#just say you don't understand him as a character if you write straight boy WY
jiangwanyinscatmom · 3 years
What are your thoughts on the comphet WWX debacle? Like i personally feel like it’s such an exaggeration for him same as the “lololol clown didn’t notice LWJ liked him” thing, like we can all agree that romantic or physical relationships were the least of WWX’s priorities during his first life and yeah he assumed he must have been straight since he never liked a boy before (but actually never liked a girl either) but it isn’t like he struggled with himself and felt any shame or guilt or whatever when he started falling for LWJ he accepted it pretty fast his only worry was that he didn’t want to impose those feelings on LWJ, so the whole sbwy and comphet HCs though funny when treated in a lighthearted way i find them pretty hyperbolic when people make it out to be a big main theme of the novel and claim it’s pretty much what the whole thing was about *shrugs*
So, my take in concern to this particular fandom obsession is, that no I don't agree with the usual popularity of "WWX was straight boy turned gay/ struggling with loving a man", that a lot of fanon loves to make within fics particularly modern ones based within america (insert spongebob judging fish here).And we have Shen Yuan for this if people want an in denial totally tropey in denial gay, come on guys, get the books right at least here as that is an actual big plot point for SVSSS and Shen Yuan being a neet loser.
I find it particularly distasteful, offensive, outdated, etc. to him as a character anyways. As his usual flirting towards others are light hearted and quiet chivalrous towards girls when he is young to make them comfortable and laugh. His most overt sexual overtures actually concern Lan Wangji throughout the novel as well as many of his more romantic thoughts even if he himself does not delve deeply into the why of it when he was younger.
His sexuality is never an issue for him nor does he ever think badly of the thought of gay men in general, (this particular point is saved for Jiang Cheng within the text compared to Wei Wuxian). The only comphet he displays, is just what I'd consider what many LGBT individuals face growing up within very straight households. Sometimes they just don't think of the fact that they may be gay, he has also been around Jiang Cheng himself who pressed that his early interest in Lan Wangji was strange with every interaction. Which I have wrote about before. Being around an overt homophobe does not make it easy to explore deeper into your own sexuality or deeply about it when they say it's weird to think so much about a same gendered interest.
Wei Wuxian does not display many of the rather western traits of what is considered western comphet takes. He is not prone to displaying overt masculinity (aka, american jock boy playboy, GAG). He doesn't shy away from affection towards Lan Wangji even as a friend. The man is more than comfortable sleeping in the same bed as Lan Wangji for two months until it is when Jiang Cheng is the one to instill the idea that Lan Wangji sees it as shameful and does not reciprocate. Wei Wuxian worries that Lan Wangji is just too polite to actually say anything against it.
He weaponizes others homophobia as seen when it came to Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling. He rather quickly gives up on it with Lan Wangji, unless it is to actually tease him as he had done when he was younger which by the point of Qinghe and their find of the torso, is meant to be his usual form of flirting which he later notes can be considered as cruel due to the circumstances that happened between the two and perceived rejection.
The main theme has more to do with him being able to accept the love and safety that is given to him unconditionally. He had usually always been the one to give that while hurting himself, Lan Wangji being a man has very little to do with his acceptance as he full heartedly confesses once he knows that his feelings are reciprocated.
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