willing-prey · 9 days
I think tokoyami/dark shadow would make a good pred~~ obviously as a bird it makes sense but dark shadow would be even better because they can grow in size. Also mount lady great pred too
Tokoyami seems like more of a switch to me... He also seems kinda touch deprived if you ask me. Would definitely make a good Pred though. As for Mount Lady, I don't really like her. I understand how she could be a Pred (with her quirk and all) but I just have so many other characters I prefer... She's just kinda boring to me. I like same size or half-size better, g/t tends to be more common but I just prefer same size. It's a personal preference though, I don't like big, open spaces that much. I prefer smaller environments myself, though I can see why g/t makes more sense to people.
Have a good day, all! Remember to drink water and sleep properly.
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willing-prey · 1 month
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 100 likes! I'm glad you people like my vore shit. <3
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willing-prey · 1 month
like/reblog if u are:
a bitch
a bastard
an all around fool
an omnipresent all-powerful being
a sparrow
capable of moving at immense, incomprehensible speeds
an eldritch being
no one will know which one u chose! :D
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willing-prey · 1 month
more votes please. Only 5 days 20 something hours left.
Vore Thing
Which MHA character would make the best Pred?
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willing-prey · 1 month
Vore Rambles
A really cruel prey who is not a good person at all and is a public menace and a Pred who's very gentle and is genuinely a good person.
Like, the Pred is really hungry one day and accidentally eats the prey.
They get all sad and depressed about it, and they apologize over and over. The prey fights back, yelling awful insults and profanity at the poor pred. They struggle so much that the Pred is in tears from the pain.
The pred's significant other comes in and sees their partner like this, and the Pred tells them what happened. The observer rubs their belly until the prey stops screaming and struggling, and they praise and cuddle the Pred to make them feel better.
Later, the general public (prob a small community) learns what happened. The Pred thinks they'll be mad about it, but they all just praise the Pred for getting rid of the menace.
The Pred is now loved by everyone and is the community hero.
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willing-prey · 1 month
Not vore related, but let's go beat the shit outta some nasty ass pedophiles.
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willing-prey · 1 month
Vore Thing
Which MHA character would make the best Pred?
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willing-prey · 1 month
Vore Rambles
Been thinking about vore recently (obvi) and I really like fatal with painless goopy digestion. Like, really slow digestion, but it's completely painless and you just kinda melt away into a puddle inside the Pred.
So.... any hungry preds out there looking for a willing meal?
Y'all have a good day now.
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willing-prey · 1 month
hello, my tasty snack! how do you feel about unbirth?
i don't really like unbirth. It makes me feel weird. Like, just the word. Idk. I just like the 'eating people' part, I guess.
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willing-prey · 1 month
I'm tired. I just wanna curl up inside a warm tummy and sleep. I get comfort, and the Pred who ate me gets a full, warm belly. It's a win-win.
Any takers?
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willing-prey · 2 months
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5 posts. Wow. Who wants to read some vore one shots with my OCs?
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willing-prey · 2 months
OC Ramble
My Pred OC Jackson is an absolute sweet heart. If I had to choose a way, the easiest and most hurtful way to torture him would be to starve him for a few days, then lock him in a small room with his significant other. The person he loves and values most. He would hold out as long as possible, of course, but soon enough the predatory instincts set in. If it came down to it, he'd probably end up eating his partner. And he would hate himself for it. He doesn't usually have much control over his digestion, and absolutely none when he's hungry, so there is no escaping for his poor lover. They'd die inside him. And that is the best way to torture this poor lil' guy. He hates that he eats people, but he hates it even more when it hurts the people he loves.y poor child has too many problems to have that much guilt on his conscience...
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willing-prey · 2 months
My Other Dumbass OC
last post was on Jackson, one of my OCs. It got two likes, so, as promised, here's Luka.
He's a naga. He's 18 ft. Long, his human torso being 4'3 and his snake tail being 13'9. He has dyed blue hair, a baggy black hoodie, a blue and green snake tail, and pale skin. He has light gray-blue eyes, and a few freckles on his face.
He's a very cruel Pred, he likes to scare the shit outta his dinner first. Very teasing. He's bisexual and he has a girlfriend. He's nice and sweet to those he cares about.
He is Jackson's adoptive brother, they aren't actually related, just really close. He only cares about two people: his brother and his girlfriend. Everyone else is fair game.
If this gets three likes I'll do his girlfriend.
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willing-prey · 2 months
OC Bullshit
I have a particular OC who's whole thing is vore (cause why not?) And I'm bored so some random information about this silly little guy.
My OC:
His name is Jackson, he's a Shapeshifter who eats humans (he prefers them alive and whole, of course.) He has one older brother and no other (living) family members, and he has a human girlfriend (her name is Maddison.)
Tall (5'11), 17 years old, thin, pale skin. He wears a black shirt and loose ripped blue jeans, and black sneakers. He has short, curly, dirty blond hair, and amber eyes.
He's actually really sweet, he just has a bad reputation (I don't know, probably 'cause he eats people.) He hates that he does have to eat people. (He doesn't *have* to, it's just way easier.) He's very intelligent, he's loving, caring, and reassuring. His digestion is quick and completely painless, and he kinda murmurs sweet nothings to his prey. (He doesn't like squirmy prey...)
Anyway, that's Jackson. If this post gets, like, two likes I'll do one for his brother.
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willing-prey · 2 months
My Current Pred Crush
I started My Hero Academia recently and I see this bitch and immediately think "I bet he has a nice stomach." And I don't know why.
But anyways, here's my current Pred crush.
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Bakugo Katsuki.
I want him to swallow me for reasons I can't explain.
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willing-prey · 3 months
My Vore Blog
safe and/or soft vore. Not as much fatal, but possibly? Maybe art or writing.
Open to suggestions. (Need more ideas). Might include my OC's and characters from fandoms I am a part of.
Might not post often but idk.
Warning ⚠️: vore, soft vore, safe vore, mostly non-fatal vore, maybe some fatal, maybe digestion, swallowing people whole, very bad sketches, possibly death, and some violence.
posting nothing but strange vore shit.
Prolly will cuss a lot.
Please don't make fun of my drawings or writings.
I think that's all.
Have a good day (non negotiable) remember to sleep and eat and drink water. I wish you well.
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