#like i said i'm scraping all the crumbs off the tiny plate i have with kiburi content
spinnysocks · 2 months
so i'm reading a TLG croc fic and
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yet another fic where kiburi shows at least a slither of care for his float! :) i love that this is a common theme in nearly all of the small amount of fics he's in
"Wow Kiburi, I didn't think you were this soft or sentimental" "Tell anyone what I just said and I will be sure to kill you myself." THE CHARACTERISATION IS SPOT ONNNN
the fic is here if anyone's interested, let me know if the link doesn't work! i honestly had no idea there were kiburi fics outside of ao3 but i am gathering ALL THE CRUMBS!! i'm only 13/40 chapters in but OOOO it is good :)
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