think I’m gonna be barefoot in a customer’s shower? What if it’s a woman’s? Is this a gender thing? And hey, are you going to bite my head off if I remind you that the English plural of ‘fungus’ is ‘fungi’?
She’d always chickened out though, mothers would do that to you, but it didn’t mean Jupiter had forgotten any of those useless rules that had been drilled into her head. This one certainly reverberated as she sat in the bath of Stinger’s modest shower.
Somehow, strangely, this felt more intimate than all the sleepovers and shared meals combined. It was necessary though, not the least because Jupiter was pretty sure she wasn’t going to contract any cross-species space germs from taking a load off. She’d gotten into the shower, turned on the water, and promptly decided that standing was just Too Much.
Everything felt a bit Too Much nowadays.
With a groan Jupiter rested her head on her knees, just letting the water pound over her back and push her hair into her eyes. The dust from their little excursion had long washed away and some of the tension Jupiter had built up was actually easing too. Stinger’s bathroom, like the rest of the house, smelled of honey, and if Jupiter strained her ears she could just make out the sound of him grumbling about his corn field downstairs. It was familiar and oddly soothing.
That is, until a massive crash sounded beside her.
Jupiter’s hand shot out, pulling the shower curtain aside just enough to stick her head through. She glared at Guano who had, astoundingly, managed to knock everything off the counter.
She paused in the act of reaching for a wayward deodorant stick. “Sorry,” she whispered.
Jupiter sighed.
It wasn’t as if she particularly wanted a seven-foot bat splice with a massive wingspan crammed into the bathroom with her, but sometimes things just worked out that way. Guano and the Stingers had gotten along famously when their biggest conflict was how best to embarrass Jupiter. When Guano proclaimed herself a new guard though? Well, things had gotten a little hairy. Or perhaps ‘fury’ was the more appropriate term, given present company.
“You’re doing what now?” Stinger had said, voice oddly soft compared to his normally gruff nature. It wasn’t soothing though. Guano seemed to be the only one not picking up on the change in tone.
She didn’t even spare Stinger a glance, just kept herself down on one knee until Jupiter made a frantic gesture for her to rise. And no, she definitely hadn’t picked that one up from Star Trek episodes where the confident, capable captains got to intone “At ease!” to all their subordinates. Jupiter was more of a Kirk kind of gal anyway: lack of formality all around. To her relief Guano stood immediately, though she still kept her wings and arms folded in the approximation of a parade rest.
Stinger, Caine, and Kiza had all saddled up behind her.
“You left Kalique?” Kiza said incredulously.
Caine shook his head, clearly not buying it. “You were released by Kalique?”
“If that had happened she’d have been sent back to her brood,” Stinger muttered. Jupiter noted that he still had one hand resting lightly on his gun.
Jupiter spread her arms, a gesture of peace. “Oh hey, look, Guano is right here. How about we just ask her, hmm?”
Guano inclined her head in thanks. It was easily the most sophisticated gesture Jupiter had seen from her, and she could suddenly picture how a hulking, over-excited splice like Guano might serve someone as refined as Kalique. She could see it easily now, and it felt like the world titled on its axis.
Then Guano grinned, teeth flashing, and everything fell back into place.
“I wasn’t released,” she said. “And I didn’t abandon her Ladyship.” Guano glared fiercely at Kiza. “I was gifted to Her Majesty.”
“Gifted...?” Jupiter said slowly.
“Yes! To you, of course.”
“Dammit,” Caine muttered and caught Jupiter around the waist just as she blew a gasket.
It was, in retrospect, not her finest moment, but there was only so much crazy a woman could take before she needed to let off some steam. Jupiter certainly wasn’t yelling at Guano--she was the victim here, right?—but she might have directed her frustration at the party more broadly, only dimly aware of them nodding compulsively like they’d heard it all before (which they had). Who the hell did Kalique think she was? (“An Abrasax, Your Majesty.”) You can’t just give away people! (“We’re not people, Your Majesty.”) Splices. You know I mean ‘people’ more broadly, Kiza. (“Yeah, I know, and it’s appreciated... but she can actually do that.”) No she can’t! (“It’ll be alright, Your Majesty.”)
It wasn’t alright and sometimes Jupiter wanted to rip her hair out at the blasé attitude of her friends—her family. A part of her got that she was just one newbie trying to comment on a system they’d lived in their whole lives, that had existed for generations... a larger part just wanted them to admit that they were angry about it all, even once. Instead they settled on something in between: Jupiter admitting that temper tantrums weren’t going to get anything done around here; Stinger, Caine, Kiza, and a now confused Guano giving her kind looks for the tantrum in the first place.
Even if it set her teeth on edge, Jupiter let Guano explain that, yes, she’d been gifted to her by Kalique. That she’d noticed how well the two of them got along and intended it as a gesture of goodwill before their dinner tonight. Jupiter asked sarcastically if she was supposed to give a gift in turn. Could it be a hard right hook?
That should have been the end of it. Kalique was obviously up to something, but there was only so much they could do here and now. And of course Guano could stay, serve, whatever... except...
“Her Majesty already has a royal guard,” Stinger had said, eyes narrowed. Guano had faced him with ease.
“Yes. Caine is her first guard, her mate. I am her second. My daughter, her third.”
“Three’s a good number,” Kiza said.
“So is four,” Guano countered.
“I like four,” Jupiter said. Literally no one was listening to her.
Stinger had come even closer, nearly nose-to-nose with Guano. “How do we know we can really trust you? That you aren’t still loyal to Kalique?”
“How do you know I won’t break you for suggesting such a thing?” Guano closed the distance, breathing straight across Stinger’s cheek. “Bats sometimes eat bees, you know.”
“Oh boy,” Jupiter murmured.
“Shit,” she said now, repeating Guano’s choice of phrase and looking at the mess that was Stinger’s bathroom floor. That wasn’t going to endear him to the new addition. Guano was still frozen with guilt, grabbing onto that deodorant stick like a lifeline. With a sigh Jupiter pulled the shower curtain under her chin and tried to soften her expression.
“It’s fine,” she stressed, even though things kind of weren’t.
The four of them had continued bickering all the way back to the house in a manner Jupiter was more inclined to label as reminiscent of ‘sibling rivalry’ than ‘arch nemesis,’ but that didn’t mean it didn’t grate on her nerves. It just wasn’t cute when they had Kalique to deal with. First stolen honey, a fox splice in broad daylight, then changing their location, now Guano as a goddamn ‘gift’...none of it was adding up, yet all of it was turning Jupiter’s stomach. She’d padded upstairs to make herself presentable and had gotten Guano as a stray. Though Jupiter couldn’t blame her. Stinger had probably threatened her out of the living room with a spatula or something.
“I’m too big for this house,” Guano said, sweeping everything up with her wings and dumping it into the sink. Jupiter hummed an acknowledgement.
“I sometimes feel too small for this universe,” she said.
“You are rather small, even for a human.”
“Pff. Thanks, Guano. I think.”
Jupiter had never put much stock in modesty (sharing a single bathroom with a family as big as hers, she didn’t have the luxury), so she just left the curtain open a bit and finally got down to the actual cleaning business. She still didn’t bother to stand though, just grabbed a bar of soap (milk and honey, what else?) and got to work. Guano watched with detached curiosity.
“What’s she like?” Jupiter asked, soaping up her legs. Stinger had been kind enough to lay out a new razor.
Guano tilted her head. Long ears pointed towards her, just like Caine’s did sometimes. “Who, Your Majesty?”
“Oh! Well, she’s an Abrasax. She’s beautiful and rich and powerful and—”
“And encourages everyone to repeat those things about her,” Jupiter interrupted. “C’mon. What’s she really like? You can be honest.”
Jupiter wasn’t sure a splice like Guano, bred and raised for loyalty could really be ‘honest’ in the way she was looking for. Then again, bats weren’t known for their loyalty, not like wolves or bees, and Jupiter definitely caught a glimpse of... something in Guano’s eyes. She folded her wings, crossed her booted legs over the toilet, and leaned her whole bulk precariously over the edge. It put her just a few inches from Jupiter, though she experienced none of the tension she felt when Guano had faced off against Stinger.
“I can tell you three things, Your Majesty,” she whispered, “and you can do what you want with them. Yeah?”
Jupiter leaned forward as well, arms crossed over the tub’s rim. “Alright.”
Guano’s fingers were longer than a human’s, nearly black and so thin they could probably be used as weapons. She held three of them out, poised near Jupiter’s chin.
“One: I worked for Her Ladyship for nearly thirty years and she sent me on many, many missions, but she didn’t bother to learn my name, rank, or capabilities until she sent me after you.” A finger curled into her palm. “Two: The previous dinner we attended was the most relaxed I’ve ever seen Her Ladyship. And three: She may not have fought in the war as I have, but she is one of their fiercest warriors I’ve ever encountered.”
Jupiter nodded slowly. She could see that. Kalique had always fought with brains rather than brawns, and it made her that much more dangerous. “Thanks, Guano.”
“I’m very happy to be serving you, Your Majesty.”
Cupping her hand, Jupiter caught some of the water and flicked it at her. Guano spluttered, the fur on her face wet, clearly not knowing how to respond. Jupiter pinned her with a serious look.
“You know you don’t have to serve me, right? If you don’t want to. You’re always free to go.”
“But I do! Want to be here, I mean. Not go. Not if you’ll have me.”
“Even if it rubs Stinger the wrong way?”
Guano grinned. “Especially then.”
“Figures,” and Jupiter flung a bit more water at her. Guano’s whole body ruffled and she ended up knocking more things off the counter. Jupiter finished washing as she cursed.
It was while she was re-rolling the toilet paper that Guano suddenly stopped, hunched her wings over her shoulders protectively, and seemed to hesitate about what to say next. When she did finally speak it was with her face turned away from Jupiter and the lines of her back hard as iron:
“Also, I... I’m very sorry about your pup,” she said quietly.
Jupiter shivered, the water on her back suddenly feeling cold. Yeah, she was sorry too. Sorry enough that she’d been trying not to think about washing Balem in this very room... though never so sorry that she’d get over how everyone acted like he’d died instead of just growing the hell up.
Then again, if you lost every piece of who you were when that happened, was it really any different?
“God.” Jupiter tilted her head back and let the water pound against her eyes. “I’m...” What? There were too many things to say and not enough ways to say them. “I’m sorry for you too. The war.”
Guano took the peace offering, turning back her way. A bit of toilet paper was caught on her wing. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“And if I’m owning up to my own ignorance here, uh... what war was that exactly?”
“Ha!” Guano smiled again, even if it was tinged with something darker. “That is funny. It’s a big universe, Your Majesty, and I’ve fought my fair share. The question you want is which war.”
“...that’s not a conversation I need to have right now.”
“You humans say something else funny... yes! ‘You’re not drunk enough for this,’ right?”
Jupiter chuckled, nodding. “We’ll fix that one of these days.”
“Not me.”
“Wait, can splices not get drunk?”
“None of us can.”
Jupiter looked up, finding Caine standing ramrod straight in the doorway. He’d done away with his weaponry and stripped down to just a tank, jeans, and boots—looking mighty fine, if Jupiter had to put a label on him. His expression was a little sour though as he surveyed Guano and Guano’s mess.
He was also carrying a massive box which... okay.
“You,” he said to Guano. “Out.”
Guano deliberately looked to Jupiter. She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, go on. Go bug Kiza for me.”
“Of course, Your Majesty!”
Guano left—deliberately bumping into Caine on her way, turning to give Jupiter a wink—and then it was just the two of them, finally alone.
Jupiter stretched her legs and thought about fungi. She thought she got it now though. Something in her life was definitely growing... she just wasn’t sure if it was poisonous or not yet.
“Hey,” she said.
“Hey,” Caine echoed.
Jupiter beckoned him to her and, like always, he came.
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