#<- regrettably using but whatever 😭
spinnysocks · 2 months
so i'm reading a TLG croc fic and
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yet another fic where kiburi shows at least a slither of care for his float! :) i love that this is a common theme in nearly all of the small amount of fics he's in
"Wow Kiburi, I didn't think you were this soft or sentimental" "Tell anyone what I just said and I will be sure to kill you myself." THE CHARACTERISATION IS SPOT ONNNN
the fic is here if anyone's interested, let me know if the link doesn't work! i honestly had no idea there were kiburi fics outside of ao3 but i am gathering ALL THE CRUMBS!! i'm only 13/40 chapters in but OOOO it is good :)
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yellowymellon · 5 months
SO UM I GOT A THEORY ABT LUOCHA (Dk if anyone talked Abt this but tis just for fun 👁️)
When Jing yuan called luocha an abundance abominations I gasped, it was like a grand reveal, but after I calmed down I thought...what if that's his way to insult luocha? Maybe it's just a derogatory term...
And now I have a silly theory ;3
I'm proud to say since I reject to acknowledge the Otto in luocha from day one I've always noticed that aside from the fact he's an Otto expy he looks like yaoshi a lot.
He said he's a "doctor" but we all clearly saw that he has straight up healing abilities. Mind you that his 'healing' is a broad term, he could even fix xueyi who isnt made of flesh, and to that Dan Heng understood right away that that was a blessing of the abundance.
So that made me think about Jing yuan's words...it makes sense for luocha to be blessed by yaoshi but what if he actually is their emanator.
I don't think everyone who is blessed by yaoshi would get called by Jing yuan an abomination even degradingly, and it seems he knows something Abt luocha we don't (nothing unusual Abt Jing yuan lol)
No matter how luocha's attitude is to yaoshi, they are still an aeon who pities and 'loves' creation. They hate pain and hurt and generally answer prayers.
So with that in mind, the fact that luocha is an Otto face but not quite, it could be that he either at some point prayed for yaoshi or that yaoshi took pity on his suffering aka the loss of someone dear to him who might or might not be the coffin person. It also could be that yaoshi just created him as a pure abomination! Maybe specifically to become an emanator.
I mean bro got the abyss flower how do u explain that in HSR? 😭
Also a very sus interaction imo is when putting luocha and blade in a team, he tells blade (I don't remember his exact words but) that he regrettably can't help him with his immortality thingy. And I always bully him (affectionately ofc-) and say nobody asked!
Why would luocha assume, or think he has the powers to reverse or break the blessing/curse of an aeon??
It's the going out of dev's way to have an interaction between luocha and blade when they should've never met even if they know about eachother (elio knowing the real culprit and luocha knowing the stellaron hunters are in the luofu for example)
He's also very fixated on how death can be overcomed, not in an Otto obsessed way, but kinda in a certain sure way, like he knows it can happen. How?? 🤨 I'm sure yaoshi themselves can't 🤨🤨
In conclusion
There isn't much to back this 'theory' so it's just for fun, I also believed his powers come from the coffin mostly. His ult is the coffin... doing stuff and whatever is inside is probably an abundance abomination as well (you could see the thorns in his animated light cone).
Also off topic kinda- but I don't believe it's kallen tbh. They have a somewhat bittersweet antagonist relationship where they use eachother for their end goals and they seem to be wary of eachother. So if a kallen exists Id like to think she's dead, and his journey is to revive her. Which would be another Otto story I refuse to have HOYO ISTG
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jewishregulus · 3 months
hold on because your thing with alecto carrow & the carrow twins……… you really did something there
listen okay i could go so crazy about them . i have so much lore trapped away in my brain . but i am going to summarize so fast and quick bc they drive me crazy….
general info abt both of them : they r born in japan bc the carrow family moves there post grindlewald and their mom dies and when she dies they move back to the england but they r poor af after everything so pureblood society looks down on them for being traitors. cue them fighting the entire wizaridng war to be given respect and seen as a genuine member of the sacred 28 and using intimidation and violence to do so… a if i cannot be better than them i will be so much worse moment . their dad is normal and loves them very much they just choose to be evil like that. their mom was a sweet angel also and everyday i cry over her even tho i invented her to be dead . whatever
alecto has a weird misandrist complex in which she hates men but is also performing for them all the time , a man hating lesbian who also can’t escape using the patriarchy to validate her skills and ambition. she loves spiders bc they are matriarchal . she bases her worth off of how well she appeals to others and has so her whole life to the point she barely has a sense of self . she wants to kiss lily evans on the mouth and she worships her like an absolute angel it’s serious and vicious . the few scraps of herself she has left are all about knowledge. she is obsessed w language and translation and tries to learn literally any language she can ever . despite this she still can’t give herself a voice . she wants barty crouch jr dead for the crime of being a man and a degenerate which like fair of her . evan n reg r chill tho bc game respects game . i think if she got the chance to explore Life she’d actually choose to become a teacher like voldemort Made her become , but she would be actually pretty good tbh. her and barty regularly brawl in the teachers lounge. alecto kicks his ass. in the modern college au in my head they are regrettably roommates and each conversation they have sets gay lesbian solidarity back 15 years . alecto is studying classics and women’s studies as a minor …. ik feminism is a big part of her character but chat do not reduce her to this u don’t get it … she has a deep connection to lady macbeth and the movie the handmaids tale . here is her vibe :
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and amycus is his mothers son who does whatever alecto wants him to bc he just wants to be by her side. they are so aggressively co dependent . he is obsessed w magical plants and herbology and his favorite thing in the world is a magical venus flytrap he keeps in his dorm that evan keeps putting random drops of blood into the mouth of . his dream career would probably be using magical plants to make new medicines n poisons n such . hogwarts resident weed dealer . therefore he n barty r actually chill . he just misses his mom like so much 😭 he is consistently in morning over the life he could have had . he’s pretty good friends w everyone he’s not like a loner but he is lonely deep in his chest…… of course bc alecto is his sister #feministwomenloveamycuscarrow . every carrow is linked to an insect in my head and amycus is a praying mantis . …. he has the same capability for cruelty like he also is on the field w alecto during the war but like he’d rather be gardening :/. modern college au he’s probably studying biology and is the rlly menacing president of the gardening club. and u think this means he is secretly sweet but he’s literally evil. him n reg have a crazy friendship going in in which they do the craziest romantic shit but it is completely platonic. i’m talking like candle lit dinners . in my head he has a weird situationship w rabastan (who is another story….) but also i have a *whispers* oc….. who in the fic i have planned for them in my head (which i will never write) he ends up w and his name is maxx <3 but i will never talk abt ocs on here . i have some shame. amycus would follow alecto to hell if she asked (he just wishes she would stop going the- *car runs me over*)
here’s amycus vibes
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i have so much more i could say abt them . there is so much in my head they have such a deep and complex story … i will take any excuse to yap abt them . anyways they are both gay and one day i will write the alectolily sugar mommy au in which lily is the sugar mommy bc she’s a super famous author n alecto works at an antique book store doing translation n repair <3333 and it’s completely accidental lily keeps paying to borrow these super old books and eventually she just pays for alecto to come over and help her research and then one thing leads to another . and alecto is guffawed when she realizes. amycus. thinks it his hilarious. i think her and lily would have an academic rivals to loves thing going on in canon and in like Any school setting but also just in general. they could be 5 years into their relationship and still competing to be the smartest . i think there is rosekiller alectolily double date hilarity potential. also have a lot of thoughts abt them paralleling to the rosier twins but what do i know … i will leave that to the masters ….
anyways that was my yapping . hope someone felt enthralled .
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merchantarthurn · 8 months
hello!!! if you dont mind me asking what kind of white pen do you use for adding little highlights in your art? your art inspired me to start inking and coloring my traditional art and ive been having a lot of fun with it for a year or so now but i can never seem to find a good white gel pen to use 😭
you and me both friend 😭 I have a lot of issues with the ones i've tried and im thinking i might switch to just using white dip-pen inks (shirahama has given the brand she uses it's something like icy-white but i'll have to dig that out again).
the best luck i've had has been the following:
General notes of paint/acrylic markers - be extremely careful of smudging and drying times, both of the pen and whatever you have underneath. For any solvent-based mediums (paints, alcohol markers and ESPECIALLY linework inking) acrylic markers can pick up some of the colour or damage the paper and create smudges and tears. This is relatively easy to avoid so long as you wait for stuff to dry and work in small areas. The paint itself will take a while to dry so I usually let it sit for 30mins-1hr before putting it anywhere near my scanner bed. If you need to work on a larger area and the paper you're working on isn't pretty robust you should probably switch to a paintbrush and just use regular acrylic paint (which has a longer drying time).
I've also found that with smaller pen nibs getting a reliable opacity is an absolute crapshoot lol.
Artistro paint market pen - really good when fresh, but god help you if you go without using it for too long after you start using it. it'll gunk up and I don't know how to fix them. They are relatively cheap and come in packs at least. Doesn't seem to have larger sizes though.
Posca paint pens (various sizes) - far more robust than artistro if you store them right but regrettably more pricey. I've also found the finest nibbed white pen to be... deeply underwhelming. It never seems to have adequate pigment no matter how long I shake and prime it. By contrast the artistro gave the same sized line much more consistently, but at the cost of the pen nib itself being pretty unreliable.
Decobrush pigment - I've not got these in white so can't speak for them directly, but the colours I do have are pretty spiffy and it's a BRUSH pen, which gives you so much more control and a range of sizes per pen. There is some difficulty with low opacity on these though (since they're meant to be used with other decobrush markers), so I don't know how a white "corrector" would fair. The colour range is generally pretty gorgeous though, in the long term i'd like to have more of them.
General note on gel pens - I've got a love-hate relationship with gel pens honestly. I find I can get more consistent results out of them because the ink doesn't settle and you don't have to prime the nibs, but that's only if you can find a good brand... and then a good specific pen lol. I've also found an issue when you don't let the medium below dry properly re: smudging, but it also seems like if your work isn't boneeee dry (like overnight or multiple days of alcohol markers drying) the gel can very easily take on the colour of the pigment underneath, especially darker ones. Oddly this doesn't always show up when scanning, but it will look odd in person. Not always a draw back though - it looks great for white detailing in shadow.
Sakura Gelly Roll 08 - Not sure if there's other sizes (or their efficacy) so I thought I'd be specific because if there's one thing about gel pens the specificity MATTERS. I've got a couple of these and they don't disappoint (insofar as my expectations for gel pens go)
Uniball signo broad - this was my favourite until it ran out of ink. I cannot say for the uniball signo (without the broad part) which seemingly just gave up delivering ink and enjoys carving lines on the page and maybe delivering just enough ink that you can see where the ball is on the track it leaves behind. But the broad? I really liked. It honestly probably performs the same as the gelly roll but the pen just feels nicer to use lol, and the fact that it ran out of ink rather than dried out speaks for how much I liked it lol
as a general warning though - basically any gel pen or acrylic pen should be the last thing you do on your piece, because the second it goes down you will not be doing any more colouring in that area (unless you paint with acrylics). You can maybe use lineart pens on top of them once fully dried for at least an hour (ideally more) but it's very likely to smudge.
honestly... if you scan your work, there's no shame in cloning a white area of your work to use as a highlight post-scan. i always feel like im cheating until i remind myself that every digital-artist peer i have gets do to this at their leisure lol. i'd recommend getting a good scan/photo of the work before adding any highlights anyway because it's sooo easy to bugger them up and be unable to fix it (i say this as someone who never remembers and always regrets it lol)
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you can see where the opacity doesn't quite hide what it's covering - an extra layer or digital correction would have been great. pretty sure this was artistro acrylic pen. but the unseen thing is i had to correct around the iris to the point where i said "well fuck i can't do what i want now" and just fixed it digitally.
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dot highlights on the left and in/around the eye - definitely gelly roll. gel pens are really good for little pin pricks because you avoid the ball-point smearing things too thin and you can get pretty high opacity from that. also some more digital "help" with a bit of airbrush glow.
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Definitely gel pen but i forget which kind, but I wanted to show what I meant by "picking up some pigments" and how can can be a boon, but also how sometimes the scanner just picks it up as white anyway (left is scanned, right is a photo - you can see it's purplish in the shadows)
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gojuo · 1 year
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
honestly I really do love my green mutuals like I left the got fandom back in 2014 after s04 stopped airing (bc no lady stoneheart + arianne martell + white ppl casting for dorne + overall divergence from the source material which is something I always distain) and slowly stopped caring abt asoiaf bc of no book content in so long so I just moved on, quietly waiting on twow and staying in my dorne-exclusive corner of the fandom but sadly I really do love asoiaf so regrettably I am interested in hotd but this fandom is so awful with all the targ infestation HOWEVER my green mutuals have renewed the love I used to have for asoiaf 🫶 we're small but I love it here in our little corner free from rabid dogs analyzing media MWAH 💋
MY CATSSSS MY BABIES MY CHILDREN FR 🥺 I'm actually allergic to cat and dog fur so even though me and my lil bro have wanted a cat for so long we just never got one bc of my allergies, but then my dad randomly one night in november 2021 came home with Lale (our little princess fr) then 3 months later we got Aslan (literally a terrorist I'm not even joking) so that Lale wouldn't be alone. Aslan is a Siberian and Lale is a Neva Masquerade, those races are hypoallergenic so my allergies don't act up thank God and I'm being so serious when I tell you cats cure depression ..... they are my firstborns fr😭 Lale has the prettiest blue eyes you will ever see in your life and stayed small (or average size idk she's barely 3 kilos) and is truly a lady and is extremely dignified. Like she's so funny, if we give her a piece of raw chicken or fish we HAVE to let her smell it for a few seconds before she takes a lick and THEN she starts biting it. And if it falls on the floor she won't touch it again we HAVE to give it to her from our hands she's literally soookjjgfjjgkvkfngcnd SHE'S A HIGHBORN LADY OF ROYAL BLOOD AND SHE WILL LET YOU KNOW!!!! She also purrs louder than a bike. Aslan in contrast is 6 kilos and none of that is overweight 😭 He's bigger than a small dog (if he grew a little more he'd be as big as a maine coon (eu version) is what the vets tell me) and has a huge mane like a lion (truly suits his namesake) and you won't hear his purrs unless you put your ear to his body but he TALKS SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! he's constantly meowing and trilling and chirping and whatever else like he will not shut up!!! He's also so energetic more than a husky imo. he keeps running to and fro and trilling all the while it's actually so hilarious my dad dies from laughter every single time. the way he eats food is .. inexplicable LMFAO he's the complete opposite of ladylike Lale he's literally kirby with the way he inhales food. ALSO HE KEEPS JUMPING ON THE KITCHEN COUNTER!!!! EVIL TERRORIST THAT HE IS!!!!! (Aslan left, Lale right)
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speaking abt my cats... my father insisted before we castrated them both that Lale became a mother at least once in her life. I reluctantly gave in and last August she had 6 babies 🥺 it was one hell of an experience, getting ready for her to give birth and watching new life come into the world and the aftercare I had to provide for all 7 cats (Aslan gave no shits ohmigod he was a deadbeat FR!!!!) I had to constantly keep watch and be vigilant so that all kittens would live past infancy and could grow up healthy. it felt like they were my own babies you know? and watching them come into the world and taking their first breath and watching them grow from being palm-sized to Lale's own size was genuinely miraculous and a memory I will never forget living through. they're Lale's babies but also mine, yknow? I also took care of them and hounded them like a mother lol. Giving them away was very sad but it had to happen :(. 5 of the kittens have already found their own homes, but the last one is still with us bc everyone that shows an ounce of interest in him keeps cancelling last minute 🥲 But idc I kinda wanna keep him but it's not advised by the vet 😭 my poor baby no one wants him, I wish he could stay with us :((((((
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stone ocean anime ended > i finished reading jojolion > the jojolands manga begins serialization in less than 40 days LIKE THIS IS PEAK FICTION. HALLMARK OF MEDIA. GOLD STANDARD OF STORYTELLING!!!!! I LOVE JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE SSOOOOOOOOOO MUCHH NO OTHER PIECE OF MEDIA BRINGS ME THIS MUCH JOY 😭😭😭 i love jojos in ways no one could ever even imagine loving a thing......
got my piece of shit law degree last summer now I am finally fucking free of university FOREVER !!!! YIPPIEEEE !!!!!!!!
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jiye0ngs · 2 years
Hey, since your request status is open, i'd like to ask you for some headcanons for eleceed casts, with a crush/gf who poseses powers like Dowon (Tower of God) and Isabella Madrigal. I'm a sucker for nature powers. Or if you write for other fandoms, i'd like to see lookism casts reacting to that too instead of eleceed. That's gonna be wild
sure!! thanks for sending this one in :)
i am so down for nature powers too, god. no limit when it comes to the badassery of plants!
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❀ — absolutely enamoured by his nature controller gf. she’s the type to give him flowers a lot even if they weren’t dating yet, so she’d always show the new plants/flowers she discovered she could grow to jisuk first and jisuk Only. of course, jisuk would never admit the way it made his heart flutter so much it could be considered cardiac arrest, nor would he ever confess to keeping the flowers preserved in small jars and between the pages of a special notebook. not at all.
❀ — he’s not a flower type of guy, but it really changed the moment he started hanging out with her and ultimately dating her. back then, jisuk could only point at a flower and say oh yeah right that’s a flower right there. now, jisuk could identify flowers by smell alone. even knows the meanings behind several plants and flowers. (may or may not have been classical conditioned into getting giddy when he sees plants and flowers because he remembers the love of his life.)
❀ — regrettably let his guard down during one of their first spars. definitely got punched in the gut by monster plants that she grew and used to attack during sparring. needless to say, that only made him fall in love more. 10/10 would get punched by his gf’s plants again.
❀ — the sweetest ever. upon getting to know her he had slowly developed an interest for plants and flowers (and nature and general) and was soon studying books about the classifications of these plants. ultimately led to the both of them bonding over their shared love for plants. they could talk about it all day.
❀ — this softie apologizes to her after spars when he has to destroy her plants as a way of defense 😭 “sorry i took down alberto... (the name they coined for the colossal tree with spikes sharp enough to maim) ...i really liked him...” 
❀ — she sometimes grows stuff without knowing it, or grows stuff as an experiment/to test her strength in trying out new plants, but those really don’t sit right with her sometimes since it’s not Perfect to her yet. wooin, though, will take those ‘imperfect’ plants and take care of it every day. for someone who has such destructive powers, wooin really loves the way his crush (or gf) can make things come to life so easily. he loves everything she makes.   
❀ — best boy. always gets hyped when she uses her power, even if its just something as small as a flower with very tiny petals. constantly looks forward to the different things she’ll grow too, whether it be small, pretty flowers to colossal versions of various carnivorous plants. never does a day go by without her hearing a variant of you’re so cool!! by a very ecstatic jiwoo.
❀ — if they live together, they’re surely going to keep many plants. it’s always a result of her trying out new stuff and challenging the limits of her powers that way. whatever the case, jiwoo will never fail to wake up every morning to water them and greet them good morning. it will also, without fail, always make her smile.
❀ — whenever she comes over at his house, the kitties go absolutely wild. the reason for that is because she grows catnip out of her palm and throws a party for the kittens. the time she and jiwoo spend together like that was always bound to end up in lots of laughing and wild kittens all over their backs. 
❀ — will never not be thrilled at the way he’ll be sparring with her and a large venus flytrap comes out of the ground and nearly swallows him whole.
❀ — with that being said, this man is quite Amazed at her powers no matter how much he tries to hide it. there’s always something new that she could make and several strategies that utilise different types of plants, so it’s a new challenge for kayden every day. even more so for their enemies; when they’re fighting someone together, he just knows the enemy is going to have their sorry asses kicked so hard by poisonous plants the size of literal skyscrapers. it’s very fun.
❀ — cheesy. knows far more about the flower language than one would think, and would sometimes go out of his way to tease his gf in flower language. (to which she’d respond back with by growing her own flowers. and adding extra spikes and thorns). one time, though, when he was feeling especially cheesy, he had arranged something that meant i love you. she doted on him a lot for the gesture, but she really, really kept it close to her heart. neither of them have still gotten over it up to this day though.
❀ — during more intimate moments between them, he surely cherishes the life that just. Surrounds her. he keeps petals from her flowers with him in some sort of locket wherever he goes, puts potted plants in various safehouses when he’s on the run. the very thought of her creations gives him a sense of home.
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leqclerc · 3 years
Hi ❤️ not exactly post race discussion but, what are the remaining issues we need to fix with Ferrari (that isn’t the car) because I really hope they get on it before 2022 for all our sakes— (mainly thinking of how they can, you know, be better about strategy 😭)
Oh god, this is a tricky one because like...this is a lot of the stuff that's kept behind the scenes and under wraps that most of us aren't privy to beyond, like, the occasional rumour or "leak" or whatever. The car is the most like "public" part of the team, the embodiment of their engineering philosophy etc.
Yeah, I really do wish they'd be better about strategy because ngl their questionable calls have cost them good results over the years. And though other teams have undoubtedly had mishaps in terms of strategy and botched pitstops, for Ferrari the occurrence has been frequent - or I guess noticeable - enough for it to be elevated to this meme status. It's not that others don't make mistakes, it's that they usually have the pace to pick up the pieces and recover well, whereas Ferrari hasn't really had that luxury, with the car being finnicky and inconsistent and not as fast as some of their competitors. And unfortunately that's been exaggerated and now whenever they stumble it's like "gRaNdE sTrAteGiA".
What to do about it, though... Idk? I mean they hired that new young Oxford graduate strategist (whose name I regrettably do not know) who got to sit at the pitwall for the first time a couple of races ago. Obviously he's still learning but maybe if they sort of revitalise the team with new, maybe younger staff that will have different ideas and make different, maybe bolder calls, that will help? Kind of like how promoting Charles so early felt like going against tradition, but it was a gamble that paid off and you can tell how much the team needed that.
I've been watching Charles's onboards for the past few races now and I've noticed that Xavi...maybe not defers to him but definitely takes his input and opinions into consideration, and similarly Charles makes his thoughts known. I think they're still a bit chaotic with these Plan A, B, C things but it's a step in the right direction at least, compared to, say, Spa or Abu Dhabi last year when you just had Charles and Seb radioing in to say they should've been pitted sooner because the tyres are dropping off and the team sort of slept through that ideal pit window because they didn't listen which ultimately cost them positions.
So, I'm still hopeful! I mean, they managed to resolve the wheel gun issue from 2020 and the pit crew has been quite solid this year (slight hiccup with Carlos aside). Who knows, maybe one day they'll also be able to tighten up their strategy.
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