majoringinsarcasm · 7 years
The curious cases of wolves and rabbits (part 1)
I did not read over or edit this so keep that in mind :p. This goes along with an upcoming RP I have with @rin-matsuoka-daddy aka my husbando.
Rin adjusted his pusheen beanie and examined his nails. The polish was already coming off in glittery flakes, yet he couldn’t stop picking at them, an awful nervous habit. Kisumi sat humming next to him, editing another banner to put up on his blog. Only two more weeks of class before they were free of another semester. But instead of ordering paint and resin molds, they were sitting around the west campus commons.
“They’re late,” Rin grumbled, abandoning his ruined nails. “You said twelve-thirty and it’s almost twelve-fifty.”
Kisumi didn’t even bother to look up, digging his boots into the no doubt beer stained carpet. The jocks all assembled here, what with the frat houses being close by.
“Unless you’ve got twenty-five dollars to give, we’re staying. This is the last case of the batch I made this year. They were all bought before October except this one.“ He pouted, looking at the little box containing the custom made phone case. “I was starting to think it was cursed.”
Before Rin could say anything, a gust of cold air blew into the lounge, along with a pack of darkly dressed young men.
Rin hated stereotypes, both using them and being referred to as one. But the only word that came to mind seeing all that leather, biker boots, ripped jeans despite it being winter, piercings and buzzed hair, was Punk. And one stood out in particular.
“Why is Yamazaki walking toward us?” Rin hissed at Kisumi, anxiety making his hands shake. He patted down his puffy marshmallow parka until he felt the shape of his army knife on the inside pocket. A gift from his mother that he hadn’t asked too many questions about.
But the relief only lasted for a second, because soon Yamazaki Sousuke, known player and general misfit, was standing just a few feet away.
He was wearing all black, from his boots to the gauges in his ears, though they were the smallest Rin had seen in this group. And he was wearing those leather fingerless gloves again! Talk about trying too hard. But all in all he didn’t look bad, with both eyebrows pierced and his hair shaved on the sides and back like the one guy from the figure skating anime. A solid 8 out of ten. Maybe 8.5 if he wasn’t so frowny. But his looks were all he had. He was a major player, sleeping around and never calling his dates back. Yet the girls kept flocking to him. It was disgusting.
And he wasn’t alone. Rin knew that Momo had a brother, but seeing the older Mikoshiba in person made him glad he was sitting down. He was tall, and muscular, and with his dark red hair, shaved at the sides and messy on top, and his sharp golden eyes—which Rin swore were contacts despite Momo’s being the same—were piercing right through Rin.
“Are you Shigino?” Mikoshiba asked. Rin shook his head automatically, hating that he felt afraid in this moment. He wasn’t helpless, dammit!
“That would be me.” Kisumi stood up then, coming to stand in front of Rin. He wasn’t very bulky, but he was tall, and he looked less like a children’s painting today, wearing mostly brown and white. “Who wants to know?”
Rin’s body tensed, anticipating some kind of confrontation. Kisumi was a good student, but he went to a lot of parties. He was flirty by nature, and that’s gotten him into a few tight spots in the past. Had he flirted with someone’s girlfriend? Spilled beer on a jacket?
Mikoshiba’s expression shifted rather drastically. He relaxed from his alpha stance and even smiled! Smiled at Kisumi as he held up his phone. "Oh hey. I’m the guy who bought the phone case?” He handed Kisumi his phone. “I saved the email in case someone else tried to claim it. It’s still mine, yeah?”
Like a sitcom, Rin popped up to stand behind Kisumi as they both read over the email thread. It was legit, right down to the meeting time.
“And I’m really sorry I’m late. The sink at Samezuka house was leaking—”
“It fucking exploded,” Yamazaki deadpanned. “Takuya almost lost an eye.”
“… so I had to fix it.” He smiled again, appearing almost bashful.
Rin had to elbow his friend to get him to close his mouth. He didn’t like the sparkles he could practically see fading in to becoming Kisumi’s backdrop.
To his friend’s credit, Kisumi snapped into business mode pretty quickly. He took the case out of the box to show off, keeping with his policy. If the product wasn’t up to the buyer’s standards, they could withdraw their bid. Any damage noticed or made to the product after one week became the buyers problem. Rin was always weary of people trying to take advantage of that policy, but so far no one had demanded a refund.
The case wasn’t something Rin would associate with the punks. It was a pastel orange, decorated with cute sea life and pieces that looked like water. In the center was a little otter figure on its back, holding a peach. Rin wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but to see Mikoshiba literally fucking gasp was nowhere on his list of possible reactions.
“It’s perfect!” Mikoshiba took the case and looked it over, gently wiggling every glued on piece to make sure it was secure. “Dude, check this out.” He shook Yamazaki’s shoulder like an excited child.
“It’s just a phone case,” Yamazaki sighed, looking up from his own phone. Rin noticed that it was cracked in all kinds of places. “What’s so speci—oh wow that’s cute.”
“I told you!”
“Is the otter holding—”
“A peach, yeah!”
Rin leaned into Kisumi’s side, eyes wide with something akin to fear. “What the fuck is happening right now?” He whispered, clutching at his shoulder.
“I’m making money, shut up!” Kisumi hissed back, schooling his expression when the attention was put back on him. “I trust that everything is up to your standards?”
Yamazaki snorted, mumbling something under his breath that only Mikoshiba seemed to hear. Mikoshiba elbowed him before flashing another smile Kisumi’s way. Rin swore his friend’s heart beat so hard he could see the outline of it in his chest.
“It’s perfect. My brother’s gonna love it.” Mikoshiba dug in his pockets to get his wallet, but Rin’s mind had ground to a halt.
“You’re buying this for Momo?” He tried not to sound incredulous, but from the look Yamazaki gave him, he hadn't done a good job.
“Yeah!” Mikoshiba looked so happy now, like a proud parent. “He loves cute things like this. Personally I don’t really get it,” he said with a little shrug. “But he’s my baby brother, and I wanted to get him something special for his birthday next week.”
Kisumi let out a sigh that could definitely be classified as dreamy. His eyelashes fluttered, and his smile was slow and just shy of coy.
“How much do I owe you?” Mikoshiba asked, looking up and into the face of his doom. He blinked a few times, caught off guard, until a small little smile graced his lips as well. Kisumi giggled and reached up to toy with a lock of his hair, and Mikoshiba’s smile grew wider.
“It’s twenty five,” Rin said, a little loudly, trying to look bigger than he was. Despite the utter weirdness of this encounter, he wasn’t about to let his friend get conned out of his money. Even if said friend was making heart eyes at the guy who climbed the thirty foot flag pole during spirit week.
Money and product were exchanged, and hands lingered far longer than they needed to. Yamazaki grabbed the back of Mikoshiba’s jacket and pulled him along, grumbling something about food. Rin waited until they were gone to tackle Kisumi to the couch.
“No,” he said sternly, red eyes fixed in a glare.
“He cares about his little brother.”
“He’s got a great smile.”
“His eyes are like liquid gold, and it’s filled the mold in the shape of my heart.”
Rin groaned, loudly and dramatically, mourning his stress free day. He had not signed up for this at all. He stood up with a sigh and frowned down at Kisumi, before rolling his eyes and holding out his hand.
“Come on,” he said begrudging. “Let’s go stalk his social medias.”
Kisumi cheered, jumping up with far too much enthusiasm. He took Rin’s hand and just about dragged him across campus to their dorm room, bubbling with excitement the entire way there.
I should’ve stayed in bed this morning.
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rockiiies · 8 years
Tumblr media
HAPPY B DAY KISU ! on a side note I always shipped kisusei? could you imagine how perky they could be?
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grounded-crxw · 9 years
Can we have Captain Mikoshiba and Kisumi?
notp / not really / meh / I could / sometimes / maybe, yes / my otp babbies
I prefer MakoKisu, but I wouldn’t mind this.
and answer:
Who is the most affectionate?-Kisumi, he’s a freaking tease.Big spoon/Little spoon?-Mikoshiba would be the big spoon usually.Most common argument?-Where to have sex or swimming vs. basketball?Favorite non-sexual activity?-working out, teasing people?Who is most likely to carry the other?-Neither wants to be carried, just thrownNicknames?-NoneWho worries the most?-Mikoshiba, he’s in college after allWho tops?-Flip flop is what I want to say because Mikoshiba to me would be versatile, but Kisumi is a top through and through, so KisumiWho initiates kisses?-Kisumi, he likes getting Mikoshiba all hot and bothered~Who wakes up first?-Mikoshiba for morning runsWho says I love you first?-Kisumi. It was just to get Mikoshiba into bed though...
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amusedchill-d · 10 years
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
AKA I don't even know what I'm writing anymore.  You can read it on AO3, or on tumblr not under the cut, because it seems I'm not allowed cuts for links.  It's a rare pairing though, that's for sure.
Pairings: Mikoshiba Seijuuro/Shigino Kisumi (SeiKisumi for further reference), background ReiGisa, SouRin, and MakoHaru.
Seijuuro notices the new boat the moment he approaches the docks.
It's a big one, with a streamlined hull that promises swiftness in the water. The deck is clean and the entire ship shines, even though there're some rough patches here and there. What really draws his attention is the light blue-green color that paints the ship. Eyecatching.
Though, the ship's name does deserve a mention, carved in with a dark purple color. The MakoHaru. It's weird, but Seijuuro knows that he has no right to complain. His own ship had an odd name, but it has a nice ring to it, so he keeps the name.
"Excuse me, are you Mikoshiba Seijuuro?" He turns around to spot a fairly tall man smiling at him. Purple eyes glimmer with good humor as pale lips twitch up. Immediately, Seijuuro's eyes flick to the abnormally colored hair. Pink. Was it dyed?
The stranger has a nice face too. Narrow bright eyes, a surprisingly attractive pale complexion, and a strong jaw were like a balm for sore eyes. Wide shoulders, not too bulky with muscles hidden beneath a white shirt. Long legs held apart in a confident air, and was Seijuuro really checking the guy out?
The stranger who was also looking Seijuuro up and down. He realizes he hasn't answered the question yet.
"You're. . . pretty cute!" Seijuuro's mouth decides to declare, and it's at times like these he wonders if his body has a mind of his own, because that wasn't what he wanted to say. Then his suspicions prove correct when the hot stranger grins with a slight blush, and his face responds with it's own radiation of heat.
"Er," Seijuuro flusters for only a moment, schooling his expression. "Yeah, that's me. Did the dockmaster send you?" Slowly, his blush cools.
Thankfully, the pink-haired man doesn't comment on his slip. "Yup, Haruno-san said you could show me around. I'm Shigino Kisumi, yoroshiku!" Shigino introduces. He tips his head into a casual bow, beaming.
Just look at that smile.
Seijuuro is doomed.
"So, how'd you get that ship?" Seijuuro asks, tipping his ice-cream toward the before-mentioned boat. It's a hot day, dreary in every aspect, and he has known Kisumi for a week. The strawberry princess had insisted they be on first-name terms, and Seijuuro really couldn't resist those eyes.
Kisumi snickers like he'd remembered a particularly funny story. The water laps at their feet, and the wood sags almost alarmingly under the two young men, but neither of them can bring themselves to care. Right now the dock had a nice cool breeze, and Seijuuro's sure he'll melt if he moves.
"My uncle's some sort of sailor; nobody in the family really knows what he does, but he has a ton of ships. And so, one day, I. . ." Kisumi rambles while Seijuuro leans back on his elbows. He just listens to the other's voice, humming with laughter as the tale unfolds.
At one point, Kisumi slings an arm over his should, pointing at various spots on the turquoise ship. The story gets wilder and wilder, and giggles interrupt ever-so-often. A nice warmth eases itself inside Seijuuro's chest, and he'd be happy if the moment lasts forever.
"You did that?!" Seijuuro snorts, scandalized. "I mean, the seagull and lightbulb, I understand, but mudfish. . . ?" His words trail off as he realizes how close they are, leaning on each other as their legs rub.
Okay, up until now, he'd perfectly aware of his slight crush. When Kisumi smiled, dragonflies blew fire into his chest and fluttered about in his stomach. When Kisumi laughed at his jokes, the pits of hell would warm his cheeks as his lips stretched into a grin. A bunch of stupid, embarrassing things just added up, and no one can claim Seijuuro was dumb.
(Matsuoka might assume that he was an airhead, but the younger swimmer would be wrong.)
But he was a hormonal young man, and he had experience with crushes (Matsuoka Gou came to mind), so he had assumed that it'll fade away after he got to know Kisumi better. It hadn't, if anything it got worse. Now, imagine: you're sitting with your slightly-more-than-a-crush on a hot day with your legs rubbing as you share some ice-cream. Also, the water is cool, and a really nice breeze ruffles the more-than-a-crush's perfect hair.
And do you know what's going through Seijuuro's mind? Not, damn I'd bang that sweet ass, (though the thought is there somewhere, wriggling under layers of content) but rather, no thoughts at all. Every action, every word is instant as Seijuuro basks in Kisumi's presense. He's just-- there, sitting with the peach princess on the docks without a care in the world.
If this is called love, Seijuuro wouldn't be surprised.
. . . God damn it.
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