#like Leo is really good with kids and infants and it's so freaking sad because there could have been a future
misteria247 · 2 years
I've been reminded of just how good 2012 Leo is with little kids and I'm just????? It's like so sad when you think about it because if life didn't fuck our boy over the way it did Leo probably would have made a fantastic dad when he was older and it makes me lowkey wanna cry-
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dixbolik-lovers · 7 years
1-99 only odd numbers
Anon. . . WHY???? We did em all, but it’s rly long. 
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Admin Mawile: Closed. There are wayyyyy too many things for curious kitties to chew on and hurt themselves with. 
Admin Skitty: Closed, always. I have a fear of the dark and when it is open it terrifies me more.
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Admin Mawile: I don’t sleep on sheets. I have two heavy, fluffy blankets that I use instead. 
Admin Skitty: I sleep on one sheet that covers my mattress since the other would keep falling even when I tucked it in. So tucked in?
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
Admin Mawile: Not really. I like all the colors they come in though.
Admin Skitty: Yes!! Especially when I get into annotating a book for class or myself. I enjoy all the funny ways they come in their different shapes, and colors.
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Admin Mawile: Bear. A male one, though. You can scare away a bear, bees are just coming to kill you. 
Admin Skitty: Definitely a bear, I’ve almost come close to them in several instances and I’ve always been able to scare them away. I’ve seen how bees can mess you up on Animal Crossing, I’m not up for that.
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
Admin Mawile: Nope. My fake smiles look awful, so I go with a blank face over one of them. 
Admin Skitty: Sometimes. I do closed mouth smiles a majority of the time. I think my smile isn’t very nice if we’re being honest.
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Admin Mawile: Sometimes, but I try not to for long ‘cause it can be awfully hard to stop doing it. 
Admin Skitty: It happens by accident. Especially when I go for long walks, or when I get bored.
13: What about pooped in the woods?
Admin Mawile: Nope. But I had a friend who frequently did.
Admin Skitty: Never.
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
Admin Mawile: No. I tend to break off the little plastic clip things, though. 
Admin Skitty: Same as Mawile here actually, but I feel awful sad when I break them off, its never intentional.
17: What size is your bed?
Admin Mawile: Full or queen, I can’t remember which. 
Admin Skitty: I believe mine is a twin so it fits just me and my cat!!
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
Admin Mawile: Fact time! Pink was originally the “boy color” until Hitler started using it to mark homosexuals. Then the Western world freaked out and switched it with blue, which was formerly the “girl color”.
Admin Skitty: I don’t believe that color should be restricted to gender, it seems completely irrational to me. Color, style, choice is up to the person and I encourage any guy, whoever they are, to wear pink if it makes them happy. Go rock it.
23: If you’re a girl, bra size? If you’re a guy, pants size?
Admin Mawile: 32G, which isn’t as big as it sounds. 
Admin Skitty: 38D They’re a decent large.
25: What is your favorite food?
Admin Mawile: Don’t have one. Or more like it can vary by the day. 
Admin Skitty: I can never decide on a favorite, sometimes I think I do, but whenever someone asks me this question it slips my mind. My favorite sweet/pastry is banana bread though!!
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
Admin Mawile: MY PRECIOUS CAT!! She loves giving me kitty kisses with her nose when I’m trying to hold her. 
Admin Skitty: My dad’s girlfriend, she gave me a kiss on the cheek in greeting when she got back as I answered this question.
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Admin Mawile: Probably not. Don’t know why anyone would want me to. 
Admin Skitty: I don’t…think I would? Me from now is different than me from the future, though I hardly think I’d be comfortable with that. I’m certainly not now.
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
Admin Mawile: Nope. 
Admin Skitty: ..h ah I wish I was that handy.
33: Ever ran out of gas?
Admin Mawile: Never. I hate driving so I haven’t had many chances to. 
Admin Skitty: Not when I’ve ever driven!
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Admin Mawile: A variety of leftovers from previous meals and a Razzleberry tea to drink. 
Admin Skitty: My dad’s girlfriend makes these sweet breakfast bagel sandwiches that taste incredible!! Those or her breakfast tacos are the best.
37: Are you lazy?
Admin Mawile: Sort of. “Unmotivated” describes it better. 
Admin Skitty: Sometimes. I can procrastinate something if I have no interest to do it. I always complete my work on time though.
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
Admin Mawile: The years ones? Dragon. It’s pretty much the only zodiac thing of mine that I’ve ever liked. 
Admin Skitty: I’m exactly the same as Mawile, a dragon if we’re going by that!! It sort of suits my other sign in a way, since I’m a Leo.
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
Admin Mawile: Nope. 
Admin Skitty: No, but I want one or two. This might seem dorky, but I actually really like gardening magazines, and I’ve thought of maybe even making one in our backyard when spring arrives.
43: Are you stubborn?
Admin Mawile: Horribly so. 
Admin Skitty: If I vehemently believe in something, its likely I will be when it comes to the subject. Other than that I’m pretty flexible and open to new ideas and information.
45: Ever watch soap operas?
Admin Mawile: No, but my mom is fond of the Latin American ones. 
Admin Skitty: My mom is from Colombia and she loved them so I always got wrapped into watching them with her when I was younger. Now I haven’t the time and they don’t always hold my interest.
47: Do you sing in the car?
Admin Mawile: I don’t sing out loud… at all really. 
Admin Skitty: Yes. Not always, but if I feel the song I do.
49: Do you dance in the car?
Admin Mawile: How would one do that exactly? There doesn’t seem to be enough room. 
Admin Skitty: If you mean flail your arms around sporadically to the beat? Then sure, I do sometimes.
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Admin Mawile: A couple months ago for my most recent school picture. 
Admin Skitty: School picture for my I.D.
53: Is Christmas stressful?
Admin Mawile: Yes because it means my birthday is coming. Bleh. 
Admin Skitty: Not really, it sort of flows and is just an overall calm day.
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
Admin Mawile: Lemon Meringue. 
Admin Skitty: I like good ‘ol fashion apple pie.
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
Admin Mawile: Yes in a silly way, no for real. I like joking about them, but nah, ghosts aren’t a thing. 
Admin Skitty: I do, just because of my own experiences. Though I might not believe everything about them.
59: Take a vitamin daily?
Admin Mawile: Nope.
Admin Skitty: Nah.
61: Wear a bath robe?
Admin Mawile: Also nope. 
Admin Skitty: Nope, but I had a cute little pink one when I was younger.
63: First concert?
Admin Mawile: Never been to one and I don’t want to. I hate noisy places. 
Admin Skitty: My friend got me free tickets to a battle of the bands in Orlando. So I got to see a lot of local bands who were absolutely incredible. It was so much fun!!
65: Nike or Adidas?
Admin Mawile: Neither. 
Admin Skitty: I’m not huge on sports gear, but I’m familiar with both.
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Admin Mawile: Peanuts. Despite living near a sunflower seed plant, I don’t like them very well. 
Admin Skitty: Sunflower seeds, I like the salty taste of the outer shell and the plainness of the actual seed. Peanuts and nuts other than pistachios I’m not big on.
69: Ever take dance lessons?
Admin Mawile: Yeah, when I was really little. The main thing I remember was that there was only one boy in the class and he was terrified of me.
Admin Skitty: Yea! I took tap, jazz, and hip hop, and even performed with my group. I was little though, but I’ve thought about dancing again.
71: Can you curl your tongue?
Admin Mawile: Nope, but my mother can!
Admin Skitty: Yup!!
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Admin Mawile: Once that I can remember, at about age 8. 
Admin Skitty: Yea, but hardly ever in front of someone.
75: Own a record player?
Admin Mawile: No, but I think my dad does. 
Admin Skitty: No, but I know we’d like to get one eventually.
79: What was the last concert you saw?
Admin Mawile: None. As stated before, I’ve never been to a concert. 
Admin Skitty: I saw the Daddy Yankee vs. Don Omar concert at the Amway Center. That’s the only other concert I’ve been to, but it was more for my mom than me.
83: Can you swim well?
Admin Mawile: My technique is awful, but I can stay afloat for ages. 
Admin Skitty: I swim decently I suppose, I haven’t had the chance to in a while.
85: Are you patient?
Admin Mawile: Depends on what I’m being patient for. 
Admin Skitty: Yea. There’s only so long I can stand to be so for, depending on the situation.
87: Ever won a contest?
Admin Mawile: When I was about 7, I won a GIANT Easter basket from a raffle at a local church.
Admin Skitty: I’ve won art contests!!
89: Which are better black or green olives?
Admin Mawile: The mini black ones!! Green ones don’t taste very good and the texture of the large black ones is gross. 
Admin Skitty: I don’t like olives, sorry!! (I really wish I did)
91: Best room for a fireplace?
Admin Mawile: Living room? I don’t really care. 
Admin Skitty: Probably the family room.
93: If married, how long have you been married?
Not applicable for either Admin. 
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
Admin Mawile: Nope. Never have. 
Admin Skitty: No. Nothing would get achieved if I did that.
97: Do you want kids?
Admin Mawile: I am severely tokophobic and would honestly rather put a large, hissing cockroach in my mouth. The only “kids” I’ll ever need are my cats, who are wayyyyy cuter than gross fleshy human infants anyway. 
Admin Skitty: I have no desire to ever become pregnant, but I do plan that in the future I’ll adopt. Only if I am able to support the child and provide them a healthy and happy life though.
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
Admin Mawile: The same couple friends as always. 
Admin Skitty: I always miss my Yiyia (which is grandmother in Greek for those who don’t know.)
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