#like I've read one fic (patpran!) and watched a video about it on youtube a couple weeks back
laesas · 1 year
Hi dear! For the ask game maybe 🧠 and 💭?
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
🌸 Kimhanahaki 🌸 - KimChay + Hanahaki disease (flowers growing in the chest caused by unrequited love) this has spent the last few weeks pinging around my little brain.
It's a Chay POV fic where a few years after canon he's mostly moved on. He's gotten to the point where he can hear a WIK song on the radio and think about it almost fondly. He's not planning on becoming Kim's best friend but he can be civil with him and he understands why Kim did what he did to protect his brothers at the very least. Everything is fine until he gets dragged to some event where he stumbles into a back room and finds Kim collapsed on the floor coughing up flowers. At first Chay is caught by the fact this this is incredibly unfair, especially as Kim is the one that hurt him, but he eventually becomes determined to help because he feels responsible. Kim (predictably) wants no involvement in this plan and wants Chay to stay away. Kim is managing fine on his own. He's getting treatments, it's all managable, he just has to live with it. Chay convinces him to let him help by threatening to tell Tankhun lol. Chay is convinced that more distance won't help and realistically, it's been 2-3 years and Kim is apparently still in love with some teenage, pre-mafia version of Chay that doesnt exist anymore. If he can get that idea through Kim's head, maybe there's a chance he'll fall out of love and that the flowers will stop. Cue Kim and Chay developing a tentative friendship, Kim learning to lean on the people he trusts and a KimChay slowly falling (back) in love montage.
I have so so much more on this haha - The other day I got a leeetle bit tipsy and overexcited and accidentally pitched the entire thing to various little gay creatures that live in my phone. When I predicted 'at least 20k' for breathing room I got told 'at least 40k' which is! A LOT!! Maybe too much for lil ol me (a very very new writer) I'm torn because I love the idea and I feel like if I post the *ENTIRE* outline and all the plot points here, there will be absolutely ZERO chance of me writing it because *spoilers!*. BUT if the chance of me writing it is zero anyway, maybe I should just type up the full outline and hit post?! It might spark joy for someone haha
ANYWAY! that's Kimhanahaki! 🌸
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
OOH! - So this never makes it into the KimBig fic but I have so many headcanons about Kim's resentment of Big and how that came to be. My idea is that Kim used to be incredibly close with Kinn in their childhood. Tankhun was off doing much more imprtant heir related things and Kinn was left to dote on Kim.
Big was brought to the household at around the exact same time that Kinn became the heir (I've seen some fics where Big's was orphaned when his father (a bodyguard) was killed during Taknhun's kidnapping). Big moves in, determined to follow in his father's footsteps, and as Kinn's agemate he can convincingly go where other bodyguards can't. He's also a massive support for Kinn emotionally as while Tankhun is still alive, Kinn has still 'lost' his older brother in a sense.
Between all his new responsibilities and gaining Big as his new shadow, the now-teenage Kinn's relationship with a still very young Kim takes a hit. Kim is too young and too emotionally immature to fill the space that Big fits into, and as Kinn starts leaving him behind he ends up resenting Big for it.
Thanks so so much for asking lovely!! <3
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