#legit vee's alliance is the scariest of any of my toons
voidendron · 4 years
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, especially after I’d logged in as Varrich to craft & sell something and was messing with his outfits waiting for the thing to craft--that’s when I saw his original, the Havoc white-and-orange armor he wore for so long with his head held high and a certainty about where he stood in the galaxy, in his first outfit slot.
Most of my toons end up growing and becoming better people through the expansions, even if only marginally, but in the AU where Varrich’s the Outlander? Not so much.
He ends up a fallen hero. He starts out wanting to help people--to save the galaxy just like he’s always done--but seeing how everything, including the Republic he once fought tooth and nail for, went to shit, and having Valkorian in his head and realizing how much time has passed and how his team was torn apart after he went missing he just. Breaks.
As a Balmorran who fought in its resistance as a teenager, he loathes the Sith Empire, but he gave up everything to join the Republic so it would help his home. He was loyal, and did whatever was asked of him, he dealt with traitors and being shoved into leadership and running all over the galaxy saving the Republic’s ass and it just. Abandoned him, abandoned everything he’d fought so hard for, to Zakuul, and he starts to think that maybe Tavus had been right.
Outlander Varrich stops caring. He just wants all the fucking war to end. And if that means crushing the Empire, Zakuul, and the Republic under his boot and leaving the survivors to struggle from the rubble, so be it.
His Alliance isn’t a peacekeeper--it merely pretends to be one. It’s not an ally or something to look to for hope or something you should ever, ever trust. It’s something to duck your head and run from, something to be afraid of.
He treats it solely as a military, something to beat down his enemies with, and it’s terrifying.
The Varrich who once led Havoc Squad died in the carbonite.
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