#like the collector explaining themself was because they genuinely were misguided and hurt and were capable of changing
starsandthorn · 1 year
wait some of y'all don't think that death was narratively satisfying??? he spent the entire season rotting away and sloughing off of (and OUT of) bodies he was not meant to be in, grasping at a life he had outlived because he was unwilling to let go, literally got ripped out of the HEART of the world he tried so hard to destroy and then that world summoned up a 5 second rainstorm to boil him alive and burn away his facade of humanity so he could grovel at the feet of a witch and then get stomped into nothing by the denizens of the world, symbolizing the people he hurt by enforcing the covens, people ostracized and punished for not conforming, and the titan he used to manipulate people with by claiming he knew its will. what's not clicking
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