#like an ailing regency novel mama
thebibliosphere · 1 month
I think the most annoying thing about when my neck injury from the chiropractor flares up, is that it feels like cracking my neck will fix it.
It feels like if I just move right or stretch it far enough the permanent tension at the base of my skull will ease and my head will stop feeling like it’s a half inch too high on one side. (The misalignment is mere millimeters but it feels like a lot more. Feels like someone’s driven a shim between my skull and the atlas at the top of my spine.)
It won’t, of course. Because it’s not a too tight muscle making my head sit wonky. It’s protective scar tissue. Scar tissue that helps splint the area and keeps my skull from cronching my cervical vertebrae like an anvil punching through polystyrene ceiling tiles.
(It’s amazing how heavy your head feels when the muscles in your neck don’t work right.)
And even though I’m aware of this. Even though I’ve worked hard for several years in physical rehab to strengthen the area and relieve what pain I can, it just feels like popping my neck would fix it and it’s taking everything in me not to because that’s the devil talking.
I should probably find my brace, though. Maybe that’ll help.
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