#just wna hold him and tell him everything will be alright :(
anunluckyrabbit · 2 years
Scene 1
Alkin: It seems I have checked all the brides. Perhaps Tsukino is in need of service, running around to the chambers must be exhausting for a simple human-
[A grim reaper decoration had seemed to double in size, but then the skull had disappeared into the hood as another face was shown behind.]
Yuuki: Mister Nekomatta!
Alkin: Tsukino! How in the world- …
Yuuki: I heard your voice and I… Sir?
Alkin: …
Yuuki: … Nekomatta, sir?
Alkin: [whispers] Shepherd…
Yuuki: [pulling her hold down] Is everything alright Alkin? Do you need water or anything?
Alkin: [coughs] My apologies, I am fine. Thank you… Can you recognize me?
Yuuki: Of course, I can recognize that old man's voice anywhere! But… What happened earlier?
Alkin: [mutters] Old man voice… [clear] Your hood…
Yuuki: Did I scare you? I’m sorry, sir!
Alkin: I’m fine… How did you do that?
Yuuki: Oh, uh. I had the idea from a concert! I made it so that whenever I turn around I can lift up the back of the hood and it'll reveal a skull, then I can sit back and be a mini grim reaper! I’ll act as decoration while waiting for the hunters to gather at the chamber entrance!
Alkin: …
Yuuki: Also to hide from any guest that decide to get handsy…
Alkin: What? Have there been guests harassing you? Why didn’t you tell me or-
Yuuki: Only a few! Some hunters thought dragging me into their group would give them an upper hand, but don’t worry; they got their just punishment.
Alkin: … [scanning her, until he notices her arm] What happened to your sleeves? Your arm is bandaged!
Yuuki: Oh, one of the leather sleeves got caught in the decorations so I took it off.
Alkin: And you didn’t put it back on?
Yuuki: It got lost in the vines…
Alkin: So it was Rosenhex students again.
Yuuki: B-But I was able to patch myself, and I think the bandages do something for the costume!
Alkin: Be more concerned over your safety than aesthetic!
Yuuki: Jamil said the same thing…
Alkin: One of the children of Night Raven?
Yuuki: Yeah, how’d you guess?
Alkin: They have been a constant theme in my  conversations with the prefects.
Yuuki: Oh.
Alkin: Now about this child of Night Raven.
Yuuki: … It may not seem like it, but he was fuzzing over these scratches. I didn’t want him to worry cause he already has more than enough on his plate, so I told him I had it handled.
Alkin: …
Yuuki: Which I did! I had bandaged my arm on my own, yet that didn’t seem to relieve him. So I tried to joke about it, however that only upset him more.
Alkin: Is it not normal for one to concern over a loved one’s well being?
Yuuki: I know. I just don’t want to burden him, or really anyone, with my small problems.
Alkin: Small?
Yuuki: They’re just scratches!
Alkin: It’s not only the scratches we’re concerned  about.
Yuuki: Look, those Rosenhex girls will always be  thorns in my path for as long as I stay here, there’s no way that’s going to change. Thank you for the concern, but please don’t think too much about it.
Alkin: Tsukino, your existence here is not a burden and it is not wrong to receive help. You of all people should know this.
Yuuki: … I’ll try.
Alkin: That’s all I ask.
Scene 2
Yuuki: Did you like my performance?
Alkin: It was very well performed. Were you inspired by Yaga’s antics?
Yuuki: [smiles] Yeah! Her and Vita were great references!
Alkin: I suppose.
Yuuki: I got a lot of reactions! Kalim complimented my performance, Jamil seemed indifferent, while Kore seemed concerned… I must have scared her into thinking that the witches here brainwashed me.
Alkin: Sometimes I wonder.
Yuuki: [pouts] Hey…
Alkin: How did you enjoy the brides? I’m sure you must have
Yuuki: Okay, forget that you just roasted me. I liked all their interpretations, they all are interesting in their own ways!
Alkin: As for their performances?
Yuuki: [she pressed her lips together] … Some did better than others.
Alkin: Oh?
Yuuki: Rosa is an experienced actress, so she was great! Then you have Blanche, Marcia, and Diana who did a pretty good job in speaking their lines. Then you have Cass,June, and Agatha…. It’s like back in junior high when we were asked to reenact a scene from Romeo and Juliet, but none of the guys can emote or get out their lines to save their lives… I probably sound like a snob.
Alkin: It is understandable for a professional in her craft to be critical of amateurs.
Yuuki: That’s harsh, but thanks.
Alkin: And what of Dies?
Yuuki: Tall, pale, and goth was practically made for this role.
Alkin: A compliment, yet it sounds like an insult.
Yuuki: She would take it as a compliment regardless.
Alkin: … I heard you have improvised lines for your role.
Yuuki: Yeah, I wanted to make my character a bit more interesting.
Alkin: Was this to entertain the guests or yourself?
Yuuki: It was more for me than for them. I was getting bored and thought scaring some of the hunters with some vague threats would be fun.
Alkin: Vague threats?
Yuuki: It’s not Halloween without a few scares!
Alkin: I suppose.
Yuuki: I based them off a character from a haunted mansion ride back in my world! A spirit who is trapped within a crystal ball, and her origin is different depending which version of the ride you went to. The role she played was to give incantations to the riders passing by.
Alkin: Is that why you are holding a crystal ball?
Yuuki: Yeah! I thought the spirit of a medium trapped within the crystal ball, only to be let out to aid the hunters would be fitting for the overall theme of this event.
Alkin: The theme?
Yuuki: Duty and loneliness. Much like the brides to their lovers, the guide has a duty to devote her time to wait and aid the hunters. However much like the brides, she gets left behind by the hunters. It’s sad… Can you imagine? Having all that power and knowledge, only to be trapped within a small sphere? To forever be forced to aid others, but you are left behind? That’s a horrible existence if you ask me.
Alkin: Sounds like a genie trapped within a lamp.
Yuuki: …Yeah, it does.
Scene 3
Alkin: This holiday is also celebrated on Earth, so how different are this world’s customs to the ones in your world?
Yuuki: Not much, they also had haunted houses and trick or treating back in Oahu.
Alkin: Knowing your affinity for sweets, you  must have enjoyed receiving treats.
Yuuki: I wouldn’t know cause I never went out for the usual trick or treating.
Alkin: How come you did not?
Yuuki: My grandpa was paranoid over the thought of me getting lost or kidnapped during trick or treat, so he just never let me go. Instead we would just watch retro movies and make fun of the bad effects, while eating homemade treats….It was nice.
Alkin: What of your mother and grandmother? Surely they would’ve said something against this.
Yuuki: [sighs] Grandma and mom were too busy to do much about it. Especially my mom, since she was doing two jobs at the time. Thinking about it now, that didn’t change much even after the move to Osaka.
Alkin: What do you mean by that?
Yuuki: On my first Halloween in Osaka I was excited over the thought of finally going out to trick or treat! However, that practice and other western traditions weren’t too big there. They had something called a stamp rally; which was like trick or treating, but more organized. But my parents were too busy and my other grandmother never involved herself in those activities, so I didn’t do much for Halloween at that time…
Alkin: Must’ve been lonely for a child.
Yuuki: But then I once jokingly suggested to a friend about going to the street parties in Shibuya, cause I saw videos of how wild it gets there. However she took it seriously…
Alkin: You could’ve corrected her.
Yuuki: [presses her lips together] As if I could. It was hard for me to tell her “no” at the time… Thankfully she had enough brain cells to know that going to Shibuya on Halloween would be a mistake.
Alkin: What did you two do instead?
Yuuki: We just went to the street parties that were happening in Osaka. Grandma Akemi would’ve exploded if she knew I was going there, so I had lied to my parents saying that I was going to a costume party hosted by a classmate. However, my friend and I were actually sneaking into the street parties. I actually had fun running around the streets and seeing all the cool costumes. Even remembered the time some guy pulled a prank by pretending to be a mannequin and scared my friend, who was standing by, with subtle movements. It was funny until she got angry… Had anyone figured out what we were doing at the time, I would’ve been “grounded forever” by Akemi.
Alkin: Why does that sound more like a threat than a punishment…Did you have fun?
Yuuki: It was fun, but reckless. Being two young teenage girls running around in street parties that were mostly filled with adults and older teens was probably not a bright idea. So now I just take my little sister out to stamp rallies and after that we just watch old horror movies.
Alkin: Almost to what you used to do with your grandfather.
Yuuki: Yep! Kinda goes full circle doesn’t it?
Alkin: Yes, however you also become the very person you wanted during those times for your younger sister.
Yuuki: … I better go and scare the other guests.
Alkin: Don’t you mean check?
Yuuki: I said what I said. [walks away from his sight]
Alkin: You can be quite the rebellious one, Tsukino, but it’s to be expected of a caged bird... It is often uncanny how one so different is so similar to you, Shepherd…
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