#legatos eyes widen when knives asks for his name and smiles
qualityrain · 1 year
sorry just the concept of knives naming legato slays me but like. the fact that he didnt even name him a bad thing. like the way knives absolutely hates humans and literally wants to commit genocide to kill them all and. and he names one?? and its not even a name with a bad connotation. like he couldve pulled a lucilus and named him something like belial that means worthless and he doesnt???? that in itself just absolutely slays me. but the way knives names him legato. and the way you could kind of theorise that knives plays the piano in 3max because of that one (1) panel of him in that ridiculous outfit in front of a piano and. legato is a music term. so already knives names this human not something bad, but rather something associated with something that he does??? maybe likes???? enjoys???? and legato has many meanings but yknow its like smooth. and. and connection. connection. you connect two notes together smoothly and thats a legato. the chapter of legatos backstory is two people against the world. haha you could say thats where knives and legato gain a connection- i cant take it here bro
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tri-knives · 11 months
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Knives canonically picked Legato up "on a whim." However, this does not mean that Knives took Legato under his wing without reason; it just means that Knives did not find him with the intention of making him into a servant. He stumbled upon him by complete accident, having no prior knowledge of him— but he did choose to take him along for a few reasons.
Knives comes to this village full of sick criminals and complacent bystanders, and he slaughters them all like the pests that they are. He meant to kill each and every one of them, no one left standing. And yet, this singular boy manages to evade death. This boy looks up at him with wide eyes and he does not run in fear or beg for his life. Knives realizes in an instant that it was not a fault in his powers that led to this boy surviving— no, this boy was special.
"Curious," he smiles, "I thought I cut them all down, yet one remains. Doesn't seem to be a coincidence. Did you manipulate my body?"
He knows the answer is yes. He is simultaneously amused and vehemently bitter about the fact that a human has not only managed to escape his inevitable death, but also managed to take some form of control over him.
He hates it.
In one swift motion, a blade manifests in his hand and he presses it against the boy's throat. The boy gets down on his knees. Knives expects him to plead for his life, beg to be spared, but instead the boy says, "Allow me... to serve by your side." He says he will remove his strings, and if Knives so wishes, he can cut off his head as he pleases. He says he will have no reason to live if his wish is not granted.
How curious. A rather odd way of trying to gain mercy. Knives does not trust it.
He moves his blade closer. The boy's long hair falls away as his blade slides through it as if it were just a thin veil, and the boy's skin cuts just as easily. The boy does not flinch. He looks up at Knives with tears in his eyes, and those eyes scream gratefulness. A silent "thank you, for freeing me from my suffering."
Knives' eyes widen. He pulls away his blade. He smiles down at him, and asks his name. The boy bursts into tears and tells him he does not have one. Knives knows those tears are not from fear. He names the boy "Legato Bluesummers."
Why, out of all of the humans in the decades that have passed, does Knives not only spare but take in this one? What emotions was Knives feeling upon seeing that face?
There is more than one answer. To begin with, Legato made not the slightest attempt to run from Knives, fight him, or plead for his life. There were no "prey" responses. Knives could tell that this boy did not have any self-preservation because he did not even consider himself worth the ground he walked on. He was weak, he was pitiful, and is existence was even less than a human life— this was a caged animal. This was not a cornered one like Knives himself, with teeth bared and muscles tensed to fight. This was an animal that had completely given up on existence. Legato did not care whether he lived or died.
However, he was still a human, and thus not worth sympathy. Perhaps in that brief moment when Legato smiled at him, Knives felt something resembling sympathy, but he would never call it that. He would call it pity. He would say it was more like the way a person spares a small bug even though it is a pest that is small and helpless to fight back, and say that Legato was not even worth killing. He may even hide the truth from himself, and say that he saw potential in that empty shell.
It would not change the fact that he spared Legato's life. It was much more like the way a human attempts to save a bird with broken wings, even though they know it is helpless. It was a moment of sympathy, compassion— weakness. Knives would rather die than admit to being weak. It does not change the fact that he spared the bird even through he had always chosen to just kill them to put an end to their suffering.
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pixelblaze · 1 year
yay hehe I've been enjoying ur trigun stuff A Lot
i really really liked ur legato headcanons lol would u consider expanding them into a fic?
Thank you so much for the request! I love writing Legato! Here’s a fic where reader confronts Vash after his death.
CW! Death, violence
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You hadn’t been hunting Vash the Stampede for very long before you found him in a little village in the middle of nowhere.
He’s sitting outside, on a chair, his body bandaged and his face unshaven. He looks like a wreck.
This is the man who killed Legato Bluesummers, your husband. This man you’ve come to see, to avenge your husband’s death.
It brings you some small relief that Legato’s murder was taking a toll on the man who took his life.
“Hey,” you say casually, waving at him, feeling all the rage and anger swirling within you. But you push it down. Not yet. Some part of you Had to hear his side of the story.
“Hey,” Vash the Stampede waves back at you. He looks a little surprised someone had come out here to talk to him.
You sit down on the porch, at first not meeting his eyes.
“Can I help you on this fine morning?” he asks. He sounds tired, strained. Like he’s trying his best to be friendly with you, but he’d rather be left alone at the moment. That was too bad.
“Tell me about Legato Bluesummers,” you say.
“What?” the friendliness in his tone immediately dissipates. “What name did you just say?”
“Legato Bluesummers,” you repeat. “He was someone…very dear to me.”
“Are you one of them? Are you a gung-ho gun? Here to avenge him?” Weird. You were under the impression that this man was a bit eccentric, a goof, but here he was, dead serious.
You shake your head. “Not a gung-ho gun. Here for answers though.”
You remove the weapon from your jacket pocket, train it on him.
His blue eyes harden. They are tragic.
“What happened to Legato? Why’d you kill him?” You thought you were going to be stronger in this moment, for him, but here you are, shakily aiming a gun, your lip quivering and tears already threatening to spill from your eyes. You beg he doesn’t notice.
“I’m sorry. There must’ve been another way, I just didn’t see it in time…”
“But what happened?!” you demand.
“How did you know him?”
“Married for four years,” you announce, showing him the wedding ring you had looped around a chain that you were now wearing as a necklace.
His eyes widen, he shakes a bit. A family, that he had torn apart. You can see the regret, the pain forming in his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t want to kill him, I really didn’t…” he tells you the story. How Legato used his powers to manipulate the townspeople. How he waited in front of Vash’s gun for his own death. How he smiled when he died.
“I’m so sorry,” he says, concluding the story.
This man was suffering. You could tell. You remembered accidentally overhearing Legato’s conversation with Millions Knives. “Vash the stampede will feel eternal pain and suffering,” or something along those lines, Legato had said.
This was what he had meant? He died to make Vash suffer?
Your stomach churns, your resolve wavering. Your gun was still trained on him, but now it lowers. You’re not sure how long you’ve been crying, but judging by the concerned look on his face, you guess a while.
“I…see,” you say. This man killed your husband. You should hate him. But looking at him now, it’s clear he’s nearly as shaken up as you are.
“I’m so sorry,” he says again. “I really wish I could’ve seen the other way before it was too late…”
“From the sound of it, you really didn’t have any other options,” you sigh, tucking the gun back into your jacket. “I believe you. Legato…would do something like that, for Millions Knives.”
There was your true enemy. Millions Knives. The man who gave Legato that order.
“I’m sorry for coming down here and bothering you, thank you for the answers,” you say, hugging your knees and staring at the activity of the small village.
“I’m sorry that this happened in the first place. No matter what, no one has the right to take the life of another. And I’m a killer now. I pulled the trigger myself.”
You watch him stare down at his shaky hand, likely the one he used to kill Legato.
Legato had taken so many lives. He was nothing like Vash the Stampede. You had come expecting to take a life, too.
But a part of you just couldn’t. Vash didn’t want this to happen, you genuinely believed him, and you just…couldn’t take his life.
You get up, thank him for informing you, and leave, debating what to do with yourself now.
You didn’t stand a chance against Millions Knives. You knew that. And a part of you believed Legato wouldn’t want you to just…throw your life away in a mission to avenge him.
So you would fill Legato’s role, be at Knives’s side, to honor your husband’s Legacy. You would witness the destruction of humanity, for Legato.
-Flashback, a day before his death-
“Going already?” you were waiting outside Millions Knives’s chamber, when Legato stepped out.
“Yes. I’ve been given my mission,” he informs you with his usual, monotonous voice. “I leave at once.”
“Know when you’ll be back?” you ask, taking his hand in yours.
“No. I doubt I will be returning anytime soon,” he says.
“Oh…I see,” you assumed he was simply saying he had a long mission ahead of him, but something about his tone told you something was wrong. “What’s the mission?”
“That’s classified, y/n. Please don’t concern yourself with it.”
“Alright,” you learned to pick up on when he didn’t want to talk about something. “Just…be safe, alright? I love you, you know…”
“…I know. I care deeply for you too. Don’t do anything reckless in my absence.”
You press his palm to your cheek for just a moment, knowing he didn’t like physical affection, but wanting to savor him for a second.
He doesn’t object, just indulges you for the moment before pulling away. “I must go.”
“Okay…I’ll see you later?”
He doesn’t respond to this. He gives you a firm look but that’s about it, a look you can’t read.
He walks past you, determined and steady, like he always was. You had no idea he was marching to his death.
That was the last time you saw him.
Thank you for reading~
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