#kittykoya has taste
restinpeacesensei · 2 months
#I wanna scritch his belly!! #he’s so damn cute 😭 #AND THE SOCKS!!! #can never have too many kitty socks #kittykoya has taste
WAAA CUPKAYKE I AM SO HAPPY YOU SAW THIS KITTYKOYA TOO OMG!!!! \;;W;;/ im so happy you want to scritch his belly omg kittykoya is rolling around waiting for the scritches!!! /)//////(\ IM SO HAPPY HES STILL SO DAMN CUTE OMG THANK YOU FOR APPRECIATING HIS SOCKS!!!! 😭😭😭
im SO GLAD you recognize his taste (and the value of kitty socks) omg 🥺🥺 if you have kitty socks, kittykoya will wear his and match with you!!! \>//////</💖💖💖 (and/or possibly take them out of the laundry basket and put them on 🥺🥺 and/or sit in the laundry basket with them on 🥺🥺🥺 but... this would be just an excuse to have more kitty socks, right?!! \>/////</)
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restinpeacesensei · 7 years
11 questions meme
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write eleven new ones. Tag eleven people to answer your questions as well as the person who tagged you.
tagged by @vashtijoy thank you!!
favourite colour? i think yellow is the nicest to add to art, makes everything feel warmer and brighter??
pick a number between 1 and 100. 24 for akoya’s birthday which is coming up omg!!
would you rather go up a chimney down, or go down a chimney up? i-i think i don’t know enough about chimneys to answer this question.;; i would rather go up and out the top i suppose but would much prefer not to be in one in the first place o_o;;;;
favourite bird? do you know its song? i cannot even sing in my language ok
favourite place? and why? my room where i work on art and feel safest i guess ;;;;;;;
favourite animal? and tell me one interesting thing about it. a kittykoya, they’re territorial and distrust strangers yet require enormous attention to grow to their healthiest size of fitting onto a macaron pillow, if they are sick or sad they may become very tiny...
without googling it, what is a newt? it looks like a lizard but slippery? hunted by witches
last time you swam in natural water? um. a really long time. it’s been a really long time since i was at a beach or anything. probably when i was little
are you vegetarian or other -arian? if so, why? (full disclosure: i am not. feed me those delicious dead animals, baby.) ah, yeah actually, i was raised that way.;; i don’t like to read factory farming stories orz but mostly im so used to it i don’t think about it.
if you had to kill an animal for food, would you? ;;;; i honestly have trouble watching anime characters prepare seafood so i dont think i could l-lol;;
name five edible plants that grow within a mile of your home. UH IDK i dont know how to survive on my own lmao;;;;; i showed this to someone else who asked if gardens count fghsf if they do then... apples and redcurrant berries.... and.... those orange flowers at the community garden that you can eat and are spicy..... and..... whatever else they grow there.... i don’t..... remember..... sobs
AND tagged by @nardaviel thank you! ;w;
what’s your favorite thing to do when you want to chill out and just enjoy yourself? …..a…art…. despite this also being a source of stress… IT’S COMPLICATED OK .....possibly a better answer would be to look at other people’s art, or listen to music. i really don’t know much about music but im extremely grateful to musicians/singers and all the feeling they put into their art. hearing the energy in their words and voices really brings it to life.
describe the most beautiful thing you can think of or imagine ;; something like a baby being taken care of and loved..... orz
what is your favorite combination of colors? pink and blue look rly good together!!!
tell us about an AU that you desperately want to make but haven’t been able to, for whatever reason (can’t think of a plot, your faves don’t work well in the setting, w/e) ..i dont think i have one.. and if i did i probably wouldnt talk about it tbh bc i don’t like to talk about things i really want to make until i do them
what is your ideal hairstyle for yourself? akfg… im not rly sure.. i wish i could instantly make it go back and forth between short and long without the whole waiting-several-years thing in between...
what’s the first favorite song you can remember having? uhhh something disney probably.
what’s the grossest food anyone has ever tried to make you eat? (and did you eat it?) ughhh do drinks count bc i cant stand the taste of goldenseal!!! but i was made to try it when i was little o__o oh but i guess when people try to convince me to have things i might be allergic to >_< i dont get like dangerous reactions but it can make me uncomfortable for a while, like a burning feeling inside and my throat swells up. usually i dont give in but sometimes i do thinking “oh well maybe it’s ok” and regret it =_= im allergic to a lot of common cookies and treats which people think is so sad so they want me to try them but …… ((yes im srry i actually cant eat macarons i know it’s a tragedy I DIDNT WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW;;;; i love to look at them tho they are so beautiful ;–; akoya can have macarons i will give him the macarons instead))
would you rather never drink anything but water again, or never eat anything again besides the blandest, most boring necessities? definitely the water bc this is almost the only thing i drink anyway LOL ..;;
describe your dream home i only really care about it being comfortable and easy to keep clean, i just need a table for computer/art and a bed to sleep in plus the kitchen and bathroom, and a bit new/modern bc it feels cleaner and safer to me but not necessarily minimalist, i'd probably end up putting art i like on the walls (or just covering them with my own l-lol;;)... preferably my work area can be hidden and accessed like a secret lair to avoid nosy guests but otherwise i dont want much complicated
i need u to come up with a brilliant, scathing insult that contains five words or less orz im not a direct insults kind of person bc first i have to get annoyed over something trivial and then i’ll come up with a passive-aggressive revenge plot that only makes sense in my mind but it’ll backfire on me and i’ll feel so guilty that i end up being extra nice to make up for it...... AKOYA PLS INSULT THEM FOR ME CRIES ;;
11 questions:
1. link to a piece of work (other than mine) that captured your attention so much you always wanted to leave a comment for the creator, but never did.
2. talk about a response you got to something you’ve made that you still think about to this day.
3. what kind of compliment do you appreciate the most?
4. do you prefer to initiate conversation or be approached?
5. on average, how long does it take you to go from initial idea to finished piece?
6. when you have a problem, do you usually prefer to be listened to or given advice?
7. describe an image that recently got stuck in your mind.
8. what’s the last thing you did just because you knew it’d make someone else smile?
9. what’s the nicest thing someone has done for you recently?
10. what makes you consider yourself to be “friends” with someone?
11. if you could be your own ideal friend, what would you be like?
@kissanpiru @lidoxia @mystandthemoon @nijiloop @dantbaealighieri @mostlikelytofangirl @silvormoon @queenofthefaces @mercysorrows @ironpaladont @fortune-maiden only do it if you feel like it! anyone else who wants to do it pls feel free!!
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