#kewis x reader
woso-dreamzzz 1 month
Torn III
Kewis x Child!Reader
Summary: You're still sick
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Mommy doesn't get you dressed properly the next day.
She lets you stay in your pyjamas because you're sick. She's sick too but not as sick as you.
Mom, of course, still has her hurt knee but she's the only one not sick in the entire house.
Your head pounds and your nose remains stuffy even as you play with your dinosaur toys, making them attack each other because they're in a war and that's what things do in a war. They fight.
"Open," Mommy says and you firmly clamp your teeth together," Chook, I'm not joking. Open."
She's got a syringe full of medicine in her hands and you refuse to open your mouth.
You've never had good tasting medicine before and you refuse to believe that Mommy's gone out and bought some.
You keep your mouth shut.
"Chook," She says sternly," This will make you feel better."
You sniff, wiping your nose on your shirt and shake your head. You know if you talk, Mommy's going to dose you up so you settle on just glaring, puffing out your cheeks to show her that you're wise to her tricks.
"Chook," She says again," We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either way, you're taking your medicine."
"Chook," Mom says from the sofa," Come here."
Warily, you skirt around Mommy and run over to Mom, who lifts you up to sit next to her. Immediately, she attacks your sides with tickles and you can't keep your mouth closed anymore, opening it to let out peals of giggles.
Mommy squirts the medicine down your throat and Mom's ticklish hands disappear.
You glare, eyebrows drawing together in outrage. "That was mean!" You say," You cheated!"
Mommy laughs, ruffling your hair. "It was sneaky," She says," Not cheating. You'll feel better soon."
You huff but know she's right, shuffling off the sofa to return to your toys.
Helen joins you, curling up next to your side. Her ear flicks a few times as you continue your dino war. You have to blow your nose a few times because it gets clogged but Mommy is right because the churning of your stomach settles and your head no longer feels like it does when you bang it on a wall by accident.
"What do you want to watch?" Sam asks, channel surfing as she keeps one eye on you playing with Helen.
Kristie sighs. She doesn't look as bad as you did but it's still clear she's sick. She's got a bit of a fever and the end of her nose is all red. "Something that requires me to not think," She groans, massaging her temples to stem off the headache. She's only recently taken her own painkillers so she has a bit of wait until they kick in.
"So trash reality tv?" Sam teases and Kristie whacks her with a pillow.
You're playing nicely on the rug with Helen and your dinosaurs despite how ill you are.
Maybe eating all that dirt gave you a stronger immune system than Kristie thought.
"There's Love Island," Sam offers and you whip your head around.
"No!" You say," That's mine and Auntie Millie's show! You can't watch it! It'll spoil it!"
You sound adamant and Kristie manages to get out a laugh that could have been a cough.
"It's not a new episode, Chook," Sam assures you with her own laugh," It's last season. It's not going to spoil anything."
Your brow furrows for a moment before you're up on your feet. You've got two dinosaurs clutched in your hands as you wiggle yourself between your mothers.
They're sitting close enough that their legs are touching so you make sure to force them apart so you can be comfortable.
"Last season was okay," You tell Kristie very seriously," I will watch with you so you know what's going to happen. Mom, you need to put on Love Island."
Sam keeps laughing. "Oh? I need to, do I Chook?"
"Yes. That's what I just said. You need to, Mom."
With the other options being Deal or No Deal and Flog It, Sam's pretty sure that Love Island was truly her only option and changes the channel.
Clearly, the medicine has perked you up a bit because Kristie doesn't get a moment of respite the entire episode as you narrate what's going on during every single little moment.
Somehow, you manage to put yourself to sleep during it until you're lying draped over Sam and Kristie's laps.
"And we just let Millie watch this show with her?" Kristie asks, dumbstruck and Sam chuckles nervously.
"I didn't think she actually absorbed this much of it," Sam replies," It's like she studied it or something."
You shift a little in your sleep, death gripping your plastic dinosaurs so hard that Kristie can't pry them from your hands.
"Well," Kristie says," At least she's taking her nap without arguing."
"You mean, at least you can take your nap without her interrupting," Sam teases and Kristie rolls her eyes.
She lifts your limp body easily into her arms as she stands up. "Well, just for that. I don't think you can join us for naptime."
"Hey...Kristie! Kristie, wait! I'm sorry! Wait for me!"
Kristie doesn't wait for Sam though as she makes her way to their bedroom.
She settles you in the very middle of the bed but slipping in next to you.
You wiggle a little bit as Kristie tugs you closer, laying a protective hand over your belly just as Sam hobbles in, taking her own place in bed on your other side.
Helen joins in too, leaping up onto the bed and curling herself up around your feet.
"You have to get her to take medicine when we wake up," Kristie says, already half asleep.
"No fair! She's wise to my tricks now!"
"Not my problem, Sam."
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samkerrworshipper 7 months
when u write a 5000+ word fic and it gets censored for mature content 馃槱
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woso-dreamzzz 3 months
Kewis x Child!Reader
Summary: No one tells you anything
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Something bad happens to Mom when she's away with Chelsea.
She comes back with crutches and a bandage around her leg. It's pretty bad, you gather, but no one tells you what exactly is wrong with her.
"Careful, chook," Mom says as you round the corner chasing after Helen," Don't run so fast. I'm delicate."
You give her an unimpressed look at interrupting you but don't say anything because she's hurt. You have to do that a lot now. Mom is very busy trying to recover, Mommy tells you often, and that you shouldn't interrupt her while she's doing that.
Mommy is trying to clean up around the two of you while muttering to Auntie Sam on the phone. You think that's a little funny sometimes, that you have an Auntie Sam and the Mom's adult name is Sam too.
It's kind of funny but you don't dwell on it for long because Helen pops her head up over the coffee table that Mom's using to stretch her boo-boo leg. Helen gives you a look that says 'keep-playing-with-me' so you hurry to follow her, grabbing the jingly bells on a stick to wave at her.
It's her favourite toy and you shake it for her to paw at.
"Hey," Mommy moves past and takes it off you," Mom's trying to relax. How about we play quietly?"
You huff but don't argue. Helen mews rudely at Mommy as you go to sit in your play corner.
Mommy's packed away all your loud, interesting toys so you're forced to play with the boring princess toys Grandpa got you for Christmas. You make one of your dinosaurs eat her.
Usually, when you play with dinosaurs, Mom comes over to play with you but she and Mommy are cuddling on the sofa and talking in hushed voices.
You know that means they're having an adult conversation about Mom's injury that they don't want you to hear about.
You know the very bare minimum about Mom's knee. You knew she hurt it when she went on holiday with Chelsea and recently came back home from the hospital surgery she had.
She walks around on crutches now and isn't allowed to pick you up or run around with you anymore.
It's very annoying and it makes her sad sometimes. You try to cheer her up but Mommy always directs you to play by yourself because she's scared that you'll hurt Mom.
"What are you doing there, chook?" Mom asks when she watches you take the clothes off of one of your princesses.
"Dinos can't eat clothes, Mom," You reply," Got to be naked to eat."
You brutally smack your Spinosaurus against the princess and make crude eating sounds with your mouth.
Mommy wrinkles her nose in disgust like every time you do something like this. You think Mommy's a bit like a princess sometimes because she likes dressing up all pretty and is less willing to play rough with you like Mom does.
"What happened to playing nice?" Mommy asks," We have to treat everyone with respect."
You roll your eyes. "Toys aren't real people, Mommy. They're just pretend."
Mom laughs. "She's got you there, Kristie."
Kristie is Mommy's grown up name and you think that's kind of cool. Her name is even like a princess name and sometimes Auntie Sam jokes that she's the princess of eyebrows.
Mommy is very proud of her eyebrows but she's not been taking care of them like she usually does because she's very focused on helping Mom with her knee.
At the thought of Mom's injury, you huff and bumshuffle your way with your Spinosaurus and Allosaurus over to Helen sitting in her cat tree.
Sam watches you go. You've been different since she came home injured. Not different enough that she's overly concerned but enough that she's begun to notice it.
"She's doing it again," She whispers to Kristie as they both watch your little shoulders slouch into yourself when you turn around, as if to check that they're both still there.
Your eyes stay focused on where Sam's leg is propped up on the table.
"I think the injury is throwing her off a little," Kristie replies with a sigh," I imagine this is a lot."
"Are we paying enough attention to her? I mean..."
They watch you as you wander back to your play corner and try to drag your big tub of dinosaurs over to Helen's cat tree. You're practically obsessed with dinosaurs ever since you caught a rerun of Dinosaur King on the tv.
It had launched an obsession that Sam likened to her own for football and your absolute favourite thing was handing her and Kristie dinosaurs so they could play with you.
"Heya, Chook," Sam calls out," Do you need some help there?"
"Can't help," You grunt as you helplessly tug at the box," You're hurt."
"Well, I can help," Kristie says, already moving to get up.
You freeze her with a look of contempt. "Can't help either. You have to look after Mom." You move around the box to push it rather than pull and it suddenly gets a lot easier.
It's a stupid thing to be proud of, Sam thinks, but she's proud nonetheless. You're a good little problem solver and you're clearly picking up on hers and Kristie's behaviours without it being fully explained to you.
You sit in front of Helen and put out a dinosaur in front of her. Sam's not sure what kind it is but that's fine because you clearly do, as you choose your own dinosaur from the box and make it fight Helen's.
Kristie moves to sit crosslegged next to you. You spare her a glance but go back to playing.
She reaches into your box.
"Can't touch unless you're playing," You say firmly," And you can't play.
"Why can't I play?"
"Because you have to look after Mom."
"And that means I can't play?"
"No." You make Helen's dinosaur lay on its side and die because that's what happens with dinosaurs. "Because Mom's more important than playing and I'm littler so I can be forgotten."
Your words don't really make sense and yet somehow makes perfect sense to Kristie. She sighs.
"Are you feeling sad? Because I haven't been playing with you since Mom hurt her leg?"
"I'm not sad," You say as you pick out another dinosaur for Helen," I'm littler than Mom and she's bigger and has a boo-boo so she needs to be looked after."
"Mommy can still play with you," Mom says from her spot on the sofa. She hasn't said much since Mommy came over but she has been watching. "If you bring the box over here then I can play too."
You glance over your shoulder with a look that makes it clear you think she's lying. "You can't play, Mom," You say," Because you've hurt your knee and you're delicate. You said so."
"I did, didn't I?" Mom laughs a bit awkwardly. "As long as you don't run around or anything, we can still play. Here." She awkwardly moves to sit on the floor, throwing a sofa cushion down to rest her leg on as she sits by the coffee table.
You're still a little sceptical and you glance at Mommy to check. She's in charge of what you do with Mom because you're littler than her and she's got working knees.
She gives you nod. "If we all stay sitting, we can play at the table."
Kristie tries not to feel the guilt in her chest when you light up like a Christmas tree and shove your box across the floor. You never used to look so happy when she and Sam offered to play with you.
"You can be the Microceratus, Mommy, because it's pretty like you." You hand her the toy. "And you can be my Ornithomimus because it's fast." You hand Sam the toy.
Sam smiles. "Thanks, chook. What are you going to be?"
"I'm going to be Spinosaurus," You say," Because they're my favourite."
You dip into your box to grab your little trees and bushes to dot around the table to make a scene. You go to grab your Spinosaurus before stopping. You glance between Sam and Kristie.
"Can...Can we play later too? Please? If Mom's knee is less hurt?"
Sam smiles at you. "Of course we can play later, chook."
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woso-dreamzzz 2 months
Torn II
Kewis x Child!Reader
Summary: Being sick is never fun
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With Mommy now playing for West Ham, it means you get to hang out with Harper.
Harper's not as rough as you and Mommy always has to remind you not to be so rough with your playing in case you both get hurt. Harper doesn't seem to mind though because she always gives you a little kiss hello and goodbye at the end of the day.
Harper's mommy Mini tries to stop her a few days ago because she caught an illness from kindie but she wasn't quick enough.
"No," Your Mommy says firmly when you lean in to kiss Harper's cheek too," Harper's sick remember?"
You grumble a little bit but don't argue, content with just being allowed to hold Harper's hand in yours as you all troop out to the cars. You wave goodbye to her as Mommy bundles you into your car seat.
Mom is already at home when you get there and you try to run off to greet her but Mommy snags you by the back of your shirt.
"Remember," She says," Slow and careful."
You huff but nod, moving slowly like you're a T-Rex stalking its prey.
Mom smiles at you. "Come on, Chook," She cajoles," You can move faster than that."
You snap into action faster than Mommy can stop you and you crash into her.
Mom laughs and lifts you up.
You whine a little wiggling away and she frowns.
She lifts up your shirt and sighs. "Did you fall again today, Chook?"
"Was playing with Harper!" You reply," Was only a little fall!"
"Well, that's not a little bruise. Kristie! Can you chuck me the bruise cream? Chook's got herself hurt again!"
"Doesn't hurt," You deny. You try to squirm away but Mom lathers cream all down your side. You stop fighting a little quicker than usual though because out of nowhere your head starts aching.
Mom adjusts her positioning so her knee is properly stretched out as Mommy comes to sit down on your other side, letting you sip from her drink.
You grow bored of hanging out with your moms though and squirm out of your seat to go and find Helen and your dinosaurs.
Your head starts pounding on and off for the rest of the day and you push your food around your plate even if it's one of your favourites.
Mommy tries to change you into your Spinosaurus onesie but it's much too hot for you and you keep pulling the zip down no matter how many times Mommy pulls it back up again.
In the end, Mom makes Mommy change you into pyjamas that you only really wear when it's stupidly hot but they're still dinosaur themed so you like them.
"Stop touching it," Mommy says sternly when she notices you poking your bruise.
You don't understand why she gets so annoyed. Bruises are super cool and this one has gone a really dark purple colour. Mommy gets worried when bruises are like that so you stop poking and prodding at it even though Mom's laughing at it all.
Your nose feels kind of runny and you swipe at it before Mommy can see.
Mommy worries a lot. She worries even more now that Mom hurt her knee so you go to bed without telling her about your achy head, your runny nose and your scratchy throat.
Tomorrow's her day off anyway so it's meant to be the day that Mommy can relax.
That's why when you wake up the day after feeling so much worse than before, you don't tell anyone.
You sit in your play corner where you can keep an eye on Mom and play with your dinosaurs. Helen mews softly as she approaches, headbutting you in the arm before sitting down next to you.
You tickle her behind the ears but your arm feels a bit heavy and you drop it to the ground. Your other arm feels heavy so you stop playing with it too.
In the end, you just sit facing the wall, staring at your dinosaurs and making up a story in your head.
Sam narrows her eyes as she watches you, staring. You don't move for a long while and if it wasn't for the small rise and a fall of your shoulders, she'd have thought that you'd fallen asleep then and there.
You're being a little strange today. You hadn't woken up early like you usually did on days off. You hadn't come running in demanding someone play with you outside or squirmed away when Kristie inspected your bruise at breakfast.
It was out of character for you and Sam can do nothing but stare as Kristie blows out her nose next to her. She must have caught something off Mini at practice.
Sam knew Harper had been ill recently and it all begins to make sense.
Everything happens at once. Your bad behaviour suddenly has an explanation just as you convulse suddenly in your play corner.
Helen meows loudly, jumping up and running away as the sound of something wet hits the carpet.
You burst into tears.
Sam stands up too quickly and falls back onto the sofa as her knee radiates pain in protest.
Kristie surges up too, perhaps too fast as well because her head throbs but she's really the only uninjured person in the house.
You've thrown up all over the carpet and your favourite dinosaurs. It runs down your chin and you sob.
"Oh, Chook," Sam says, stubbornly getting up again and reaching for her crutches," It's okay. Don't cry."
Kristie makes quick work of taking your top off and then your bottoms even though her own medicine hasn't kicked in yet and her head still aches like hell. You've clearly gotten the worst version of this sickness.
You just sob harder, blabbing and gagging when you realise that you've got the same taste of sick in your mouth. "No, no," You say when Mommy begins to walk you into the bathroom, "Mom-Mom...Her knee hurts."
"I think you're the priority here, Chook," Mommy says but you shake your head as she pops you into the bath and turns on the taps," Mom's a big girl. She can take care of her own knee right now."
"No...No! You help Mom's knee! I'm not sick! Was an accident!"
Mommy just hums as she gently washes your face with a flannel.
Mom pops her head in through the door.
"I've got medicine for her and her Stegosaurus towel."
Mommy takes it. "Go and sit down, Sam," She orders," Take some painkillers and ice your knee."
"I'll clean up the sick first."
"I'll do it," Mommy insists. She plucks you out of the bath and puts your towel over your head. It's a bit like your onesie where it's got a hood that makes you actually look like a stegosaurus. You really love it but today you couldn't care less.
Mommy flips the hood up and you gag again.
You're moved quickly over the toilet and you throw up inside of it.
Tears prick in your eyes when you notice Mom still standing there. She goes to reach for you, to bend her knee but Mommy blocks her way.
"Go, Sam," She says," Go to bed and ice your knee. You're not any use to me right now. I'll send Chook to you once she's ready." She takes the medicine from Mom's hand and all but pushes her out the door.
"Sorry, Mommy," You say through your tears," Didn't mean to."
Mommy softens considerably from when she was dealing with Mom and she rubs your back as you weakly gag over the toilet bowl and nothing but bile comes up.
"Don't say sorry, Chook," She says to you," This isn't your fault. It's just bad timing is all, no one's angry."
"You were angry at Mom," You say, crying much harder than before," 'S your day off. You have to look after Mom. Sorry I made it harder."
Kristie's own nose is blocked and stuffy and her head pounds in agony (although she knows the medicine should start kicking in soon) but she still draws you in for a hug as you sob on her shoulder.
"It's okay, Chook," She coos even as you apologise over and over again," It's all okay. You're being brave. You're so good. You're such a good girl."
"I'm sorry!"
"Hey," Mommy says as she pulls away, gently wiping away your tears," You have nothing to be sorry about." She spoons the medicine Mom brought into your mouth. "Why don't you head on to bed with Mom? I'll be there in a little while."
You sniffle. "I can clean."
"No, Chook. You're very sick, like Harper was. And Harper's mommies didn't make her clean up, did they?"
You shake your head.
"Then you don't have to clean up either. Go on, go to bed with Mom."
You shuffle into Mom and Mommy's bedroom. Mom's got the tv on and a bag of ice pressed against her knee.
"Hey, Chook," She says when you come in, leaning down to lift you up.
"Sorry that you hurt your knee more, Mom," You whisper, knocking your head against her collarbone. You stay slumped on top of her as she gently works her fingers through the knots in your hair.
"It wasn't your fault. Accidents happen. I'm sorry you're feeling so sick."
Sam reaches to the side and drapes your favourite blanket over you. It's got little images of Mosarsaurus and Baryonyx on it and you go limp when she tucks it around you.
"Hey," Kristie says softly from the doorway.
"I'm sorry," She continues," For yelling at you like that, in the bathroom. It was all..."
"Overwhelming, yeah, I know." Sam keeps gently stroking your hair as you sleepily puff out air against her collarbone. "I want to be more help, Kristie, I do-"
"Your knee won't let you, Sam. Don't beat yourself up about it. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. We're all trying our best here."
"But you're sick too. It's not fair that you have to take care of all of us."
"I'm barely sick. It's just a headache and a runny nose. I'll survive. What we need to work on is getting Chook to tell us when she's feeling sick, okay? We were caught off guard today. It won't happen again."
"Mommy," You say softly," My tummy hurts again."
Kristie sighs though she's smiling when she does it and lifts you easily into her arms. She doesn't get very far though when you're tummy has had enough and you throw up all over Sam's chest and your front.
She sighs. "If you get me a bin bag to cover my knee with, I'll hop in the bath with her."
"I'll get the Pterodactyl towel out of the dryer."
"It's a Pteranodon," You sniffle," Not a Pterodactyl."
Mom strips out of her shirt and takes you from Mommy.
"Sorry, Chook. Pteranodon, then."
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