#listening to FIP Jazz has really shown me how boring and antiquated my local 'jazz' station is
novelistparty · 6 months
one of my favorite things about the internet:
internet radio stations
My most favorite stations (links to apple music.app compatible URLs in parentheses): The Lake Radio (http://hyades.shoutca.st:8627/stream) FIP Jazz (https://icecast.radiofrance.fr/fipjazz-hifi.aac?id=radiofrance) MBARI Hydrophone on the ocean bottom in Monterrey Bay Canyon (https://shoutcast.mbari.org/pacific-soundscape)
You can take the stream URLs and (in the apple Music.app) go to File -> Open Stream URL and they'll play. And then you can go to the top where it shows what's playing and click the ... and add it to a playlist for easy access. what are your fav internet radio stations
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