#last of these i read by (insert popular writer like PenFleeced) was just like
david-box · 1 year
I think one reason I hate the "response to a writing prompt on Tumblr" style of writing is that it's very immediately and quickly obvious where a story is going to go very quickly with "character/narrator saying one thing but feeling another" being like the max depth you can have in a story and also random ass Easy Progressive TM topics being thrown in there like "oh, this autistic kid is being treated nicely :-) because of the fae" or "This Evil Curse Person Fucks Up And/Or Isn't Evil Anymore Because Child Happens" some such shit like that. They just feel intensely saccharine and boring as fuck like you can tell in a few paragraphs if not 2 fucking line exactly what the story is, what it's leading up to, and how it ends and then we're supposed to feel good because Insert Discriminated Class In Vaguely Fictional Medieval Setting And Maybe Victorian Or Ancient Greek Times Every Now And Then Wins The Day. Give me some fucking murder or something
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