lizziesblueberries · 4 months
Who me?! Thank you! I’ve been thinking about finishing my latest fic soon, I’ve literally gotten married, got a visa and then moved to England from America. So writing hasn’t been my top priority as of late 😂 and we got a puppy. We named him Jigsaw because my wife and I love the Saw movies and had our first date in person together watching Saw X. So we call him Jiggy for short. Now I’ve had a bit of time to settle down and I’ve been thinking more about writing. Usually happens when my mind gets more calm and can be more imaginative.
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Me coming out from the depths to say hello*
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lizziesblueberries · 1 year
Omfg imagine Wanda with a breeding kink and she’s fucking you and you call her mommy and she’s just like “oh, you’re gonna be the mommy when I’m done with you~” 😵‍💫
DAMN ok ok
Wanda would thrust harder into you, you calling her mommy for the first time is like a whole new drug to her and it makes her go absolutely feral. Your surprise from her words sends shivers through your whole body and you can’t help but moan and grip onto her harder. The thought of Wanda filling you up, stuffing you entirely of her seed. It makes your head blank and only think about how much you want to be full of her and her babies, swollen and tied down so you can’t leave her even if you wanted to. Wanda grips your hips harder until you have her hands bruised into your skin, you gasp at the speed she picks up pounding into you and all you can do is take her. It isn’t until Wanda let’s out a little choked gasp and stutters her hips into you that you feel her cum pour inside your pussy. Her face presses into your neck and she lets out the sweetest moans as she releases her self fully in you, your pussy pulsating as you finally cum with her, milking all that she gives you. She lays inside you while you both calm down and catch your breath, then she moves her body up so she can look down at you, “from now on, you call me mommy and only mommy”
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lizziesblueberries · 8 months
Congrats so much!!!!!! This makes me so happy bc I’m planning on proposing soon too!!!!!!! This gives me something even better to look forward too, and I’m sooooo soooo happy for you!!!!!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Thank you! I’m so glad that makes you happy, we’re so very happy and healthy
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lizziesblueberries · 8 months
Can’t stand that trans shit either you are boy or girl what the actual fuck I grew out of my tomboy phase I’m afraid of people being influenced young
Why the fuck are you talking to me, just let people be, they’re not hurting anyone. Mind your business and live your life. Honestly what a waste of breath
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lizziesblueberries · 8 months
(If you don’t mind me asking who asked and how!!)
Thank very much, and zima purposed 🥰
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lizziesblueberries · 8 months
I absolute love your fics. I had to follow you. 🖤🖤
Thank you!! That’s very nice to hear! I always appreciate feedback and comments 🥰
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lizziesblueberries · 8 months
hahaha what the actual fuck is your response you should also probably know that you’re fiancé is sharing chicks nudes and messaging people asking for photos get a life
That’s the most hilarious thing I’ve ever heard 😂 truly you’re hilarious. My fiancé, which interesting of you to even concern yourself with, is sharing posts of women to support them and share their beauty, and she always asks me first before she even shares them. So there’s one of your points missed. And I don’t even know where you got the idea she was asking for photos from 😂 I actually do have a life. You’re the one messaging random people on here about being transphobic desperate to be heard by literally anyone. Quite sad if you ask me…which I guess you are since you’ve bothered to literally send me an ask in the first place. Like, you just started for know reason 😂
*your point*
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lizziesblueberries · 8 months
That asshole who said the trans stuff has been going around to other blogs spreading around the same trans hate
Whoever it is srsly need to go touch come grass and trans ppl ily <3
I see, I was bamboozled and thought I’d posted something transphobic for a second cause there was no reason to message me about it
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lizziesblueberries · 1 year
Im going to take your butch 😈
LMAO stop that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever read 😂
You couldn’t take her from me even god himself granted you that wish
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lizziesblueberries · 2 years
wow such a long answer 💖 I can see you love each other very much!! I just love your replies to the people who flirt w her and I checked her blog and her gifs are so funny. I agree completely with everything your saying! If you dont mind me asking how did you actually meet? How long and how is it. I’m tlaking to a girl from uk too and Im in ohio but we dont get to talk much. Anyway I hope your having a good night or day and all the best to you both !
Hello! 😁 she is very funny! I’m never not smiling or laughing when I’m talking to her. We work very well together in many ways. I’m honestly very lucky to have found her. We met on Ao3 actually 😂 I made my first fic, and I was actually subscribed to Georgia on her fics, and I got a notification that she had made a new one. I read the summary and I was like, ‘No way! We wrote the same plot!’ And I got really excited and commented on her fic. And then she commented back and read my fic too! And then we exchanged a few more comments on her fic and then I was like, girl, if you have a tumblr, follow me and we can talk more. 😁 and she did and we had no intentions of being anything other than mutuals or friends, but we just kept talking to each other constantly and after a few months, with lots of teasing and flirting on my end and her being oblivious to it we finally admitted we had feelings for each other and again, took our time with figure out how we really felt about each other. And now soon, we’ll be having our three month anniversary! 😁 we both don’t actually care about month anniversaries, but we’ll take any excuse to spend time together. So we’ve known each other for about six months. We took our time and patience with each other and I couldn’t be happier with anyone else. If you’re talking to someone and they live far away. Don’t let it stop you. Some people need to be physical with each other, and don’t get me wrong, I definitely want to hold her hand and cuddle and (cough) do other things, but we would still be just as happy if we never did anything physical either. And I think most relationships should be that way. If you like this girl to the extent that you are her best friend first and not just sexually attracted to her, then you are already off to a great start. She lives in the UK and I live in Florida, so I get the distance. But we work so well together, and we are constantly on the phone with each other. If you and this other girl like each other, or think you do, you should ease into it and talk to each other. Communication is all that matters, I promise. Georgia and I literally fall asleep together on the phone every night, and when we aren’t at work, we’re on the phone. Any of our free time really we’re on the phone 😂 in fact because we’re long distance, it has made us be even more honest and communicative with each other. All we do is talk and watch movies or play games together and it’s very nice. Once again, I have gone on a long tangent of talking about Georgia 😂 can’t help it but oh well, you asked. Anyways, thank you for asking and I hope you have a lovely day/night as well. And if you think you could spend the rest of your life with this girl, work for it. It’s worth it 😊
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lizziesblueberries · 10 months
Thank you! 😂 that’s very sweet of you
We’re getting married in October 🥰
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lizziesblueberries · 2 years
How does your partner feel knowing you might never want sex because of demisexual tho?
That’s one of the reasons why I think we are so beautiful. My partner and I are completely comfortable with never having sex. And I think that is something that should be in every relationship. If you’re with someone and plan to spend the rest of your life with them, live with them, ask yourself if you would still be with that person if you never had sex. Your partner should be your best friend first, before any passion comes in. I don’t think many healthy and long lasting relationships last if you’re just with them through lust. Yes passion can be important and a want in a relationship and of course it’s great, and that is something that I have with my partner, but when it comes down to it, we just want to grow old together, own a bunch of cats and dogs and maybe a cow, have a nice home for ourselves, and to spend our nights feeling comfortable and safe with each other. We want to share our lives together and sex is not the priority, and I think that’s beautiful and how we know we want to be with each other. Forever.
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lizziesblueberries · 2 years
You seem to reblog a lot from @zima-soldat. Are they a favourite of yours, or?
Lol, Yes they are my favorite, and also I know them in real life. We may or may not post specific things on our accounts to describe what we would like to do to each other… and reblog the ones we agree with…🤫🤭
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lizziesblueberries · 1 year
Calm down darlin all in good time
‘Darlin’ what are you southern? You from Florida? Would make a lot of sense with your false sense of reality. Next you’ll say you sleep with your sister and support gun rights. You sound like a man. I don’t think I need to say anything more if that’s the case 💀
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lizziesblueberries · 1 year
maybe, i'm attracted to you by looking at your tumblr.
Make it make sense 😂
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lizziesblueberries · 1 year
Every time I see ur user I’m always like “🥹” ITS SO CUTE AKDHJS
My username? Thank you! I thought it was the cutest thing when Lizzie was like, “I just picked blueberries this morning!’ ☺️
She’s so adorable and pure 😩
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