#just heard that our prime minister 'recommends' we start wearing masks again ๐Ÿ˜‚ bestie who tf spent months telling everyone it was over
defiantcatlady ยท 1 year
people are stupid selfish and short-sighted and I want to throttle someone daily, but I actually blame the government most of all for how unwilling everyone is to just fucking wear a mask to avoid catching and spreading a potentially lethal or disabling disease we barely understand.
it's been 3 whole years of "masks are useless wait no actually wear a mask everywhere wait actually just wear it indoors wait actually just wear it on the bus wait actually it's fine the pandemic is over uh wait actually maybe wear it on the bus wait actually you need to wear it indoors". even the most reasonable person would get tired of that nonsense, and most people are not reasonable.
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