mathemagiks · 4 years
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“... why’re ye lookin’ at me like that?”
((feat: @meepsthemiqo))
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mathemagiks · 3 years
Talk about lalaMeeps!!
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“She’s kind o’ a jerk, i’n’t she? Wanted a stronger word bu’ I also would love t’ keep m’ neck in tact, aye? Comes from th’ alleys like me, bu’ acts like she’s always been one o’ th’ noblefolk allergic t’ charity. Sharin’ a piece o’ yer bread won’t kill ye, lady.
“... still. I get it. Reluctant t’ give up what’s yers and what ye’ve right earned after strugglin’ so long t’ get there. Even if it’s t’ other folk like yerself. Can’t say I blame ‘er much fer clingin’ t’ her spoils. She got a lucky spin o’ Nymeia’s wheel and she’d be a fool t’ wile it away.
“... do wonder if she remembers Rule Number One o’ the Sisters, too... kinda curious now.”
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eligos-venator · 3 years
😊 - I think you are a really friendly person. 😟 - I wish I had the courage to start talking to you.
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Thank you! I’d love to talk to you as well, but am just as awkward about initiating contact with people. Most days I’m content to hide under a rock, being the complete opposite to a creature like Eligos who thrives on attention. He likes it, while I’m overly worried about upsetting people and never knowing what to say to those I don’t know well, or how to start a conversation! I’d love to chat sometime, but knowing me? I’ll probably blank out mentally and not know what to say because there’s plenty I’d like to chat about, from characters to asking what inspired you, as I’ve enjoyed learning more about Meeps and LalaMeeps when able!
Thank you @meepsthemiqo!
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